Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 21

by Robyn Wideman

  Akira nodded knowingly. Her stomach had tightened into a knot. She closed her eyes momentarily. When she opened them they glowed. She wanted Dimitri to see a reassuring glimpse of the power surging through her veins. The dagger of fear she felt when looking into the globe triggered a surge of adrenaline, a surge of adrenaline that in turn unlocked a reserve of magical energy stronger than she had ever felt before. The hairs on her arms stood up. Her hair crackled. Loosened wisps stood and danced about her face. She reached for the globe in Dimitri’s hands. The knot in her stomach was gone. When her fingers brushed against Dimitri’s fingers sparks snapped. Dimitri looked at his fingers where they had touched Akira. The skin had turned white as if frostbitten. His fingers burned for a brief second. He looked at Akira in surprise, as the burning turned to a tingle then disappeared. Akira took a deep breath, reigning in her energy aura. She looked at Dimitri rubbing his fingers. “Apologies. I’m unaccustomed to this new level of magic I have been gifted. It appears people will need to keep a safe distance from me when I use the powers.”

  Cronus chuckled. “You’ll singe the hairs off a bristle-backed boar. If a man touches you, he’ll crud his self.” He looked to his leader. “Well what did you see?”

  “Enough to know we shall have to fight harder and smarter than ever before. Give the signal to Mage Waldorf that he can start working his magic now. The men are clear of the ground he is going to work his magic on.”

  Cronus nodded, mounted up and rode back through the city gates. Dimitri turned to Akira. “Tell no one of what you saw in the globe. There is fear enough already.”

  “As you wish,” said Akira. “We are at your command.” Akira looked at the dragon as she answered. The great beast lowered her head for the warrior commander standing in front of her signaling her agreement. Spirit lifted her head, shooting flames into the air.

  It was Dimitri’s turn to pay respect. He bowed his head for a second before speaking to the dragon. “I may not have opportunity later to thank you for joining the alliance’s efforts to stop the Dark Lord.” Dimitri looked at Akira. “Does she understand me?”

  “Yes.” Akira placed her hands near Dimitri’s ears as she could without touching him. She saw him brace himself for her touch. “No worries commander. I don’t need to touch you. It is done.” Akira dropped her hands back to her sides. “You will now understand her.” Akira looked up at Spirit.

  The dragon lowered her head towards the man. She spoke in a soothing voice. “In the past, mankind has not been grateful for the sacrifices my kind made for the sake of peace between all the beings inhabiting our world. Let us hope this time will be different.” She stared intently at the man who was husband to Akira. He again bowed his head to the dragon before speaking again.

  “You have always had the gratitude of the Order of the White Rose. Your father knows this. I hope he has conveyed our gratitude to you and your kind.”

  “He has,” said Spirit. “However, the Order of the White Rose doesn’t speak for all mankind. Men still hunt to kill us. Many dragons remember the treachery of the past. Our lands, our hunting grounds, were taken from us. We were blamed for the woes of the world, persecuted.” The dragon sighed. “A new generation of dragons wants to take back our lands.” She looked towards the dark cloud. “It will be far better for dragonkind if you can defeat the Dark Lord. Akira, and I, are as one. Whom she serves, I also serve.”

  Suddenly a horn blew. They all looked up at the walls to where the other mages were standing. Waldorf was raising his arms, waving his staff at the sky and the ground alternately. A rain came out of nowhere and started soaking the earth beyond the trenches. The earth rumbled as the underground river, the life force of the city of Buffalo Horn, forged an underground channel towards the ground between the city and its enemy. Water bubbled to the surface of the land. The ground drank and drank until it could drink no more. Water ran down and dropped off the nose of Waldorf. Pulling his hood back, he closed his eyes letting the rain pelt his face, while the other mages pulled their hoods up over their heads. Spirit lifted a wing for Akira and Dimitri to stand under. The ground between the city and the open plains softened until the sod covering the plain floated. When the sod floated, Waldorf lowered his arms. He looked satisfied. The women and children in the caverns below the city sighed in relief, for the underground river forcing its way through the earth, made the earth groan and grumble beneath their feet. Waldorf turned around on top of the wall and looked back at the city. The thatched roofs caught his notice. He raised his arms and once again rain fell mysteriously from the cloudless sky. It soaked the thatching and wooden structures. Waldorf stopped short of making the streets muddy. When the rain stopped, the air was fresh. The dust from the wind storm Yooda had created earlier was settled.

  Sky Spirit’s wet scales were shining. The iridescent colors in her scales were brighter, like stones dipped in water, the colors of her wet scales were more intense. Akira and Dimitri stepped out from under the dragon’s wing. They looked at each other and spoke at the same time. It was an awkward moment of silence that followed. Dimitri broke the silence between them. “Before we go into battle, in case I die today, of all the women I have known, you are the only one who has tempted me …”

  “Hush,” said Akira, putting her hand over his mouth. “Do not speak that word, that fickle word that would make a warrior hesitate to die in battle. You are a mighty warrior with many scars to prove you have gone into battle willing to take risks other men would shy from. That overused word, love, names a thing that is used as a weapon against us. Our marriage is a loveless one, thanks to the gods. If we survive this war, we both know it is best if we have the marriage annulled quickly.” Akira gave Dimitri a tender smile. “You are the only one who has tempted me.”

  Dimitri smiled back. “It is good thing we know what duty demands from us. If we could enjoy each other without our hearts getting entangled, I could keep those promises I made.”

  Akira blushed, remembering the things he promised to do. “But we can’t, can we?”

  Dimitri groaned dramatically. “Such wisdom from a female so young.” He gave her a look of regret.

  Spirit belched. The tender moment between Akira and Dimitri evaporated. Dimitri looked at the dragon. “I suppose our conversation is giving you indigestion?”

  “As a matter of fact, no.”. The dragon belched again. “I ate too fast earlier. The courtship of human type beings is strange. This word you dare not say to each other, is it so dangerous?” The dragon blinked her eloquent eyes innocently.

  Akira looked at Spirit suspiciously. “Thank you for lightening the mood with your smoke flavored breath.” Akira wished she could laugh. With doom and gloom bearing down on them by the minute her heart was heavy. She didn’t answer the dragon’s question. Somehow, she knew an answer wasn’t expected.

  Dimitri’s wry smile was fleeting. Akira searched his face as he pivoted to take stock of the of the mages’ handiwork. Obstacles to hinder the enemy. She wondered if they would be effective. She hoped all the different gods the warriors prayed to would hear their prayers.

  “Well, wife, if the fates are benevolent, soon we can be unshackled from the bonds of matrimony that you so despise, without having to die.”

  Akira knew his words were meant to lighten the mood between them.

  “Fates, gods, they certainly do get blamed for the doings of the beings of this world. Go Dimitri,” she said, “husband, commander. You are needed elsewhere. I shall be with the other mages as planned.” She looked up at the high wall where the other mages waited for her, then back at Dimitri. “Another time, another battle, I shall get to test my sword, see if you were a good enough teacher.”

  Dimitri arched an eyebrow. “A good enough teacher?” He chuckled. “Another time I shall get to see if you were a good student.”

  Akira gave him a cheeky smile.

  “Akira, you have a far greater weapon than a sword, warrior. You are a weapon.” He made a fist and held it ou
t. Akira made a fist and touched hers to his, knuckles to knuckles. This time Dimitri appeared prepared for the shock that went up his arm. A hug would have been awkward, and inappropriate, and perhaps even painful. There was an aura surrounding the young woman in front of him. He smiled and turned on his heel. He didn’t look back. He mounted his war horse and galloped away from her. He made a fine sight.

  Spirit spoke what Akira was thinking. “He’ll make someone a fine mate someday.” Akira dared not look into Spirit’s eyes. She answered a simple, “Yes.” Then turned her face upwards towards the high wall. Zane stared back at her. It was a challenging stare. Akira shivered. Her eyes flashed as the energy in her body stirred. She knelt and placed a hand on the ground without breaking eye contact with the handsome mage staring down at her.

  There was no mistaking the vibration of thousands of heavy feet marching closer and closer. She broke her gaze with the mage looking downwards at her. With lightning speed, she mounted Spirit. The dragon flew her up to the wall then perched nearby, making a line of archers shift their positions to give her room. The dragon made them nervous. The men kept looking her way until an order for eyes forward directed their gaze away from the dragon.

  Akira took her place beside the mages and the witch. She chose to stand between Waldorf and Tazir. Something about Mage Zane made her feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t that she disliked him, or liked him, the latter of which would be disturbing in itself, for she didn’t know him, that caused her disquiet in his presence. She shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps the feeling was attributable to the fact he was a man, a dangerous man, that made her wary. Prejudice or fear? Akira didn’t have time to analyze her reaction to him. She just wished he wouldn’t look her way so often. It occurred to her, that she, herself, looked his way far too often. That, she could fix. She looked forward. She swore she could feel him looking her way. The urge to look at him was great. She resisted, closed her eyes, took several deep breaths and when her eyes opened, the disquiet over the mage was gone. It had been shelved, put away. There was no time for distractions. Akira’s face took on an appearance of calm confidence. She gave a reassuring look to a nervous looking young archer. He was no more than a boy. He had no beard yet. If he survived the day, he would be considered a man by his peers.

  In the distance, machines of war, pulled by teams of great oxen, were becoming distinguishable to the naked eye. Akira could not yet hear the whips cracking over the heads of the oxen. She couldn’t see the spurts of blood as cruel whips broke through already whip-scarred skin. The sweat-stained beasts flung snot into the air, eyes rolling as they strained to pull their loads. Towering massive trebuchets, and catapults squeaked and groaned as they came into view. Row upon row of armored ogres preceded the towers. Row upon row of warriors preceded the ogres. Akira wondered how many of the dark warriors were flesh and blood, and if any were walking dead. Akira shuddered involuntarily again. Fear loosened a surge of adrenaline-loosened magic power. The air surrounding Akira became charged. Behind Akira, the metallic rhythmic bang, bang of thousands of swords against shields vibrated through the air. The warriors of the alliance were pumping themselves for battle.

  Out from the dark cloud that hovered over the enemy, storm vultures screeched, black and ugly, screeching as if their tail feathers were one fire, winging their way towards the city of Buffalo Horns. Akira closed her eyes, cleared her mind of all that didn’t pertain to defending against the Dark Lord. The powerful magical energy thrumming through her body became the center of her focus. The energy tingled and danced across her skin. No longer did the young warrior mage struggle to subdue the gifted powers from her father. It was almost time to use the powers. It was all too new. She gulped. The increase of her own energy, combined with the gifted energy, was too much too soon. There had been no time to practice the art of channeling high levels of magic energy. Now, fear triggered its release from fragile, unseasoned, untested, bonds of restraint. Akira’s body jerked, stiffening, as her heart pounded so loud she could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. Every human sense; sight, sound, smell, touch, became almost unbearably acute. So too, her senses inherited from her mage bloodline became acute. She felt a dark power scraping nerve endings she never knew she had.

  Akira opened her eyes. Her eyes were any icy blue color that glinted like frozen jewels. Her fear was not gone. It was under control. She tapped into knowledge that came with the gift of power from her father. Her fingers unclenched. She flexed them carefully. She glanced sideways at her companions. Tazir gave Akira a knowing look. Waldorf, on the other hand wasn’t quick enough to a hide a look of fear from Akira’s heightened mage senses. Why would Waldorf fear me? I must keep an eye on you, she thought. She returned her gaze to the dark cloud that was now closer, close enough that she could hear whips cracking. She frowned. The beasts of burden were not that close! Suddenly she comprehended how much more sensitive her mage senses were than her human senses. The screech of the storm vultures hurt her ears. Her hands flew up and covered her ears. Like a child impulsively throwing a rock at an annoying bird, far out of range, Akira, impulsively reached into her bag of warm orbs. Her fingers closed over one. The orb pulsed in her hand as if it had a heartbeat. With her amazing enchanted quickness, she put the orb in her slingshot, pulled back and let it fly. She stared at the dark objects in the sky she had taken aim at, willing the orb towards the center mass of the vile creatures. By the count of ten and two, a flash of red, followed by the sound of a small explosion gave Akira a feeling of satisfaction. Luck or skill? It mattered not. Something dark fell from the sky. There was one less screeching sound. It was a kill. Akira heard Spirit rumbling. She looked at Spirit. Spirit didn’t need to speak to her partner to communicate. It was as if Akira could read her mind. Akira’s eyes flashed in surprise. Mind talk? Crazy! Anyone with half a brain could see Spirit wanted to fly out and fight the vultures, fight them in the air. Spirit’s nostrils were flaring. Wisps of smoke escaped from deep within her glowing red nostrils.

  “Soon enough, Spirit. Be patient my friend,” said Akira to the dragon. “We will silence the screeching of those vile dung heaps of the sky. Their flesh will fall to the ground to feed worms.” The dragon snorted, staring malevolently at the dark creatures who now were close enough to be countable. Spirit flexed her wings, roaring like a desert lion. Akira looked at the dragon. Spirit is ready for battle. I must be ready too. Oh, gods of mercy may I be ready!

  Akira felt a powerful aura growing larger around herself. When her arm brushed against Waldorf sparks flew. Waldorf quickly distanced himself another step away from Akira. Tazir noticed the sparks and did the same. It was if they were standing too near a fire. Too close and they would get burned, too far and they would miss the benefit of the fire’s warmth.

  “Tazir! This level of power is making me nervous.” Akira looked sideways and down to the short mage.

  “It’s making me nervous too. Standing near you is like standing next to a cactus. You must hold it in. You can do it. You can share your energy at will, where and when it is needed soon enough. Let your first bolt of energy be explosive in strength.”

  “Bolts? I’ve never thrown bolts before!”

  “You will today.”

  “Nothing like learning on the spot.” Bolts? I hope my father’s memory shows me how!

  Akira’s skin felt like it was sunburned. Her skin glowed. She felt like she wanted to run and run and run to drain the restless feeling from her legs, from her body. The waiting for Dimitri’s signal to engage the enemy on the ground was torture. The more anxious Akira became the more her energy increased. She looked over at Spirit again. She knew now exactly how the dragon felt. Spirit stared back at Akira. Akira read Spirit’s thoughts. Her eyes widened in pleasant shock. Spirit was reading her thoughts too! Spirit was thinking You should send a practice bolt after another shitty assed storm vulture. The increase of mage powers gifted from her father allowed Spirit and Akira’s bond to go to a new level

  Akira thought, A
m I imagining this? Spirit responded. Not imagining. We hear each other’s thoughts. How did you do that?

  It just happened. Did my father and your father mind talk to each other? Akira found it difficult to keep watch of the advancing enemy and digest what was happening between herself and the dragon.

  I don’t know. The bond between a dragon and a human is a private thing. My sire was close-jawed about such matters. It’s a wonderful occurrence, is it not? The timing could have been better.

  I agree. The timing could have been better. I must keep focused. I hope you can sort through my thoughts. Akira was looking straight forward as she thought. It was like she was testing to see if she had been reading the lips of the dragon and not reading thoughts.

  Me too. It seems like we are keeping track of multiple conversations. Good luck to us both.

  Akira allowed herself to turn her head to the dragon. She nodded. Her eye color deepened briefly, a reflection of her emotions. When her eyes returned to watch the advancing army, her eyes became a cold icy blue once again. Watching the first wave of charging warriors approach the ground Waldorf had wetted from above and below the earth, she held her breath, hoping it would slow them down.

  The first wave of enemy warriors ran onto the wetted fields. They sank to their ankles. They slogged through with a second wave of men from behind pushing them further into the ground that was quickly being churned into knee deep mud behind those who pushed over the first wave. The beasts of burden pulling the battering rams and other machines of war started slipping as they too approached the muddied plains. Akira watched as the enemy turned sideways to avoid the muddy pitfall. Dimitri yelled, “Now!” A warlord shouted to his archers, “Light! Notch. Loose!” Hundreds of flaming arrows flew in an arch towards the oil-drenched grasses flanking the mud fields. It looked like they would land and ignite the grasses. Suddenly the arrows changed direction. Yooda swore out loud. “Whore son bottom phlegm! It looks like they have a wind magician too! That or the Dark Lord has many powers.”


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