On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)

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On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) Page 8

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  He looked down as Chloe started to sit up, he could tell by the look on her face that she was relieved and happy with this news. He held a hand out to her to help her to her feet but Chloe slapped his hand away and stopped moving once she was on her knees.

  ‘After a detailed analysis of the crime scene photographs and the video footage that my men took the DA has ruled that you and Chloe were justified in the killing of those two men.’

  Dan looked down when Chloe’s fingers began to unbutton his flies. Chloe smiled up at him as she tugged his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

  Dan shook his head in disbelief but he wasn’t an idiot, he had no intention of stopping her.

  Chloe took his cock in her left hand and she began to work her hand up and down his hardening cock. She cupped his balls in her right hand, gently but firmly massaging his balls until his cock was rock hard. Chloe rubbed her thumb over the end of his cock and slowly pushed the foreskin back down over the glans.

  Dan bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from groaning.

  ‘W-what did the District Attorney rule?’

  ‘That you and Chloe, in an unprovoked attack on your home, defended yourselves and in the course of that constitutional right to defend yourselves two armed assailants were killed.’

  Dan pushed Chloe’s baseball cap from her head and snaked his fingers in to her hair. He gripped her head as she closed her mouth over his cock. Inch by inch she took his cock fully in to her mouth; she had long mastered the art of the “deep-throat”.

  ‘The District Attorney has ruled it justifiable homicide, you’re both in the clear, no charges.’

  ‘That’s great news Sheriff.’

  ‘I’m sure it is Dan.’

  Dan sighed as Chloe’s mouth moved faster and faster up and down the length of his cock. Her tongue flicked and swirled across his glans every time she came close to releasing his cock. Chloe’s right hand continued to caress his balls and Dan had to really concentrate on not crying out when Chloe began to suck faster and harder.

  Chloe squeezed his cock and he supressed another moan. She stopped with just his engorged glans between her lips and Chloe’s hand began to slide up and down his hardness, squeezing harder and harder until the pressure had really built up.

  ‘Well, look Dan, you’ll both have to drop by this week to sign some paperwork. Give my office a call and we’ll arrange a time, right now I have to go, there’s been a collision out on Saltwater Lane.’

  ‘Okay Sheriff, thanks.’

  Dan cut the call and dropped the phone. He looked down at Chloe; her blue eyes were on his and he grunted. Chloe pulled her face away from his cock, she continued to jerk him off and she opened her mouth and smiled as Dan orgasmed.

  He came hard, Chloe’s hand had built up the pressure to the point where his semen erupted from his cock in thick geysers of creamy white. The first streamer of come splashed across Chloe’s open mouth, some landing on her tongue, the remainder hanging from her bottom lip. The second streamer splashed across her nose and in to the corner of her left eye and Chloe smiled as another load landed on her chin. She continued to squeeze and tug on his hardness and it wasn’t long before her face and throat were awash with Dan’s thick load.

  Chloe leaned forward on her knees and slurped the remainder of his semen from the “eye” of his cock. She swirled her tongue around his glans licking up the last few drops.

  Chloe released Dan’s cock and lifted her hands to her face. Chloe looked up at Dan as she used the tips of her fingers to gather up the thick streaks of semen. She grinned as she licked the mess from her fingers, she slurped noisily on each finger and her grin widened.

  Dan laughed.

  ‘Just like a porn film.’

  Chloe licked clean her baby finger.

  ‘Better believe it baby.’



  They rode out on to the flat Northern ridge, the view was spectacular, several miles to the South they could see their ranch, sunlight glinting off the “lighthouse’s” huge windows and they could see their horses grazing in the paddock.

  Dan took a trail that kept the ranch to their right and they followed the trail for an hour until they were almost down out of the hills. Chloe pulled up alongside Dan and she pointed towards the East.

  Dan looked to where she was pointing. Dan could see a black car out on the highway, the vehicle was near the turn-in to the dirt track that led down to the ranch. They were about four miles from the car as the crow flied and the distance was too great to ascertain any detail beyond the vehicle’s colour.

  Dan reached down with his right hand and his fingers closed over the stock of the high powered rifle. He let go of the reins and raised the rifle.

  Dan flicked the protective caps from the scope and zeroed in on the car. He kept adjusting the scope’s gauge until the car bloomed in to full clarity. He scanned the car from front to back; it was a black Mercedes, not the sort of car one expected to see in the back of beyond. Dan settled his scope on the licence plate and then zeroed on the windscreen.

  The sun was at Dan’s back and he had a clear view of the man sat behind the wheel. Dan absorbed the man’s face, storing it away, he started to lower the rifle but stopped when he saw the man offer up a curse. The expensive scope put the man right in front of Dan and he could clearly see the man sit forwards and twist the ignition key.

  Dan lowered the rifle, he reset the protective caps and then slid the rifle back in to its sheath.

  The car out on the highway pulled away from the side of the road in a spray of dust and began to head back in the direction of Rockspur.

  ‘He made us,’ Chloe said. Dan nodded his head.

  ‘Up here, outlined against the sun, we must have looked like the proverbial sitting ducks.’

  Dan twisted around in his saddle and looked back up the trail; he did some quick calculations and nodded his head.

  ‘It’s do-able,’ he said softly.

  ‘What’s do-able?’ Chloe asked.

  ‘That car had out of state plates.’


  ‘Massachusetts plates, didn’t the Sheriff say that Berg was from Boston?’

  Chloe felt a coldness crawl up her spine and the fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up and her nipples grew hard.

  ‘Yes, he did. What the hell is going on Dan? Who the fuck was this Berg?’

  ‘I don’t know but I aim to find out.’ Dan took up the reins and turned Weiser in a tight circle on the trail. ‘I can cut the driver off, cross country there’s a chance I can get ahead of him.

  ‘Okay, let’s go.’

  Dan put a gloved hand on Chloe’s bare thigh.

  ‘No baby, you head slowly down out of the hills, you wouldn’t be able to keep up.’

  Chloe looked offended. ‘Bullshit, I’m a damn good rider.’

  Dan rubbed her thigh and smiled at her.

  ‘I’m not doubting you, I’m doubting your horse. Weiser is a mountain horse, shit half the time I’m just along for the ride. If you came with me you’d push Sorbet to the edge, I don’t want a dead horse on my conscience.’

  Chloe patted Sorbet’s neck.

  ‘Shit, you’re right.’

  Dan leaned out in his saddle and Chloe snaked a hand behind his head and kissed him. She kissed him hard, mashing her lips against his and she gave his tongue a work out before pulling her face back from his.

  ‘Be careful.’

  ‘You too, don’t head back to the ranch, just in case, I’ll meet you at the North gate when I can.’


  Dan tapped his heels to Weiser’s flank and the horse started to walk back up the trail. Dan brought Weiser to a halt before the trail twisted away and he looked back over his shoulder at Chloe.

  ‘Keep your rifle handy, you see anyone that you don’t recognise, shoot them, we’ll worry about the consequences later.’

  Chloe nodded her head and Dan watched as she pulled the Win
chester from its sheath. Chloe worked the cocking action and then rested the rifle across her lap.

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too, see you soon,’ Dan replied and he kicked his heels in and Weiser moved up the trail.



  Dan heard the Mercedes’ powerful engine and then he saw the car as it crested a small rise in the road. Dan was standing off on the left hand side of a long stretch of straight blacktop. Weiser was tied to a sapling half way up the ridge to Dan’s left.

  Dan was still breathing heavily and sweat had glued his shirt to his back and chest and he could feel more sweat running down the back of his neck. Dan wiped a rag, one that he usually kept in a saddle bag to wipe down Weiser, across the back of his neck and quickly through his head of short hair. He let the rag drop to the ground at his feet and made a show of taking a shooter’s stance with the rifle aimed towards the approaching Mercedes.

  Any concerns that Dan may have had that the driver was just an innocent traveller who had got lost on the long, criss-crossing roads of Montana were swept aside when the driver started to accelerate. The man in the Mercedes altered his course so that Dan was now directly in line with the Mercedes, the driver increased his speed, his intent obvious: to run Dan down.

  Dan watched as the Mercedes got closer and closer and at seventy five yards Dan pulled the trigger. The Mercedes’ windshield spider-webbed and Dan fired another shot; the powerful reports of each shot carrying for miles on the wind.

  Dan fired a third time, no more than five seconds had transpired between the first and final shot.

  Dan watched calmly as the Mercedes bounced along the side of the road, the car heading directly for him. The Mercedes began to veer off to Dan’s left and the front right wheel of the Mercedes hit the beginning of the sloping ridge.

  The driver tried to bring the Mercedes back under his control but over compensated and the Mercedes began to fishtail. The speed of the car caused the back end to churn in to the sloping ridge, sending top soil arcing through the air.

  The driver pulled hard on the wheel trying desperately to right the car but again he over steered and the Mercedes now began to climb the sloping ridge. The driver must have realised that it was now beyond his control and Dan watched as the Mercedes spat past him. Dan could have reached out and touched the driver’s door if he’d wanted to.

  Dan turned to follow the car’s path and he watched as the Mercedes continued climbing the incline tearing up bushes and saplings before the Mercedes tyres began to lose traction. The German car was ideal for city life but out here there was only going to be one winner and Dan watched as all four wheels got caught up in the loose soil. The wheels were spinning with no chance of finding traction. Steam began to pour from the engine billowing back in to the interior of the car.

  Dan took two side steps to his right and zeroed in on the back of the driver’s head. He waited for the whining of the engine to die down and he fired a warning shot putting a round in to the head rest of the driver’s seat about an inch from the man’s head.

  ‘I can bounce the next one clear through your skull,’ Dan shouted out. ‘Cut the engine and climb out nice and slow.’

  Dan kept his scope on the interior of the car and he saw the driver reaching for something and he pulled the trigger. The man’s hand flinched as Dan’s shot shattered the glove-box.

  ‘Do you really want to die out here?’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ the driver shouted. ‘I’m getting out, don’t shoot.’

  The driver cut the engine and a second later the driver’s door was pushed open, the driver had to push hard as the door was wedged up against some thick scrub.

  ‘Hands where I can see them. Nice and easy like, get out and face me.’

  ‘Okay, just quit fucking shooting that thing.’

  Dan walked forwards two steps and gauged his distance to be twenty five yards from the driver’s door. He took a quick second to glance in both directions along the highway, he couldn’t see or hear any approaching cars.

  The driver staggered from the car and began to make his way down the slope next to the Mercedes, he had blood trickling down from a cut on the side of his head. He was wearing a very expensive suit and Dan pegged him for a city thug.

  ‘You’re a long way from home.’

  ‘Is that right, damn mister, I was just out for a drive, you have this all wrong.’

  ‘You took a drive all the way from Boston? You must really like that car.’

  The driver smiled and reached for a pistol that he had holstered in a shoulder rig.

  The man was fast, Dan had to give him that, he had his hand on the grip of his pistol before Dan pulled the trigger.

  The driver cried out in pain and dropped to his knees. Blood started to bloom through the expensive shirt. The man fell forwards and rolled down the slope. He came to rest on his back, his body twisted, his legs pinned from the knees beneath him, one arm snagged up beneath his back.

  Dan walked to the fallen man and knelt next to him, the rifle resting on his thigh. He looked down at the man’s face; the driver stared back and blinked. He coughed and a trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

  Dan could hear the man’s slow breathing, a ragged quality to it but he knew that the man wouldn’t be dying anytime soon. Dan pulled at the man’s shirt and saw the bullet hole; he nodded his head at the bubbling blood seeping from the wound.

  ‘I can’t move,’ the driver croaked.

  Dan tilted his Stetson back on his head.

  ‘Yeah, I’d say your back’s broken.’

  ‘Who are you mister?’

  Dan patted down the man’s pants and he felt a wallet in the front right pocket. He slipped his fingers inside and tugged the wallet out. The wallet was expensive too.

  ‘Alligator, nice.’

  ‘Thanks, look man, you gotta help me, you got to call me an ambulance.’

  Dan smiled down at the man. ‘You’re an ambulance.’

  The man winced and coughed and more blood trickled from the side of his mouth.

  ‘You don’t look amused, never mind, it’s an old joke,’ Dan said.

  Dan flipped the man’s wallet open and looked at the driver’s licence. The picture matched the man in front of him.

  ‘Dallas Boyd; that your real name?’

  ‘Fuck you man, I need medical assistance.’

  Dan nodded his head and patted the man’s jacket, he found what he was looking for and pulled out the man’s cell phone. Dan slipped it in to his own shirt pocket, the man’s wallet he pushed in to the left rear pocket of his jeans.

  ‘Who sent you?’

  ‘Fuck you,’ Dallas croaked.

  Dan smiled, ‘I admire your courage Dallas, really I do, but see, with me, you chose the wrong guy to pick a fight with, now who sent you?’

  Dallas managed a pained chuckle.

  ‘I ain’t telling you shit mister. May as well just pull the goddamn trigger.’

  ‘Must be someone bad, here you are, broken back from a gut shot, and in all kinds of pain and you’re still fighting, good for you, real good, but you see, you have a problem.’

  ‘Apart from being fucked up, what’s that?’

  Dan was surprised to see a glimmer of humour in Dallas’ brown eyes.

  ‘You have balls Dallas, I’ll give you that, but see, you being a city boy and all you’re not familiar with life in the wilds.’

  Dan took off his hat and wiped the back of his arm across his forehead, he turned his face up to the sun high overhead, the heat was unbearable and he could only imagine how Dallas was feeling.

  ‘What do you think will get you first, the sun or the coyotes? Maybe even a wolf, hell I’ve seen them out here on occasion. Now contrary to what Hollywood would lead you to believe wolves don’t normally attack humans, but you’re not exactly in a position to offer up much resistance if one happened along. I’m sure you’d be fine dining to any number of wild animals
out here.’

  For the first time Dan saw a glimmer of fear in Dallas’ eyes, the thought of being eaten alive had stirred something primitive in Dallas.

  Dan pushed himself up from his knee and stood up, he slipped his hat back on and adjusted the brim.


  ‘You’re not going to live to see another day Dallas, but you tell me what I need to know and I give you my word I’ll end it for you, painless release.’

  ‘His uncle,’ Dallas said through a coughing fit.

  Dan crouched down.

  ‘Who’s uncle?’

  ‘Berg’s. You cut him in half with a shotgun, his uncle wants revenge.’

  ‘Actually Dallas it was my wife that blew him in half with a shotgun but that’s just semantics. What’s his name, the uncle?’

  ‘Baxter, Ray Baxter.’ Dallas coughed again and he saw the look of recognition on Dan’s face.

  Dallas laughed, it was painful to do but he laughed nonetheless, ‘I see you’ve heard of my employer.’

  ‘Anyone who has ever read a paper knows who he is, is he here? Is Baxter here in Montana?’

  ‘Fuck you, are you gonna shoot me or not?

  Dan pushed three fingers in to Dallas’ gaping wound and Dallas screamed.

  ‘Is he?’ Dan waited a second and then pushed his fingers deeper in to the bloody mess. He felt what he was feeling for and hooked his fingers beneath the coil of intestine.

  Dan started to slowly pull the intestine out through the hole in Dallas’ gut.

  Dallas screamed again and Dan released the intestine letting the length of exposed innards drop in to Dallas’s lap.

  Dan feared that Dallas would pass out from the pain or shock but Dallas was a tough son-of-a-bitch and he held on to consciousness. Dan felt a grudging respect for the man; the pain must have been off the scale.

  ‘No, no, he’s on his way though,’ Dallas cried once he was able to. ‘He’ll kill you both, he’ll torture you and him and his men will rape your wife and...’

  Dan grabbed hold of the exposed intestines and pulled more from Dallas’ wound. The man’s screams went up an octave and continued as Dan began to pile the man’s guts on to Dallas’ lap.


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