50, 928 K. m •lUVMIKECft
"SEND NO MONEY! — Save Money!
— ou-n month-impression. **
ProlafilOMl Model o s Dsnfo| Co ~ p^ ^^ Chr.a%9
It has grown up. I like it a lot. Keep up the good work.
I hope all fellow-members will write to me. But I prefer the male members to write. I'm afraid of ladies! I'll answer all sorts of questions about Irish folk-lore as long as my memory holds out.
Mark Catha!. 1930 B. 79th Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Arc There Such Things?
I am sixteen years old and enjoy your magazine immensely. I wish it came out oftener. I get tired of the ordinary run of stories and read WEIRD TALES as a refreshing contrast. It gives me something to think about. Could such things happen?
Although I have found no one else in St. Joseph who reads WEIRD TALES, yet I am going to get some of my friends to read it as a relief from stuffy classics.
Shirley Grable. 617 Pine Street, St. Joseph, Michigan.
She's a Delayed Action Bomb Ever since I first learned to read, about fifteen years ago, my favorite reading matter (between chapters of Dracula) has been WEIRD TALES. For most of that time, too, I've been wishing for something like this WT Club. I'm like a delayed action bomb, though—after the first excitement is all over, I burst upon the scene. Here I am, then, to join this association of readers; and would you please send me one of Mr. Bok's charming membership cards?
I'd like other members to write to me, Like m> father, who has written many stories for WT and various detective magazines, I am greatly interested in the occult and all things weird. My conversation also runs to opera, musicians, literature, and the horrors of life in a writer's family.
Rosalind Suter. 176 Benita Avenue, Voungstown, Ohio.
He's for the Gub One Hundred Percent
Am one of that legion who is attracted by the strange and unusual, be it fact or fiction. I travel a good deal in my work and at present have no permanent address. Am watching your publication for information on the forming of WT Clubs in any of the towns or cities which I visit as it would be a pleasure to meet those whose interests are mine.
Am for the WTC 100 percent and believe it will be a great success. My age is twenty-one. Sincerely,
Randall Hockett,
Gold Beach, Oregon.
Pendulum Pencil Pushers
I've been, an acclaimed reader of WEIRD TALES for at least ten years. Have found the majority of your stories magnetically entertaining.
Am truly enthusiastic about your WEIRD TALES CLUB. That, too, should prove a pleasing pastime. Please enroll me as a dependable member. Here's to long and greater success to WEIRD TALES, and its writing staff.
Am twenty-eight years old, and desire those club member's between twenty-one and thirty for my correspondence scrimmages. Am exceptionally interested in pendulum pencil pushers who enjoy the hobby of scrolling sense seasoned with non-sense, plus a little weirdness tossed in for good measure. So, my writing, welcome, weird welders.
Write! Don't stall-o-graph!
Harold W. Tiffany. 349 E. Rosedale Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Snakes and W.T. His Hobby
For the past several years snakes have been my hobby. Besides reading everything I could about them and listening to others talk of them and the superstitions that have grown about them, I have personally chased snakes all over the canyon, creek, lakes and prairies about Lubbock. Why I should become so deeply interested in them I don't know. Perhaps it is because the snake is supposed to have started the fall of man from Paradise. Or perhaps it is because of the many superstitions and beliefs about the powers credited to them, sometimes bordering on the supernatural, that has drawn me to them. Then perhaps it was simply because I usually like something which humanity in general cannot, or does not, tolerate. Whatever the reason, snakes and good fantastic literature like WEIRD TALES are my two great loves. Give me those and I can live in peace.
During these years of reading about snakes, talking about snakes, and sometimes literally living with them, I've collected some good stories about their powers, both real and imagined. Because I always like to talk or discuss things that happen but cannot always be explained, I should like to join your new dub and get the membership card. I shall be very glad to hear from any member who is interested in snakes or has a snake story to tell.
I'm a junior in college, with a major in journalism and a yen for travel. And if there are any of you buzzards here in Lubbock who'd like to organize a WEIRD TALES CLUB, drop me a card.
Hoping for more stories by Quinn, illustrations by Ferman and Bok,
Clifton Morris. Box 162, Tech Branch, Lsbbock, Texas-
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Writ* today for big FREE Illustrated catalog explaining tliia amazlne servleo. Weed ccrre-spondecee couratp and ad urail nnal boots* ou etery subject. 100% satMartion cuarantetd. Wo buy for cash—wo offor unboUeialile liar-galns. Send your name ou penny postcard at ones I No obligation. S00 Sherman, Dopt. K-236. Chicago
Twain*. Kays Provisionals win with fair dice. No iwltrhinc No nricttca. Ono hundred feoys and eorfes on twenty-four different baeXs. SO cents. BEAT THE CHEAT, 28 pu<9 of aiposoa, *L0O. The rrrpat OPEN BOOK, written in words of ere. 155 pages of rxno&w, (3.50, Frco tatalog included. BM24S2-A SPECIALTY EXPOSE • K an .as City, Mo.
Vyjfl® 8"k Lined TIss. Sample Tie. ISe/Doa. SI.SO ' ^0*T Slyds-ort Ties, Sample Tic 26o,.Dr*, $2.40
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( onii'lftc line of Ties. Slyde-Ocs, and muffler sets, fiend !5% deposit
Balance CLO.D. Writs TODAY for FREE Descsrlptire
il Catalog, OroesPrliwaadfnwtwaiChbonkrftctiialmaterials
PltlLIP'5 NECKWEAR, 20 Wftt 22nd 6L, popt, M-44, Now York
Allan Morrow, 147-08 97th Arc, Jamaica, L. I-N. T.
Marion K. Harris. 1771 S. Beverly Glen, Los Angeles, Calif.
Thomas Culler, P. O. Box 748, Sarasota, Fla.
Andrew LlmJti, 13 5565th Si., w.v.dsiile, L. I., N. Y.
Edward Lester, lHh C A,, Headquarters Unit., Fort H, G. Wright) N. Y.
M. I,. Lynch, 270 B, 85th Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Albert 3, Melchur, 1WJ3 Otis St., N. E., Washington, D. C.
Paul J. Stephens, Jr., 2109 N. W, Irving St f Portland, Oreg.
Bob M.Kinly, 222 S. 6Srd St-. Philadelphia. Vn.
Hey. A. L. Smith, 214 Euclid Ave.. Brookvilk 1 , I'a.
M. Hyde, 25 E. Washington St.. Chicago. III. (Dr. Kindt's Office.)
Anna C. Grow. 144 Summers Bt, Charleston. W. Ya.
Frank Bryan, Jr., lingo, Oklahoma e/O New Hotel.
itoi> Eel-hack, 336 N. Chtego St, Los Angeles, Calif
Hies E. Eaton, Route 1, Box 000. Del Paso Heights.
Calif. Andrew Dobywoda, c/tj Mrs. ZJfiie R reman. 2sS
Trumbnii St., Hartford, Conn, Sgt. Boyd Forester, 48th Signal Co., 2nd Armd. Dlv.,
Fort Bcnning, Ga. Kermit A. Nelson, Jr., 224 13. Capitol Ave., FleiTQ,
S. D. John P. Lyons. 1323 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mildred J. Wilbur-Tobtn, 1609 Kalaufcolani Way.
Hcmolnln, T, H. Pascual Perfect*, c/o David Turner, K. No. 2, Brown
City, Mi-.li. Victoria Dunroka, Monas, W. Yn. Russell j. Hansen, 734 Park St.. Hartford. Conn. Marvin Heller. 133 Lake St., BeBevne, Kv Tom White, 249 South Harvard, Apt. 303, L#u Angeles, Calif. Victor Pnppalardo, 722 ttisrhth Ave., New York, N. Y. James yosBhel, Onelousas, La. Mark Cathsl, 1BSD B. Tilth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Rosalind Bnter 17
Kansas City, i: Cpl. Wm. McGowen, Battery G, 2020 C. A. (AA)
Fort Bliss, Texas. Back 9. West, W2 Avenne P, Del Rio. Teias. LeRoy One. 711 V, tltli St., Chester, Pa. Leonard HcQee, 125.1 Itei-chwood Rd., Sp, Pt., Maryland. P-ob Masters, 00 AvUa Bt, Ban Francisco. Calif. Theron Balnea, 1303 Main s;., Tine Bloff, Arkanass. Miss Joaiine Kirk. 301 Curtis St., Middletowu, Ohio Bert Barton, 3110 8. HuTsUd. Chicago, I1L Morris A. Wolf, 091 30. 140th St.. Bronx, N. Y. City. Vitaly TXesnn, 630B Liiidenhurs; Aire., Lm
Oil if. C. V. Johnson. 1817 Kvergreon, Victory Pork, Bur-hank. Calif. B, Loweathal, B2, Pouch A, Rochester, Minn. Clifton Cannon, Jr., 1208 McGarrah St., Amexicus,
Gu. Ralph C. Kislelien, 382 Madison St., Brooklyn. N. y. Trc^t'in H, Conner, 7030 Torresdale Ave., Taconv, PMhu, 1'i'n.nr,,
Peggy Newman, "'pit; Line Av., BUwood City, Pa. Skafter Wjkle, R.FJ). No. 9, Greenville, Tonn, r,/Q
vr. A. Mcrntoeh, Milton Ailes, The Dresden, Waahingtoil, 1*. C.
cock, Cnpemlsh, Mich. Jessie Fltxmcyer, M42 Kimbark Ave., Cliiiago, III. Bnrton Howard, .771 Qouwday St., North I'onn-
vnuitta, N. X,
ThomaB J. A. Csvanaugh. 214 West Bell, Ulrndive. Mont.
We're sorr# that lark of space pr&vent* tka inclu-tutn of tits names of ail New Mouthers. The rest witt appear next time.
Weird Tales volume 36 number 02 Page 21