Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 14

by Robyn Wideman

  Akira bowed her head in respect. “And you are?”

  “I’m Tazir. You can leave your servant here and join us inside.” He pointed to the tent. “We are having a meeting of minds inside.”

  Akira nearly choked on a suppressed laugh. Cronus, raising himself up taller, did not speak. There was no need. His body language screamed indignation. She turned to Cronus. “Thank you, great warrior, for escorting me here.” She pleaded with him with her eyes to ignore the mistake, ignore any slight he felt at being called a servant. “If you wait here for me, sir, I would be most grateful.” She hoped Cronus was appeased. She looked at his face. The quick expression of exaggerated indignation he wasn’t afraid to show was short-lived

  She looked at the little mage. She hid her surprise, for if she read his eyes right there was a twinkle of amusement there. The short little mage knew well Cronus was not a servant.

  “I’ll wait for you, warrior. Be quick.” Cronus barked the order, establishing pointedly with his tone of voice that he wasn’t a servant. Akira pictured him as a big rooster facing a little fighting cock. It would have been funny if Cronus wasn’t so serious. She refrained from smiling, even though the temptation was great.

  “Yes, sir,” said Akira to Cronus. She couldn’t help herself. She gave him a quick unnecessary salute before she turned and followed the wizened looking little old mage into the tent.

  Akira’s entrance momentarily silenced an ongoing conversation. She openly appraised the mages equally openly staring at her as they quickly continued conversing with each other. There were five mages, counting Tazir. Tazir cleared his throat. The mages instantly stopped talking. Without being told Akira sensed, that despite his lack of size, the small mage commanded great respect, and held a position of great authority.

  Tazir, again, spoke first. “Friends and colleagues, I introduce to you Mage Morgan’s apprentice, Akira. This young mage also happens to be Morgan’s daughter, the dragon rider that caused such a stir amongst the troops such a short while ago. Please welcome her.”

  The mages took turns stepping forward to introduce themselves. Their eyes were piercing. Akira resisted the urge to look away first, to even blink. She didn’t smile as she nodded ever so slightly to acknowledge each of them in turn. Old habits were hard to put aside. The mages, after all, were men, men with power. Courtesy she would extend, but she decided on the spot, while eyes were locked and assessing, that respect would be given each of them when earned. She expected no less from them for herself.

  The last mage to step forward to be introduced made her eyes narrow for a fraction of a moment. He was younger than the other mages. Akira was aware of his intense scrutiny from the moment she walked into the tent. She felt like a bird trying to stare down a cat. It annoyed her. He was more handsome than a man or mage deserved to be. This man would bear watching. Men with good looks often used their looks to befuddle the opposite sex into their beds. Akira stared back at him boldly. Was he a scoundrel? She turned slowly as if on an auction block. When her eyes met his again she spoke.

  “Have you seen enough? Were your eyes searching for hidden weapons?”

  The handsome mage raised an eyebrow.

  “Your scrutiny was obvious,” said Akira.

  The mage’s lips twitched as if suppressing a smile. A soft murmuring of mages rippled through the tent.

  “Or were your eyes just hungry for the sight of a female body?”

  The murmuring stopped. Akira felt all eyes upon herself.

  “I beg your forgiveness for being so bold.”

  The mage didn’t look apologetic. Akira continued to stare him down.

  He continued, unshaken by her rather rude insinuations. “Yes and no. Yes, I was wondering what weapons may be concealed upon your person. And no, I’m not assessing your fine figure. “

  He was doing alright until he referred to her figure as fine. Akira bristled again.

  “Turn for me then. Fair is fair,” she said. “I too will look for evidence of hidden weapons.”

  Wise eyes noticed the young mage’s lips compressing to subdue a smile. He sportingly turned slowly for Akira. His eyes sparkled as Akira boldly eyed him up and down as if she were examining an auction animal, looking for flaws in confirmation.

  “Do we need to check each other’s teeth now, or are we done?” asked Akira. Her sense of humor rescued her. Her tone of voice eased the tension.

  It was now the handsome mage’s turn to look surprised. He now couldn’t suppress his amusement.

  “By all means we are done our initial appraisal of each other.”

  The handsome young mage extended his hand for a handshake.

  “Good, I was beginning to wonder if we needed to butt sniff like dogs before wagging tails in friendly fashion.” Akira extended her hand.

  A chuckle came from behind Akira. Akira turned to see Tazir obviously enjoying her exchange with the handsome young mage. The mage holding Akira’s hand also chuckled.

  “Where I hail from butt sniffing is frowned upon. A handshake is the custom,” he said.

  Akira smiled in return until his handhold was uncomfortably long. She resisted the urge to snatch back her hand. Apparently, he had more to say and wasn’t going to free her hand until he was finished. Alarm bells were going off in Akira’s thoughts.

  “I do hope you accept my apology,” he said, as he held her hand. My eyes were overly bold. A powerful young mage such as yourself doesn’t often come in such beautiful packaging dressed as a warrior.”

  Akira smiled sweetly. She forced her smile to be sweet.

  “Forgiveness oft is procured with false flattery, but I shall nonetheless give you benefit over doubt.”

  Akira pulled back her hand. His touch was disturbing. The chuckles in the tent were a relief.

  “I’m Zane. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said.

  “Well now that we have introductions behind us, let us get back to matters at hand,” said Tazir. “We must do an inventory of our collective skills, see what we can add to the war chest. This is no time to be humble or vain. We need to know what we can and can’t do.” He turned his attention to the magician named Yooda. “What bring ye to our defenses?”

  All eyes turned to Yooda. Yooda bowed his head respectfully then raised it.

  “I bring my ability to manipulate the wind. I can calm the wind or whip it into a frenzy.” Yooda stepped back, bowing before his peers once again as he did so.

  Tazir directed his gaze to the wizard introduced as Waldorf. Waldorf stepped forward. He too bowed before his peers before speaking. “I bring my ability to influence the waters of our world. Rain, hail, snow, mists. Yooda and I should be able to combine our gifts effectively.”

  As he stepped back a feminine voice called out.

  “You started this party without me. My apologies for my lateness.”

  Akira was curious about the new voice. She turned. The woman she saw was dressed in robes in soft shades of green. The faint scent of roses swirled about her as she stepped forward into Akira’s view.

  “Welcome Fern,” said Tazir. “For those who have not met her already, this is Fern of the Forest. Please Fern tell of your talents, for those who have not had the pleasure of meeting you before will not appreciate the value of your participation in the defense of the world as we know it.”

  Fern gave the group a benevolent smile. “I’m a witch, a white witch. My friends of the forest are the creatures large and small that inhabit the forests. I talk with them all. They are my friends. From spiders to stags, I can ask them to assist us.”

  Yooda spoke. “You don’t control them?”

  “That would be rude of me. I prefer to appeal to them. Creatures should be afforded free will. If our cause is noble, and if they see we are intent on keeping balance amongst all living creatures they may want to assist us, for they too will be in danger.”

  Akira liked the words of the white witch. I could be friends with her. She nodded appreciatively
. The witch noticed Akira’s reaction. Akira knew the witch read her expression accurately.

  Akira looked at Yooda. His expression was veiled. She wondered if he was a control fanatic. Zane looked as if he too agreed with free will. Perhaps he’s not so bad even though he me seems to be a vain flirt. Fern followed suit and bowed as the other mages had done when they finished speaking.

  “Zane what gifts do you bring in defense of our world?” said Tazir.

  Zane stepped forward. “Some of you already know of me, and what gifts I bring to share and use for our collective benefit. I’m a light bender. I can create mirages, cause mirror like effects, make things appear invisible, make things appear larger than they appear. One might call me an illusion artisan. My services are at your disposal, my dear friend, Tazir.”

  “Thank you, Zane,” said Tazir. “Now, Akira, daughter of Mage Morgan, what do you bring to the war chest?”

  “I bring my ability to move more quickly than most warriors. I have learned to channel energy from the wind and sun into small orbs that explode like cannon fire. I am getting somewhat proficient at making small protective shields.” Akira started to back way.

  “You are too modest young warrior. You forgot to mention that you are a dragon rider,” Tazir said. “You arrived on the back of a dragon. Daughter of Morgan, you caused a great stir among the gathering armies.”

  The mages exchanged meaningful looks with each other.

  Akira nodded affirmatively. “I’m fortunate to have bonded with a dragon. We are here, the dragon and I, to help defend against the Dark One.”

  Yooda and Tazir exchanged another meaningful glance. Akira noted their looks.

  “Is something wrong?” You two keep exchanging knowing looks.” Akira looked at the men in turn.

  “Your presence, with a dragon, signals the return of dragons to our realms. It is an auspicious turning point in our world’s history. Bring you any messages for us from the dragons?” Tazir looked expectantly at Akira.

  “No I don’t. I have only met with a few dragons. It’s not for me to speak for them. That I have been allowed to bond with a dragon is humbling. After what mankind did to the dragons in the past it’s a miracle that any of their kind would want to help us.”

  “’Tis true, young warrior, that dragons were treated abominably in the past. I hope time has been a great healer. Our world order is becoming unbalanced. It’s time to learn from the past so we can secure a future where harmony and peace will be afforded to all no matter our differences. Balance between mankind, creatures and other beings must be restored. The Dark One must be stopped.”

  Heads nodded in agreement.

  Waldorf spoke. “Where do your allegiances lay young dragon warrior?”

  “My allegiance belongs to the Order of the White Rose. I follow the command of the warrior leader, Dimitri.”

  “Ah yes. Dimitri is known to me. His reputation is commendable. Will he be amenable to you sharing your talents with us in our collective efforts to stop the Dark Lord?”

  “I believe he will be amenable. You will need to speak to him directly,” said Akira.

  Akira was in awe of the powers of the mages in the tent. She hesitated then spoke.

  “I bring to you a matter of concern. It may seem like a personal matter, but hear me out, for it does concern the matters at hand.”

  All eyes were upon Akira.

  “My stepfather Baron Rolph, hunts for me.”

  “Are you in need of our protection?” asked Tazir.

  “No, although it would be appreciated if I thought it necessary. He is not to be trusted. If he is sent by his king to fight with us against the Dark Lord it would be like inviting a spy into our midst. He deals with dark mages. I’m not besmirching him out of personal malice. I will kill him if he tries to harm me.”

  “My, my. Family intrigue. Have you anyone to bear witness to your charges against him?” Yooda looked at his peers as he waited for her answer.

  “My father, Mage Morgan, will bear witness that I don’t make false accusations.”

  Eyebrows raised. The mages hung on to Akira’s words.

  She continued. “The people Baron Rolfe commands, the king he serves, are not aware of his devious dealings. He can’t be trusted. It would be like asking a fox into the chicken house. I bring you this information for your benefit, not mine. He must stand trial for his traitorous alliance with the dark mages.”

  “Why not just assassinate him?” asked the mage called Zane.

  “We have no time for dissent amongst our fragile alliances, no time for trials,” said Waldorf.

  “Perhaps he needs to have an unfortunate but timely accident,” said Yooda. “We don’t want to offend or jeopardize our alliance with the king he serves who would offer assistance in turning back the forces of evil.”

  “Rotten men, like rotten apples, need to be culled. Who else will support your accusation?” asked Tazir.

  “Few. He is feared.”

  Tazir looked satisfied, as did the other mages and the witch.

  “Are there others with him that are spies under the control of the Dark One?” Zane asked.

  “Not that I’m aware of. My brothers may be riding with him. They are not guilty of anything but trying to stop him without causing war back at home. It’s a dangerous position they find themselves in. A rebellion by those who have suffered under my stepfather’s hand was imminent when I fled from him.”

  “A timely accident for Baron Rolfe would serve his people well,” said Fern.

  Akira looked at the mages and the witch. “An accident will deny a chance for those he has harmed to see justice metered out for the crimes he has committed. They may feel cheated. However, under the circumstances they may, like my mother and myself, forgo the satisfaction of seeing him tried for murder and treason, and be satisfied by his death. Many would consider his death a long overdue blessing from the gods.”

  Tazir nodded his head. “’Tis best you not be part of manipulating the fates, young warrior. Patricide is looked upon with suspicion.”

  “If our mage council intervenes, you will be denied the satisfaction of seeing justice rendered by the proper authorities, nor will you get the satisfaction of seeing the light of life leave his eyes,” said Waldorf.

  “I would take no pleasure in seeing his death. But, to know that he can no longer hurt those I care about will make my heart lighter. I will leave this matter to this council. You are wiser than I. A man who is controlled by evil forces is a dangerous man to have in our midst. My stepfather is such a man.” Akira bowed and exited the tent.

  Walking back to Dimitri’s camp, Akira was silent. Cronus didn’t press her for information about what she and the mages had talked about.

  Suddenly there was a commotion. Men were pointing skyward. Men shouted warnings. Akira looked to see what had alarmed the warriors. Sky Stalker was circling above looking for a place to land. A startled warrior grabbed his bow.

  Akira shouted, “Lower your weapon fool, or die!” Akira’s battle axe was in her hand held ready to throw at the first man to raise a weapon against her father. The archer lowered his weapon. His companions lowered their bows.

  Morgan was slumped against Sky Stalker’s spine spike. The dragon’s side was red with blood. Akira couldn’t tell if it was the dragon’s blood, her father’s, or both. As soon as Sky Stalker’s great taloned feet hit the ground, the mages Akira had just conversed with, were there to help her gently catch her father up and place him on a litter. Akira looked into Sky Stalker’s eyes. She was torn, the mages were tending to her father. Akira knew she would be in their way. She had to know if Sky Stalker was wounded. There was more shouting. She looked to sky. She saw that Sky Spirit was flying straight to her own father. The men around Akira scattered, making a bigger circle for the young dragon to land in. Akira swallowed hard, fear was trying to grip her in its clutches.


  To the brave men that didn’t scatter far back when Sky Sp
irit landed between Akira and Sky Stalker, the clicking sounds the dragoness made, made no sense.

  Akira shouted at the men. “Are you deaf? She told you to stand back!” No sooner were the words out of Akira’s mouth came the realization dragon tongue would be unintelligible to those not bonded to the creatures. Hence the confused looks of the warriors.

  Cronus shouted out. “You heard the dragon rider. Stand back and stand down!” The loud commanding tone of his voice brought order to the men. Their alarm was replaced with wondrous curiosity. From a respectful distance set by the nod of Cronus’s head, those who until this day had never set eyes upon a dragon, now set eyes upon two dragons.

  Akira ran to Sky Stalker just as Sky Spirit nuzzled her father’s nose. “Are you wounded?” asked Akira and Sky Spirit in unison.

  The older dragon was breathing hard. His eyes looked exhausted. “I need to catch my breath.” He took a few deeper breaths. “I have only a few minor wounds. I will recover shortly. See to your father, Akira.”

  Akira gave Sky Stalker a grateful look. She ran back to Cronus who escorted her quickly to the tent her father was carried to.

  “This is where they brought him,” said Cronus.

  The tent was heavily guarded. As Akira stepped forward her way was blocked.

  “Let me pass. ‘Tis my father inside.”

  The guards hesitated.

  “Let me pass or suffer the consequences!” Akira’s voice was loud. It carried into the tent.

  “Let her through,” said a commanding voice from inside.

  Akira pushed her way between the guards before they could move aside. Her heart pounded in her chest. The faces she saw as she moved towards the figure on the bed were grim. A healer was pressing clean linen strips over a wound on her father’s chest. The cloth was red with blood. Hands passed another cloth to the healer who added it to the bloody covering.

  “The bleeding is slowing,” said the healer. “I fear he has lost much blood. You magicians need to work some magic if you can. I can do no more at this moment.”

  Tazir nodded, approaching the bed. The remaining mages in the tent did likewise. Zane reached back with his hand pulling Akira forward, shoulder to shoulder with mages. The mages formed a circle of hands around the wounded comrade. They began to hum, swaying in unison. Akira looked across the circle at Tazir. She cleared her throat and under his encouraging eyes she too hummed. Mere seconds, that felt like an eternity to Akira, passed. Mage Morgan’s eyelids flickered then opened. Akira felt an energy leaving her body as her father regained consciousness. Mage Morgan tried lifting his head. He was too weak. “Bring me my daughter,” he whispered.


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