Shattered Billionaire: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Books 1-10)

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Shattered Billionaire: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Books 1-10) Page 24

by Kylie Parker

  Lillian nods. “I can imagine. I’m sorry about Eddie. I’m not sure if I’ve told you that yet. Did you get my flowers?”

  “Yeah. Thanks for those,” I say –although a part of me wants to punch anyone who gave flowers. They’re all over my apartment, and I don’t know what to do with that many fucking flowers.

  “How is the assault… murder investigation coming?” Sylvia asks.

  “The cops still have no idea who attacked Eddie,” Lillian says. “James, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if they don’t find something soon, I’m worried the trail is going to go cold.”

  I look up at her, and I’m sure she can feel the anxiety in my gaze. “You mean that they might not ever find out who did it?”

  “The guy who did this just did not leave any sort of evidence behind. He knew what he was doing.” Lillian shook her head, sympathizing with me. I’m not her favorite person, I can tell, but she does care. She starts to say something else, but her phone starts going off. “Hold on,” she says and answers it.

  I look down at Sylvia. She gives me this reassuring look and pats my arm. “This lawsuit is going to get dropped,” she says, “you’ll see.”

  It’s like she’s a mind reader or something. The next thing I know, Lillian is hanging up the phone grinning ear to ear. “Good news, James,” she practically sings.

  “What?” I ask, actually managing to smile. Something about Lillian not acting serious for once is making me grin. It’s nice. I don’t think I’ve smiled since the funeral.

  “I just got a tip from a friend of mine at the station. Looks like they’re officially clearing your company of any wrongdoing. They are investigating it strictly as sabotage now –no more up in the air bullshit. This lawsuit is as good as dead now.” She puts her phone away and smiles again. “I don’t know about you two, but this is definitely cause for celebration. I’ll have my friend call up the judge so that we can get this squared away sooner rather than later. Drinks on me, what do you two say?”

  I smile. “I could use a drink. Sylvia?”

  “Oh, hell yes,” She says. “After sitting in that courtroom for five hours, yes, please.”

  The next thing I know we are in a cab headed to this random hole-in-the-wall bar that Lillian is swearing is the place to be. Turns out, it’s where her wife bartends. A part of me had expected that Lillian would never bring me around Daisy again, but I’m actually kind of glad to see her while I’m sober after our last uncomfortable encounter. Sylvia and I sit at the bar as Daisy loads us up on drinks –all on the house. Apparently, Daisy owns the place. Sylvia and I talk to Daisy for a while as Lillian sits off in a corner nursing her first drink, making some phone calls on my behalf to get this lawsuit officially tossed out the window. “Must feel good,” Daisy says, her hair sporting a colorful pink stripe since the last time I had seen her, “knowing that you’re going to be able to put all that shit behind you.”

  “Not until we find out who killed Eddie,” I say, “Then it will be behind me.”

  We have been sitting and talking for close to an hour when Sylvia suddenly pipes up. “Okay, okay, am I missing something here? I’m sensing that you two have met before?”

  Daisy does not give me a chance to make up what would have likely been a bold-faced lie. “Oh, James and Lillian and I had a threesome a while back.”

  What the fuck! What the actual fuck! Sure, Sylvia has been really cool about us not being an item, but I sure as hell was not about to brag to her about sleeping with my gay lawyer and her bisexual wife. Sylvia just laughs. She is not human, I swear. Nothing makes her angry at all –ever! “Really?” Sylvia looks at me, and my insides feel like they’re on fire in anticipation for what she is going to say. “I wouldn’t think James is the kind of guy who could handle two women at once.”

  What just came out of her mouth? I’m so confused. This is something most women get mad at, but instead she’s just teasing me about it. I don’t know where the conversational line is here. “Um…” I say, not sure whether to act insulted or just bite my tongue. I decide to bite my tongue. I am not bragging to Sylvia about a threesome.

  When Daisy starts talking about it, I make my quick exit away from the bar –feeling really fucking uncomfortable as the two women laugh, talking about different things I’ve done in the bedroom with them. Instead, I slide into the booth where Lillian had been hiding out. She is just ending a conversation as I sit down. “Good news,” she says, “looks like this shit is going to be over real soon.”

  “Thank God,” I say and smile at her. “You know, you’re fantastic. I know I’ve given you hell, but seriously –thank you.”

  Lillian holds her hand up to my face and her eyes dart over to the bar, “Is my wife flirting with your little girlfriend?”

  “Looks that way.” I laugh and then turn to look at Lillian. “You two are really different. How did someone like you wind up with someone like Daisy?”

  “Opposites attract, I suppose.”

  I feel like there is a gay-straight joke in there somewhere, but I’ve had too much to drink to figure it out. “She’s so wild and carefree. You’re kind of a stiff, you know?”

  “I can be,” Lillian admits. “The wildest thing I’ve ever done was probably that kinky shit I did with you two.” She takes a swig of her drink. “Son of a bitch, Daisy! I told you I wanted a virgin drink!”

  I can already feel it happening. Daisy is a troublesome little woman. She knows she has to get Lillian pretty hammered to pull this off, and she has to get Sylvia on board too, and Sylvia cut herself off after one drink. I keep my mouth shut. It’s not like I have to be convinced, but I don’t want to get Sylvia upset with me for making such a suggestion. I don’t have to, though.

  The next thing I know, the three of us are going into the back room after Daisy calls for one of her employees to take over behind the bar. We go down this hallway and then up a flight of stairs to this lounge area that Daisy had apparently lived in prior to marrying Lillian. I’m starting to get the impression that Lillian is a sugar-mama.

  I’m only a little drunk this time. This time, I’m going to remember every detail instead of just a bunch of mixed-matched memory flashes drowned out by occasional blackouts. And this time Sylvia is here too.

  Lillian slumps down onto the futon, her head resting on a pillow. She looks just as uninterested now as she had been the last time. Daisy starts kissing all over Sylvia, trying to lure her in. I just sit on the edge of the futon, waiting to see how this is going to unfold. Sylvia laughs –a good sign, I suppose. She whispers something in Daisy’s ear, and the two women laugh. I look over at Lillian, and she gives me this are we really doing this again kind of look. I just shrug, and I feel like Lillian and I are having this wordless conversation while our significant others flirt with each other –making us both weirdly uncomfortable.

  Sylvia plops herself down on my knee, kissing me and removing my suit jacket, undoing my tie, and unbuttoning my shirt while her lips trace mine and work their way down to my neck and chest. As she is doing this, Daisy climbs over on top of the reluctant Lillian to coax her out of her clothes. I go to help Sylvia out of her blouse, but she pushes me down onto my back and stands up so that she can yank my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear off of me. It only takes a second to register that I’m the only one fully undressed, so I reach out hoping to snag an article of clothing off of one of them. There is something about being laid out completely naked while the rest of the party is dressed that makes you uncomfortable –and I’ll admit I’m a bit vain, so it’s really saying something that this gets me even a little self-conscious.

  The three of them pull me up onto the futon, and I stretch out across almost the entire length of the thing. Lillian has tossed her suit jacket and blouse, showing off a black bra that her enormous breasts are trying to pop out of –still wearing the tight, black pencil skirt she had worn to court earlier. Daisy is down just to her blue and pink striped bra, and she’s sitting bare on my leg. Syl
via has stripped down to a light pink matching bra and thong, and she’s sat herself down between my legs; I notice her eyes lingering downward at my erection.

  “You know what might actually be fun?” Lillian says, her heart still only halfway into this encounter as she opens up a drawer of the rickety nightstand. I remain on my back, but I pop my head up to see what she is getting into. I don’t trust her entirely because I’m pretty sure she wants revenge for the last time we did this, blaming me for getting her wife all excited and dragging her down with us. She pulls out two sets of furry handcuffs and a blindfold, and I blush slightly imagining Lillian and Daisy being kinky in the upstairs loft of the bar. I guess I just assumed the cuffs were for Daisy after my last experience with these two, but suddenly Lillian clicks one set around my left wrist and tosses the other to Daisy to lock up my right. They latch me onto the wooden paneling above my head, and Sylvia laughs at this predicament –probably noticing the slight look of horror on my face, but it’s not like I’m going to say no and ruin this moment.

  Sylvia snatches the blindfold from Lillian and leans forward to blindfold me. Now that I can’t see, the three of them all start moving around and tossing the rest of their clothes and undergarments. I lose track of who’s who –although on occasion I am able to guess. One of them puts my dick in their mouth, and whoever it is sure is making good use of their tongue. The other two women I can hear smacking lips with one another for a moment before one of them gets their face down in my groin to join the first woman –this one puts a testicle in her mouth, and I flinch slightly from the sensation. The third woman is up by my face, hovering her pussy over my mouth. Please be Sylvia, I think to myself as I obey the gesture, using my tongue to pleasure whoever it is that as made it up to my face.

  I bend my knees excitedly, and one of the women in the downstairs area moves and starts rubbing my inner thighs. The woman at my face moves too, and she lays down beside me to kiss at my throat, biting and sucking at my skin. I’m hardly able to keep up with what’s going on; I wish they would remove the blindfold. They keep moving positions, keeping me on my toes. They lick me everywhere, nibbling on occasion –and I’m pretty sure my entire body is going to be covered in damn hickey’s after this.

  One of the women slides my cock up into her, and I can’t help but to pull at my restraints. “We’ll unchain you if you keep the blindfold on,” I hear Daisy say, and I just nod –hardly able to speak between my panting.

  My wrists are freed, and as they are the women move around again, but I keep my blindfold on as promised. One of them sits on my stomach facing south, and I can hear her making out with whoever is grinding on my cock. The third woman sits with her back to the one in the middle and leans down, kissing me violently. I reach my hand around until I find her pussy and start to stimulate it, realizing its Daisy by the hippie-like pubic hair she’s got going on down there. Daisy is practically choking me with how hard she has her mouth pressed against mine. I can hardly move with all three of them sitting on me, and honestly I’m starting to feel a little flustered and claustrophobic –but I push through it anyways because of the erotic high I’m riding.

  I hear Sylvia say, “let him see.”

  Daisy removes my blindfold as she suction-cups her lips to my throat. I look down and take in the entire scene. Daisy is leaned over around my chest, my left hand up inside her. At my waist is Lillian, facing away from Daisy with her hand reached back to help me give her partner some additional stimulation. Sylvia is the one riding me, and she’s face to face with Lillian –licking the woman’s breasts and occasionally having their lips meet. My other hand is pinned underneath Daisy, so I cannot move it. One of Sylvia’s hands is between Lillian’s legs and the other is holding onto the woman’s shoulders to keep her balanced on me.

  “Uhhh….” I shudder at the sight of it all, and I’m pretty sure all three of them know I’m about to cum. Before I have the chance, Lillian pulls Sylvia off of me and throws her onto her back right beside me. Much to my surprise, it’s Lillian that sits herself down on my cock as Daisy moves off me and onto Sylvia. Daisy goes down on Sylvia, and Sylvia starts to orgasm with her face turned towards me, so I lean my head towards her to kiss her while Lillian glides her hips up and down. She leans forward while she rocks on me to reach her hand towards Daisy’s pussy. All four of us are groaning loudly; I can imagine that any of the employees who are in the back room below us probably can hear.

  Sylvia screams, and I make a mental note that she clearly loves good oral. Hearing her scream does it for me, and I cum inside of Lillian. The four of us collapse, all of us gasping for air. I wind up just laying on my back, Sylvia under one arm and Lillian under the other as Daisy collapses right on top of me, her head resting on my chest. I look at Sylvia, and by the grin on her face I can see she had just as much fun as me –good.

  After all the hell I have been through lately, I have to say that this was one hell of a way to celebrate the police officially clearing me of any wrong-doings. Now, after one of the craziest sexual experiences I’ve ever had, I take a hard ass nap surrounded by three gorgeous women. Not a bad day, I’d say.


  I wake up still surrounded by three naked and sexy women after the four of us slept through the night in the bar loft. Daisy had rolled off me during the night and wound up cuddling with Lillian, the two of them squished against the wall where the futon is shoved up against. Sylvia is beside me, and I don’t know what makes me think this is a good idea, but I crawl on top of her and kiss her away. “James…” she opens her eyes and smiles at me, and I shove my dick inside her without giving her much time to process. She looks over at Lillian and Daisy who are both still asleep and giggles, “You’ll wake them up.”

  “Shh…” I say and kiss her, sliding my cock around inside her incredibly wet pussy. I keep my lips pressed tight against hers, muffling the slight groans she is making. I can tell she is still really turned on after what had happened last night. I cum inside her, and the two of us laugh quietly at how ridiculous the whole situation is. We quietly crawl out of bed, taking note that Lillian and Daisy look absolutely exhausted, so we try not to wake them as we get dressed. Sylvia leaves them an awkward note thanking them for the fun night and apologizing for having to scram, and the two of us sneak out the door.

  We walk the walk of shame past the employees who are getting in for the morning shift and out into the streets, feeling the sting of the morning light. “So what are your plans for the day?” she asks, giggling slightly –still hyped up after the unusual way we had spent our evening.

  “I’m going to see what I can do about helping the police,” I say. “I still have Eddie on my mind. I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to put this behind me until I figure out who killed him. A part of me still wonders if Éclair might have-”

  “I doubt it,” Sylvia says. “You say you two have been friends for a long time –good friends. Plus, like I said before, I don’t think she would risk her company’s reputation. I have a thought if you want to hear it.”

  “Sure,” I say.

  “Martin Stone,” she says, and the name rings a bell, but I’m not entirely sure.

  “How do I know him?” I ask.

  “I did some digging. I told you, I’m a regular Nancy Drew. I found a police report in your files at Shattered INC. You had to fire him after he accidentally contaminated some supplements, and he had to be drug away by police off of the premises,” Sylvia explained her reasoning, and I have to admit I’m impressed with her detective work. “He’s a big guy. He could have taken down Eddie easily.”

  “I forgot all about him,” I say. “It was years ago. Do you really think he could still be holding a grudge?”

  “Could be. Now here’s the real kicker. Stone is one of the ones who put up money for the lawsuit.” Sylvia grinned, “Pretty suspicious, right? Especially considering that, as a fired employee, I doubt he had been using your supplements, so he wouldn’t be a victim. He would just be put
ting up money to help other people cash out –and that doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Damn,” I say, “you are a regular old Nancy Drew, aren’t you? All right, Nancy, are you going to help me look into this Martin Stone guy?”

  She frowns and grabs me by my tie, pulling me in for a kiss, “Unfortunately, sweetie, you’re on your own today. I have to get to work.”

  “Oh,” I say, disappointed, but I remind myself that she sat with me for five hours at court yesterday. We say our farewell, and I’m off to chase down this lead that Sylvia suggested I follow. I look into this Martin Stone guy, barely able to remember him. If it wasn’t for having to have him escorted off the premises, I probably would not remember him at all. He wasn’t that good of an employee, to be frank. Eventually I’m able to track down a phone number but no address. Should I call him? Would that tip him off? Against my better judgement, I call the number I found amongst my files at work. While sitting in my desk, I tap my fingers nervously against my desktop keyboard.

  He actually answers. “Martin Stone,” he says in a pretty peppy voice for someone in the middle of a revenge scheme.

  “Um…” I’m a little caught off guard by it, but I go for it anyways. “Martin, this is James Mont.”

  There’s a long pause. “What can I do for you, Mr. Mont?”

  “Coffee?” I ask and then add, “I realize this is a little out of the blue, but I was hoping to talk to you face to face if you could spare an hour.”

  There’s another long pause. “I mean… I guess…” he sounds hesitant, “I can take a lunch if you’re wanting to meet up today.”

  “I’d appreciate it. It’s kind of urgent,” I say, honestly a bit surprised he’s willing to meet.

  The next thing I know I’m meeting this poor bastard I fired at this random coffee shop down the corner from my office. Much to my surprise, he pulls up in this brand new Honda, and the guy has a personal driver. I raise a brow at this, and I stand to greet him at the door with this awkward handshake. We order our coffee, and we find a seat outside on the patio. He’s wearing a fine suit, not much unlike the expensive shit I normally wear –not at all like the factory worker garb I was used to seeing him in. “You look good, Martin,” I say, slowly recalling my seldom interactions with the lowly factory worker I had fired.


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