Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 9

by Robyn Wideman

  Morgan shouted, “You watch to the right above, and behind. I’ll take the left. Sky Stalker has the front covered.”

  Akira reached for her own magic wand. It was small, inconspicuous, cleverly designed to look like an extra-long decorative hair pin. She touched it for reassurance, pulling on it just enough to know it was not tangled in the loops of braids she had fashioned to keep her hair from whipping into her face in the seaside breezes. She pushed it back into place. “What magic should I use?”

  “Use your orbs! My mist illusion is not working. We need to get into the sunlight, we shall bend sunlight to blind the beasts. We need to see them to destroy them!

  Sky Stalker instantly responded, diving so steeply Akira held her breath and squeezed her knees so tightly against the dragon scales that her legs hurt. Sky Stalker turned sharply, circling, waiting for the attackers to emerge from the mist. When they emerged, there were now three storm vultures. They were huge replicas of small turkey vultures that fed on carrion. With long red ugly necks, and gray ragged long feathers flowing off their elongated skulls, and razor-sharp talons clawing the air they looked nasty. Their open, shrieking beaks, revealed rows of carnivorous razor-sharp teeth, and black tongues. The shrieks were earsplitting. The pain in Akira’s ears intensified. The vultures used their shrieks as weapons. The giant vultures’ flying formation split apart.

  Akira realized the shrieking airborne beasts were intending to attack from behind and from each side. Akira twisted to line up her slingshot on the vulture focusing on Sky Stalkers right wing. Akira’s heart beat faster as she realized the beasts were going to try rip apart Sky Walker’s wings and send them all plummeting to their deaths. The beasts were intelligent.

  The closest beast timed its swoops up and down with the beating of the dragon’s wings, hiding behind the dragon’s wing, making it difficult for Akira to get a good aim clear of the dragon’s wing. As ugly and stupid the flying beasts looked, they were obviously skilled hunters. They only looked stupid. Akira took a steadying breath. It would be nip and tuck. The timing had to be perfect or Sky Stalkers wing would be blown apart by the orb meant for the vulture. Akira could only trust her father was going to kill the beast coming from her blind side. She drew back the slingshot with the orb centered in the magic imbued slingshot, and aimed where Akira hoped the beast would appear in the next swoop. Just as she was about to let loose the orb the sneaky beast aborted its dive and circled again. This time it tried coming from beneath the dragon. Akira didn’t have a clear shot. She shouted at the dragon. “Right below!” Sky Stalker turned just in time, taking a small hit from the vulture’s talons to the tip of his right wing, instead of a crippling hit in the center of his wing. Dragon blood spurted into the air. While Mage Morgan sent a bolt of light blinding toward the second attacker, the third vulture that Akira couldn’t get a clear line of sight on avoided the flames thrown from the dragon’s mouth.

  The third vulture swooped under the belly of the dragon and turned to attack Akira from behind. The mage turned just in time to strike the beast as its talon raked Akira’s shoulder. The mage’s staff turned instantly into a sword and the talon that harmed Akira was severed from the flying beast. The beast screamed in rage.

  Akira’s wound was skin deep. Akira gasped, more surprised than hurt. She shrugged her shoulder. Her shoulder was not impaired. She breathed a sigh of relief. She ignored the stinging pain. Readying her slingshot, Akira searched for a target. Sky Stalker banked to the left, whipping his tail to strike the wounded vulture who now also sprayed blood into the air. The massive tail of the dragon smashed into the beast, breaking its neck, turning the earsplitting shriek into a bloody gurgle. The vulture plummeted from sight.

  Undaunted, it’s companions regrouped and came from behind and below. Sky Stalker was ready, anticipating their next attack. He made a steep dive that made the mage and Akira cling like burrs on a donkey. Akira’s heart thudded in her chest. Mage Morgan mumbled under his breath. Suddenly Akira felt her legs and torso tied to the dragon’s back. She felt relief. Her father had fastened them to the dragon. “We’re secure!” he shouted to the dragon.

  “I know” shouted the dragon. I feel your bindings. Hang on! We’re going upside down, and coming up underneath those annoying vultures!” Akira knew what the dragon was up to. He was using the same strategy as the vultures. The dragon dove straight down. Akira felt as if her stomach was being pushed up into her throat. The bindings held her firmly. Her eyes watered. The dragon’s wings were against his sides as he descended, gathering speed in his downward spiral. Just before Akira feared they would crash into the earth he spread his wings and soared upwards. Akira wiped the water from her eyes with the back of her wrist and scanned the sky above her. There they were. The storm vultures were caught off guard. Akira quickly pulled the slingshot taut and let the orb fly towards its target. It found its mark. A fiery explosion sent small pieces of vulture flesh flying in every direction. Mage Morgan sent a bolt of blinding light at the remaining vulture beast. It turned into a fiery ball falling out of the sky with a trail of smoke trailing behind its descent.

  “Take that you ugly foul beasts!” shouted Mage Morgan into the wind. He shook his gnarly staff vigorously. “You lose today!

  Akira understood her father was shouting at the Dark Lord. She doubted he could hear her father, but they were both mages. The unlikely could be possible. The storm vultures were minions of the Dark One. Akira shivered involuntarily. She suspected this sample of the creatures the Dark One controlled, were most likely not the most dangerous creatures he used in his army. Akira pointed out the dragon’s wounded wing to her father. The mage quickly recited a healing chant. The bleeding stopped.

  Sky Stalker took a deep breath. “Thank you, that feels much better.”

  Akira said nothing about her own wound. Her father could not see the back of her shoulder. She felt a wetness down to her waistline, and decided to fess up that she took a hit. She cleared her throat. “I’m in need of a healing chant also. I don’t want to drain your energy, but you have not yet taught me healing chants to help myself heal quickly.”

  Mage Morgan released the magic bindings that held him securely and twisted around to look his daughter over. “Where are you wounded?” Akira twisted and leaned so her father could see the back of her shoulder blade.

  “Another scar. I’m afraid.” Mage Morgan gave her a sympathetic look.

  “Well at least this wound isn’t on my ass!” she shouted, for the wind whipping made talking difficult. “This is one I can show off. My first presentable battle scar.” Akira had suffered great embarrassment over her last scar. She thought to back to the dirty splinter that embedded itself in her naked buttocks, when fearing for her life and virginity. She recalled how she had vigorously squirmed on a rough plank floor to get out from beneath the handsome warrior she now dreamed about, and missed. Remembering, took her mind off her shoulder while her father chanted a healing spell. That small splinter had festered, caused a fever that wracked her whole body. The infected wound had to be lanced, and the small white scar that remained was a source of a few jokes among the warriors she had left behind.

  A cooling relief started to soothe Akira’s shoulder. She gave her father a grateful smile. She was eager to set her feet on solid ground, and was glad when Sky Stalker started his descent. When he skimmed over the treetops, she could smell the forest. The dragon circled over a small valley. He made clicking noises then appeared to listen as he glided silently taking advantage of an updraft from the lush green valley. When he heard clicks in return he knew it was safe to land. His landing in a lush meadow was only slightly jerky. He was favoring his wounded wing. The hole torn in the tip affected his balance.

  “A bit tipsy and I wasn’t even eating the fermented fruit,” said the dragon with a toothy smile. “You did good Mage. You too Akira. I wasted a lot of flame missing those damnable vultures.”

  Mage Morgan slid to the ground. “Well my friend if you weren’t b
eing so careful to not dislodge us from your back I’m sure you would have singed the wings right off those vile vultures.”

  Akira slid down right behind her father. Despite her wounded shoulder, she managed to land on her feet. “Better eh?” she asked, looking to the dragon.

  “Yes, young Akira, you look better landing on your feet than on your haunches. Now where is that daughter of mine? She answered my call.”

  Akira guessed Sky Stalker’s earlier sounds earlier were words in a dragon language. His comment confirmed her suspicion. Akira’s eyes searched the tree line and shadows. “I’m eager to meet your daughter. You have yet to tell me her name.”

  “That is because she has no name for you to use unless she joins with a human. She has a dragon name.” Sky Stalker made a short clicking sound.

  Akira smiled. “Sounds like a lazy woodpecker to me.”

  The amused dragon made his rumbling sound that was the equivalent of human laughter. The laughter was interrupted briefly. “Ouch, Mage Morgan, be gentle. The hole doesn’t hurt but the flesh around it does.”

  The mage was busy trying to bring the torn edges of the dragon’s wing together.

  “Be still you big baby. A few stitches with my special thread and your wing will be as good as new.”

  The mage pulled a needle from his bag of magical goodies. He held the needle flat on his hand and spoke to it. “Fine Needle, I shall hold the wing pieces up, do your magic, without sting, stitch strong and true, to hold like glue.”

  The needle floated through the air and hovered while the mage used two hands to hold up the torn skin of the dragon wing. Akira was transfixed watching the needle sew with amazing speed. It produced its own silver-colored thread as it sewed, for there was no dangling thread. Within minutes the torn wing was mended. The mage reached again into his bag and pulled out a corked bottle. He poured an oil-like liquid over the neatly joined edges of dragon wing skin. Akira recognized the smell of the oil. It smelled hauntingly like the healing waters from the healing pools of the White Rose Monastery.

  Akira did not notice or hear a young dragon dropping down from a high ledge above the valley floor until it was nearly a tall tree length away. When she heard the soft swooshing sound, she, without thinking, drew her sword, turned, preparing to defend against a late coming vulture.

  Sky Stalker couldn’t say who looked more surprised, his daughter or Akira. It was a toss-up. Akira lowered her sword, as the dragon skidded to a stop next to Sky Stalker. The startled young dragon folded her wings and sat staring at Akira.

  She tipped her head curiously from side to side as she called out, “Welcome to my valley Father, I fear I startled one of your companions.”

  Akira cringed for having drawn her sword at Sky Stalker’s daughter. “I’m so sorry, you caught me by surprise. I usually don’t draw my sword like that!” Akira let out a long breath. “I’m a little sword swift, having just encountered my first storm vultures.”

  The young dragon made that funny noise her father was making. “I should have made some noise coming down from behind you. I wanted to surprise my sire. I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  Akira eyed the young dragon up and down. She was only half as tall as her father. Her head was large but much more refined than her father’s. Her eyes are blue like mine. Is this a sign? Akira walked up close to Sky Stalker’s daughter. Each female studied each other without saying a word. The young dragon watched Akira closely. Akira circled the dragon, drinking in the sight of the beautiful creature. Her scales were almost a glossy grey, like satin. The edge of each scale was shadowed with a shimmering purple color. Somehow the purple turned green at different angles. When Akira came full circle she stood before the creature, allowed the dragon to sniff her from head to toe. Then Akira slowly turned a full circle, allowing the young dragon to inspect her person as she had, just moments ago, inspected her counterpart.

  The mage whispered to the older dragon. “This is a good sign.”

  The dragon said, “Indeed. I do believe this was meant to be.”

  “We can hear you,” said the young dragon and Akira in unison. They both blinked in surprise. Akira smiled. She raised her hand up. The young dragon lowered her head and touched her nose to Akira’s hand. The female dragon’s eyes were larger than Akira’s head. Akira stepped back, dropping her hand. The dragon tilted her head, still sizing up Akira. “You are a female warrior, not a nester?” asked the dragon.

  Akira guessed the dragon meant a female whose role was not to bear children.

  “I’m a warrior, yes. And no, I have no desire to be pushed into motherhood because I’m a female. I’m also a novice mage.” Akira got right to the point. “I need the services of a dragon. I want to be a dragon-riding mage warrior.”

  The dragon nodded approvingly. “You would consider a smaller dragon, a she, one like myself?”

  “I would. Would you be willing to fly against the Dark One and his army?”

  “The Dark One is a mutual enemy. I would fly against him, scorch his armies. I’m not as large as my he siblings, but I’m faster and more agile.”

  “That is an advantage I too have, over many stronger male warriors. My experience is not vast, but being a mage should make up for my lack of experience.”

  “I see you are wounded.”

  “We were attacked by storm vultures, ferocious flying beasts. I can see why they are called vultures, but why storm vultures?”

  “Because they use the cover of storms to attack. Their grey coloring is that of storm clouds. It is odd for them to be hunting in such fair weather. I see your companion is tending my sire’s wing.”

  “That is my father, my sire. He is a great mage, with knowledge of healing herbs and healing magic. Your father brought us here so I could meet you. Are you interested in being the dragon who will carry me into battle against the Dark One, when I am called upon to do so?”

  “If you care not that I’m smaller and a she, I would be honored to carry you, for I have the spirit of a fighter. It is time for me to be named for your world.” The young dragon made clicking sounds to which Sky Stalker responded to. “My sire believes it is a good thing that I should offer to serve you. It is now your right to bestow a human word name upon me.”

  “A right? No, beautiful dragon, it will be an honor for me to choose a name for you.” Akira felt a connection to the dragon. She silently agreed with her father and Sky Stalker. It did seem like this was meant to be. “I must think of a name that embodies your essence. What is it you value most?”

  “Freedom to be what I want to be,” said the dragon, without a second of hesitation. “To be able to make my own way, not just accept the role given to me at birth because of my gender.”

  Akira smiled, she knew exactly how her new friend felt. “I like your spirit,” she said thoughtfully. Sky Stalker had been correct, his daughter was much like herself. “The name I would choose for you is Sky Spirit. Does that please you? Sky Spirit.”

  The dragon blinked her blue eyes, rolling the name off her tongue, “Sky Spirit? Sky Spirit! Yes, that pleases me. It honors my father’s lineage and yet is distinct and unique to me. It is neither a female, or male name, and that pleases me even more. When stories are told of me in the future my name will have a nice ring to it.” Sky Spirit clicked her tongue at her father in her excitement, then apologized and spoke the language of the humans.

  Akira thought to herself. That was too easy, but after the way this day has gone so far, I shall not question this turn of events.

  Mage Morgan walked purposefully towards his daughter. “It is your turn to get stitched up. Come sit on this fallen log.” The mage pointed to a moss cushioned log.

  Akira sat quietly as the mage helped her out of her vest. Akira loosened her chemise so that the mage could expose the wound without asking her to undress further. The magic he had applied, midair, stopped the bleeding, but a few stitches were needed to make sure the scar wouldn’t be wide. Akira listened to her father chant
again as he let loose the magic needle. Akira felt a few tugs but no pain. She worried about depleting her father’s energy. She almost resisted his ministrations, but she knew the quicker she was healed the better she would be able to defend herself and others. The memory of the infection that had laid her low at the beginning of winter was still fresh in her mind. She couldn’t afford to be sick. Dragon riding training needed to start immediately. When she smelled the ointment as he covered the fresh wound she breathed a sigh of relief. The ointment would prevent infection. The mage covered the aromatic ointment with a large green leaf before pulling her bloodied chemise back up over her shoulder. Akira expected him to help her into her vest, because unlike her stepfather, Mage Morgan was a true gentleman. He did assist. But he did so after the magic needle mended the slash through the vest. Akira shook her head. “Where was this magic needle when I sat for hours trying to sew a fine stitch?”

  Mage Morgan smiled. “I’m sure it didn’t scar you for life to learn to sew a fine seam, and embroider linens. You can thank your mother, for now you can stitch a wound closed neatly.”

  Akira rolled her eyes. “Why would you ever trust me with a needle when such a fine needle as yours can do a painless stitch?”

  Mage Morgan lifted his bushy eyebrows and looked down his nose at his daughter. “You do have a point there.”


  Sky Spirit patiently stretched herself out while being fitted with a saddle. The leather saddle was constructed with stirrups fitted to Akira’s leg length. Anchors, for tethering straps to secure Akira during flying maneuvers were imbedded into the thick scales. Unlike a horse saddle, the dragon saddle had no cinch. The saddle was being fixed to Sky Spirit’s thick scales. Sky Spirit would have no bridle, for the young warrior to be carried upon her shoulders would be using both hands to wield weapons. Sky Spirit allowed the piercing of her scales to anchor the saddle. It caused little discomfort to allow piercings away from the base of her scales.


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