Unlikely Love

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Unlikely Love Page 7

by M. J. Perry

  “Oh dear, we can’t forget her.” I laughed.

  “The time can’t go quick enough for you then can it.” Matt asked still chuckling.

  “Nope, I’ll be waiting impatiently for your arrival.”

  “See you soon babe. Make sure you don’t leave the building.”

  “I won’t don’t worry. Bye.” I looked up to see Sarah watching me.

  “So,” She drew out slowly.

  “So?” I asked as she said nothing else.

  “What’s Matt like?”

  I smiled. “He’s sweet.” And he was, but I knew she wanted to know if he was hot.

  She scowled at me so I put her out of her misery.

  “He’s hot as in super-hot. You’ll like him.” And she would. “Come to Harrison’s tonight and meet him?” As long as I wasn’t alone James would have no problem with me being there. With Sarah and Matt plus James as well, I’d be safe.

  She smiled. “Good idea. I can give James a once over too.”

  I groaned, I hadn’t thought of that. She’d be watching us like a hawk all night to make sure he was as great as I’d told her he was.

  “What time are we going?” Sarah asked oblivious to my inner musings.


  “Brilliant.” She clapped her hands.

  James won’t know what has hit him. I wasn’t worried though, he’d hold his own against her no problem. Matt rang to tell me he was outside, and we made our way downstairs to meet him at the door.

  Chapter Eight


  Sarah and I watched as Matt made his way to us. I opened the door ready to step out as he got close.

  “Hey,” I said smiling.

  “Hey yourself,” His eyes left mine to give Sarah the once over.

  “Hi,” He greeted.

  “Hi back.” Sarah blushed, and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. She never blushed so, this was hilarious.

  “Are you ready?” Matt asked.

  “Yeah,” I’m excited to see James and it must have sounded in my voice because he smiled. It wasn’t his huge smile but, it was sexy and when I heard Sarah take a quick breath, I realised I wasn’t the only one who thought this.

  “Feel better?” he asked me.

  “It’s amazing what chocolate and crappy TV can do.” I grinned.

  “Hey, I helped too.” Sarah reminded me with a grin.

  “You sure did.” I agreed. I gave her a quick hug and kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you. You’re the best.” I told her and I meant it with all my heart. She’d helped me see I wasn’t in control of everything.

  We said goodbye, and I walked with Matt to his car. I looked behind me to see Sarah still standing there with her eyes on Matt’s bum. She caught my eyes and mouthed wow. I chuckled. I couldn’t help it. Maybe I could introduce them properly. Try a little matchmaking. Now that made me smile.

  “Sarah is going to meet me at Harrison’s later. Is that ok?” I asked as he opened the car door waiting for me to climb in.

  “That’s a good idea.” He said as he closed it and went round the car to slide in behind the wheel.

  “It is?” Maybe this matchmaking gig would be easy.

  His next words told me it wasn’t. “Yeah, Tag and James will be there so it'll be a breeze to keep you safe.”

  “Who’s Tag?”

  “He’s James’ bartender, he’s a good guy. I’m sure you’ll get on great with him. Although make sure it’s not too well or James might fire him.” He said on a chuckle.

  “Ha-ha. You’re not funny.” I replied because he wasn’t and I had a feeling he wasn’t joking.

  “I think I am.” He grinned and started the car. Before I could reply my phone rang. I checked the screen and my heart went off like a rocket.

  “Ruby?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Who else sis?” she retorted sarcastically.

  “Where are you?”

  “I need money.” She demanded completely ignoring my question.

  “Didn’t you get enough from my jewellery?”

  “It was our jewellery.” She sneered. “She was my Gran too.”

  “I know Ruby, but she left it to me.” I reminded her.

  “Well, neither of us have it now so it’s fair.”

  She sounded so nasty. I didn’t want to believe it was really my sister. Matt pulled over and motioned me to put it on speaker.

  “Where are you, Ruby?” I asked again. I didn’t expect an answer, but I had to try.

  “Somewhere no one will find me.”

  “You’re in danger. I nearly got kidnapped the other night because of what you’ve done. You need to come home so we can keep you safe.”

  “So we can keep you safe you mean. You don’t care about me sis you only care about yourself!” She shouted.

  My arms went round my body to ward off the pain, I felt like she’d dealt me a physical blow.

  “How can you say that?” I whispered. I’d always put her first.

  “Easily, Scarlett, if you hadn’t been such a goody two shoes when we were growing up I wouldn’t have felt so much pressure to be the same. I wouldn’t have turned out like this if you hadn’t made me feel like such a failure.”

  I let out a sob. She blamed me for her behaviour, for everything. Had I been so hard on her that I’d driven her to this? I never thought I’d put pressure on her, I’ve always tried to be a good sister. I didn’t know what to say, what could you say to someone who hated you?

  “What the fuck?” Matt cursed.

  “Who is that?” my sister asked.

  “You don’t get to talk to your sister like that. She’s done more for you than you deserve. She’s taken shit from you when she shouldn’t have and this is how you repay her? You blame her for all the fucked up decisions you've made when you know damn well it’s your own fault. Fuck that Ruby. If you were here right now, they’d have to restrain me so I didn’t knock you the fuck out and I’ve never hit a woman in my life.” The fury in Matt’s voice made me gasp.

  “I’m on the run for my life and you’re out screwing a man. Wow, you’re really worried about me aren’t you? You can drop the act now sis.”

  “Ruby, Matt’s a friend that’s all. He’s been helping me out of the situation you put me in and before you give me more shit just tell me why you rang me.”

  There was a pause before she spoke so quickly I struggled to make out the words and when I did; I nearly choked on my breath. “I need you to sell your house.”


  “I need money and if you sell your house, I’ll have enough to get them off my back for a while.” She’s serious, totally serious. I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or cry.

  “Fucking hell, Scarlett is not selling her house to bail you out.” Matt snapped.

  “Does your lover speak for you now?” she sneered.

  The fact she would ask me to do this while still being nasty showed again that she didn’t care about what she’d done. She’d stolen my jewellery trashed my house and spoken to me like I was nothing and still she expected me to sell my house to help her.

  “Where are you Ruby?” I asked my voice like ice.

  “I’m not telling you.”

  “Fine, don’t ring me again unless you’re willing to tell me. I’m not selling my house.”

  “You won’t help me?” She said and her voice sounded sad or was it scared. Either way I didn’t like it, but what could I do if she wouldn’t tell me where she was?

  “Ruby you need to listen up. Word on the street is that Sketch wants you dead.” I gasped. I didn’t know that. Matt had been holding out on me. “Scarlett will have someone with her at all times until you’re found either dead or alive. Sketch is in prison at the moment due to trying to kidnap your sister so you need to tell us where you are and you need to do it fast for your protection and for Scarlett’s. Your sister is not selling her home, and she is not going to get hurt because of your bullshit. Do you hear me?”
r />   “I hear you. I’ll take my chances.” She said, and she hung up.

  I turned to look at Matt and he winced when he saw the anguish on my face. Without missing a beat, he pushed his seat back, and I took the hint and climbed onto his lap. My face went to his neck, and I tried to control my breathing so I could calm down. I soaked in his warmth feeling cold. One of his arms went round my waist, and the other went to my head stroking down my hair with light soothing movements.

  Ruby was like a stranger just then, she was nasty and mean and I guess desperate. She was scared but she wouldn’t let me help.

  “What do we do now?” I whispered into his neck.

  “We go back to James’ house so you can eat and get ready to go to the bar.”

  “I meant about Ruby.”

  “I know, look she’s made it clear she doesn’t want help but now we know she’s got her phone we might be able to trace her.”

  Excitement burst in me. “Do you think so?”

  If they could do that, they might find her tonight.

  “Don’t get excited Scarlett. It’s a big if. It might not work for a variety of reasons.” He warned me.

  My excitement deflated quickly. Matt gave my waist a squeeze, and I realised I was still sat on his lap. I blushed brightly and climbed off him with as much grace as I could manage. The way we’d sat was as intimate as it got with clothes on yet I didn’t get any vibes from him. I liked that. No, I loved that. I felt like I had a friend for life with him. Yes, he might tease me but that’s all it was, a tease between friends. I needed him just as much as I did James but for very different reasons. We had an instant friendship I guess.

  “I love how easily you blush.” He tapped his finger against my cheek before he turned away and started the car. I closed my eyes to block out all the bad stuff by thinking of James. I hoped he was up for some more sexy time tonight because that would definitely take my mind off my sister.

  Chapter Nine


  Once we arrived at James’ house Matt walked me to the door and excused himself to make some phone calls. I knew they’d be about Ruby. It was still a struggle to believe the Ruby who I spoke to today was my sister; it shook me that she could be so malicious. My insides churned with so many emotions. I ended up drifting to the sofa instead of going to the spare room to get ready. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there. Matt finished his calls and sat next to me “You ok?” He asked.

  “Yes, I think so.” I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  “You’ve told her what to do. How to get help and if she doesn’t do it, it’s on her, not you. There’s nothing we can do now but wait. Ok?”

  “Yeah, ok.” He’s right. It sucked.

  “Have you got any work to do?”

  “Yes, I have quite a bit, actually.”

  “Well, there’s no point sitting here worrying.” He got up and grabbed my hand dragging me up too. “Get your laptop and I’ll make the coffee.”

  “Yes, sir,” I saluted, and that got me a laugh before he went to the kitchen. I picked my laptop up and logged on. By the time, Matt came back with a mug I’d replied to most of my emails and was just about to start on one account that needed the odd update to its search buttons. Taking my mind off Ruby was easy when I concentrated and I found I worked much quicker. I took a break to stretch and saw Matt had placed a sandwich on the table. He’d even topped up my coffee. What a perfect guy. He would make a lady very happy one day unless he already did. Oh god, I was all set to match make him and Sarah, but what if he was already married or involved with someone? I tried to check his ring finger. Surely I would have noticed a ring before? I obviously wasn’t very discreet. Matt cleared his throat, and I looked up.

  “Is there a reason you’re looking at my hands?” he teased.


  I shrugged. “I’m just checking for a ring.”

  “A ring?” He looked confused. “Why?”

  “Well, I suddenly thought that I didn’t actually know if you’re married and I was having all these thoughts that would be wrong if you were.”

  Matt’s eyes got wide, and he stared at me. That’s when I realised how my words might have sounded. Shit.

  “I mean thoughts of setting you up with Sarah.” I clarified quickly. He looked relieved. Charming.

  “I’m not married and I’m not involved babe. Look Sarah seems nice, but I’m not looking for anything right now, all right?”

  “All right,” I agreed. Maybe I could just give them a little push when they were out together.

  “I mean it Scarlett. Stop smiling and give up on the idea.” Shit. I ducked my head and nodded. I was still going to try, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “I’m going to get changed.” Closing my laptop I put it back in its bag. Matt stayed on the sofa and I heard him switch on the television as I made my way to the spare room

  I wanted to look nice for James tonight. I showered and then chose my green blouse that showed a hint of cleavage and my black skinny jeans. Next I slipped on my boots and went to the mirror to put a touch of make-up on and brush my hair. I left it down as it made me feel sexier that way. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I tried to see what James saw. I knew I wasn’t ugly, I got chatted up when I went to clubs and when I walked down the street men smiled at me, not always and not every day but enough that it was a boost to my ego. I couldn’t see why James thought I was beautiful though. My hair was pretty; it’s brown and wavy and hung to the middle of my back. I’d had it cut into layers so it framed my face. My eyes were blue and my favourite part of myself as they were like my dad’s. My lips were ok, my bottom lip was slightly fuller than my top and I had a pouty look going on. Put that all together and I suppose I could be called attractive, but not beautiful. I couldn’t model a catwalk or anything.

  James could be a model, he was gorgeous but in a rugged, rough kind of way. I wouldn’t call him pretty; he had this hardness about him. His body was so buff you could see the definition through his shirt. His black hair and piercing green eyes make him seem like an angel who could see inside my soul and steal all my secrets. He was a package that was scary and sexy all in one.

  My stomach twisted in knots when I remembered the words he’d demanded I say. Even if I didn’t think I was in the same league as him, he thought I was, and that was all that mattered.

  I left the room to find Matt; it was nearly seven, so we needed to leave to meet Sarah. He was in the kitchen when I found him. He turned round to my footsteps and gave me a once over.

  “Hey. Are you ready?” I asked.

  “Yes babe.” He smiled and came to take my arm. He was quiet on the drive to Harrison’s. I didn’t mind though because I couldn’t get a handle on my sudden nerves. I worried it would be awkward between James and I knew it was silly because it hadn’t been weird this morning.

  Matt helped me out of the car when we got there and kept his hand on the bottom of my spine when we entered the bar guiding me.

  My eyes found James, and I blushed. Just like that. It was embarrassing. He grinned of course because he could probably see my blush from all the way over there. He came over to greet us still grinning.

  “Hi.” He said and laid a closed mouth kiss on me that was so hot I could have passed out. I had to remind myself to breathe, and he chuckled before he kissed my lips one last time and pulled me under his arm. I was still in a daze when he steered me to a bar stool and helped me sit down, this time by holding my elbow as I jumped up.

  “Are you staying for a drink?” James asked Matt.

  “Yeah, I’ve got to meet Sarah officially, haven’t I Scar?” He chuckled at my guilty expression. I guess I’m busted. Luckily I saw Sarah and didn’t have to answer him.

  “Sarah,” I call out and waved.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding about him being hot.” She whispered loudly enough for the whole bar to hear.

  I groaned. “James, meet Sarah my pain in the ass friend.”

arah laughed. “Hi James,” She looked at Matt and smiled shyly. “Matt, it’s nice to see you again.” He gave her his sexy smile.

  “Hot huh?” James whispered in my ear.

  “Yes. I said hot, but I also listed your bad points too so watch out.” I whispered and felt his silent laughter against my back. Sarah was watching us looking thoughtful, and I realised the scrutiny was underway.

  “What would you ladies like to drink?”

  “JD and lemonade please,” I requested.

  “Same please,” Sarah said.

  James slid my hair to one side and kissed my neck before he moved away to get our drinks. I noticed Sarah’s eyes never strayed from Matt for very long and when I looked at Matt, his were nearly always on her. I smiled. Maybe I wouldn’t need to give them a nudge after all. Something good could blossom out of all this shit. I caught James’ eye when he placed our drinks down and he shook his head at me amused. I gave him a huge smile.

  The bar got quite busy therefore James got busy, so it ended up just being Sarah and I. Matt had left after one drink and lots of eye contact with Sarah. I’d felt like a third wheel. Even when they included me in their conversation, they still never stopped checking each other out. It made me happy, Sarah was fussy when it came to men, but I could see she liked Matt. She didn’t do casual though. With all her flirting and bluster, she’d only had sex with one guy and they were together for a couple of years. She’d shied away from men like I had, but for different reasons. Sarah was a total romantic. She wanted flowers and pretty words. Her ex Greg gave her this to start with but then stopped and she didn’t like that. She felt he didn’t care about her anymore and that was when they drifted apart and she ended it. Matt could be just what she needed and that would be so awesome. She deserved to be happy. I really hoped Matt could see all this and show her she wasn’t destined to live alone with four cats. I laughed quietly at that thought. We joked about being cat ladies a lot but Sarah’s allergic to them.

  Sarah looked up from her drink. “Are you drunk?”

  It was a valid question. I was on my third JD and lemonade and I’m a lightweight.


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