Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 11

by Janelle Peel

  Unbuttoning her heavy coat, she hung it on a hook. Damp from her excursion, splats of water dripped onto the stone floor.

  Rising from the couch, the stranger spoke, “Alizeh. My name is John. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Holding out his hand, the cuff of his sleeve peeked out from his dark jacket. Polished to a high sheen, the letter ‘L’ shone on the gilded link.

  It was his mother’s duty to deal with any who ventured this far north. Skye didn’t know the man, nor did he understand why he’d come. His efforts to glean any information were met with subtle rebuttals.

  Alizeh looked down the line of her pert nose at his offered palm. Flexing her gloved fingers into a fist, she dropped it to her side. “Apologies, John. I’m a bit wet. What can I do for you?”

  Tucking his hand inside his pocket, he nodded. “I came to inquire about your services. You see, I have a problem.”

  A cold breeze rippled along the floor. His mother was not pleased with this man.

  Confused, Skye focused on the interloper. The word nondescript came to mind. Roughly six foot in height, the skull cap covering his hair gave no indication of its style. Dark brows sprouted around his nearly black eyes. He’d never seen such a color on a human. Salted lines lightened the edges of his creased pants. Shiny brown shoes complete his business-like look.

  Why he would wear such an ensemble was beyond him.

  Alizeh gestured to the kitchen. “Would you care for a drink while you tell me of your issue?”

  Shaking his head, John answered, “No, thank you. I’m going to make this brief. You monitor the airwaves for the Canadian Forces, correct?”

  Frowning, Alizeh crossed her arms. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, John.”

  “Perhaps we could speak in private? I need your assistance in locating something.”

  A soft whisper touched Skye’s ear. “This man is not what he seems. Go to Coro’s.”

  Indecision flared through him. If he stayed he risked his mother’s wrath. If he left he wouldn’t know what was happening. He’d barely touched the surface of his magic and had yet to master the ability to listen to the wind.


  Swallowing his unease, he smiled at the man. “Excuse me. I have chores to attend.” Without waiting for a reply, he strode through the kitchen to the back door. Slamming it behind him, his mind rolled.

  Who was that guy? What problem did he have? Why did he need his mother’s help?

  At 12 years old there was so much of the world he didn’t understand.

  Sinking into the soft powder, he stormed to Coro’s. As second in command of their clan, perhaps she would have the answers he needed.

  A loud crack rent the silence behind him.

  Puzzled by the sound, he paused.

  An engine revved.

  Shooting around the side of his home, the SUV’s brake lights flashed before the tires caught traction and tore through the snow.

  Dread slithered down his spine. Frantic, he ran the short distance home. Fumbling the handle, his power lashed out in agitation. The wood barrier banged open with a squeal.

  Red met his mismatched gaze. Running down the cabin’s wall, it pooled beneath the table.

  His heart rate increased.

  Dropping to his knees, warm blood instantly soaked into his pants. Bile burned the back of his throat as it met his skin. Ruby stained the previous pale blue tint of his mother’s hair. Dreamlike, his hand touched her cheek. Her head lolled to the side and revealed a perfectly round hole.

  His thoughts spiraled. This couldn’t be happening!

  The tether on his magic slipped. Rushing through him like a hurricane, his scream of rage echoed out in one loud wail. The force slammed him through the log wall.

  Spinning through the air, the scene below passed by in a blur.

  It could have been hours or days before he came to. Sprawled in a bank of snow, his back twanged in protest as he got to his feet.

  Nearly four miles wide, the crater where his village once stood filled his sight.

  His home was gone.

  And it was all his fault.

  Shaking off the memory, he watched Bex and Kai exit the house.

  It’d been so long since he’d belonged, he was eager to make this work.

  Chapter 12


  They’d been at this for hours and he still couldn’t master the other Elements. Frustrated, he decided to take a break and watch the others.

  Bex’s white ponytail whipped around her face as she called a gale force wind. Her brow creased in concentration. As she widened her stance, he couldn’t help but stare at the perfection of her frame. Small diamonds winked out from within the lacework of scars along her arms. As they disappeared under her leather vest, they reappeared along her neck in an iridescent radiance. Pursing her bow shaped lips, ruby flames sprung from her skin. Dancing in an unseen breeze, she exhaled.

  A thunderclap sounded as they joined the small tornado.

  His breath caught.

  Spiraling round and round, the pyre rose high into the sky. Water drops sprung from the damp grass. Fisting her hands, she added them to the fray. Hisses rang out as they neared the twirling fire. Between one blink and the next, small rainbows fanned out in an elegant display.

  Nat approached her side. “Very good. I’m going to add some soil. Try to merge it with your magic.”

  Bex grunted.

  The ground rippled as Nat pushed her will. Clumps of earth rose from the lush green carpet of grass.

  Sweat drippled down Bex’s cheek as she corralled the brown specs to join her tempest.

  Nat nodded in approval. “Good. Try to keep them sep-”


  Mud rained down in one large wave. Wiping the gunk from his face, he searched for Bex and immediately guffawed.

  Splattered from her hair to her boots, she threw him a glare.

  Skye chuckled from the opposite side of the field.

  Nat waved her hand and the ground settled once more. Shoulders shaking with laughter, she grinned. “I was going to say to keep them separated.”

  The ice lining Bex’s irises melted to a placid blue. Snorting softly, she ground out, “Now you tell me.”

  Sora rounded the corner of the mansion and called out, “Break time, people.” Pausing midstride, she snickered, “You’d better hose off before you come inside or Julian is going to have a fit.”

  Skye strode across the field with a confident swagger. He was the only one far enough away to remain clean. Stopping near Sora’s side, he murmured something incoherent.

  Hmm. What were they up to?

  A fountain of cold water immediately halted his curiosity.

  Bex chortled as she cut off the geyser. “What? You want to laugh at my expense? Payback is a bitch.”

  Smiling mischievously, he ran after her.


  It was nice to see Bex enjoying herself. For far too long she’d hardened herself against anything even remotely fun. I missed the days when she’d watch Bubble Guppies with Lila for hours on end.

  Interrupting my mental musing, Skye cleared his throat. “Is everything all right?”

  Cheeks pinking, I nodded. “Yes. I’m pretty sure we can find you something. Did you have anything in particular in mind?”

  Looking down at his fur trimmed pants, he shook his head. “No. I just want to fit in a little better.”

  Ah. Of course. He did stand out a bit. “Well, follow me.”

  Parading through the training grounds, Skye gawked at the Felidae and Protectors.

  As we approached Mason, I pitched my voice over the loud grunts and jeers. “Hey! You got a minute?”

  Cutting a trim figure at six-foot, Mason turned. Bright blue eyes lit in interest from above a strong nose and square jaw. Raising a dark brow, he barked, “Jonas! Take over the drill. I will be back shortly.”

  Jonas began shouting orders at the trainees as Mason strode over.

  His shitkickers
paired well with his fatigues. High and tight, his military haircut commanded respect and radiated authority.

  Gesturing to my side, I asked, “Mason, have you met Skye?”

  Skye ducked his head as Mason inspected him with a critical eye.

  Unsure of the reason for Skye’s reaction, I rushed, “Mason is our lead Protector. He and Jackson are in charge of our defenses. The Packs and Felidae report directly to them.”

  Mason nodded. “Correct. Well met, Skye.” Offering one meaty hand, he waited expectantly.

  After a brief hesitation, Skye clapped his palm and shook. “Well met, Mason. I am Fae.”

  Releasing his grip, Mason rubbed his chin. “I gathered as much. It’s good to have you. We need all the help we can get.”

  Skye’s expression flipped from disbelief to acceptance. “I am honored to help in any way I can.” Pausing, he added, “What is a Felidae or a Protector?”

  Mason’s responding chuckle echoed off the three story walls for a moment.

  The trainees swinging from the ropes attached to the ceiling stopped at the rich sound. Those sparring on the red dojo mat snapped their gazes toward us.

  Jonas boomed, “Back to work!”

  I had to admit it was strange to hear Mason laugh. He was always so serious.

  Sobering, I explained, “Protectors drink Vampire blood. As a result, they have increased physical abilities and longer life spans than a normal human.” An idea popped into my head. “Mason, how old are you?”

  Frowning, he answered, “I believe I am 229, but I’ve lost track over the years.”

  Skye’s mouth dropped open.

  Admiring Mason’s corded chest, I grinned. “Well, you look good for an old man. Judging by your appearance I would have guessed you were in your mid-thirties.” Smirking at Skye as his teeth snapped closed, I jerked my chin to the pair grappling on the mat. “The dark-haired female is Syn. She’s a Panther Shifter. The blond is Gina, and she’s a Tiger. All of the big cats are referred to as Felidae.”

  As we watched, Gina gained the upper hand.

  Gina came to us shortly after the Sundering began. Her small stature was incredibly deceitful. Standing at a short five foot one, she often gave the impression of weakness.

  Expertly, she flipped Syn onto her back in a move too quick to follow. Snatching her wrist, Gina tugged it between her thighs. Lifting her hips, Syn either had to submit, or risk breaking her elbow.

  As expected Syn refused. Stubborn to the core, the bone broke with a crack.

  Skye sucked in a gasp.

  Syn’s form blurred as she shifted. The thin material of her tank and shorts shredded with her increase in mass.

  Gina scrambled backward across the mat. Snapping out a kick, she nailed the large Panther’s snout.

  Yowling in outrage, Syn’s back legs bunched as she readied to pounce.

  A light blue glow lit Gina’s eyes and announced her intent. Syn sailed through the air just as Gina completed her change.

  Time seemed to slow as Syn realized her mistake.

  Sprawled on her back, the white Tiger smiled. Razor sharp, her canines winked from inside her large maw. Flexing her paws, her sharp nails extended just as Syn crashed down on top of her. Using her own momentum against her, Gina extended her legs and launched her across the room.

  Syn hit the exercise equipment in a tangled heap.

  Mason’s boots rang out as he stormed across the concrete to the struggling Panther. Taking her face in both hands, he growled, “You’re too impulsive, Syn. If you hadn’t been so eager for the kill you would have had her.” He thumped her pink nose for emphasis.

  Flattening her ears, she hissed in response.

  Jonas chuckled as he joined them. “I told you, Syn. Come on, don’t be a bad kitty. Shift and make up. This is Gina’s first win against you.”

  Her thick tail lashed the air in agitation. Grumbling from deep inside her chest, she changed back in a shimmer of light. Sweat glistened along the hard lines of her toned body. Untangling her limbs from beneath the weight bench, she padded back to the mat.

  Skye’s hushed whisper carried to my ear. “She’s healed… and also very naked.”

  Glancing at Skye, Gina chuffed. Weighing in at nearly 400 pounds, the black stripes lining her white fur rippled as she stood. Shaking out her ruff, the tattered remains of her clothes dropped to the floor.

  I bumped Skye’s shoulder. “Yes, she is. Her change healed her. The sound Gina is making is her laugh.”

  Mesmerized, he continued to stare at Gina.

  I couldn’t blame him. She was glorious… and also the last of her kind as far as we knew.

  Mason made his way to my side. “What did you need, Sora?”

  Nodding to the barracks, I replied, “Skye needs some clothes. Blaze and Jackson are too big. Sinewy as you are, I was hoping you might be able to spare some?”

  The corners of his lips turned up. “Sinewy, huh?”

  Skye’s boots scuffed along the cement as we made our way through the underground tunnel. Dressed in a black tee and cargo pants, I had to admit Mason’s look suited him. The only downside was his long hair. I just didn’t like ponytails on men.

  Looking up, he inquired, “Why do you have a tube leading to the mansion?”

  Taking in the stretch of steel and concrete, I responded, “When Vampires were first created they couldn’t withstand the sun. They were dammed to live in darkness.”

  He smiled. “Like the movies?”

  “Kind of.”

  “What changed?”

  I sighed. “Me. I killed the one who dammed them.”


  Tipping my head, I met his mismatched gaze. Immediately, he averted his eyes. Confused by his reaction, I queried, “Why do you do that?”

  Gritting his teeth, he answered in a factual tone. “My stare unnerved my clan. It’s just a habit.”

  I frowned. That was stupid. No one could help how they were born. I knew all too well from my own upbringing what it was like to be an outcast.

  Nearing the stairs leading up through the kitchen, I stopped. “I think they’re nice.”

  His shoulders stiffened.

  Smiling, I snickered, “I don’t like the long hair, though.”

  Searching my face for any sign of deceit and finding none, a soft grin lit his face.

  My heart pinched in sympathy. It seemed no matter where I went I always ended up mothering someone. Biting my lip, I whispered the one question repeating inside my mind. “What happened to your people, Skye?”

  His face shuttered. Turning, he trudged up the stairs as if he carried the weight of the world. His soft reply echoed after him.

  “I killed them.”


  Retreating to the suite he’d been given, he stared hard at his reflection above the bathroom sink. He was sure to be thrown out now. Sora had been so kind to him he couldn’t bring himself to lie.

  A knock sounded on the door. Figuring this was the end of the line, his shoulders drooped. He didn’t want to leave.

  Striding across the thick black carpet, he turned the handle.

  Balancing a tray on one hand and a plate of cookies in the other, Sora’s starlit irises twinkled. “Hey. Can I come in?”

  Puzzled, he gestured behind him. Why would she bring a murderer treats? Inhaling as she crossed the threshold, his questions rolled to a stop. Was that cocoa?

  Closing the door, he stared as she set her load on the nightstand. Taking one mug, she snatched a cookie and sat in the leather wingback.

  Blowing over the rim, she lifted a silver brow. “You going to join me or stand there all day?”

  Numbly, he walked to the head of the bed and settled against the mountain of pillows.

  Leaning back, she glanced at the plate near his elbow. “Take one while they’re still warm. I’ll make you a deal. I will tell you my story if you tell me yours.”

  “All right.”

  His cup was empty and all of the
cookies were gone. Salty tears trailed lines down his cheeks as she uttered her last words.

  “No one is innocent, Skye. We’ve all done horrible things to survive.”

  Taking a moment to compose himself, he started at the beginning.

  Her stomach rumbled as he finished his haunting tale. He couldn’t bear to see the look on her face, so he concentrated on the grey duvet instead.

  “Skye, what you did is not your fault. Anyone would have reacted in a similar way. It was an accident.”

  He shook his head. “It was, but I should have had better control.”

  “They would have died regardless with the onyx stones’ breaking. Kai’s people, all of the other Fae, they’re gone. Only the Anchors remain.”

  Was this true?

  “You’ve been alone all this time paying a price for something that wasn’t your fault. I know my words hold little weight right now, but someday you’ll understand.” Shifting to the edge of the chair, her voice lowered to a growl, “If you want to blame someone, blame the man who pulled the trigger. Do you know who killed her?”

  His silence was answer enough. If he had any idea, he would have ended him by now.

  Softly, she asked, “What do you want, Skye?”

  It was a fair question and one he already knew the answer to. Meeting her swirling eyes, he whispered, “I just want to belong somewhere.”

  She nodded. “Good. You belong here. Kai has yet to swear fealty. I will explain it to you, and then you can decide how you want to proceed.”


  He wasn’t sure why they’d been pulled from practice, but it must be important.

  Following the sway of Bex’s leather clad hips, he smiled internally. She was a Goddess in her own right. Strong, determined. His equal in every way. One day very soon he would worship her body as she deserved…

  She snorted. “Are you coming or what?”

  Glancing at the silver veined wallpaper, he realized they’d already arrived in the rec room. How long had he been standing in the hall?

  Sora stepped forward. “Come. We have much to discuss.”

  Settling in beside Bex on the couch, he met Skye’s pale blue eye. Perusing his new attire, he nodded in approval. The military style looked good on him.


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