Complete Works
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Ibycus, quoted: Phdr. 242d; Prm. 137a
Iccus: L. 8.839e+; Prt. 316d
ice: Ti. 59e
Ida: L. 3.681e
idea(s): see form(s)
ideal being(s), ideal reality: see form(s)
ideal state: L. 4.710e+, 4.712a, 5.739c+; R. 2.368d+, 4.427d, 5.471c+, 5.473, 6.499b+, 6.501, 6.502, 7.520+, 7.540d+, 7.541; see also city/cities; constitution(s); education; guardians of ideal state; ruler(s); state(s)
idleness: L. 8.835e, 10.900e+
ignorance/ignorant: Alc. 117d–118b; 2Alc. 143a–144d; Ap. 29; Clt. 407d; Dem. 381e; Eryx. 394e, 397e, 398a, 405a–405b; Euthd. 286d+; G.Hp. 294d, 296a; Just. 375c–375d; L. 3.600b, 7.819a, 9.863c; L.Hp. 366b, 372e+; Ly. 218a; M. 80d+; Phd. 89; Phdr. 239b, 277e; Phlb. 48c+; Prt. 325b+, 357, 358c; R. 5.477a, 5.478c, 9.585b; Riv. 137e; Sis. 388a; Smp. 204a; Sph. 228c+; Thg. 123d; Tht. 194e, 199e; Ti. 86b, 88b; see also folly/fool(s)
Iliad: Alc. 112b; Hppr. 228b; Ion 539d; L. 2.658d; L.Hp. 363b, 365c; R. 3.392e+; see also Homer; Odyssey
Ilisus: Ax. 364a; Criti. 112a; Phdr. 229a+
Ilium: see Dardania; Trojan(s)/Troy
illegitimate children: L. 11.930d
illness: see sick(ness)/disease(s)
illusions: Phd. 74b; Phlb. 38d, 40a, 40d, 42a+; R. 7.523b+, 10.602c+; Sph. 235e+; Tht. 157e
image(s): Cra. 439a; L. 10.910a; Ltr. 7.342b+; Phdr. 235e, 236b; Phlb. 38d; Prm. 132d+; Prt. 322a; R. 6.509e+, 10.596d+; Sph. 235b+, 239d+, 260e, 264c+, 266+; Ti. 37d, 52c; see also copy and original; figures; imitation/imitative/imitators; likeness(es); statues
imitation/imitative/imitators: Cra. 423, 426c+, 430b+; Criti. 107c+; Epin. 975d; L. 2.655d+, 2.667d+, 7.798d+, 7.812c, 7.814d+, 10.889d; R. 3.392d+, 3.395c+, 3.397b+, 10.595+; Sph. 219a, 234a+, 265a, 266+; Ti. 19d+, 48e; see also conceit; image(s); likeness(es); pattern(s)
immortal(ity): Ap. 40e; Ax. 365e, 370b– 370c; Def. 415a; L. 2.661b+, 4.714a, 4.721c, 6.774a, 6.776b, 12.967d; Ltr. 7.334e+; M. 81b+, 85c+; Phd. 70c–76, 85e+, 87, 91+, 105+, 107c; Phdr. 245c+; R. 10.608c+; Smp. 206e–209; Ti. 41a+, 69c, 70a, 90c; see also god(s); death (afterlife, etc.); soul(s)
impetuosity: R. 6.503c; Stm. 307b+; Tht. 144b
impiety/impious: Ap. 24b, 26b+; Ax. 371e; Euthphr. 4e+, 6d+, 9c+; L. 7.799b, 9.868e+, 10.885, 10.899e+, 10.907d–910; Min. 318e; see also atheism/atheists
impudence: L. 1.647b, 3.701b
Inachus: R. 2.381d
incest: L. 8.838a+; R. 5.461e
individual(s): Cra. 386; L. 3.689b+, 5.739c+, 8.828d+, 9.875a+, 9.877d, 11.923a+, 11.925e+, 11.930c; Ltr. 7.326a, 7.330c+; Prm. 133d+; R. 2.368e+, 4.434d+, 4.441, 5.462c+, 8.543d+, 8.544e+, 9.576c, 9.577c
indolence: L. 6.779a; see also idleness
infanticide: R. 5.459e, 5.460c, 5.461a+
infants: Ax. 366d, 368a; Halc. 5–6; L. 7.789+, 12.963e; Ly. 213a; R. 4.441a+; see also children
infinite: Phlb. 15b+; see also unlimited
informers: 2Alc. 142a; Cri. 45a; L. 5.730d, 5.742b, 5.745a, 9.868b, 10.907e, 11.914a, 11.917d, 11.928c, 11.932d
inheritance: 2Alc. 138c; L. 5.740b+; Ly. 209c; R. 1.330b; see also lot(s)
initiates/initiation in mysteries: Ax. 371d–371e; Euthd. 277e; L. 7.815c; Ltr. 7.333e; M. 76e; Phd. 69c; Smp. 210
injustice: Alc. 109b–110c, 111e–113e; Clt. 407d; Cri. 49; Def. 413d, 415e, 416; Eryx. 396e–397a; Grg. 477c+; Just. 373a–375d; L. 2.662b+, 5.730d, 9.864a; Min. 314d, 315e–316a, 317c, 318d; Prt. 323e, 333b+; R. 1.343c+, 1.348d+, 1.351c+, 2.360e+, 2.366d+, 3.392b, 4.434, 4.444b+, 8.545b, 9.588b+, 10.613c+; Riv. 138b; Sph. 228e; see also disease; evil(s); just(ice); vice; wicked(ness); wrong/wrongdoer
innovation: L. 2.656d, 2.660b, 4.709a, 7.797c; R. 4.424b+; see also change(s); education; games; gymnastics; music(al); revolution
inquiry: Euthphr. 9e; L. 7.821a, 12.966c+; Ltr. 7.344b; M. 80d+, 81d+, 86b+; Phd. 85; R. 7.533b+
insanity: L. 9.864d, 11.926b; see also lunacy/lunatic; madman/madness
inscriptions: see Delphi/Delphic oracle/god of Delphi
insolence: see impudence; pride
inspiration: Ap. 22c; Ion 534, 536, 542; L. 3.682a, 4.719c; M. 99; Phdr. 245a, 249d+, 265b; Ti. 78e+; Virt. 379c–379d
instant, the: Prm. 156d+
intellect(ion/ual): R. 5.476d+, 6.508b+, 7.532a, 7.534a; Ti. 88a; see also mind; reason; understanding
intelligence/intelligible: Alc. 123e, 125a 133c, 134e; 2Alc. 146a, 146c; Def. 412e, 413a, 413d; Eryx. 395a; Halc. 6; L. 1.632c, 3.688a, 12.961d+; Ltr. 7.344a; Phlb. 11b+, 21b, 59d+, 66b; R. 6.509d+, 7.517b+; Sph. 249a+; see also mind; wisdom/wise
intemperance/intemperate: Grg. 493b+; Ti. 86c+; see also drunken(ness); intoxication
intercourse, sexual: see sex
interest: L. 5.742c, 11.921d
intoxication: L. 1.637b+, 1.645d+, 2.666b+; see also drinking, drinking parties; drunken(ness)
intuition: Def. 414a; Phd. 66, 79, 83b
involuntary: Clt. 407d; Def. 416; G.Hp. 296b+; Grg. 468, 509e; Just. 373e–374a, 375c–375d; L. 5.730c, 9.860d+; L.Hp. 371e+; Ltr. 7.351c; Prt. 345d+, 352c+, 355; Ti. 86e; see alsounintentional and intentional actions; voluntary
Inycon: G.Hp. 282e, 283c, 284b
Iolaus, and Heracles: Euthd. 297c+; Phd. 89c
Ion of Ephesus: interlocutor in Ion (530a+)
Ion, son of Apollo: Euthd. 302c
Ionian(s): Euthd. 302c; L. 3.680c; Lch. 188d; R. 3.398e+; Smp. 182b, 220c+; Sph. 242d+; Thg. 129d; Tht. 179d+
Iphicles: Euthd. 297e
Iris: Cra. 408b; Tht. 155d
iron: Cra. 398a; Eryx. 400a–400d; L. 3.679a, 12.956a; R. 3.415a, 8.547a
irony: R. 1.337a
irrationals, in mathematics: G.Hp. 303b, R. 7.534d
irrigation works: Criti. 111d, 117a+; L. 6.761b+
Isis: L. 2.657b
Islands of the Blessed: see Blessed, Islands of
Ismenias: R. 1.336a
Isocrates: Ltr. 13.360c; Phdr. 278e+
Isolochus: Alc. 119a
Isthmian/Isthmus: Criti. 110d; L. 12.950e; Ly. 205
Italy: Eryx. 392d–393a; L. 2.659b, 6.777c; Ltr. 3.317b, 7.326b, 7.328a; R. 10.599e
Ithaca: Ion 535c; R. 3.393b
Itonian gates: Ax. 364d–365a
ivory: G.Hp. 290b+, 290d, 301a; L. 12.956a
jealousy: L. 5.731a+; Mx. 242a; Phdr. 232, 247a; Ti. 29e; Virt. 376d–377a; see also envy; fear
jesting: L. 6.778a; Ltr. 6.323d
joints, the: Phd. 98d; Ti. 74a, 74e+
joy: L. 5.732c; Ltr. 3.315b
judge(s): Grg. 478a, 480b; Just. 373b–373e; L. 2.659a, 2.669a+, 6.761e, 6.766d+, 8.833e, 8.834c, 9.855c–857b, 9.866c, 9.867e, 9.871d, 9.877b, 9.878d, 9.879a, 9.879d+, 9.880d, 11.916c, 11.926d, 11.928b, 11.932c, 11.934b, 11.938b, 12.946d, 12.948a, 12.949a, 12.949b, 12.956d, 12.958c; Min. 320c; R. 3.409a+, 9.580a; Riv. 138d; Stm. 305b+; see also guardians of law; juries/jury/jurymen; law(s)/legislation; law courts; magistrates, in model city
judgment(s): Ax. 371c; Def. 414a, 415b, 416; Dem. 381c–382b, 383a–383c; Grg. 523+; L. 1.644d+, 5.728b+, 12.959b+; Ltr. 6.335a; Min. 314e–315a; Phd. 107d+, 113d; R. 10.614c+; Sph. 264a+; Tht. 187a+; see also Hades; just(ice); opinion; punishment; thinking/thought
judiciary, in model city: L. 12.956b+; see also law courts
juries/jury/jurymen: Ap. 18a, 35; Dem. 383b; Eryx. 399b–399c; L. 2.674b, 12.956e
just(ice): Alc. 109b–110e, 111e–115a, 116c–117a, 121e–122a, 127c, 134c, 135e; 2Alc. 149d–150b; Clt. 407b–
407e, 408b, 408e–410c; Cra. 413; Def. 411d–411e, 412e, 413a, 413b, 414e, 415e; Dem. 383a–383b; Epin. 988e; Eryx. 396e–397a; Euthphr. 4b, 12; G.Hp. 287c; Grg. 464b+, 470+, 483–484c, 488b+, 492, 507e, 516c; Hppr. 229a; Just. 372a–375c; L. 2.660e+, 2.662c+, 3.690b, 4.714c, 4.716d, 5.730d, 6.757e, 6.777d+, 10.890a, 11.937e, 12.943e, 12.945d; L.Hp. 375d+; Ltr. 6.323b, 7.329a, 7.335e+, 7.342d; Ly. 216b; M. 73b+, 78e+; Min. 314c–314d, 315e–316a, 317c, 318d; Phd. 67b; Phdr. 247d; Phlb. 39e+; Prt. 322c+, 324e+, 329c+; R. 1.331b–2.370, 2.371e, 2.372e, 3.392b, 4.427d+, 4.432b–435, 4.441–445
, 5.479a, 5.479e, 6.501b, 7.517e, 9.580, 9.588b+, 10.612b+; Riv. 137d–138e; Smp. 209a; Virt. 376d; see also good(ness/s); integrity; judgment(s); law courts; lawful; rectitude; right(ness/s); righteousness; temperance/temperate
kinds: Sph. 253b+, 267d; see also elements; genus and species; species
king(s/ship): Alc. 120a, 120c, 120e– 122a, 123a, 124a; 2Alc. 141d; Chrm. 156d+; Def. 415b; Hppr. 229b; L. 3.680e+, 3.690d+, 3.691d+, 3.694a+, 3.696a, 10.904a; Ltr. 2.312e+, 3.315d, 3.319d, 8.354a+; Min. 317a–318d, 319b–320d; Mx. 238d; R. 5.473c+, 6.487e, 6.498e+, 6.501e+, 7.540, 8.543a, 8.544d, 9.587+, 9.592, 10.597e; Riv. 138b–138d; Stm. 258e+, 276a+, 289c–293, 295b, 300e+, 302d+, 304+, 308c+; Tht. 174d; see also monarchy; royalty; rule/ruler(s)
King, the Great: see Persia, king of
Knossos: see Cnossus
‘Know thyself’: Alc. 124a, 129a, 130e, 132c–132d; Chrm. 164d+; Hppr. 228e; L. 11.923a; Phdr. 230a; Phlb. 48c; Prt. 343b; Riv. 138a
know(ing)/knowledge: Alc. 106c–107c, 109e–114c, 117a–119b, 124a, 125e, 126e–127c, 128e–129b, 130e–131b, 132b–134a, 135; 2Alc. 140e, 143c–144c; Ap. 22, 29; Chrm. 164d+, 169e+, 173+; Clt. 409e, 410c; Cra. 384a, 400d, 425c, 436c+, 440; Criti. 107b+; Def. 411d, 412a, 413b, 413c, 414a, 414b, 414b–414c, 414e, 415a, 416; Dem. 380b–380d, 381c, 382a–382b; Epin. 978b; Eryx. 398d, 403c, 405a–405b; Euthd. 281, 289, 292b, 293e+; G.Hp. 296b+; Grg. 454d+, 495c+; Halc. 7; Hppr. 225a–226e; Ion 531d+; Just. 375b–375c; L. 3.689c+, 3.701a, 5.727b, 5.732a+, 9.875c, 10.895d, 11.921b, 11.923a, 12.965d+; L.Hp. 366; Lch. 184d+, 193, 197+; Ltr. 7.342+; Ly. 209c+; M. 81c+, 87b– 89d, 97–99; Min. 314b, 316c–317c; Mx. 246e; Phd. 65+, 75, 92; Phdr. 230a, 237c, 247+, 262; Phlb. 13e+, 17b, 34c, 48c, 55d, 57b, 62b; Prm. 133b–135a; Prt. 313c+, 343b, 345b, 350+, 352d, 356+, 359c+; R. 2.365e, 4.428b+, 4.429+, 4.435e, 5.476d–478, 6.484b+, 6.505b+, 6.508d, 6.510a, 7.514+, 7.529, 10.618c; Riv. 133b, 137d–138a; Sis. 388b–390a, 390c; Sph. 230, 233+, 248d+, 257c, 267b+; Stm. 259d+, 293c+; Thg. 122e–123e, 128b; Tht. 146d, 151e+, 160c+, 163+, 165b, 170b, 178, 179c, 182e, 183c, 184b+, 186+, 196e+, 201b+, 202b+, 208b+; Ti. 37c, 90b+; see also learn(ing); science(s); studies/study; understanding; wisdom/wise
Kronos: see Cronus
krupteia: see secret service
labor, division of: L. 8.846d+; R. 2.370, 2.374, 3.394e+, 3.397e, 4.423d, 4.433a+, 4.435b, 4.441e, 4.443c+, 5.453b; see also work
Lacedaemon/Lacedaemonian(s): see Sparta/Spartan(s)
Laches: interlocutor in Laches (180b+); Smp. 221a+
Lachesis: L. 12.960c; R. 10.617c+, 10.620e
Laïs: Epgr. 11
Laius: L. 8.836c
Lamachus: Lch. 197c
lamentation/laments: Ax. 365a, 368b; Halc. 1, 8; L. 3.700b, 7.800c+; Phlb. 47e, 50b+; R. 3.387b+, 10.603e; see also grief; sorrow
Lamiscus: Ltr. 7.350a
Lampido: Alc. 123e–124a
Lamprus: Mx. 236a
Lampsacus: Ion 530c
land: Alc. 122d, 123b; Eryx. 392d, 393b; L. 3.684d+, 5.736c+, 5.741b+, 5.745b+; R. 5.470+, 8.566a, 8.566e; see also model city (particular laws); property
language: Alc. 111a–111c; Ap. 17c+; Chrm. 163d; Cra. 418b+, 421c+, 422d+, 422e, 424e+, 427e; Def. 414d; Euthd. 277e; L. 12.944b+; Lch. 197d; Ltr. 7.342e; M. 75e; Prt. 322a, 337a+, 340a; Sph. 261e+; Tht. 165a, 168b+, 184c, 196e; see also etymology; letter(s) (of alphabet); reading; speech(es); syllables; writers/writing
Laodamas: Ltr. 11.358d
Laomedon: Ltr. 12.359d
large(ness): see bigness
Larissa: M. 70b, 97a
laughter: L. 5.732c; R. 3.388e+
law courts: Dem. 382d–384a; Def. 413d
law(s)/legislation: Alc. 109c; Ap. 24d, 26a, 37a; Cri. 50+, 54; Criti. 119+; Def. 411d, 411e, 413e, 414e, 415a, 415b, 416; Epin. 986c; Eryx. 396e; G.Hp. 283e+, 295d, 298b+; Grg. 464b+, 483b+, 488b+; L. 1.625+, 1.628c+, 1.630e+, 1.633e+, 1.634d+, 1.636e, 1.644d, 1.645a, 1.647a+, 2.656d+, 2.659d+, 2.662b+, 2.671c+, 2.673e+, 3.680a+, 3.684c+, 3.690b, 3.693b+, 3.695c+, 3.697a, 3.700a, 4.705d, 4.709d+, 4.711c, 4.714c, 4.714e, 4.715c+, 4.718b+, 4.719d+, 4.720e+, 4.721a, 4.722d+, 5.729d, 6.751b+, 6.762e, 6.769c+, 6.769d, 6.770b+, 6.772a+, 6.772e, 7.788b+, 7.793a+, 7.797d+, 7.799e+, 7.807e, 8.841b, 8.843e+, 8.846c, 9.853c, 9.857c, 9.858c+, 9.859a, 9.862d, 9.870d, 9.875a+, 9.875c, 9.875e+, 9.880a, 9.880d+, 10.887a+, 10.889d+, 10.890a+, 10.890e, 11.917e+, 12.951b, 12.951d+, 12.957c+, 12.963a; L.Hp. 372a; Ltr. 7.325d, 7.334c+, 7.336d, 7.337a+, 8.354c+, 8.356d+, 11.359a; Min. 313a–318d, 320a–320c, 321b–321d; Min. 314c–314e; Mx. 248e+; Phdr. 257e+, 278c; Prt. 326c, 326d; R. 2.359a, 3.399e, 3.405a+, 4.425+, 7.532a, 8.563d, 9.590e; Riv. 137d; Sis. 387c; Smp. 182b; Stm. 294+, 295c+, 297d–300c; Tht. 177c+; Ti. 24a+, 83e; see also guardians of law; custom; lawgiver(s); legislator(s); model city; right(ness/s)
lawful: G.Hp. 284e+; Tht. 172a, 177c+
lawgiver(s): Def. 415b; Dem. 383b; L. 1.631d+, 1.634+, 2.657b; Ltr. 7.337b+; Min. 318b–318d, 321c–321d; Stm. 309c+; see also legislator(s)
lawlessness: 2Alc. 146b; L. 3.701a+; Ltr. 3.315c, 7.336b; Min. 314d; R. 4.424d+; Riv. 137d; see also anarchy
Laws, referred to: Epin. 979b, 980c+
L. 5.743c, 6.761d+, 6.766d+, 9.853a, 11.938b, 12.954e+, 12.956c+, 12.958a+; R. 3.405b+, 5.464d+; Tht. 172e
lawyer(s): Hppr. 225c; R. 3.405a+; Tht. 172d–175d
learn(ing): Alc. 106d, 109e, 110c–110d, 112d, 113c, 113e–114a, 118d, 120b, 123d; Def. 413d, 415e; Dem. 381e; Epin. 989c+; Eryx. 398d, 404c–404d; Euthd. 278a; Grg. 454e; Hppr. 228d; L. 2.667c; M. 81d+; Min. 314b, 315a– 315b, 317d, 321b; Phd. 73, 75e+; Phlb. 52a+; R. 6.486c, 9.581b+; Riv. 133c, 134d–135b, 137b, 139a; Sis. 388b–390b; Thg. 130d; Tht. 153b; Virt. 376b–376c
FIND OUT, DISCOVER: Alc. 106d–110e; Dem. 381e; Eryx. 398d; Hppr. 228d; Min. 314b, 315a+, 317d, 321b; Sis. 388b–390a see also know(ing)/knowledge; thinking/thought
Lechaeum: Mx. 245e
legislation: see law(s)/legislation
legislator(s): Cra. 389, 390a+, 393e, 404b, 408a, 414b, 427c, 429a+, 431e, 436b+, 437e; Epin. 985c+; G.Hp. 284d; L. 1.628c+, 1.630d+, 1.647c+, 2.660a+, 2.663b+, 2.663d, 2.671c, 3.684c+, 3.688a+, 3.688e, 3.691d+, 3.693b+, 3.696e+, 3.697b, 3.701d, 4.709d, 4.710d, 4.718c+, 4.719d+, 4.720, 5.459c+, 5.735b+, 5.735d, 5.736c, 5.737a+, 5.737e, 5.738b+, 5.739a, 5.742d+, 5.744a, 5.746c, 5.747a, 6.757d, 6.766a, 6.769b+, 6.770a+, 6.772a+, 6.779c, 6.780a, 7.788b+, 7.798b, 7.805a+, 7.806c, 7.807e, 7.816c, 7.817b+, 7.823a, 7.823c, 8.835c+, 8.838e, 8.843e+, 8.846c, 9.853c, 9.858c+, 9.862c, 9.870d+, 9.872e+, 9.875e+, 10.888d+, 10.890b+, 11.913c, 11.916e, 11.922e, 11.923b, 11.925e+, 11.926d, 11.927a, 11.928a, 11.934b, 11.934c, 12.956e+, 12.957d, 12.959e, 12.962d+, 12.963a; Phdr. 278c+; R. 4.425+, 5.462a+; Smp. 209e; Stm. 295a+, 309c+; Tht. 177e; see also lawgiver(s); politician(s); statesman(ship)/statesmen
Lenaea: Prt. 327d
Leochares: Ltr. 13.361a
Leon: Ap. 32c+
Leontini: Ap. 19e; G.Hp. 282b; Mx. 243a; Thg. 127e
Leontius: R. 4.439e+
Leotychides: Alc. 123e
Leptines: Ltr. 7.332a, 13.361a, 13.361b, 13.362b, 13.363c, 13.363d
Lesbos: Epgr. 16; see also dialect(s)
Lethe (river): R. 10.621c
Leto: Cra. 406a
letter(s) (of alphabet): Cra. 393d, 399a+, 414c+, 417b, 418b+, 423e+, 424c+, 426c+, 426d+, 426e, 427a+, 431d+, 432e+, 434a+, 434c; G.Hp. L. 7.810a; Phdr. 244c+; Phlb. 17b, 18b+; Prt. 312b; R. 2.368d, 3.402a+; Sph. 253a+; Stm. 277e+, 278c; Tht. 202e+; see also alphabet; names; orthography
letters: see letter(s) (of alphabet); reading; writers/writing
Leucippe: Criti. 113d
Leucolophides: Prt. 315e
liberty: L. 3.697b, 3.701b, 12.962e; Ltr. 7.324b, 7.336a, 8.354d+; R. 8.561b– 563; Prt. 319d; see also freedom
Libya: Criti. 108e; Stm. 257b; Ti. 25a+
Licymnius: Phdr. 267c
lie(s): Dem. 385c; Euthd. 283e+; Just. 374a–375b, 375d; L. 2.663d+; R. 2.382, 3.389b+, 3.408b+, 3.414b, 5.459c+, 6.490b; see also false/falsehood/falsity
life/living: Alc. 115d–115e; 2Alc. 141c, 146; Ap. 28b, 38a, 38e; Ax. 365
b, 366b–368c, 369b, 369d, 371c–372; Clt. 408a; Cri. 48b; Def. 411b, 411c, 412d, 412e, 413a–413b, 414b; Epgr. 2; Epin. 973c+, 981a, 992b+; Eryx. 401c–401d; G.Hp. 282a, 286b, 291d+, 304b+; Grg. 511e+, 522e, 527; Halc. 3; L. 1.628c+, 1.644d+, 2.655+, 2.661b+, 2.662d+, 3.677b+, 4.707d, 4.716c, 5.727d, 5.732e+, 5.733, 7.792c+, 7.802a, 7.803b+, 7.803d, 7.804b, 7.804e+, 7.806d+, 7.807d, 8.828d, 8.831a, 9.862e, 9.870e, 9.872e+, 10.890a, 11.929c, 11.937d, 12.944c+; Phd. 62, 85c, 107c; Phdr. 256c; Phlb. 20e+, 21d+, 22a+, 27d, 43c+, 50b, 60d+, 61b+, 62; Prt. 326b, 358b; R. 1.329a, 1.347e+, 2.369d, 2.372, 2.373a, 4.445a+, 5.451d+, 5.460e, 6.486a, 9.581c+, 10.604c, 10.608c, 10.612e+, 10.619a; Smp. 207d+; Sph. 249a; Stm. 271b+, 274b+, 299e; Thg. 121b; see also death (the afterlife, etc.); human being(s)
light: Def. 411b; R. 6.507e+, 10.616b+; see also sight; vision(s)
Ligurians: Phdr. 237a
likeness(es): Prm. 129a+, 131a, 132d+, 133d, 140e; Sph. 235d+, 264c+, 266d; Stm. 286a; Tht. 186a; see also image(s); imitation/imitative/imitators; resemblance; similar/similarity
limit(ed): Phlb. 23c, 25, 26, 30b+, 31+; see also finite; infinite
Lindus: Prt. 343a
literature: see epic; lyric; poetry; tale(s); tragedian(s)/tragedy
litigation: see lawsuits
Locri: L. 1.638b; Ltr. 13.360a; Ti. 20a
logic: Euthphr. 10+, 11a; L. 10.895c+; Ly. 217c+; M. 71e+, 75, 79d; Phd. 102e, 104; Phdr. 265+, 277b; Prt. 331d+; R. 4.427e–433, 4.436b+, 4.437c+, 5.454b+; Sph. 245d, 247b+, 251, 254d, 257b+, 261e+; Stm. 262b+, 285b; Tht. 182; see also dialectic(al)/dialectician(s)
logos: see dialectic(al)/dialectician(s); reason; tales
lot(s): L. 3.690c, 6.757e, 6.759c, 9.856d, 12.946b; R. 5.460a, 5.461e, 8.557a; Ti. 18e; see also election; ephorate; land; property
lotus-eaters: R. 8.560c
Love (the god): Phdr. 242d+, 242e; R. 9.373b+; Smp. 177a+, 178a, 178c, 180b, 182c, 186e+, 187e, 188a+, 189c+, 193b, 195, 196, 197, 201e+, 201e+, 202c+, 203; Phdr. 257a; see also Eros
love: Alc. 122b, 127a–127b, 131, 135d, 135e; Epgr. 3, 5, 7, 8; Halc. 1; Hppr. 227a–227c; L. 1.636b+, 8.836c+, 8.837+; Ltr. 6.322d; Ly. 207d+, 210, 211e+, 212+, 214, 215+, 216d+, 218b+, 219, 221e+; Phd. 68b; Phdr. 231–234, 237–241, 243c, 244–257, 257a, 265a; Phlb. 47e, 50c; R. 1.329c, 1.351d+, 3.401c+, 3.403a+, 5.474c+, 6.485b, 8.545a+; Smp. 177d, 178–180, 180c–185d, 185e–188, 189b–193, 194e–197, 200+, 201c–212c, 215+; Sph. 243a, 222e; Thg. 128b; Ti. 42a, 86c+, 91a+; see also appetite(s); desire(s); friend(s)/friendship