ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories) Page 125

by Viva Fox

  A few minutes passed while the men hugged and kissed their family members, the men squatted down and slipped their children gifts they had snuck away from the main hold. The crowd slowly dissipated as the families returned to their homes, just happy to see their fathers and husbands returned. The men returned to the ship and began to offload all of the gold, wine, and food they have taken during their raids. As they loaded nearby wagons and carts, Throck stepped forward and helped Mary off of the boat. He once again told her to stay back with the gold and other things while he spoke with the Jarl. He walked her towards a cart and lifted her into it.

  Throck slowly backed away from her and winked. With that, they began their ascent to the Great Hall.


  The Great Hall was one of the most ornate structures that Mary had ever witnessed in her life. The large wooden beams that supported the building were literal tree trunks and the thatched roof spanned the entire building. She had seen builders and architects use thatching for roofs before, but never to this size or scale.

  The hall also had a number of fireplaces that lined the hall, filling it with smoke slightly, but keeping it a comfortable temperature, as opposed to the blistering cold of outside.

  Long tables, clearly cut out of the local trees sat, lined with plates, cups, and pitchers, ran the entire length of the room. Stools and chairs were placed haphazardly throughout as well. Each piece of silverware that she saw on the table appeared to be different, all mismatched from various raids that they had made. She was amazed by the difference in all of them, from simple clay to ornate pieces of gold and silver. These men must have been nearly everywhere.

  One of the men that was following behind the carts reached up past Mary and removed a pewter mug from a bag that was overflowing with various pieces of home goods that they had taken from her village. He then stopped off at one of the tables and tested the pitchers until he found one that was full. He sniffed it apprehensively and poured himself a glass, taking a swig. With pitcher and glass in hand he followed after the group.

  The carts stopped and Mary turned to see the Jarl. He was an older man, nearly in his seventies by the greying of his hair. He was a frail man, tall, with long wispy hair being held out of his face by an incredibly ornate golden crown. His fingers were all boney with the skin loose, but they each wore a finely jeweled ring. From that distance she knew that she saw rubies and sapphires at least. His shoulders were draped in animal skin, and two women, both much younger than him, sat on each side of him, their breasts exposed.

  As the convoy of warriors and loot stopped to a halt, Mary watched Throck continue to walk forward until he stood at the feet of the Jarl. Even though the Jarl clearly held a more prestigious rank than Throck, he did not seem to let it affect his demeanor. He still stood with the same intense look on his face, although he was daring the Jarl to test him. And he did, as it was the Jarl who spoke first.

  “Throck, son of Ragnar, you have returned.” The Jarl looked passed him and looked at the carts full of gold. “And you return successful,” He said with a childish glee in his voice. The Jarl stood up and pushed by Throck, towards the cart full of the treasure. He opened a bag in the first cart and gold coins spilled out onto the floor. The Jarl turned toward Throck with a smile on his face. “The gods clearly smiled upon you and your men on this raid.”

  The men around the room all chuckled and nodded with appreciation. Throck though stood in silence, awaiting his next words. “The Jarl, and the gods, are pleased. You may all go.” The men began to murmur to themselves, unsure of why they were not allowed to keep anything for themselves. The man who was drinking wine finished the contents and tucked the cup inside his pack. He wanted something for his troubles, even if it was a plain cup. That is when Throck spoke up.

  “Knowledgeable Jarl, surely you would want your men happy, especially after such a successful raid. Allow them to each pick one piece of treasure for risking their lives for you and your people.” The Jarl spun around and looked at Throck. The other men around the room grumbled their approval, but no one wanted to speak against the Jarl for fear of retribution.

  “These men knew the risk. They wanted the chance to die in battle for their eternity at Valhalla. That was their reward for going on the mission.” Some men nodded, while others seemed even more frustrated than before. Throck rose his hand slightly and Mary watched as the men quieted. He seemed to have even more power than the Jarl, and yet he didn’t abuse it, as the Jarl obviously did.

  “We knew the risks, but as in death we would have been rewarded, so to in life we should be rewarded.” The Jarl thought for a long moment and nodded slowly, waving his hand dismissively.

  “Alright, Throck. You may each take a prize.” The men cheered and began to tear at the carts, searching for the trinkets they wanted the most. Throck however, strode down and helped Mary jump off the back off the cart. The Jarl watched this and began screaming at the top of his lungs. “Throck, son of Ragnar, you’re a liar and a cheat, just like the man before you!”

  Throck placed his hand on the small of Mary’s back once again and began to rush her along, out of the hall and into the fresh air of the market.


  Throck led Mary out into the market and were followed out by a screaming Jarl. Throck continued unfazed and as they walked through town. Throck pointed out different key buildings or people that she would eventually come to know. He pointed out the different stalls that sold fruits and vegetables, and the temple to the various gods. He also pointed out the wives of the men that she had met while on the boat.

  Mary felt herself getting overwhelmed though and Throck noticed her change in demeanor, so he led her towards a small structure near the waterfront. It was a homely wooden hut, with a thatched roof very similar to the other homes in the area. However, unlike the other homes, it had a small garden in the back, surrounded by a fence of wooden planks.

  As they neared it, Mary noticed that there was a little girl no older than five or six who was standing in the garden, picking vegetables and watering various things. Throck ran up to her and picked her up, swinging her over the fence and up into his arms so she was sitting on his hip. He held her in his arms and whispered something into her ear, the girl smiled and it was the most beautiful smile Mary had ever seen. Mary slowly walked up, and Throck whispered something else.

  The little girl then jumped down and ran over to Mary, who stood quietly. The little girl held out her hand, and in her hand was a small necklace. There was a celtic knot carved into a piece of driftwood on the end of the twine. She held it out, and Mary reached forward taking it. The girl spoke to her in their language as she did all of this, and Throck translated for Mary.

  “She had a dream that a strange woman would come and enter her life. She was beautiful and sweet in the dream, so she wanted to make her something just as pretty. However, you are even more beautiful in person.” Mary blushed and placed the necklace on over her head. The girl smiled and ran back to her father. She asked him a question and he replied affirmatively. The little girl then turned and waved at Mary and ran off towards the center of town.

  Throck took a few steps forward towards Mary and kissed her passionately. Mary swooned and felt her legs grow weak once again.

  “We’ll explore the town more, but for now, let me show you those animal skins I was talking about.”


  In the matter of minutes, Mary found herself naked on her back yet again. This time though she was blanketed among the animal pelts of wolves, bears, and deer. Their soft, bristly fur padded her back and gave her a better grip to hold onto as she was yet again wrapped in a passionate moment with Throck.

  Throck’s face was down between her legs, tonguing and kissing her pussy. Her legs were thrown over his shoulders and she reached down with a hand and rubbed his head as he ate her out. Her fingers grabbed at the braid and she pressed him harder into her. His tongue and lips toyed and played with her until she was moaning and gaspin
g for air.

  The stubble that had formed on their long trip was a new and unique feeling for her, the small bristles on his face tickled and teased her thighs, which she could feel rippling with ecstasy. He raised his hands up to her pussy and inserted his fingers as he had done before, but this time, his tongue stayed and flicked her clit while his fingers deftly rubbed and played with her G spot.

  Her head fell back into the pillows and she felt as if her soul was leaving her body as she writhed on the bed, moaning and gasping his name. He was relentless though and goosebumps cascaded over her body in waves with each flick of the tongue or twist of the finger. He slowed down after a few minutes and slipped out from beneath her legs. He raised up and kissed her, her saliva mixing with her own cum. She enjoyed the taste and watched as Throck rolled over onto his back.

  She look at him and he motioned towards his cock, which stood erect. It seemed even larger than the first time somehow and she slid down further in the bed until she was level with his dick. She began to lick the tip and she watched in enjoyment as she listened to Throck moan gently. She began to kiss and stroke his shaft and his hands reached down, grabbing a fistful of hair in each hand.

  Mary gently placed it in her mouth and felt his dick throb with pleasure as her lips worked their way up and down on the tip of his penis. She felt his hands beginning to dictate the speed and she allowed him to have his way with her. She opened her mouth wide and felt as he drove his dick further and further down her throat.

  With her free hand that wasn’t stroking his shaft she reached down and began to fondle his balls, playing with them as he had done with her clit. After a moment of sucking his dick, she lowered slightly and began to kiss and suck on his balls. She felt herself getting wet when Throck yelled out her name.

  She raised back up and mounted him, her thighs swinging over his. With one hand on his chest and the other on his dick, she slid him inside her. She had experienced it once before, but his girth took her by surprise as she sat up for a better angle. Mary moaned and felt her eyes roll back as he began to rock his hips back and forth under her.

  Her legs began to shake and as she started to feel herself fall forward Throck raised his hands up and cupped her breasts, his biceps engaged and held her there suspended, their hips grinding into each other. He continued to play with her nipples while he kept her upright and their moans began to increase and they matched intensity.

  Mary lost control of her body and could no longer stay up, so she allowed herself to fall into the sheets. Throck stood up and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He rolled her so that she was laying on her stomach and he lifted her slightly so that she was on her hands and knees. He placed one foot up on the bed beside her and took his dick in his hand. With the other he spread her ass slightly and slid inside her.

  He began to thrust, her tits bouncing with each push, her ass clapping against his hips. He changed his angle slightly after a moment so that one of her cheeks was free and he slapped her across her porcelain ass cheek.

  Mary yelped slightly, but moaned for more. Throck was happy to oblige. With nearly every thrust, his hand also came down across her backside. She yelped at first, but the yelps quickly became squeals of joy. She felt as the goosebumps crashed like a tidal wave over her body and she went limp beneath him as she came.

  He continued to thrust for another moment and she felt his cock throb again, filling her with his own cum. He gently set her back down on the bed, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. He jumped into the bed beside her and moved so that she was laying in his arms. Just like before they both stared up at the ceiling, but Mary didn’t fall asleep this time. She turned to look at Throck and said:

  “You were right, these animal skins were worth the trip.”


  A Viking’s Pleasure

  Matthew and Angela were the idyllic love story. They had grown up together their whole lives and had always toyed around the idea of being together. Everyone in their town had said that they were going to end up together, but the two of them played it off. That is, until Matthew’s father passed away and he inherited the farm. The only place that Matthew was able to find solace was in Angela. They spent all their time together after his death and under a year had passed before they were engaged to be wed.

  Their wedding night was a passionate affair. Everyone in the town carried them through the streets after they exchanged their vows and carried them right up to their doorstep. Matthew lifted Angela up into his arms to the pleasure of everyone in attendance and they marched inside for a night filled of love making that neither of them would soon forget.

  Nor would the nearby neighbors who said that the amount of raucous noise that they made woke up their livestock. However, they were happy and that was what was important. Time passed and they grew together, and Matthew could feel the love slipping away from him. Instead of allowing them to fall apart into a simple cohabitation, Matthew vowed to win Angela back.

  “Angela, what would you say to not working the fields today,” Matthew asked over their breakfast. He continued to spread jam over his bread as he watched Angela’s expression change. She had started with a fairly deadpan expression which altered to one of confusion.

  “We have things that need to be done, we can’t just take a day off.” Angela looked up to see his smiling face. She had to admit, it had been awhile since she had seen him smiling that much and it was almost a shock. The whole time they had been growing up he was always the kind of guy that would do anything to make her laugh. However, this didn’t seem like some kind of prank either, he seemed fairly serious. “Are you being serious?” Matthew nodded, chuckling to himself.

  “We’ve worked nearly every day for the past month. It’s worn me down, I have to imagine it’s at least starting to wear you down as well.” Matthew set down his bread and walked across the room towards her. “I know you’re much stronger than me, but please, I could use the break.” He slid his hands in under her arms and pulled her to his chest. “Can’t we just spend the day in bed?” He leaned in to whisper the next bit. “Like our wedding night.” Angela laughed and tried to pull away playfully, but Matthew’s strong arms held her in close.

  “Matthew, there is work to be done, you know that,” she exclaimed pulling free. Angela ran across the room avoiding Matthew’s attempts to grab her. They were both laughing and dodging each other in the kitchen for a few minutes before Matthew mounted the table and dashed at Angela, knocking her to the ground, wrapped in his arms.

  “Please, Angela. Sometimes I wonder if you’re my wife or my taskmaster.” Angela laughed and nuzzled into his arms, her hands and fingers wrapping themselves around his muscular forearms. Her own arms were delicate, but strong and toned where his were large and built for manual labour. She had worked on the farm for some time now, but she knew that she longed for a place where her nimble fingers could sew and do delicate work.

  “Of course, my husband,” she emphasized the last word to show that was truly interested in being a wife today. So, as little as she wanted to, she pulled herself free once again from his arms and stood up. Making her way around the kitchen she began to shoo Matthew out of the room. “If you would like to merely lounge around all day then we shall, however, once I lay in that bed I don’t want to get out.” Matthew looked at her, still confused why he was being ushered out of the room. “You need to wash yourself and I need to make food, now go get ready.” Matthew smiled and as Angela turned around he quickly lashed out, spanking her across the ass. She let out a light yelp and laughed, getting ready to work.

  Matthew walked out into the small garden that was just off the back of their house and he made his way towards the wooden bucket that they left out for the rain water. He personally didn’t think that he smelled that bad, but if washing off would help his chances on winning back the full love of his wife, he was willing to do it. He grabbed the bucket and doused a small rag into it, wringing it out to get rid of any excess water
. Dabbing it over his body, he stared inside his house through the small window and watched Angela making her way through the kitchen.

  He had always thought that she would only be a friend. She was the girl that had always been there, through the good and bad, but neither of them had ever made the first move. Neither seemed to think that it was worth risking the friendship, however, after he married her he realized how foolhardy that truly was. Their friendship was only strengthened upon the introduction of romance. But while their friendship had grown over the years their lust for one other dwindled. As he looked in through the window he studied her body.

  She had a beautiful face with petite features. A small, mousey nose that she would shake when she thought hard about anything. Her ears were small as well, but she was able to make them move. Her blue eyes were gorgeous and could catch the light in the morning in the most spectacular way. Her arms were toned and her shoulders were pure muscle. However, that had only come about from working on the farm with him. Her breasts were still perky and her butt had only gotten better from all the lifting around the field.


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