Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1) Page 3

by GM Scherbert

  Being back in Zion for going on two years has been good. Getting a house after I got back with some of the money I had saved up during my service was a great idea. When my little brother gets out of service in a few months he will be able to live here with me until he gets established and finds his bearings. I know how it is to be coming back home from serving and it will help him to have someone close if he needs to talk.

  Finding The Branding hiring when I got home was a real stroke of luck. Knowing the owner, Rodger, one of my dad’s friends from back in the day, might have helped a little bit. He let me show him my work and decided then and there that I could have a chair. There was another guy, Jacob, here with us when I started, but he left almost a year ago. Rodger only works at the shop three days a week, but he is usually full from open to close. I know that he is on his way to retiring, but he could be racking it in if he worked more. Fuck, I am here six days a week and I have a full scheduled almost all the time.

  After Jacob left, Rodger hired Raz to work the front desk. Raz is some kind of special to say the least. Don’t get me wrong she is the sweetest lady you could ever meet. She might even be my age, older than me for all I know but, I would never know because she is always caked in makeup. It seems like her hair is a different color every time I see her and why she feels the need to wear those fucking dresses every day is another thing entirely. Raz is working at a tattoo shop called The Banding for fuck’s sake, not at a fifties fucking diner.

  Why can’t woman just be that, woman, and be comfortable in their own skins? I mean decorating them is my job, and I have my fair share of ink, but fuck just be yourself, don’t fit yourself into a mold, bust the fucker. I was sick of the girls that tried to be something else before I left high school. I have never wanted to be with someone who didn’t know how to be comfortable in their skin.

  I know they say you fall for someone like your mom, and it is sort of true. The few women that I have brought home with me since returning, have been far from Raz. I have found myself attracted to older women. Women that know who they are, what they want, and how they want me to give it to them. Which usually involves some filthy talking, and hard fucking.

  Tonight will be no different, after hitting up a few buddies, I know that once we hit the Square each man is on his own. It’s not like we are only out for pussy, but why the fuck else would anyone head to the Square? If you wanted to have a drink and talk with friends that is not where you would go. If you’re looking for sex or such then the Square is for you, especially for anyone over the age of twenty-two. I need to find a woman that I can bring back here and give a good fucking to. Maybe I’ll even find myself one that likes to get spanked or tied up. With that thought my cock throbs and I need to adjust myself before getting up to get dressed and head out.

  Jumping in the shower, I grab my cock and know that I will need to get rid of this problem before heading out. I close my eyes and picture the woman who has always been at the front of my fantasies. The dark haired, dark eyed woman on her knees begging to take my cock, just like I have pictured her doing for as long as I can remember. As I use my fingers to run over and around my cock, I imagine her tongue and mouth taking me in and swallowing me down. Feeling my balls tighten up I lose it imagining the tears running from her eyes as I fuck her throat. Choking her with my cock I bury myself balls deep as I cum.

  Getting out of the shower, I dry myself off and head into the bedroom. Deciding to throw on a black tee and pair of jeans, I am thankful that it is still warm enough to take my bike out tonight. Reaching for the keys, I grab my leather jacket and head out. Glad that tomorrow is Sunday I grin at the thought of whoever I bring home with me tonight will be sore as fuck tomorrow.

  Chapter 3


  Heading back to the dance floor, after our third round of shots and drinks, I find myself lost to the music in an instant. It must be throw-back night or some shit, because each song that comes on is better than the last, and something I listened to when I was in fucking high school or beginning college. If NKOTB comes on, I am fucking outta here though.

  I am not sure what time it is, but this bar is packed. The dance floor only has openings on it during the occasional slow song. Forcing ourselves in the throng, after claiming a table, we throw caution to the window and enjoy this time away. Away from jobs, kids, husbands, FUCK, just life in general.

  Another thirty minutes spent dancing with Ivette and Missy, I find myself ready for another drink. Heading to the bar by myself I order a drink and shot then turn back around to see the girls still dancing. Thinking that a slow song will probably be coming on soon, I spin back around as the bartender puts my drinks down on the bar, I reach into my bra to pull out the twenty that I stashed there.

  “No worries, Ma’am. That kid over there bought these for you. Actually he said to catch your drinks for the remainder of the evening. So drink up!”

  “Wait, what kid are you talking about?” is all I say as I look across the bar to where she has just pointed. There is a group of five guys across the bar each one hotter than the last. Only one raises his glass as I glance towards them, well over six feet, long dark hair, and built. I am sure that my face has just lit up, when his smiles reaches his eyes as I mouth my thanks and down my shot quickly before turning back towards the girls.

  As I move away from the bar I start to hear a slow song play, and see Missy and Ivette heading off of the floor. I don’t even reach the table to set my drink down when I am stopped with a hand on my arm and a gruff voice at my ear. “Excuse me.”

  Turning around I am caught in the deepest brown eyes that I have ever seen. A shudder runs up my spine as he goes and I find myself lost, “Let’s dance” is all I understand as my drink is taken out of my hand and put on the table, while my other hand is tucked into his arm, I am lead to the dance floor. Passing Ivette and Missy on the way there mouths drop seeing this man walking me towards the slowly swaying couples.

  “Alex, you go girl.” Is screeched out from behind me.

  Pulling me into his body as we reach the dance floor, I smell him and moan as the scent of him filters into my brain. His black shirt feels soft against my check and the muscles underneath only prove to deepen my desire. As his tattooed arms wrap tightly around me, his hands stop shy of my ass, but as we dance I can feel his fingertips lightly tracing the upper curve of my ass.

  He has to have at least four inches on me in these heels. How fucking tall is this guy? I am by no means a small or petite woman, I think the smallest size I have been in my adult life was probably a fourteen and that was only after Shannon’s death. I am still struggling to fit into those clothes, this man however, makes me feel small.

  We move around the dance floor with no cares as the music continues to engulf us. This kid knows how to fucking dance, I wonder if he is this good at slow dancing how his body would move to a faster song. Picturing him dancing more just leads me to picturing him fucking and I let out a small breath as I look up meeting his eyes and the wide grin again spreading across his face, like he knows what I was thinking.

  As we continue to sway to the music we are caught in each other’s gaze, not able to look away. Leaning down to me, I feel his hot breath on my face and the only thought I have, is those lips on mine. Instead, he moves to the side and his lips make contact with my neck.

  “Let’s go out back and cool off, Alexandra” his voice is heavy with lust and I tingle at him using my name. Deciding that at this moment, I would follow him blindly, no matter where he would lead me, I nod my head.

  Running his right hand across my lower back, he squeezes my right hip as we start walking towards the exit. He uses his other hand to make sure that the crowd parts for us as we move through them. His strides don’t slow as we come up to the door. The bouncer gives us a nod and opens the door.

  The brisk air does nothing to put out the flame that is burning between us. As we walk around the side of the building I find myself being pushed up against the wall
only moments before his mouth connects with mine. His hands slide over my body and a moan is caught between us. Deepening the kiss, he takes control of it and me in that moment. I find myself lost to him and it is not until I hear the doors of the club open, when the music reaches my ears, I am brought back to the here and now with a jolt.

  Trying to pull away from him, I find myself being pushed back into the wall, his whole body on mine. As I pull my head back, my skull cracks into the brick wall and a cry escapes my mouth.

  Chapter 4


  When I saw Mrs. Huber- no fuck that- Alexandra across the bar from us, I knew this night was going to be good, better than good, fucking great. Checking out the girls on the dance floor never does it for me, and as soon as my eyes slide up her body, the body that has haunted me for so long, I was done for. She is the woman that I have thought about since I was old enough to figure out what my dick should really be used for. Although, I haven’t seen her in fuck, probably six or eight years, I would know that body, that ass, those eyes anywhere. They are the same as those that got me through basic and then multiple tours. I suddenly am very glad that my mom decided to stay back from her night out with these women, her friends.

  Alexandra doesn’t recognize me and I know that gives me some leeway in this. Just from hearing my mom talk recently, I know that this is the first night that she is going out after her husband passed away. I always liked Mr. Huber, but his wife was what my fantasies were made of and if she is here at the fucking Square looking, why the fuck should I hold back?

  There are so many filthy thoughts that I have had over the years involving her and about all the things I could do to her body. After kissing her outside, I have no doubt that tonight, I will only be starting to tick things off of the checkoff list that I have thought up involving her.

  When she pulls away from me, hard enough to hit her head on that brick wall, I know that she is fighting this thing between us. There is no way that she didn’t feel the heat between us during those scorching kisses.

  “No, I don’t think so. You are not going anywhere; I know you feel this attraction.” Reaching up with my hand I gently run my fingers down her check, “Why are you trying to escape me, baby?”

  Looking up at me with those big brown eyes, she sighs “I don’t know what I am doing out here with you,” before shaking her head, dropping her eyes, and continuing, “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Nicholas,” is all that comes out before my fingers lift her chin and my lips capture hers again. As our tongues continue to swirl together, my hand snags around to cup the back of her head, cushioning her as I use my whole body to push her further into the wall. My thigh pushes into her and she rubs herself against it wantonly. I didn’t think that my cock could get any harder but in that moment, it does. The pressure that fucker is putting on my pants, has the zipper straining to open.

  Slowing the kiss, I pull away mere inches waiting until those brown depths open up in question. Breathing her in, I quietly say, “Alexandra, go tell your friends you are leaving and let’s go back to my place.” Running my thumb across her lips I add, “I need to take you somewhere that I can cherish every inch of this delicious body.” As she tries to answer, I push two fingers into that delectable mouth of hers, silencing her instantly. She submits quickly to me by licking and sucking them into her mouth. Groaning at the feeling my cock jerks, wishing that it could trade places with the fingers that are now thrusting into her mouth.

  Popping my fingers free from her mouth, I grab her chin harshly and growl, “We need to leave, like yesterday Alexandra.” Running my hand down her arm, I grab her hand putting it on my straining cock and trace my fingers around her hips. “This body was built for sin. And I feel like taking it for a few rounds and owning all your pleasure.” She smiles widely as she runs her fingers over my cock lightly.

  Grabbing her wrist off of my cock, I tug lightly as she falls instep behind me. Reaching the door, I knock twice and it is opened instantly from inside. Leading Alexandra through the crowd I deliver her back to her table before heading over to the bar to pay my tab.

  Grabbing my jacket up from the table me and the boys were sitting at most of the night, I swing around and look back to her. She is slipping on a coat and talking with Ivette and Melissa and then slowly she looks for me. I put my head down and sign the receipt that the bartender had given me, and hear a sharp screech. Looking up I see that it was coming from Melissa and Ivette and then our eyes meet, and I know that screech had something to do with me. The smirk that crosses my face is instant and I grab my shit and immediately start the walk back across the bar towards her. Those brown eyes drop the moment I close in on her and the animal in me wants to come out and take control of this.

  “Alexandra, you ready to go?” I say reaching for her hand.

  “Yes, Nicholas. I’m all set.”

  Nodding at the other two women I speak to them quickly handing them a piece of paper, “here’s my card- I know that I would not want Alexandra going off on her own with a stranger and you being her friends must feel the same way.” As Missy reaches for the card my attention turns back to Alexandra and I quietly say to her, “Well, come on then.” Pulling her towards me I wrap my arm around her back again and lead our way out of the bar, when I notice a small hesitation and know that I need to stomp that shit out right quick.

  Getting through the door, I pull her to me and crush my mouth into hers reminding her of what passed between us only twenty minutes ago. Knowing that I am using this attraction we have for each other to get her to bend to my wants. Pulling away, we walk the short distance to my bike as I again turn into Alexandra pulling her to me. Before she is able to question me I her lips crushing under mine and again it feels like heaven.

  Pulling back slightly, “Nicholas, I can’t ride on a bike I have a skirt on” Looking to me the smile on her face falters as she goes on. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, I think I will just head home, it’s getting late and-”

  “No.” comes out much harsher than I meant for it to. Running a hand up her body, the shiver that takes over has nothing to do with the temperature outside, and everything to do with the chemistry between us. “Alexandra, this body right here,” pausing my fingers mere inches from her breast, “I wanna be buried in you for the foreseeable future, please don’t deny what we both need.”

  Grabbing for the helmet, I hold it out towards her in hopes that this will not end before it has begun. When I see the smile light her face as she decides what she will do. I know that this is the night I finally sink balls deep into Ms. Huber and I hope that I can do justice to all the times I have fantasized about doing just that.

  Chapter 5


  What the fuck am I doing?

  When I got up to the table to grab my coat and my bag, Ivette and Missy were staring at me with fucking grins on their faces like the cats that ate the fucking canaries…. UGH

  “Who’s that?” Missy can’t stop the smile from spreading further across her face as she goes on. “It was so hot watching you two dance. I thought he might fuck you right there on the dance floor the way you two were moving. What were you guys doing outside?”

  At nearly the same time Ivette is trying to hold back her laughter as she says, “Well, I have to hand it to you Alex, you didn’t waste any time and with such a fresh piece of meat. I am glad that the time I spent doing your hair and makeup isn’t going to waste.” Laughing she adds with a slap on the ass, “I am so proud of you! Go get him, cougar!”

  “Shut the fuck up Ivette. He is not that young.” Turning around to look at him, my eyes roll up his body. I have to guess that he is probably thirty by the look of him. God, I hope he is at least thirty, that would still be almost ten years younger than me, but not so bad. Right?

  Fuck, I should probably just head home and forget this night ever happened. Continuing my gaze, I look to the tattoos that flow down both of his arms, the dark beard, and the hair that is
just long enough to have back in a pony. What would I even have to talk about with this guy?

  “Don’t double guess yourself now, honey. He wants you and you need this. Fuck we all need this.” Motioning between the three of us, “You can tell us all about it over brunch in the morning. You know that Audrey will be fine with the girls. We will come pick you up at 10am, maybe Margaret will get her head outta her ass before then and be able to join us.” Ivette gets out nudging my shoulder. “Now, what do you know? What’s his name? Did you fuck him in the alley? Spill.”

  Seeing him talking with the bartender I look back to my girls and answer them quickly, “Nicholas. And all I know is that he said we are heading to his place.” I know a blush creeps over my checks as I go on, “he told me that my body was built for sin and he wanted to own all my pleasure.”

  With that the girls scream loud enough for eyes to turn toward us. I look over at Nicholas and see his eyes lift to mine and a smile spreads over his face. Instantly he grabs up his stuff and makes his way around the bar and over to us.

  I don’t know anything about this guy and yet here he is walking me out of this bar and taking me home with him. I have never done this shit in my life, and the fact that I am almost forty fucking years old scares me a bit. I should be at home taking care of my kids, not out trying to get laid. That part of my life died the day that Shannon did. Right?

  Nicholas must have sensed my hesitation as we reached the front door of the club. Pulling me through it, he turns me into him and takes my mouth, reminding me of our brief interlude, and putting all my doubts aside. When he pulls away my eyes are swimming and my panties are drenched.


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