The Gallery

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The Gallery Page 22

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘A brush,’ said Cressida immediately. ‘A man’s hairbrush.’

  ‘Wrong,’ he retorted, and then he was caressing her inner thighs with the same instrument, and now the feelings began to spread upward towards her vulva and she felt her lower body trembling with desire and the thrill of dangerous pleasure.

  ‘Guess again,’ he instructed her, but despite concentrating desperately on the feeling Cressida couldn’t put a name to it. ‘You’re showing a regrettable lack of imagination!’ he laughed, and then she felt him part her sex lips and run the bristles lightly over the exposed area so that the tip of her clitoris was briefly touched and her body tried to jackknife in on itself with the shock of the sharp, searing streak of pleasure. ‘One more guess,’ murmured Guy as Cressida whimpered with frustration.

  ‘I don’t know!’ she shouted.

  ‘Here it comes again. Try harder,’ he suggested, and she tensed in anticipation of the indescribable thrill that once more shot through her as her clitoris received a painfully tender caress that caused all the mass of nerve endings there to send out spirals of hot liquid heat which made her entire pubic area tense and throb.

  ‘It’s an old-fashioned shaving brush,’ explained Guy when her ragged breathing eased a little. ‘I thought you’d enjoy that. Now I think I’ll try something rather different.’

  Tight, aching and swollen with need, Cressida was forced to remain a prisoner, tied to the tree while he once more went away. She wished that she could have him in her power like this for just a brief moment in order to make him suffer in the same delicious manner, but she knew that Guy wasn’t the kind of man who’d be willing to do that. Rick was, but she no longer wanted Rick; it was this man she wanted. This man, and everything he could teach her about her body.

  She heard him behind her and when he kissed the nape of her neck she sighed in relaxed pleasure. ‘That’s nice,’ he murmured. ‘You really sound as though you’re enjoying yourself.’

  ‘I am,’ she admitted. ‘But I’d like to have another orgasm now.’

  ‘Soon,’ he promised her. Now he pulled her G-string down her legs and cupped her tightly rounded buttocks, and then he was parting the cheeks of her bottom and she felt him spreading a cold jelly-like substance around the rim of her anus. She pushed her belly forward in an attempt to get away from him, but he simply put an arm round her bare waist and pulled her back into position.

  ‘You’ll love this,’ he assured her. ‘Trust me.’ Then he carefully parted the fair-skinned globes and inserted a short but thick anal plug, well covered in lubricating jelly. Cressida stiffened against this unexpected invasion. ‘Relax,’ he whispered, his tongue sliding down the side of her neck until she shivered in response. ‘I’m going to move it very slowly in and out and as I move it in I want you to tighten your muscles around it, then relax them as I withdraw it. You should enjoy the sensation, but you must relax.’

  Cressida knew that she had to trust him and obeyed his instructions to the letter. As the device was carefully eased in and out of her back passage she used her muscles as he’d described and within a few seconds realised that he was right. Bitter-sweet piercing sensations lanced through her from front to back, not only giving pleasure but also increasing her need for stimulation of her clitoris. Soon she was panting heavily, crying out for him to touch her between her thighs, and still she was blindfolded and naked in the middle of a public place.

  ‘You’re utterly shameless,’ said Guy, leaving the anal plug in and walking round to the front of her, his hands running down the sides of her body as it jerked and twitched with sexual tension. ‘What are you?’

  ‘Shameless,’ she admitted proudly, no longer caring in the least but revelling in the delicious feelings that were almost consuming her.

  ‘Tell me what you want now then,’ he commanded.

  ‘I want to come.’ Cressida begged him, thrusting her hips forward and trying to part her legs as much as her awkward stance would permit.

  ‘I want to possess you,’ said Guy, his voice deep and quiet. ‘I want to take you now, standing like that, tethered to the tree, helpless and desperate. Does that make me the master, or the slave?’ As he spoke he continued to caress her, running his hands all over her naked body, which was hot and covered with a fine sheen of perspiration.

  ‘I don’t know,’ admitted Cressida. ‘Please Guy, let’s talk about that afterwards. I want you inside me, now.’

  ‘You seem hot,’ he said thoughtfully, and suddenly a fine spray of water covered her swollen body as he directed an atomiser spray of scented water over her. He watched her taut belly draw inward and her nipples become even more engorged and finally he couldn’t stand it any longer himself and to Cressida’s delight he was suddenly standing in front of her. He pushed her naked back against the trunk of the tree as his penis slid slowly inside her. Then he moved with great care, gliding in and out of her aching vagina in steady movements, making sure that each time he drove fully into her, her clitoris was stimulated by contact with his pubic bone. At the same time his hands massaged her breasts, and then he pushed them both upward so that he could fasten his mouth around each of the nipples in turn, sucking hard on the aching little buds until she could have cried with ecstasy.

  Cressida wanted the feelings to go on and on. Every part of her was on fire, but the pleasure was all centred in one place, behind the hard, aching nub of her clitoris. She’d never had a man move so slowly and steadily, and the pressure built deep within her pelvis until she tightened all her internal muscles as she tried to precipitate the elusive final orgasm.

  When she did this she felt the anal plug touching the walls of her rectum and this drove her into a frenzy of desire as even more stimulation was added to her body. Her muscles tightened around Guy so that now he too lost control of himself, and his movements became as frenzied as hers as he drove on towards the moment when he could at last allow himself sexual release.

  Just before he came he removed a hand from one of Cressida’s breasts and, sliding it down her between their bodies, he pressed his fingers into the soft flesh just above her pubic bone. She felt the heavy ache spread downward through her vulva and when it met the jagged sparks of pleasure darting from her clitoris her orgasm was finally triggered and all her muscles seemed to go into a mad spasm as even her fingers, held forcibly high above her head, twitched in an involuntary response to the waves of sexual satisfaction washing over her.

  Hearing Cressida’s groans of satisfaction Guy allowed himself to come as well, and for the first time he found that when his climax was over and his almost painful sexual tension was at last dissipated he didn’t feel the need to withdraw immediately. Instead he stayed where he was, his penis still inside Cressida as his hands moved gently over her face so that he could remove her blindfold.

  For a few seconds they stared into each other’s eyes, but surprisingly Cressida was the first to break the contact between them, and then Guy understood how his other women must have felt when he withdrew both mentally and physically as soon as the moment of pleasure was over.

  ‘Quite a good fantasy, I think,’ he said shortly as he unfastened her wrists and let her down. ‘After that the picnic may seem rather tame!’

  Cressida found that she had very little appetite for the delicious food that was presented to her a few minutes later. Instead she lay on her side, propped up on one elbow, sipping wine and watching Guy as he ate. Every now and again he would reach out to stroke her ankle, or run a hand up her lightly tanned leg, his fingers dancing a teasing path beneath her long dress.

  ‘You have lovely bones,’ he remarked idly, nibbling on a tiny salmon mousse quiche. ‘They’re so delicate and feminine.’

  ‘There’s something I have to ask you,’ said Cressida, wishing that his fingers didn’t have such a powerful effect on her because once again her nipples were hardening and she started to remember the wonderful moment when she felt a climax start to build within her.

  ‘What’s tha

  ‘When I was tied to the tree just now, did someone come by?’ she enquired anxiously.

  ‘Does it matter?’ asked Guy.

  ‘Yes, it does. The last thing I can afford is to have people seeing me naked and aroused in a public place,’ she retorted hotly.

  Guy eyed her thoughtfully. ‘The last thing you can afford. What do you mean by that? Do you have famous parents or something? Would your nakedness make the front page of the tabloids?’

  Cressida realised that once again she’d made a mistake. That was the trouble with good sex, it made her over-relaxed and careless. ‘Of course not, but my mother’s not well and I wouldn’t want to upset her,’ she said lamely.

  Guy didn’t look as though he found this very convincing but he didn’t query it. ‘As a matter of fact a courting couple did pull up near my car. They both got out, but then I think they must have realised they were interrupting something rather special and they drove off again.’

  ‘I knew I heard a car door slam,’ said Cressida.

  ‘It didn’t seem to put you off,’ remarked Guy with a brief smile. ‘Can’t I tempt you with anything from the hamper? I’d hate you to fade away; your curves are exactly to my liking at the moment.’

  ‘I don’t think gaining your approval is my prime objective in life,’ commented Cressida with a laugh. ‘However, as I like my shape too I’d better try and eat something. Some of the pâté would be nice.’

  Guy spread pâté on a cracker and handed it to her.

  ‘Here you are then. You know, I’m quite surprised to hear that gaining my approval isn’t your prime objective. I rather thought it was.’

  Cressida forced herself to keep calm and nibbled at the biscuit. ‘Why do you say that?’

  ‘Because Marcia told me, and she’s very rarely wrong when it comes to that kind of thing. Her feminine intuition is very strong.’

  ‘Maybe she guards you so jealously that she sees danger where there isn’t any,’ suggested Cressida.

  ‘In this case it seems she was right. If she’d been wrong we wouldn’t be here tonight.’

  ‘That doesn’t mean I went out of my way to gain your approval. In fact, I’d have thought that would have had the opposite effect on a man like you.’

  ‘Then perhaps you were simply being extra clever and making yourself aloof to catch my interest.’

  ‘You know, you’re incredibly conceited,’ said Cressida with a smile. ‘Why should you be so special?’

  ‘I’ve no idea,’ said Guy, his hand moving in soft circles around the inside of her left knee. ‘I hoped you might be able to tell me.’

  ‘I didn’t think you were special at first. I never even wanted to go out with you when Rick was ill. I admit I think you’re special now, but that’s quite different from gearing my entire lifestyle to attract you. To be honest, Guy, I’ve never done that in my life and I don’t think I ever will. Until our two dates, sex has never been that important to me.’

  ‘Better not let Rick hear you say that,’ said Guy.

  Cressida felt uncomfortable. ‘Rick was fun,’ she admitted. ‘He showed me there was more to life than –’

  ‘Tom?’ suggested Guy helpfully.

  Luckily Cressida was now on her guard. ‘Tom?’ she queried with a frown.

  ‘Yes, Detective Sergeant Tom Penfold, remember him?’

  She paused for a moment. ‘Oh yes! The customer from the gallery who took me out to dinner. Well, if you put it like that I suppose Rick did show me that there was far more to life than men like Tom.’

  Guy’s eyes, which had been fixed on her face, returned to her figure. ‘Undo your buttons,’ he murmured. ‘I want to stroke your breasts while we talk.’

  Although Cressida’s body would like nothing better she knew that in order to keep her mind sharp she didn’t dare let him. ‘Not yet,’ she protested. ‘I need more time to recover.’

  ‘Nonsense,’ said Guy. ‘I’m not suggesting another sex session, just some physical intimacy. What’s the matter? Are you afraid you’ll lose control again?’

  He was too near the truth for comfort but she let him move closer to her and helped him unfasten her buttons so that he could softly massage her breasts, which immediately began to swell in his hands, the light blue veins becoming more obvious as she started to become aroused.

  ‘Tell me about yourself, Cressida,’ he whispered. ‘I want to know about your childhood, your school days, and when you first began to get interested in art.’

  ‘All right,’ agreed Cressida, who had a well-prepared background story. ‘But only if you tell me your life history when I’ve finished.’

  ‘I might,’ he said evasively, and as his fingers teased the soft undersides of her breasts she lay with her head in his lap and slowly told him her story, a story that had been worked out in every detail by her superior officers.

  When she’d finished she could hardly speak because her chest felt constricted by her rising need for Guy to make love to her again. As her voice trailed away he bent his head and nipped hard at one of her engorged nipples. She gave a tiny squeal of mingled shock and excitement. ‘What a good memory you have,’ he said idly. ‘I couldn’t recall every detail of my life so accurately, but plainly you have a very good memory for detail.’

  ‘And for pleasure,’ she said softly, reaching up for him.

  He looked down on her but he didn’t smile. ‘Yes, and for pleasure,’ he repeated thoughtfully. By now Cressida was lying sprawled on her back with most of her top buttons unfastened. Guy quickly unfastened the rest of them but left the dress on her, like a long loose jacket. ‘This is going to be very special,’ he promised her, and she felt a fluttering in her solar plexus as her body anticipated what he might mean.

  Her eyes were closed and she was taken by surprise when his hands began to turn her on to her stomach, where she realised that her hips, belly and pubic area were now resting on a large, soft pillow. ‘You didn’t just bring food with you!’ she joked.

  ‘No,’ said Guy seriously. ‘I was prepared for everything. Make sure you press your body down against the pillow; it will give you the stimulation you need at the beginning, while I’m doing other things.’

  Cressida didn’t have any time to wonder what the other things were because as she obeyed and pressed her aching flesh down into the soft pillow, Guy flipped her dress up over her back and then gently removed the anal plug which he’d left in after untying her from the tree. She remembered to let her muscles go slack and was rewarded with a kiss at the base of her spine that made her press herself down even harder against the pillow, grinding her hips in order to stimulate as much of her vulva as possible.

  ‘The plug should have helped to stretch you,’ murmured Guy to himself, and suddenly Cressida began to tense. ‘Keep relaxed,’ he reminded her. Then she felt one of his fingers, lubricated with a cold jelly, moving inside her rectum, circling around and touching every surface in his quest for maximum arousal.

  Tiny streams of hot liquid seemed to run through her and when she maintained the pressure of the pillow against her belly it ached with need. She felt full and engorged, as though her body wasn’t large enough to encompass all the sensations Guy was engendering.

  Her breasts ached too, and without thinking she put her hands on them, squeezing the erect nipples before circling the surrounding tissue with her fingers. She heard Guy give a quiet laugh, and then suddenly he lifted her lower body off the pillow and while one hand parted her buttocks the other remained firmly beneath her, his hand sliding downward until his fingers located her clitoris.

  He played with it for several minutes, massaging it through its protective hood until she felt hot and swollen with desire, then easing the hood back and alternatively stroking and flicking the side of its stem.

  Cressida was uttering animal-like gutteral sounds as the intensity of the stimulation increased, so that when Guy finally started to ease his erection inside her rectum she didn’t hesitate for a moment but
instead tightened her internal muscles as he’d taught her earlier.

  The force of her muscular contraction almost made Guy ejaculate immediately and he quickly moved his hand from her clitoris and massaged her lower belly instead so that for a second or two she lost her rhythm and allowed him time to regain control. He’d never known a woman revel in the combination of sensations so quickly and her clear delight and ecstatic reactions were an aphrodisiac to him.

  Very slowly and carefully he began to move himself in and out of her, but he was careful never to overstretch her or make any sudden movements that might cause discomfort. As a result, the amazing hot, dark excitement spread through Cressida and when Guy lifted her buttocks a little higher she lowered her forearms so that now her aching breasts were on the pillow.

  When Guy’s fingers returned to her clitoris, streaks of white light flashed behind her closed eyelids as the forbidden pleasure continued to consume her and she felt the first tiny trembling sensations that heralded the contractions of her orgasm. ‘I’m coming!’ she shouted, and before the words were out of her mouth Guy felt her body rippling and tensing around him so that they came together in a frenzied moment of bliss that flooded through Cressida’s veins with such force she felt a moment’s fear before the pleasure finally peaked and then slowly began to ebb.

  Guy carefully withdrew and when he turned her on to her back and saw the glazed look of satisfaction on her face he couldn’t resist parting her legs. Then, with her thighs resting on either side of his waist, he lowered his head and tongued at the incredibly sensitive tissue surrounding her bud of pleasure.

  For Cressida, just coming down from the most intense climax of her life, this light moist caress was almost too much to bear, but her body responded instantly and once more her muscles spasmed in a short, painful orgasm that lifted her just as the previous one was dying away and she heard herself groan in a mixture of delight and despair. ‘No more,’ she pleaded as her body muscles began to soften and relax. Reluctantly Guy released her.

  ‘You’re incredible,’ he murmured, kissing her stomach and the soft sensitive skin of her hip bones. ‘I just want to make love to you for ever.’ At that moment, Cressida couldn’t think of anything she’d like better either.


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