Under the Mistletoe

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Under the Mistletoe Page 8

by Aria Cole

  “I love her too.”

  “Then it’s settled.”

  “Then what’s settled?” Her laugh was sweet and high like an angel’s. My angel.

  “You’re staying.”

  “Staying?” She cocked her head, eyes marred with confusion.

  “You’re staying with us forever.”

  Chapter 6


  My heart thudded in outrageous beats. Mason’s words ran on repeat in my mind as we drove back to the manor. Savannah was curled up in the seat behind us, head dropping to one side as she dozed.

  I couldn’t believe Mason had asked me to stay… forever. I’d never met a man like him, who could dominate a room so easily and make my tummy twist and turn cartwheels like a lovesick teenager’s. Except my stomach had never done that when I was thirteen, or sixteen, or eighteen. Never until now. That counted for something, right?

  I’d never believed in love at first sight. I’d always chalked it up to chemistry and raging hormones, but this feeling couldn’t be explained away so easily. I felt as though Mason and Savannah had clawed their way into my heart, filling it up in ways I hadn't known imaginable. Could I even think of leaving?

  I hadn't considered that possibility. What about school? What about my family? What about my life back home?

  What life? the little voice in my head chimed in.

  I huffed, staring out the window without seeing the rolling countryside passing by. Maybe my credits would transfer to a university here, and my parents would love to visit England...

  “Mighty quiet over there. Something on your mind, kitten?” Mason’s heavy palm came to rest on my knee, his fingertip running small figure-eights and making me think about what his hands would feel on the rest of my body. His lips trailing across my hip bones, his large palms kneading my breasts, his dick sliding between my hot, wet…

  “I can’t think when you’re touching me!” I blurted.

  Mason’s rich laugh filled the car. I hated that he had this effect on me, and I hated even more that he knew it.

  “So my plan is working then?” That reckless smile turned his lips and melted my heart to molten lava.

  “You’re a lot to take.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “I’ve heard that before.” He chuckled as the car slowed and we turned into the driveway of Kingsley Manor.

  “You keep telling me to feel, but all I feel is you. Your hands, your lips, I can’t even think straight when you’re in the room.”

  “What’s to think about? You said yourself this feels right.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts. No overthinking, remember? Listen, I’ve spent my entire life overthinking every move, and it’s gotten me here. A great job, sure, where I can work from home and take care of the people who matter most to me.” His hand moved up my thigh. “But I’ve been an empty shell going through the motions. I want what my parents had. I want someone to share my life with. And I want my hands on your skin, my mouth on your body every night.”

  His words stole my breath as the car came to a slow stop. How could he say things like that, so forward and unfiltered? And why couldn’t I control the way my body churned with newfound desire every time he said those things?

  “Everything about you feels right, Mason. Too right. But I’m terrified.” I squeaked. I was afraid to get wrapped up in him and the little girl sleeping in the backseat only to have it all snatched away from me. If his love was yanked away, my heart would be left to bleed out on the floor at my feet.

  “Meet me tonight.” His hand locked with mine, his intense gaze splitting me open. “What?”

  “We’ll eat dinner, put Savannah to bed, then I’ll come for you. Words only go so far, Everly. Let me show you.” His eyes seared into me. “Let me show you how your body reacts to me. Let me show you pleasure like you’ve never dreamed of.”

  I opened my mouth as his words hung in the air for long, breathless moments. I was stunned by his proposal. “Mason… I…”

  His fingertips traced up the sensitive skin of my arm, lighting every nerve on fire and fogging my brain with ideas like love and marriage and beautiful English babies. His eyes held mine, penetrating me so intensely, I felt as if he was fucking my soul.

  “I’ll come for you.” One side of his mouth tipped into a cocky grin.

  Unable to form a reply, I nodded, eyes riveted on his hooded gaze. I was completely helpless against him. I only had to hope I could trust him with my heart.

  A small voice in the backseat mumbled, “Are we home?”

  The corners of Mason’s eyes crinkled with a warm smile before he gave my thigh another squeeze and turned to look at Savannah. “Ready for dinner, baby girl?”

  Savannah’s innocent yawn hit my ears. “I’m not really hungry.”

  Mason laughed that beautiful laugh that always seemed to land straight in my belly. “Of course you aren’t. Too much candy?”

  “Too much walking.” Savannah giggled then pressed through the space between us and planted a kiss on her daddy’s cheek. Then she opened the back door and barreled out into the fading sunlight.

  “She’s got you wrapped right around her little finger,” I teased.

  His smile only deepened. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I smiled, something soft and warm unfurling deep inside me. Was this what love felt like? Inescapable, inevitable, deliriously thrilling? “If I stay—”

  “When you stay?”

  I laughed, shaking my head at his persistence. “If I stay—”

  “You’ll stay. I’ll do everything in my power to make it impossible for you to walk away.”

  I huffed. “That's going to be hard enough as it is.”

  “Good. I’ve got three months to make it impossible. Now we should get in there. Mrs. Potts is probably angrier than a wet hen that we’re late for dinner.”

  “Mrs. Potts? Angry? I can’t imagine it.”

  Mason came around the car, opened my door, and helped me out. “She gets mighty angry at me all right. You should hear some of the names she’s called me.”

  “My ears are ringing, and I know what that means!” Mrs. Potts chose that moment to step out of the front door, a hand on each hip and a tea towel over her shoulder.

  “I bet you deserved every last thing she’s said to you,” I teased, brushing by him with a quick wink.

  “You’re blooming right he did.” Mrs. Potts winked at Mason too, before she looped an arm around my elbow and escorted me in, leaving Mason and his infectious laugh behind. She whispered conspiratorially once he was out of earshot. “He’s a good man, ya know. In all my years, I’ve never seen a man love a child as much as he loves that one.”

  “I can see that. And she’s just as in love with him.”

  “That she is, Everly. That she is.” She stroked my wrist as we walked down the long hall. “I’ve been with Mr. Kingsley for more than ten years now. He needs a good woman to take care of him. He’s been alone so long… well… I’ve worried about him.” Her eyes peered up at me. “I’m so thankful you’re here, dear.” She smiled then released me, scurrying off into the kitchen. “Did you have a good time out today, Savannah?” I heard Mrs. Potts ask.

  “The best! And guess what, Mrs. Potts?!”

  “What, love?” She put a hand on Savannah’s cheek.

  “I saw Daddy kissing Everly!”

  Chapter 7


  I tapped twice on the door, sucking in a deep breath as I waited for the vision with the dark waves curling around her shoulders to open the door.

  My door.

  In my house.

  Everly had come to mean more to me than any woman ever had. I couldn’t explain it—I didn’t even give a bloody hell why—I just knew that I couldn't let go of her. Not yet. Not until I knew. And I was pretty damn sure I knew.

  The door opened slowly, her smile lighting my entire bloody world when her eyes caught mine. It was after nine o’clock at night,
but the way she lit up my soul felt like the sun on a Caribbean summer day. So bright it nearly hurt.

  “Hi,” Everly whispered, letting me into the room.

  I stepped through. The light of a dim lamp cast shadows across the room and hid her from my greedy eyes. My eyes ate up the soft curves of her body underneath that light summer dress. A modest V-neckline did nothing to hide the gorgeous tits that strained the fabric.

  “Evenin’,” I uttered, hands at her waist and pulling her to me. I dipped my head, pressing my lips to her in a slow, restrained kiss. I wouldn't scare her, I wouldn’t take her too far. She was like a delicate petal that I couldn't bear to crush. “Ready for our date?” I said as my mouth brushed against her lips.

  “This is a date now?”

  “Absolutely.” I grinned, threading her fingers in mine.

  I tugged her out of her room and led her down the long hallway. Her eyes scrunched together sweetly. Apparently she was curious about where we could be going.

  “Savannah isn’t allowed up here, so you probably missed it on the tour.”

  “Okay…” Everly whispered as I opened a door to a small staircase.

  “Go ahead, I’ll keep a close eye on the behind.” I grinned, not giving a toss how cheesy I sounded. I loved being around her, and her curves were meant to be appreciated by a man who knew how. And that man was me and just me.

  Everly rolled her eyes, but her smile widened and I knew she liked the way I spoke to her, the way I said whatever came into my mind. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a chaste kiss on my lips that made my cock throb against the zipper of my trousers.

  I needed her, fast, now, and often.

  But I couldn’t. Not yet.

  I had a surprise for her first.

  Everly climbed the stairs slowly, her hands on the railings as I trailed behind her, one palm pressed at her back to keep her steady.

  “Push open the door at the top. It should be unlocked,” I instructed when she reached the top stair.

  She pushed through the door and her hand went to her mouth as we exited onto the rooftop of the house. “Oh my god, Mason, this is so beautiful.”

  I watched her spinning softly as she took in the three-hundred-sixty-degree views atop the house, never taking my eyes of her. “The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “If I lived here, I’d spend every day up here.”

  “We will then.” I tucked her hand in mine and led her to one corner of the roof, where a two-person table had been set up. I’d decorated it with a glowing candle, a white linen tablecloth, and the most elegant dessert my meager skills could muster.

  “Mason!” She grinned when we approached. “You made a banana split?”

  I shrugged, pulling out a chair for her. “It’s an American classic, right?”

  She laughed, shaking her head before her eyes landed on my only omission. There was only one spoon. I had every intention of feeding her the sweet concoction, watching the way her eyes rolled back in her head, hearing primal moans vibrating from her chest. Food could be erotic when used the right way, and I intended to do everything right with her.

  “You’re so sweet.”

  “I won’t be for long. I’m a selfish man, Everly. You know I want you, every piece of you.” As I took the chair across from her, I flicked my eyes up and down her body, settling on the hardened peaks of her nipples visible through her dress. “Tonight I’m going to show you what that means.”

  Everly licked her lips before she nodded slowly.

  “Jesus, I don’t know if I'm going to get through this next part. I want you so fucking bad it hurts, darling.” I palmed my aching cock beneath the elegant table linen. “But it’s important.”

  The box in my pocket felt as if it were singeing a hole through my trousers. I slipped a hand in, pulled out the small velvet box, and placed it on the table. Everly’s eyes went wide, and her mouth popped open in shock.

  I grinned. “Guess we know where your head went.” I chuckled. “Not yet, sweetheart. But soon, I can promise you that.” I flipped open the box and revealed a pair of two-carat emerald earrings. “They belonged to my mother, and her mother before that. They’ve been in my family for over one hundred years, and I want you to have them.”

  Her eyes glazed with emotion, something that almost looked like tears, before she reached across the table and fingered one of the gems. “Mason, I could never take these.”

  “I’m not asking you to decide to stay now. They’re yours. Free and clear, whether you stay or not.” I stood and pulled an earring from the box. I gently placed it in her earlobe before moving to the other side. “I knew they’d look beautiful on you. The green sets off your hair and eyes.” I lingered behind her, draping my thumbs across the curve of her neck.

  “Mason,” she whispered, one hand fingering an earring. “Mason… everything you do is…”

  “Stop talking, sweetheart.”

  I pulled her from the chair and into my arms, craving the feel of her body against mine. With my fingers threaded in her hair, my hands cupping her cheeks, our lips met and our tongues clashed in a frenzy as we fucked each other’s mouth. When her chest was heaving with ragged breaths, I slid my palms down her thighs and lifted her onto my hips, then I walked us to the edge of the roof and laid her down into a small nest of blankets I’d made for us.

  “What about dessert?” she asked before her lips crashed against mine again.

  “Mm… you’re sweeter than any dessert.” I sucked on her lip. “We were made for each other. I knew it the moment you stepped out of that train at the station. It felt like a rugby ball had been thrown to my chest when your eyes met mine. I nearly fucking walked away. I couldn’t take it. Couldn't get a single word past my lips. All I was thinking was, ‘Finally! Finally! Finally I’ve found you!’”

  My words seemed to urge her on. Her hands threaded through my hair, her hips rocking against mine and pressing painfully against my cock.

  “I want you. Please, Mason. Please, I want all of you.” She whimpered, and her pleading sent a spike of adrenaline through my system.

  I fumbled down my zipper, feeling instant relief when the stain against my cock was gone, and I nestled right between her thighs. My hungry hands trailed up her body, slipping beneath the dress and working it up over her curves. “Every piece of you was made for me.”

  My lips trailed over the soft swell of her belly, circling the indent of her navel as she sucked in ragged breaths.

  “So sensitive, kitten,” I cooed, riveted by her body’s reaction to mine. “Every place I touch you, you shudder, your thighs shift, your nipples get so hard.” I caressed one of her beautiful tits and kneaded it. “Your body is begging for me.” I pinched her nipple and nearly came when she groaned, her back bending in a gorgeous arch. “That’s it. Love hearing how I make you feel.”

  I pulled down the neckline of her dress, freeing her heavy tits from the lacy cups of her bra. Pressing her tits together, I sucked one of her nipples, drawing long and hard as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her hands pushed into my hair again and tugged, fingernails digging in as she rode the waves of pleasure from my lips.

  “I want to bury myself inside you, own your sweet pussy so you and everyone else knows it’s mine, only mine. I want to ruin you, kitten. You won’t ever think about another man after I make you cum with my cock slipping deep inside you.”

  Everly’s warm emerald eyes fluttered open and nailed me with her gaze. “You already have ruined me.”

  My body shifted into overdrive then, the need to take and claim overpowering all else. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  I slid a hand into the pocket of my trousers and pulled out the crimson tie I’d brought for just this moment. “Hands up, beautiful. I can’t concentrate on you when you’re touching me, and this is all about you. Bringing you pleasure is what turns me on.”

  “Don’t blindfold me. I want to see you,” she said.

  I shook my head. “I’d
never cover your eyes. The only thing that turns me on more than your body is your eyes. This is for your wrists.”

  Everly’s lips twitched before she obediently placed her hands above her head.

  “God, look at how beautiful your tits are.” I swirled a tongue around one nipple, and the wave of goosebumps decorating her skin drove me to another level of need. “I want you to focus on how you feel.”

  I slipped the silk between her wrists and wrapped it gently, making sure it wasn’t too tight, but tight enough that she wouldn’t be able to free herself. I wanted her submission I wanted her heart. I wanted her bloody soul.

  “Good girl.” I hummed in appreciation, loving the way even my words affected her body. “I want you to watch me.”

  Everly swallowed, nodding softly as my hands trailed down her torso, hooked under the elastic of her lacy knickers, and pushed them down her legs.

  “Look how soaked you are.” I swiped a finger through her slit, satisfaction and pride barreling through my chest. “See what I did to you?” I sucked my finger covered with her arousal. “So damn sweet.”

  My eyes flicked up her body before my control snapped and I spread her legs. Diving into her pussy, I licked long and slowly up her slit, sucking up all of her sweet nectar as if I’d been starved for it. Flicking at the bud of her clit, I hummed, then I nipped it before sliding one finger into her body. She arched and groaned, her hips moving in a delicious rhythm as I pressed deeper into her. Her moans grew more ragged when I added a second finger, stretching her for my massive cock. She was young, untouched, and delicate. I wanted her to forever remember this night with as little pain as possible.

  “Are you ready for forever, kitten?”

  Chapter 8


  “Yes, yes, I’m ready, Mason,” I hummed as his hands on my body and his lips on my skin sent me into the stratosphere. I was so ready for everything with him.


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