Unlikely Love

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Unlikely Love Page 12

by M. J. Perry

  I shrank back from him. My eyes scanned the room desperately for some kind of weapon, but there was nothing unless you counted toilet roll. I remembered my phone in my jacket pocket. If I could get to it and call James, he’d hear me. How the hell I could do it without Sketch seeing was beyond me, but before I could come up with a plan Sketch grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to his body.

  “Let’s go.”

  “I’m not leaving with you and there are too many witnesses for you to drag me out of here.”

  He grinned. “That’s why I brought this.” He lifted a knife and pressed it against my side. I could feel the cold steel through my shirt and I stopped breathing. Would he really stab me? I didn’t want to find out.

  “Now are you walking out with me or do I have to show you what I can do with a knife?” He asked.

  “I’ll walk with you,” I whispered.

  “That’s a good choice now let’s go.” We walked side by side. His arm around my waist probably looked intimate, but the knife under my jacket definitely didn’t feel like it.

  Once we were through the open doors of the hospital, he steered me towards the carpark and we stopped at a black car. He beeped it open with a key fob.

  “Get in.” He opened the passenger door, and I slid in. Could I make a run for it now? If I was quick, I might make it to the security station in the corner of the carpark. As soon as he closed the door on me my hand went to the handle, but it didn’t budge. He’d locked the car.

  He got in with a smirk. “Did you really think I would let you get away that easily?”

  I didn’t answer. What could I say?

  Ruby was going to wake up and I wouldn’t be there. Will she think I’ve abandoned her? All that talk of cutting her out of my life was bullshit; I could never have done that, not even after this. Being kidnapped and used as a hostage for money is not how I wanted to end up. I swallowed back my tears; there was no way I wanted to give Sketch the satisfaction of seeing them he’d probably get off on my fear.

  I studied him whilst he drove, his hair was a dull brown and stubble covered his face, he wasn’t bad looking. If I saw him in the street, I’d think he was just a normal guy not a lunatic with a tendency to kidnap women and scare them into thinking he’d stab or rape them. Appearances could be deceiving obviously.

  “Like what you see?” he suddenly said.

  “Not if you were the last guy on earth.”

  “Oh, baby we’ll see about that.”

  I wanted to throw up at the look he gave me; there was no way I wanted him touching me. I had to get away. If I could get away long enough to ring James, could he track me? Could Matt? My breath sped up in my excitement, but I controlled it, I didn’t want to tip Sketch off. If I hid my thoughts and made him believe I wasn’t going to fight him, it might work.

  “Well, Scarlett. It’s been nice talking to you, but now I think you should have a nap. I don’t want you knowing where we’re going just yet.”

  His words pulled me out of my thoughts and I look down startled as I felt a prick in my leg. Sketch had a syringe in his hand and he was grinning again. I hated that stupid grin.

  “Sleep well.” He laughed. That laugh followed me into the darkness when everything went black.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I didn’t know if I should worry that Scarlett hadn’t called me. Matt had rung earlier to tell me Ruby was awake. I knew Scarlett wouldn’t want to leave her for even a second, and to call me she’d have to because they don’t allow phones on the ward Ruby is on, but I was sure she would have found the time. Harrison’s was quiet tonight, Sundays usually were, and I’d managed to get all the orders and paperwork up to date for the week coming. If I’d missed anything then Tag could add to it. I’ve decided to take the week off to look after my woman. She was going to need my support while Ruby recovered and I wanted to be there for her.

  I’d fucked up pretty bad last night and let my jealousy nearly ruin the best thing to ever happen to me and on top of that I’d hurt her. I couldn’t believe how easily she’d forgiven me but it shouldn’t be a shock. Her eyes shined with her feelings and her face was expressive. She cared deeply for me, maybe even loved me and I swore I’d never put her through that shit again. I don’t even know why I did it because I knew her history, I knew her ex cheated on her yet I still jumped to conclusions and accused her of doing the one thing she would never do. And I called her a slut, I’m an absolute dick but in my defence jealousy isn’t something I’ve ever had to deal with before.

  As soon as Ruby was better, and this situation is solved I’m putting my ring on her finger, that will stop me being so tense and everyone will know she is mine, which will be fucking awesome.

  First though I have to move her in. I figured I’d just pack her stuff up and move it to mine and she’d get used to it. What’s the point in waiting and going slow when I knew she was it for me? If she isn’t on the same page, I’d soon bring her up to speed. I had no doubts because I know she’s mine, and she knows she’s mine so there’s no problem.

  I grabbed my coat and shoved my phone in my pocket. I was going to the hospital I needed to make sure she was still coping. Scarlett is my priority now.

  I walked out of my office and into the bar. Tag was busy serving a customer, so I gave him a nod and left to go to my car. I’d already filled him in earlier on what was going on.

  My phone vibrated as I got in my car and Scarlett’s name flashed along the top. I opened the message and my blood froze in my veins at the picture staring at me.

  In the picture, Scarlett is gagged and taped to a chair. Her head hung to the side, and her eyes were closed. She was either unconscious or asleep. Fuck. She should have been safe at the hospital. Another message came through and I closed my eyes fighting for calm before I read it. My blood was boiling, and I wanted to go find the fuck that has her and kill him. Once we find him he’ll be in for a world of pain.

  The message read-If you want her back unharmed I want twenty-five grand in cash by six am tomorrow. I’ll text you the drop off point soon.

  I hit the steering wheel with my fist.

  Fucking hell!

  I forced myself to focus. Getting the money wasn’t a problem, but I’m not stupid enough to believe he wouldn’t touch her. We had to work out where he’s taken her and we had to do it now. She wasn’t safe.

  I dialled Matt. “Matt. Fuck I need help.”

  “I know. I’m on my way to the bar. Are you still there?”

  “Yes. You know?” I asked puzzled.

  “I received a picture, I know who has her and the bastard is going to pay when we catch him.”

  “Who?” I growled.

  “It’s Sketch, he got out on bail this morning. I’ve only just found out.”

  “Fuck. She must be terrified. She was last time, and he didn’t manage to follow through with his plan then. This time he has her, and she’s at his mercy.”

  I can’t stop my body shaking. I want to think it is rage, but I’m pretty certain I’m close to a panic attack. Never in my life have I felt this scared for someone. Scarlett is in danger and I’d broken my promise.

  “We’ll get her back. I’m close to Harrison’s. Where are you?”

  “I’m in my car.” The phone went dead and not two minutes later my passenger side door opened and Matt jumped in.

  “Is your picture the same as this?”

  He held out his phone, and I looked at the photo. “Yes, exactly the same, did you get a second message?”

  “About the money, yeah, I did and we both know we have to find her because he won’t keep his word.”

  I nodded. I had so much rage boiling I didn’t know what to do with it. Punching the door helped, but I fucking wished it was Sketch’s face.

  “Focus, James,” Matt growled. He was just as furious as me, but he had control, I’m hanging by a thread. “Look at the picture and see if you recognise anything.”

  I opened the messag
e back up on my phone and tried to look over the picture as if I didn’t know it was Scarlett.

  It was then I saw the arms of the chair. Flower carvings.

  Holy shit, I know where he’d taken her. “She’s at her house,” I said. Even I could hear the excitement in my voice.

  “What?” Matt frowned.

  “Scarlett has flowers carved into her chair arms. She told me she would never get rid of her table and chairs because her mum had carved the flowers herself when she was pregnant with Ruby. They look unusual don’t they?” I passed my phone over and Matt had a look.

  “I hope you’re right. Kidnapping Scarlett and taking her to her own house is smart. We wouldn’t have looked there.”

  “I’m right I know I am. I feel it in my gut. Sketch isn’t that smart else he wouldn’t have clued us into where they are. Let’s go.”

  I started the car and Matt got on his phone to call the station for back up. I hoped we’d get there first because I wanted to get a few licks in before the police could stop me. Scarlett better be unharmed else Sketch won’t be walking out on his own two feet.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When I came around, I found myself taped to a chair. My head was absolutely killing me and I felt light-headed and sick, my stomach churned so much I had to take a few deep breaths to stop myself throwing up. I tried to wiggle my hands to get loose, but the tape was too tight.

  I looked round to see if anything looked familiar and my breath froze; I was in my house! Sketch had kidnapped me and brought me to my own house. Holy hell, if I wasn’t so terrified I’d laugh.

  That explained why he’d gagged me, he didn’t want me to alert my neighbours by screaming, but how the hell did he even get me in here without them seeing?

  He’d put me in my living room. It was the darkest room of the house because the sun only touched it in the mornings.

  I held my breath listening but I couldn’t hear movement anywhere in the house. It would be completely silent if it wasn’t for my fridge freezer clicking on and off.

  Where was he? Don’t get me wrong, I was glad he wasn’t here, but why had he left me alone?

  Whatever he injected me with was wearing off now, my stomach was starting to settle slightly and I didn’t feel as sick as I did before although I could have done without the gag pushing against my tongue. I attempted to rub it out of my mouth with my shoulder, but it didn’t budge.

  Damn it.

  I never got to make my phone call to James. I wasn’t even sure what time it is or how long I’ve been out.

  Was Ruby is ok? It hurt to think she might worry I’d cut out on her. Would she know I would never do that?

  What a stupidly dangerous situation she’s got us into. Was this punishment for not being a better person? I mean I know I threw eggs at Mrs Barrett’s car one night but she’d deserved it, she’d told me Ruby deserved to be struck down by lightning for letting all her worldly goods hang out. My sister wore a short denim skirt and a tank top, but none of her underwear had been hanging out. She’d looked no different to all the other girls, but the old bag was insistent that Ruby was a bad egg. I showed her bad eggs that night when I threw them at her car and then in the morning when she was cleaning it up I watched with a big smile on my face. Ok, maybe it had been a bit over the top, but she was such a cow. I didn’t think I deserved this as punishment though.

  I thought about the last few weeks which had been pure shit. Good things had come with all the bad though. I’d found a great friend in Matt, and James had blown my world to bits; my days may have been filled with worry about Ruby, but I was also happy because I finally felt whole.

  There was a balance there, surely there has to be a balance now.

  When someone did a bad deed that person should have a bad deed happen to them. Maybe Sketch would get hit by a bus. Was that too bad a thought? I didn’t think so, he’d beaten up my sister, and he deserved to feel some pain.

  Good does not come unless you fight for it, I knew this so why was I sitting here acting like a wimp and wasting my time thinking about things when I should be doing something to help myself?

  The tape wouldn’t loosen enough for me to get my hands out and even if I got my legs loose it wouldn’t help, so it was time for me to act like a bad ass and throw myself sideways and break the chair. Yep, I’d seen it done in a film once and it looked awesome, but I had to do it hard. The chair he’d taped me to may be old but its sturdy, if I used my full weight hopefully it would work. I didn’t want to damage it because it brought back memories of my mum but I knew she’d forgive me if I managed to get away from the deranged creep.

  “Sorry, Mum,” I whispered before I rocked the chair sideways making it move a bit. I rocked more, and it moved again.

  “Stop being a chicken shit.” I chastised myself loudly.

  I threw my weight and the chair and I went down with a bang. The chair didn’t break, but my head felt like it did. It banged soundly on the back of the chair and if that wasn’t bad enough, I’m stuck.

  Great, just fucking great!

  “Now would be a fantastic time to find me, James,” I muttered.

  I settled my head back and tried to get comfortable.

  I must have dozed off because I jolted awake when I heard movement in the house. It wasn’t close, and it wasn’t loud but I knew I’d heard something.

  Holding my breath I tried to be as silent as I could but all I could hear was my heart beating loudly in my ears.

  My living room door suddenly burst open. I couldn’t see who came through it, but I could make out two silhouettes. It was still too dark to see their faces, and I bit down on the gag to keep the whimper in, I didn’t want them to know how scared I was.

  One of the people made their way over to me and I tensed. I wasn’t prepared for the hot breath against my cheek and the familiar smell.


  “It’s ok Scarlett. You’re safe now.” He whispered against my ear and my body sagged in relief. James righted the chair and then untied my gag.

  “James,” I whispered. I felt the tape pull at my hands and then the same with my feet. When he’d freed me he pulled me gently into his arms and I went limp with relief.

  “Baby, are you hurt anywhere?” His soft voice was all I needed to make me break down into tears.

  “No.” I sobbed.

  “It’s ok. I’m here, you’re safe now.”

  Still whispering soothing words to me, he lifted me into his arms like a child and carried me out of my living room and out the front door.

  Matt stood by a police car and when he saw us he came running over.

  “Scarlett, sweetheart, are you ok?” He asked in a gentle whisper. I nodded into James’ chest. I felt James tense and looked up to see what he saw. In the car, Matt has just walked away from I could see Sketch in the back seat. His face was bleeding, and he looked a mess. I looked at Matt and noticed the blood on his shirt, his eyes followed mine and he shrugged.

  “Sketch didn’t want me to arrest him. He put up a bit of a fight.” Matt sounded happy about it.

  “I wish I’d have gotten there first. That bastard deserved a lot more than a bloody face.” James growled.

  “His ribs are probably a bit sore too.” Someone shouted Matt, and he walked back to the car Sketch was in.

  Shit, Ruby. My head shot up off James’ chest making it throb.

  “Is Ruby alright?” I asked.

  He gave me a soft smile. “She’s fine. She woke up and saw you weren’t there so she shouted for a nurse. The nurse rang Matt to let him know you’d disappeared.”

  My body loosened a bit. “Ruby doesn’t think I abandoned her?” I whispered.

  “Oh, baby. Of course not, she knows as well as we do that you’d never do something like that. She knew you wouldn’t leave her unless you were being forced. Sarah is with her, Matt rang her after he got the call from the nurse. He knew you’d want someone there for her.”

es brushed his fingers softly over my cheek; his sweetness brought fresh tears to my eyes.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  “Matt and I got text messages with a picture of you; I worked out where you were.”

  I felt myself stiffen. “How did he get your numbers?”

  “He sent them off your phone babe. Let’s get you to Ruby. We’ll tell you about it all later when you aren’t still in shock.”

  I nodded, feeling too tired for words. I wanted to see Ruby and make sure she was ok, and I wanted to get away from Sketch and his stare, he hadn’t taken his eyes off me. James started walking to his car still holding me in his arms and I pushed my face into his neck inhaling his scent, it had the power to help me relax. He smelt of safety, of comfort, of love.

  There was plenty of time for the explanations later. I was safe. Ruby was safe, and I was in James’ arms where I belonged.

  I heard Matt shout and turned to look in his direction, my whole body locked up tight, James felt it and stopped still, looking down at me in question.

  A police officer was escorting a man to another car. He was in handcuffs and looking at the floor, but I knew him. I would know him anywhere. It was Mike.

  Obviously Mike being there meant he was involved. I should be used to being betrayed, but it still hit me hard.

  I wanted to go over there and hit him and I wasn’t a violent person. My mind was racing with thoughts of how I could hurt him. When James followed my line of sight, his body went rock hard. I wiggled out of his arms or at least I tried to, but James tightened his arms until he held me still.

  I clenched my fists so hard my nails dug into my palms. Mike looked from the floor and saw me. He paled and quickly looked away, but not before I saw his face, he looked defeated and I almost felt sorry for him, then I remembered what he’d done. The officer opened the car door and pushed his head down as he got in and I thought it was a shame he didn’t hit it, I personally would have let him.


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