Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 18

by Robyn Wideman

“Silence you fool! I saw her on a dragon with my own eyes,” shouted a voice from the crowd.

  Akira was tempted to cast a spell on the unbelieving soldier. After all they had gone through to fulfill the prophecy she hoped someone would shut up the fool who apparently missed seeing Sky Spirit. She raised her eyes to the sky and whistled. Sky Spirit show yourself. Come to me. The sound of wind beneath the dragon’s wings made heads look up. A murmur rippled through the crowd of soldiers.

  “Make way for a dragon!” said Akira. She jumped down from the platform and waved men back. Akira noted the expressions of awe and fear. Lest the fear send a spear towards Sky Spirit, Akira unloosed the energy that had been building as she walked through the chanting crowd. A bright light momentarily blinded the eyes looking towards the sound of wings in the moonlight. It was shock and awe when the dragon landed. Sky Spirit tipped her wing to the ground. Akira quickly used it to climb up to her saddle. She raised her sword in the air. The priests started the chant. A-ki-ra, A-ki-ra. Warriors joined the chanting.

  Akira knew now wasn’t the time to reveal her strength as a mage. It was time for Sky Spirit to show hers. Akira whispered. Sky spirit tipped her head towards the sky and shot out a flame more than a hundred feet into the air. The warriors, the soldiers, the priests, cheered wildly.

  “That should be enough my friend.” Akira stroked a dragon scale. “Let’s leave them cheering. I’ve had enough drama for one day.” Akira glanced down at her husband. “Wait a second Spirit. Tip your wing for my husband.”

  The she dragon snorted. “A husband? Is that like a mate? I thought you had an aversion to domestic rituals that put females at a disadvantage?” To the warriors watching in amazement, the dragon was making clicking sounds. Akira was glad the warriors couldn’t understand what Sky Spirit was saying.

  Akira called out. “Dimitri!” She signaled with her hand for him to come.

  Dimitri, if taken aback, hid it well. He gathered his wits quickly and ran up the dragon’s wing as he had seen Akira do. If he was nervous about mounting a dragon, he hid it well. Akira smiled. When he sat behind her and put his arms around her waist Akira nudged Sky Spirit with her heels. Astride the dragon, with strong arms settling on her hips Akira could almost believe herself the dragon rider of the prophecy. It occurred to her that no matter how it came about, the prophecy was being fulfilled. She quickly dismissed the idea. Why then did the idea refuse to stay dismissed? The exhilaration of flying worked its own magic. The prophecy was forgotten. Akira’s thoughts turned to the warmth of Dimitri’s body against hers. A new tension was curling inside her body.

  “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be mounting a dragon on my wedding night.”

  Akira laughed. The tension broke. Thank the gods for Dimitri’s quirky sense of humor. Sky Spirit rumbled with her own laughter. The vibration shook her riders.

  “And that’s all you’ll be mounting. In name only, are we wed,” Akira said.

  “Not to worry my reluctant warrior bride. This experience of taking to the skies is far more exciting than coupling.”

  Akira’s face dropped. She was glad Dimitri couldn’t see her face. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or offended.

  All she knew was she had a lot of explaining to do to her dragon friend. She pushed Dimitri’s hand off her hips. It was probably a good thing she didn’t see his satisfied grin. Sky Spirit’s body shook again with dragon laughter. The highly intelligent creature soared higher and higher, dipping and swaying. Dimitri slipped once, sideways. Quickly he righted himself. Dimitri clasped his hands firmly around Akira’s waist. This time Akira didn’t push his hands away. Her hair blew wildly in his face. Her hair smelled of flowers. Petals were loosening from the crown of flowers in her hair. He leaned forward and pressed his luck further. Akira smiled. The brave commander isn’t in his element. Tonight, I shall be his teacher.

  “The tip of Spirits scales have no feeling.” Akira spoke over her shoulder. “Like the edge of toenails. Dig your riding spurs into them. Dig hard, for her scales are thick and tough.

  “Will she buck us off if I miss the parts with no feelings?”

  “Perhaps.” Akira smiled to herself as Dimitri’s clasp around her waist tightened. She felt his thighs brush against her legs when he lifted them to jab his spurs into the dragon scale tips. She could have secured him to the dragon with magic. But she didn’t. That he didn’t have to try more than once to find purchase made her shiver. His physical strength was impressive. Akira steeled her young body to resist leaning back into him. He will make someone a fine husband if ever he decides to leave his warrior years behind. If we survive this war, and find peace, an annulment will allow him to take a wife. To think of him with another woman brought forth feelings of jealousy. Akira shook herself mentally, willing herself to enjoy swooping through the air. The wind swept away her cares. She became one with her dragon.

  Sky Spirit responded to the mood of her rider. She flew faster and faster. Flying towards the full moon, their silhouette against the pale orb in the sky could be seen by those they had left earthbound. The earthbound were spellbound.

  All too soon it was time to descend from the sky. Akira wished the ride could last longer. It was peaceful in the sky when no storm vultures were about. Intuitively, Akira knew the Dark Lord would have the vile creatures at his beck and call. She wondered what other abominations he would bring with him.

  When Sky Spirit dropped off her passengers, she did so between her temporary lair and a treed cliff overlooking the lake formed by the three rivers. She turned and sniffed the husband warrior of her Akira. Eyeing him up and down before fastening her gaze upon his face she made snorts of approval.

  Dimitri didn’t look intimidated. Akira was impressed.

  Finally, the dragon spoke. “So, you two are mated. What made you change your mind about being mated?” The dragon folded her wings like a disapproving chaperone would fold her arms. She spoke to Akira but looked at Dimitri. She then leaned her head towards Akira, tipping her head side to side as if looking for the clues in Akira’s expression. Akira took too long to answer.

  The dragon asked, “Is it because he has muscular thighs and forelegs? Is this what is attractive to human women?” Sky Spirit spoke the language of her human. Dragon tongue, Akira would have understood, but the man would not have. It was only polite to speak a language they all understood. Dragon rules of etiquette demanded such courtesy.

  Dimitri looked expectantly at Akira. His eyes sparkled obviously enjoying Akira’s discomfort. He waited, looking from Akira, to the dragon, then back to Akira.

  Akira blurted out “You mean muscular legs and arms, and yes, women do find muscles attractive.” Akira was caught off guard. When Dimitri grinned wickedly she wished she had said otherwise.

  Dimitri put his hands on his hips. “Now, now, ladies. Have you forgotten I’m standing here, listening? I’m flattered you like my legs, they serve me well.”

  “I see scars. You are a seasoned warrior. How long in the tooth are you?” Sky Spirit arched her neck and looked down her nose at the man in front of her.

  Dimitri appeared amused by the dragon’s questions. Akira was relieved, but she needed to nip the personal conversation in the bud. Before Dimitri could answer Akira spoke quickly. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but Commander Dimitri is needed back at the camp.” Akira looked at Dimitri. “Commander, I believe we have done our duty for the day. Permission to call it a night and go our separate ways until morning? I’m truly tired.” Akira yawned for effect.

  Dimitri’s amused expression remained. “As you wish. Would you like me to escort you back to camp?”

  “Gratitude, but I wish to stay the night with Sky Spirit.” When Dimitri frowned, Akira added. “I’ll be safe here. We will be invisible. You can send Cronus to escort me back to camp in the morning if it makes you feel better.”

  “Makes me feel better?” Dimitri gave her a definite look of skepticism.

  “I’m strong
er than ever. My powers have increased tenfold. Commander Dimitri, I’m safe here for the night.”

  “So formal so soon. Married only hours and the distance between us is growing.” Dimitri made an exaggerated sad face. “I bid you goodnight then. Sleep well for it may be the last night in this beautiful valley. You made a beautiful bride today. Our marriage has forged stronger ties between our allies. Goodnight warrior, dismissed.”

  Akira, out of habit, saluted. When she dropped her hand, Dimitri added, “Goodnight wife, goodnight Sky Spirit.” He turned on his heel and walked away.

  It was a good thing he walked quickly, because the enormity of what she had done hit her like a landslide. Sky Spirit looked puzzled as Akira sat down with a defeated posture.

  “What is wrong? Are you unhappy he didn’t demand you go with him to his lair?”

  “You mean bed, not lair,” said Akira “Well, it is much the same. No. I’m relieved.”

  “Then, why so sad?”

  “I made a vow when I was young that I wouldn’t marry. I swore I would not be forced into a loveless arranged marriage.” Akira sniffled. “I gave up my freedom today!”

  “You don’t love your mate?”

  “I don’t want to love him. I like him. When I was little all I wanted was to become a warrior, a strong warrior like Dimitri.”

  “You can’t have strong feelings for your mate and be a warrior too?”

  “He became as strong as he is because he goes into battle prepared to die for what he believes in. He doesn’t hesitate to take risks because doesn’t have to fear making a wife a widow, making a child an orphan, or leaving a lover to mourn for him.”

  “You humans have strange thoughts. I would fight harder to protect something I loved.”

  “Love is used like a weapon,” said Akira. Anything, or anyone I loved was used as a tool against me. My stepfather gained my obedience by threatening to harm those I loved. When whipping me didn’t break my spirit, he hurt the things I cared about. Love made me weak. A man such as Dimitri can’t afford to love me anymore than I can afford to love him or any other man.”

  “So, taking him for a mate was against your will?”

  “Yes and no!” Akira said, groaning. She growled. She put her head in her hands. “There was this damnable prophecy that needed fulfilling to keep our alliance against the Dark Lord strong. The prophecy foretold that a dragon rider would come out of the skies and help fight a great evil. I thought my father was the dragon rider. But the priests in Sarcene were wrong. My father lies at death’s door. He isn’t the one to turn the tides of war in a great battle. His body is broken. He sacrificed his power to strengthen me. He gifted me his magical abilities and knowledge. He is in a deep trance somewhere in the caverns below the White Rose Monastery. His mind can no longer help him. His memory of magic is now in my head.”

  “Why did you need to marry the commander, Dimitri?”

  “Because the prophecy said the dragon rider would form an alliance that would unite the kingdoms, and warlords. We are outnumbered. It was thought the alliance would grow and be stronger if the kings and warlords believed the prophecy was coming true. If I am the one, I’m scared shitless. If I’m not the one, I’m scared shitless. What great sacrifice is expected of me, for there is another part of that damn prophecy that says the dragon rider will make a great sacrifice to save the land from the great evil.”

  Sky Spirit lay down beside Akira. Her head rested so close to Akira that the dragon’s breath warmed Akira. “I see,” said the dragon.

  Akira lay down on the cool grass using her arm for a pillow. The night air was cooling rapidly. She shivered. Without thinking she covered herself with a blanket of red light. Her eyes opened wide surprise. Her father’s memory of magic, transferred into her own memory was responsible for the comforting light. She had used the memory without thinking. Never had she warmed herself with a magic light. She needed to hide the light from prying eyes. Of her own accord, Akira chanted a spell from her own memory. Instantly a dome of invisibility sheltered the dragon and the young warrior mage. The dragon gently covered Akira with her wing. Like a hen with a chick, they slept under the stars.

  Coyotes yipped in the distance. A white owl landed in a tall tree near the invisible dome. Round, feather-fringed yellow eyes kept watch through the night. Clouds crossed in front of the silver moon. A soft rain fell. The dragon opened one eye. She wasn’t bothered by the light rain. Under her wing, Akira slept through the rain, warm and dry. The owl fluffed its feathers and edged inward under the evergreen branches. Dimitri walked quietly back up the hill with a blanket roll and his hooded cape. A discreet distance from where he left the dragon and his new wife, he bedded down for the night. He looked up when the rain started and saw the owl. A flash of recognition flashed in his eyes. It was safe to sleep. He too used his arm for a pillow. He looked up once more at the owl and whispered into the night. “Not how I imagined my first night as a married man would be.” A trio of coyotes yipped as if they were laughing at him. The owl above in the trees blinked at the man below before returning its gaze to an empty looking space between the evergreen trees.


  Akira wore her tunic and black leather trousers with a silver chain mail vest topping the tunic, the masculine attire could not and did not hide or diminish her feminine form. She looked every inch a warrior. Her long hair was braided in tiny rows from her face to the crown of her head. The braids were silver-beaded and tied over the rest of her hair that fell past her shoulders. Her quiver was filled with arrows. Her bow at the ready. The wedding gift sword was sheathed and strapped to her saddle. An axe was secured on the saddle opposite her old sword. She was tempted to leave the new sword behind, but something kept her from doing so. A slingshot was secured to her arm.

  In an overly large saddlebag rested more than two dozen magic-infused orbs warm with energy. Another two dozen orbs, cooler to the touch, that would need recharging before the morrow, lay beneath the warmer orbs. Her shield hung from her saddle horn, ready to be raised at an instant. Pegasus snorted and held his head high before arching his neck in towards his muscle-bound chest in self-restraint. His ears twitched regularly. His eyes glanced sideways at the horse nearest him. His nostrils flared. He pranced sideways as if nerved up for a race. Akira spoke in a calming voice. “Be patient Pegasus. Too soon we engage in battle.” Above the marching troops, Sky Spirit flew. Her shadow, never far from Akira’s position made warlords, and the lowest ranked foot soldiers alike, look up, even after hours of marching. It was if the warlords were assuring themselves the dragon was real, that they had placed their faith in the alliance wisely.

  Drum beats set the marching pace for the foot soldiers. The long column wound its way through the valley towards the gentler hills dotted occasionally with leafy trees. The pounding of the thousands of feet made the ground vibrate.

  Akira tilted her head back and let her eyes close. She focused on the warmth of the sun on her face. She absorbed the warm energy. Her skin tingled. The cross breeze across the human column fanned her hair to one side. Akira imagined the sweet-smelling air filling her with its strength. She tingled with the infusion of wind energy. The air smelled of clover blossoms. She filled her nostrils.

  Earlier the wind had lifted the dust stirred by marching feet and horse’s hooves into the air, and carried it over the moving column. The air, then, smelled of earth, horse dung and sweat. Akira was glad the direction of the wind had changed. Akira absorbed energy from the gentle breeze. The tingle changed to a bigger, stronger calming surge that satisfied her body as honey would satisfy her tongue, as food satisfied hunger, so did the energy she absorbed satisfy. She looked at the straight back of Commander Dimitri. When she awakened earlier that morning she found him sitting a few feet from the edge of the invisible dome. It was obvious he had spent the night close at hand. Seeing her appear, he stood, and shook pine needles from his clothing. Akira was still undecided about her feelings the memory brought. Ha
d he stayed close through the night to protect her, or had he stayed out of pride, to save face? Or was it a little of both? She was undecided. She looked up into the sky and saw Sky Spirit soaring to land atop a rocky hill summit. The she dragon was giving the columns time to catch up. From the corner of her eye Akira detected a white something circling closer over her head. Akira’s heartbeat quickened of its own accord. Her hand instinctively went towards her bow as her head turned upwards to focus on the white moving object. She remembered the assassin’s arrow that killed Nels. A warrior near Akira raised his bow and notched an arrow. Her eyes widened in surprise. She knew the owl flying directly towards herself. Her heart gladdened. She stayed her own hand and ordered the warrior to lower his bow.

  It was her father’s owl. She put out her arm for the owl to land on. Dimitri turned his head when Akira had shouted. He had started to raise his arm to halt the column, but just as quickly as the archer had lowered his bow he dropped his arm. Akira’s face mirrored her surprise. She caught Dimitri’s backwards gaze. His face held no surprise. If she wasn’t mistaken, a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He turned to face forwards, leaving Akira to wonder. She looked at the owl who blinked at her. Akira looked back at the mages riding behind her.

  Tazir smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘not my doing’.” Akira wondered if her father’s owl had kept Dimitri company during the night. She and Dimitri had not talked on the way back to camp in the early morning light. There had been no need. It was obvious that for appearance’s sake Dimitri had slept in the woods also. Akira had felt disappointed and pleased at the same time. When Dimitri had tried to make small talk, Akira had given short clipped yes and no answers.

  Akira stared at her husband’s back. It annoyed her that now she thought of him in terms of a husband. Surely, he could have trusted her word that she would be safe with Sky Spirit for the night. Old prejudices seeped into her thinking. It had to be vanity that made him choose the hilltop over his tent. She sighed inwardly. He is a man after all. Coming into camp together, looking tousled, with blades of grass in their hair would make for a few knowing smiles, and some lighthearted but bawdy jokes meant to make herself, the bride, blush, and the groom to swell his chest in pride. Ha, the joke is on them she thought. She had looked up at her husband just as they approached their camp, walking side-by-side to where the men were tearing down the tents. She had wondered Will he treat me differently now that I’m his wife? Or will he treat me as one of his men? He could give me the same respect that is accorded the other mages. Akira had reached out for Dimitri’s arm. She had stopped him. The look he gave her was stormy. Her words had caught in her throat. She had said nothing.


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