The Emperor's New Nightingale

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The Emperor's New Nightingale Page 4

by Angela Castle

  “Never have my forefathers been wrong and neither am I. She is mine.”

  Trall’s head nodded in a bow of respect. Orin’s gaze turned back to his prize.

  Chapter Five

  Oh. My. God! Never did a pair of deep, blue eyes, or a handsome face made her heart gallop—or her body tremble—the way Rin’s did.

  He broke the hotter than hot scale. No one should be allowed to ooze this much sex appeal; it should be outlawed on every planet in the galaxy.

  “Julie, are you all right? Your face looks more pink than usual.” Mik brushed up to her after delivering drinks to a full table of customers.

  All three of the other tavern maids were rushed off their feet running food and drinks.

  “Fine, Mik.” She beamed a smile at her friend.

  Inside, she was far from fine. Her stomach fluttered with nerves, thinking about Rin watching her, listening to her song. Even now, she felt the weight of his intense stare on her back. Damn it, why was she acting like a foolish schoolgirl?

  Drawing in a deep breath, she pulled herself together and stepped up onto the stage. Cheers and whistles rang out.

  She gripped the microphone Trall fashioned for her, but she didn’t really need one. He explained how the music machine behind the blue curtain fed off her brain waves, so all she needed to do was think about the music in her mind, and it flowed out.

  The crowd hushed and she felt the rhythm of her heart picking up the tempo. The song she planned to sing tonight flew from her mind, replaced with another.

  Her foot tapped to the drumbeat now joining the music. She lifted the microphone, smiled at the audience and started to sing.

  Kiss me out of the bearded barely… nightly, beside the green, green grass

  Swing, swing, swing the spinning step, you wear those shoes and I will wear that dress…

  Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight… Lead me out on the moonlit floor

  Lift your open hand, strike up the band and make the fireflies dance

  Silver moon sparkling, so kiss me….

  The music faded out and every one of the tavern patrons jumped to their feet. Frillip chips rained like confetti. Julie smiled in gratitude at their boisterous adoration.

  Trill came over to act as a bodyguard, when a few more excited Ario men pressed forward to shower her with more personal praise. She heard a few offer to pleasure her in their beds and to drape her in gems, if she would grant them a personal performance.

  She held her smile, shook her head at the offers and slipped away to the back of the tavern, opened the outer door and stepped into the small, private courtyard for some peace.

  Julie gazed up. The brilliance of the stars above and the pink and orange circle around the moon never ceased to amaze her.

  She drew in slow, steady breaths, trying to calm her pounding heart. Was she out of mind to sing such a song? It seemed each song came from somewhere deep inside, and she knew exactly who it was directed to this time. Was it a personal statement, a want or a need perhaps?

  Foolish, lusting after a man she only briefly met.

  “You are stronger and braver than that, Julie.” She hasn’t muttered to herself since she left Earth.

  “You’re strong, brave and have an amazing voice.”

  She drew in a sharp breath, her eyes dropping to come into direct contact with Rin’s intense blue gaze, alight with the sizzling flames of desire. She saw the same look on many of the other men who came to the tavern to hear her sing, but somehow, his is different, more intense. The others didn’t affect her as his did.

  Only a foot of distance between them—she didn’t hear him approach.

  She swallowed hard before frowning with concern. “Trall doesn’t usually let people back here, Mr. Rin.”

  His sexy smile sent her pulse rate and internal temperature through the stratosphere.

  “Trall lets me go where ever I wish. We are old friends and you have nothing to fear from me.”

  She seriously doubted it—she was in great danger, as thoughts flashed through her mind of exactly what she wanted to do with the sexy man. Her hormones were out of control, running on a wild rampage through her body.

  Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples ached, longing to be touched and petted. Her thighs were slick, wanting something hard, hot and heavy to fill her.

  Damn, it must be this alien planet. Never, in her whole, repressed life did she ever entertain such thoughts, or felt such things towards a man, but he wasn’t just any man, he was an alien.

  She didn’t care. He moved in closer and Julie breathed in his musky, masculine scent of wild, untamed manhood and power.

  “I suppose you’ve been told more than there are stars in the sky how beautiful you are.”

  Her eyes narrowed in anger, old insecurities rising to the surface. “No, I haven’t; I don’t respond well to untruthful flattery.”

  “Oh, little Earthling, you should really look at yourself through a man’s eyes. You would see how truthful they really are, when they proclaim your beauty.”

  Julie snorted, her defenses rising, and she struggled to rein in her traitorous body. “I suppose you’re the type of Ario male who thinks he can get what he wants through a little bit of sweet talk, and women just fall at your feet, don’t they?”

  His deep, lusty chuckle, strong and as potent as hundred proof whiskey washed over her. Shivers of awareness skated down her spine, making her sex clench in response.

  Damn, why couldn’t she get herself under control? Just like her song, she knew she treaded on uncertain and dangerous ground when around this man.

  “Want to know what I think?” With another half step, he placed his hand on the wall near her head, effectively trapping her. The heat of him surrounded her like a blanket and a thrill ran through her. Even though she knew he gave her every opportunity to run, her feet felt super-glued in place.

  “You want me here, and you want this, us…” His hot breath fanned across her face. She smelled the sweet odor of veer. His eyes dropped to her lips and her tongue darted out to moisten them. Her lips were already anticipating what they wanted before her brain could catch up.

  “I…I don’t think…oh, hell!”

  Before he closed the distance, she reached up, fisted the fold of his shirt and jerked him the short distance to her mouth. She kissed him as if there was no tomorrow.

  Like an octopus on caffeine, his hands were all over her, touching and squeezing her breasts and her ass. She moaned and his tongue pushed into her mouth, tasting, taking as if he owned it, owned her.

  A few sloppy kisses from the few boys she kissed in her past life would never ever compare to this.

  Her brain completely short-circuited. She felt nothing, but the feel of his lips, his hands on her, the weight of his hard, muscled body pushing her into the wall. The feel of his large, hard erection pressing into her lower stomach made her hips canter, needing it lower and the barrier of their clothes gone. The driving need building to a fever pitch, she whimpered into his mouth.

  Breaking their kiss, he breathed as heavily as she. “Oh, by the great Song Krystal, sweet Julie, do you have a room? I’ve never needed a woman as badly as I need you.”

  “U…Upstairs, left… Please Rin.”

  She squealed in surprise when he lifted her off her feet.

  At the sudden sound of someone clearing their throat, Julie froze. Rin dropped her back on to her feet and swung around to face the intruder, shielding her body with his much larger one. She glanced down and realized he pulled down her top, exposing her right breast. She scrambled to fix her clothing, her mind kicking back into gear.

  Oh, goodness, what did she do, or what was she about to do with this stranger? Her chest heaved with a silent sigh. She knew exactly what.

  What was wrong with her? She never jumped in bed with someone she just met.

  “Sorry, Rin, a pressing matter has arisen. It won’t take but a moment.”

  “Drango, you have bad timing
, my friend.” Orin growled.

  “I do apologize, I’m sure your song bird can wait a few minutes. If you please, it concerns you-know-what.”

  Rin’s shoulders sagged and Julie knew he would leave her to see to his ‘urgent matter.’ He turned and she saw the regret now mixed with the fire still burning in his eyes.

  “Please, my sweet, wait just a moment. We shall finish what we started, all right?”

  Hell, no, but she smiled and nodded, not trusting her voice.

  “Good girl.” He leaned in, his warm lips meeting hers in a brief kiss as if to seal the deal, before turning and striding away.

  Julie used the moment to slip out the side door of the courtyard onto the street, leaving the door open. She needed a few minutes alone to recoup.

  Next time? No—no next time. The problem was Julie didn’t want a one-night-stand, knowing how hot, inflamed passion all too quickly dwindled in the morning light. No, she wanted love and a promise of forever. Was this too much to ask?

  She heaved a long sigh. Yes, it probably was for her. Why couldn’t she embrace the moment? When would she ever meet a man as sexy as Rin, who appeared to want her like no other?

  A hand clamped over her mouth cutting off her scream. Another strong arm encircled her waist and she started to fight.

  “Oh, Julie Beasley, how much trouble you have caused me.” Uric’s voice hissed into her ear as he dragged her down the street, towards an anti-gravity craft.

  Julie opened her mouth and clamped her teeth around Uric’s hand, biting hard into his flesh. He hissed in pain, yanking his hand away. She sucked in a lungful of air and screamed.

  Something hissed at the back of her neck and her limbs went numb. She slumped into Uric’s arms and blackness swamped over her.

  Chapter Six

  “This better be good, Drango.” Orin eyed his Verill bodyguard and friend, irritation dripping from his tone. Orin’s body throbbed and he longed to acquaint himself with his future wife.

  Drango held out his glowing Nikcom 800 communicator. “I’ve received word the Song Krystal shined again.”

  Orin’s raised an eyebrow at his bodyguard. “Did it happen to shine at the same moment my Julie was singing?”

  “Can you be sure? There are other Earthling women on Ario, for all we know it could be one of them...”

  A shrill scream pierced the air. Julie! He quickly scanned the courtyard proving she slipped from his sight. Drango was quicker to move than Orin, racing through the open gate, his weapon at the ready.

  Orin skidded to a halt. Julie was slumped in the arms of an unknown male, who lifted her into a gravon transport.

  The kidnapper turned, his eyes widening in sudden surprise as Drango slammed into his middle, easily tackling and pinning the man to the ground. Orin leaned into the transport, making sure Julie was alright.

  “She breathes,” Orin said, carefully gathering her into his arms and lifting her out of the vehicle, cradling her in his arms.

  Drango hauled the would-be kidnapper to his feet, keeping his arms pinned behind his back.

  Orin studied the man and recognition set in. “You are the Flaxian seeker, Uric Weston.”

  “I…I…am…she…you…” The Flaxian glanced between him and the female in Orin’s arms.

  Orin watched the man’s eyes widened with further in recognition. “My Emperor Orin?”

  “Yes, I am, and you are a criminal. What were you thinking kidnapping Earthling women from their planet, and then to do it again with this harmless creature? What did you give her?”

  “Just frik. She will sleep a half hour, I didn’t mean her any harm, only to return her safely to guest dwellings.” His shoulders sagged. “I suppose she has told you everything?”

  “Enough to know you violated nearly every one of the rules set in place. Drango, take the Flaxian and his associates into custody. They will be—”

  “But my Lord, the other Earthling females… If you arrest us, who will care for them? Unlike Julie, they may be prone to hysterics if they find out what truly happened, and none of them have sung before the Song Krystal.”

  Damn the Flaxian for making a point. Doubt now lingered in his mind, but as he gazed at his Julie, it vanished. She was the one, his one, though he still couldn’t discount the possibility of one of the other human women could be his Nightingale.

  “Fine. Drango will arrange for the Song Krystal to be brought to your residence. Once they are tested, you will return the women to their planet.”

  Uric Weston again glanced at the woman in Orin’s arms. “Julie, you will give her back to me?”

  Orin’s arms tightened possessively around the woman and he glanced down at her serene face.

  “No, she is mine.” Every rational part of his brain told him to put her down, back away and keep a distance until he knew. He was trained not to be rash or impulsive, the fate of thousands of worlds depended upon him, but his body and soul wanted her.

  “Julie is under my personal protection and may petition for citizenship of Ario, if she wishes.”

  “But…but she’s not your nightingale—”

  “How do you know she isn’t?” Anger surged through Orin. He leveled a stern glare at the Flaxian.

  “I have spoken, Drango. Go with Seeker Uric and see to the women’s safety. I shall take care of Julie.”

  Drango hesitated to obey, knowing he would be leaving his Emperor unprotected. “You will stay with Trall?”

  Orin nodded, “Worry not for me, my friend, we’ll be safe. I shall send for palace transport when I’m ready to return.”

  He carried Julie back through the gate into Trall’s courtyard.

  Trall emerged from the back door of his tavern and glanced between Julie and Orin.

  “Good goddess, Orin, what happened? What have you done to Julie?” Trall rushed forward, reaching for her.

  “I did nothing, Trall, calm yourself. The Flaxian, Uric, tried to recover her. It was good fortune Drango and I were here before he took her. He drugged her with frik.”

  Trall relaxed his stance, but still held two of his four arms for her. “I’ll take her upstairs and have Mik stay with her until she wakes.”

  “No, she is mine. I’ll care for her.”

  “Your majesty, is that wise? You can’t be certain she is your nightingale until she sings before the Song Krystal.”

  “Don’t dare tell me my place. How do you know Julie is not my nightingale?”

  Trall bowed his head taking a step back. “Forgive me, sire, I didn’t mean…I’m only concerned for Julie.”

  Orin drew in a slow breath to regain control. There were other things to focus on tonight—his body still burned for the woman in his arms.

  “I’m making arrangements for the human women to sing before the Krystal as soon as possible, then they can be returned to their planet. Julie will also sing.”

  Trall nodded and waved towards the stairs. “Her dwelling is up the back stairs, second door on the right.”

  “Thank you, Trall, for taking care of Julie. It’s my job now.”

  Orin turned away from Trall, carrying her towards the back stairs.

  * * * *

  Julie groaned at the dull ache in her head. The lights were still on in her small apartment. Darn it, I can’t remember drinking any of Trall’s Veer?

  “Here, little song bird, drink this. It will ease the ache of the frik.”

  Her eyes flew open at the sound of the deep, though soothing voice. Instantly, her gaze clashed with a set of deep blue eyes. Rin’s eyes.

  “Wha…” she coughed, her throat dryer than cotton balls left in the desert.

  His hand cupped the back of her head, lifting her slightly to press the rim of a cup to her lips. Julie drank the sweet nettle juice liquid. It both soothed her throat and calmed her rattled nerves.

  “There, better now? Your grogginess should pass soon.” He smiled gently and set the cup down. Rin placed her back on the bed, watching her.

�What happened? Why are you here?”

  “You don’t remember Uric?”

  The fog lifted from her mind and everything rushed back before she blacked out.

  “Where is Uric? He didn’t—”

  “Abduct you a second time? No, it is fortunate Drango and I were close by to hear you scream. You are very bad at obeying little one. Didn’t I command you to stay where you were?”

  She frowned from his gentle chastisement.

  Julie pushed herself up to sit on the bed. It was disconcerting having him higher than she was while trying to hold a serious conversation. The sheer arrogance rolling off Rin told her he was an Ario used to giving orders and, more importantly, having others obey.

  However, she didn’t belong to him; she was a free woman—or at least Trall told her she was free on Ario.

  “A girl has the right to change her mind; anyway, I’m not someone you can order about.”

  His gaze lit with the challenge and she swallowed, facing him down.

  “We have unfinished business. Why did you run when it is clear we have something special between us?”

  “Things happening in the heat of the moment often don’t last,” she blurted out.

  His gaze roamed over her still clothed form. “In some cases, this can be true, but I feel the song—our song—and I want to sing it, but will you sing it with me, my sweet Julie?”

  Confused over his words, Julie sat up a little straighter.

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean 'our song'?”

  With a wickedly sexy smile, he reached out and took her smaller hand into his. Even this simple touch sent white hot jolts through her, making her toes curl, her belly clench and her sex get slick.

  Her breathing hitched as he pulled her closer. Placing her hand on his chest, she felt the strong, rhythmic beating of his heart. He drew in a breath and started to sing to her.

  Oh goodness, he had a sexy, seductive voice to match everything else about him. Perfection wrapped in one neat, drop dead, gorgeous package. It’s a package she wanted to unwrap and explore with her fingers, followed by her tongue.

  She listened to the words of his song.


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