Mark of the Bear hc-2

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Mark of the Bear hc-2 Page 19

by N. J. Walters

  With her legs splayed wide over Marko, her sex was pressed firmly against his broad back. Every rolling motion he made as he ran stimulated her clit. Her nipples rubbed against his muscular back through her shirt and the tight nubs ached for more. She wanted to feel his hands on her body, the light warmth of his breath on her skin before his mouth caressed her.

  And she was out of her ever-loving mind. They were running for their lives from demons and she wanted sex. It was nothing more than adrenaline coupled with the human need to feel alive. That was it. It had nothing to do with how she felt about Marko. She ignored the taunting little voice in the back of her head that was calling her a liar.

  And really, if there was a possibility she might die in the next twelve or so hours—and she truly believed that was a distinct possibility—she needed to get the most out of them.

  No, she had to stop thinking about sex and start worrying about survival. A vicious cramp caught her unawares and she gasped. She grabbed her thigh and felt herself sliding off Marko’s back.

  She yelped and grabbed at his fur. He halted immediately and went down on his stomach. She fell, but not far. Thankfully the ground was mossy and covered in dead pine needles and not rocky. She gave an oof sound as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Holding her spasming thigh, she rolled from side to side in acute pain.

  Marko was immediately by her side, a man once again. He quickly grabbed the sword that was lying dangerously beside her and made it disappear. She was grateful she hadn’t cut herself on the damn thing when she’d fallen.

  He eased the strap of her tote bag over her head and set the satchel aside. “Let me.” He shoved her hands aside and began to rub his broad fingers up and down her leg, digging them into the muscle. As he worked, concern was written all over his face.

  Tears formed in her eyes but she willed them back, breathing through the pain as she waited for the muscle ache to ease. Eventually, the cramp subsided and the discomfort slowly went from mind numbing to manageable.

  Marko’s touch changed, going from clinical to sexual in a heartbeat. The heat from his palms sank into her thigh as he slid his hands up and down, moving closer to her core with each stroke.

  She blinked and her breath hitched in her throat. The way he looked at her made her want to draw him down on top of her and let him sink into her body. There was such need, such heat radiating from him. And loneliness. That was an emotion she understood all too well. As much as she wanted to deny it, would deny it if asked, she’d been lonely all her life.


  He leaned down, buried his face in the curve of her neck and inhaled, as if her scent was more vital to him than fresh air. She loved the way his long hair stroked over the curve of her jaw. “We have to keep going. It’s too dangerous to stop here.”

  She nodded. She knew he was right. “The demons should have been able to keep up, shouldn’t they?” That had really been bothering her.

  “Yes.” He raised his head and smoothed his thumb over the line of her jaw.

  “Then why aren’t we under attack?” She was suddenly very aware of the silence surrounding them. It was eerie, as though all the animals of the forest were holding their breath, hiding, waiting.

  “I don’t know.” He crouched beside her and peered all around. “All I know is there isn’t anyone on our trail any longer.”

  He held out his hand as he stood. She took it and he easily tugged her to her feet. Her thigh gave a twinge and she took a few tentative steps, only limping slightly. It felt much better. “Is he toying with us?”

  “Probably.” Marko wasn’t sugarcoating the situation or withholding the truth. She appreciated that.

  “Well, that sucks.” Kellsie hated the idea of being a pawn in someone else’s game. But that’s exactly what she was.

  “Whatever his purpose, we can’t change it. He could find us at any moment. All we can do is find the best defensive position.” Marko peered up over the trees to the mountains beyond. The tattoo on his back seemed to move as his muscles rippled and shifted beneath his bare skin.

  Kellsie shivered. The tattoo was an exact replica of Marko as a bear. She had to touch it, to see if it were as alive as it appeared. Walking over to him, she placed her hand on the bear’s head. Marko stilled at her touch. She pulled her hand away, letting it hover over his skin. Had she offended him by touching the tattoo? Broken some taboo?

  When he didn’t move, she tentatively stroked one finger down the bear’s neck. Marko groaned and tilted his head to one side as though it was his neck she was stroking. Fascinating.

  She dragged her fingers over the side of the tattoo and over the bear’s right front leg. Marko’s right arm twitched, the muscles flexing. Wow. This was too cool.

  Her hand shifted lower on the bear and Marko spun around and captured her hand in his. “Enough.” His chest was heaving in and out, his mouth set in a thin line, his eyes blazing. But it was the bulge pressing against the front of his pants that really captured her attention.

  “Why? If we’re going to die we might as well have some fun first.” She’d given the matter quite a bit of thought while they were running for their lives. It wasn’t likely Hades would let them escape. For whatever reason, he was toying with them. The respite wasn’t likely to last.

  Marko shook his head. “Not here. And I’m not going to let you die.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her behind him.

  “My bag.” She yanked her hand out of his and hurried back to her tote bag. She pulled the strap over her head and settled the bag into place. No way was she leaving her netbook and cellphone behind. They could get lucky and she might get some phone reception at some point.

  Taking his hand once again, she followed him farther into the darkening forest. She glanced up at the sky. The early morning sunshine had disappeared, covered in cloud. She shivered slightly, wishing she still had her jacket. But it was on the ground back at the movie set, covered in demon’s blood, and that was something she doubted even the best drycleaner could get out.

  Her stomach growled and she dug into her bag and pulled out two energy bars. They were slightly squashed but edible.

  The last thing she’d eaten was an apple yesterday evening and she was starving. “Want one?” She offered Marko one of the bars.

  He shook his head. “You eat them both. I can survive without food.”

  “But you can be killed, right?”

  He nodded. “If I am beheaded or if my heart is torn out I will die. But hunger will not hurt me.”

  She wasn’t sure if he was telling her the truth or not. She thought about it and decided he probably was. After all, the guy was immortal. But she was all too human and granola had never tasted so good. She devoured the first bar, inhaling it in under a minute. She made the second one last a little longer, taking her time and chewing it slowly. When it was gone, she folded the wrapper and tucked it back into her bag.

  Neither of them spoke as they continued their upward climb. Kellsie knew he hoped to find a cave for them to hole up in. She was afraid it wouldn’t matter how high they climbed or how deep the cave was. Hades would find them as soon as he was ready.

  Hades clicked his fingers and the mirror went dark.

  “Should we go and get them?” Mordecai asked. He’d seen the way Marko looked at the woman. He’d also noticed the way she watched him in return. There was such trust there, even hope. Mordecai couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt anything resembling hope.

  “No.” Hades kicked back in his throne, rested his elbows on the arms and steepled his fingers together. “Let’s give them a few hours to bond. Marko wants to fuck the woman and we’ll give him time to do so. The more responsible he feels for her, the more likely he is to bargain for her release.”

  Or the more likely he was to kill her in order to save her from Hades. Mordecai kept that thought to himself. Hades thought he understood the warriors, what motivated them, but he had no idea what drove them. Mordecai knew them all as wel
l as he knew himself. The bear would fight until the bitter end. There was no give in the warrior. The world was black and white for Marko. There were no shades of gray. Mordecai snorted under his breath. His world was nothing but gray.

  “You’re cutting it close,” he reminded Hades.

  Hades eyes flashed. “Are you questioning me?”

  Having a healthy respect for the god and not having a death wish, Mordecai shook his head. “No. Simply pointing out the facts.”

  Hades glared at him. “Go get laid or something. Brittany could suck the paint off a bedrail. Have her take care of your dick, you’re annoying me.”

  Mordecai bowed out of the room, leaving Hades alone. No way was he having anything to do with the crazy succubus. He had things to do before the final confrontation between Hades and Marko.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Marko knew they had to stop soon. In spite of the hunger gnawing at his gut and the thirst raking his throat, he could go on indefinitely. He was used to such hardships. Kellsie, however, was human. She couldn’t take much more of this. He could hear her gasping for breath with each step she took. Yet she never complained, never asked to stop. He was in awe of her courage.

  He sensed the cave up on the other side of the mountain meadow. He cocked his head to one side and could hear the trickle of a stream not too far off. Good. At least she could drink and rest.

  There was a cougar prowling through the trees not far from here and a fox about ten feet to his right crouched beneath a bush. But the animals wouldn’t bother them. They might be curious about Kellsie, but they also scented his bear and acknowledged him as the apex predator of the forest. The only things they had to fear here were Hades and his demons.

  “We’ll stop here.” He came to a halt and she plowed right into his back. She would have landed on her butt if he hadn’t whirled around and caught her. He growled as he swept her into his arms. “I should have carried you.”

  Kellsie snuggled closer to his chest and rested her cheek against his flesh. “I needed to walk. My legs were getting too cramped riding you.”

  Riding him. Just hearing her say those words had all sorts of images running through his brain, all of them sexual. Which wasn’t appropriate at the moment considering how exhausted she was. He was more than an animal. He would take care of her.

  He carried her to the stream first. He could tell the moment she heard the sound of the stream. She perked up and licked her lips. “Water?”

  He tightened his hold on her. “You can drink and wash up. You’ll feel better.” He broke through some low alder bushes and saw the shallow river. It wasn’t very deep, but it was more than enough to serve their needs.

  He lowered Kellsie to the ground and she all but fell face first into the water. She rolled her head from side-to-side before sitting back and laughing. “That feels so good.”

  Her hair was plastered to her skull, there was dirt on her forehead and her shirt was ripped in several places, but her smile was brighter than the sun could ever hope to be. There was such innocent joy beaming from her face. The fact that she could even consider smiling after all they’d been through was a testament to her resilient spirit.

  Marko went down on one knee beside her and used his thumb to wipe the dirt from her face. She laughed. “I guess I’m a mess.”

  He sensed she was suddenly self-conscious. It was in the way she ducked her head down and tugged on the sleeves of her shirt. “Beautiful,” he assured her.

  She raised her head just as he lowered his. Their mouths touched, and when she swiped her tongue along the seam of his mouth, he parted his lips and invited her in. The kiss deepened, growing more heated, more desperate with each passing second. He wasn’t touching her anywhere else but his body was on fire for her.

  One of her hands came to rest on his shoulder. He groaned, wanting to feel her hands everywhere on him. They were small but strong.

  He pulled back, knowing if he didn’t stop this soon, he’d strip her naked and take her right here in the dirt. “Get cleaned up and I’ll take you to a cave.”


  He heard the underlying question. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Even though he knew he should be on his guard, he needed Kellsie worse. “Yes.”

  She studied him for a brief moment, searching his face for something. Whatever it was, she seemed to find it and nodded. Slowly, she peeled her top over her head, exposing her creamy white skin. She was wearing a bra but she might as well have been naked. The thin barrier didn’t cover much. Her nipples were hard pebbles against the fabric.

  Marko licked his lips, unable to turn away.

  Kellsie dipped the sleeve of the shirt into the water and used it to wash her face, neck and torso. The motions were sensual as she stroked the cloth over her skin. Marko growled, shifted closer and plucked the garment from her hands. “Let me do your back.”

  She turned and presented her back to him. Her spine was so delicate, yet he knew she was strong in ways he couldn’t even begin to understand. Her tattoo drew his attention and he traced the brown bear with one finger. He liked the fact that she was marked for him. She was human but had put her life on the line for him, an immortal warrior.

  What would prompt her to do such a thing? She’d had the opportunity to be free from this nightmare. Instead, she’d stayed. With him.

  Marko tried not to read too much into the situation. Kellsie obviously had a high moral fiber and was doing what she thought was right. It didn’t mean she had deep feelings for him. Still, he couldn’t smother that small kernel of hope that burned within him.

  She shivered and he frowned as goose bumps covered her skin. The water was cool and so was the air. The sun was out but it didn’t penetrate the dense forest well. He didn’t feel the cold and therefore didn’t even think of it. He dropped her shirt and manifested the fur-lined cloak once again, spreading it around her shoulders.

  She swiveled her head, peering up at him. He could see the question in her eyes.

  “You finish up. I’m going to get washed up.” He stalked along the bank of the river and rounded a thicket of trees to give her some privacy.

  “Marko?” The panic in her voice had him racing back toward her.

  His sword was in his hand but he couldn’t remember even manifesting it. He moved in a circle, searching for the threat. “What’s wrong?”

  She was standing there wrapped in the long cloak looking lost and alone. She pushed a damp lock of her blonde hair behind one ear. “I was afraid you’d left.” Her confession was little more than a whisper, but it floored him.

  “Never.” It was both a vow and a promise. It was obscene for her to even think such a thing.

  He stalked to her side and pulled her into his arms. “I’m only going around the corner to give you some privacy. I’m only a call away. Okay?”

  He felt her nod before she answered. “Okay. But could I have my sword back?”

  He’d forgotten he’d sent it away when she’d fallen off his back earlier. He manifested it and handed it to her. “Keep it close.”

  “I will.”

  Reluctantly, he released her and walked back up the side of the river. When he finally turned he couldn’t see her. He could hear her and smell her and that was enough. He stripped off his pants and boots and lay down in the river. The water flowed over and around him, barely enough to cover him. As cold as the water was, it couldn’t cool his ardor for Kellsie. His cock was hard and throbbing, aching to be clutched inside her moist warmth. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.

  Kellsie took the opportunity to duck behind some bushes and take care of business. When that was done, she went back to the river and had another drink. Her hair was in tangles but she had a brush in her bag. Pulling her tote bag to her side, she opened it and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for.

  She undid her braid and worked the brush through her hair. It didn’t take her long to deal with the tangles and quickly braid the mass once again
. As much as she wanted to leave her hair down, she knew it was more efficient to have it out of the way in case they had to run again.

  Her fingers touched her phone when she was returning the brush. Curious, she dragged it out and turned it on. No service. Not surprising in these mountains. Sighing, she tucked her phone away.

  The air was growing colder and a mist was moving in. She hoped it didn’t rain. Shivering, she pulled the cloak around her. It was warm and soft and reminded her of Marko.

  A splash caught her attention. It was all too easy to imagine him naked, sluicing water over his broad chest and huge arms. The tiny rivers of water would roll down his rock-hard abs to his equally hard cock. Kellsie groaned as a blast of heat shot through her. She was thirsty again and wouldn’t mind licking the water from Marko’s warm, slightly salty skin.

  A branch rustled just off to her left and she jumped to her feet. It was also all too easy to imagine demons lurking in the trees behind her. She squinted to try to see what might be hiding in the woods. It was probably a bird or a squirrel or something. But there were also larger, more dangerous predators in the area, not just demons.

  She heard the sound again and was just about ready to scream for Marko when she heard him coming back. Relief struck her when he came back into view. He was her lifeline in all this madness. The one thing she could count on.

  Which wasn’t right. She had to depend on herself. Not anyone else.

  Straightening her shoulders, she grabbed her tote bag, her damp shirt and the short sword. “Where to next?”

  Marko frowned at her but didn’t say anything about her abrupt behavior. He pointed upward. “There’s a cave about fifty yards that way.”

  She was exhausted but she could do this. The thought of getting to rest, even if it was just for a while, gave her the boost of adrenaline she needed. Marko’s large hand rested at the base of her spine, guiding her, helping her up the steep hill. She knew he’d have carried her if she’d asked him, but she didn’t want to weigh him down in case he needed to fight.


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