Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2] Page 8

by Christy Poff

  The two men grinned in sadistic agreement.

  "I want a special cell prepared at the house. Go with the strongest restraints you can find."

  "Yes, Herr Gliickman."

  The Asian left him to his thoughts. Adolph Gliickman reveled in the discovery of Rhiannon Drake's secret. Once his spy told him what he'd witnessed, he ordered him to find out everything he could about her. He put together the significance of her work schedule. She would be a perfect test for their drug and he'd be able to get some big bucks from the scientific community. Someone out there had to be interested enough to pay him for what he had.

  He called the Asian and told him he wanted new accommodations found in the upper Midwest, close to Chicago. He knew of several research facilities in the area of the city and it would be a good market for the drug. Things had definitely begun to look up.

  * * * *

  Rhiannon ran. She felt better after her change, always more comfortable as a wolf than as a human. She loved having no cares or responsibilities as she enjoyed her freedom. In human shape, she had to deal with things like petty personality quirks, bills, and her job.

  As she ran toward the lower end of The Sanctuary's property, a breeze caught her fur and ruffled it. She stopped and sniffed the air, knowing she no longer enjoyed this alone.

  Rhiannon, are you all right?

  No, I'm not. My mate has rejected me.

  I'm sorry. Can I help?

  Be my friend.


  Gabriel Holt and Rhiannon Drake grew up together, best friends, and very much at ease with each other, no matter where or when. He'd tried to take her on several occasions but it never got very far. He wanted her and hated the knowledge she had been put in the position she found herself.

  In their world, one mated for life. To lose a mate, for any reason, was devastating in so many ways. At least her human half could go out with other men who knew nothing of her life. She had been fortunate, because in the world of the wolf, she could be ostracized, and because of it, she could die. The alpha male saw to his mate and their offspring for life. The only way she could survive would be if she had the strength to assert her presence.

  He knew Rhiannon. She'd be strong but to have to go through her life without Sean made him wary for her.

  Can we run to the brook? I want to cleanse myself of his arrogance.

  What happened?

  After he changed his first time, then returned to being human, he called me and our children freaks.

  I'll kill him.

  No, Gabe.

  Why are you being so nice?

  Because he didn't know what he is until last night.

  Still, it's no reason...

  Gabe, please. He's at a point where he could hurt you, or worse.

  But, Rhi, someone...

  I'll be fine. If I'm lucky, I can quietly disappear here at Sanctuary and give birth to my babies.

  You're sure you're pregnant?

  Yes, it kind of happens to a bitch in heat.

  Gabriel put his head next to her neck, their own affectionate emotion. He saw tears in her eyes and wanted to take them and her pain away.

  Let's run.

  * * * *

  Hours after Elizabeth's dressing down, Sean lay unrestrained in a hospital bed. He had no idea what to make of his life. He had known all along he was different, but as he spent time piecing everything together, his life became clearer.

  "Sean McMurray?"


  "Gabriel Holt."


  "I want you to know one thing. If you choose to hurt Rhiannon anymore than you already have, you'll have me to deal with."

  "Why is that?"

  "She's very dear to me. We've been lifelong friends."

  "Then why didn't you claim her?"

  "Because mating does not happen like you think. When you took her as a mate, it was because you two had been destined for each other. You brought things to life in her I never could, and I'm sure she did the same for you. You claimed her."

  "And I told her to leave. I released her."

  "You damned bastard. Wolves mate for life. No other alpha male will ever touch her."

  "She's all yours."

  "She doesn't want me. She's in love with you."

  "She lied to me."

  "No, she did not. Rhi couldn't lie to save her life. She abhors lying."

  "Then why didn't she tell me?"

  "Tell you what? I know you're a wolf in your other life. She was not in a position to tell you. Julian tried, but the minute you saw Rhi, what happened? You changed and the two of you ran out under the stars."


  "You called her a freak. You said she lied about the little ones she carries. She would never lie about something as important as being pregnant."

  "How do I know she's not trying to trap me?"

  "If you weren't in the condition you're in right now, I'd..."

  "I'll gladly get out of this bed."

  "...To do what? I know I'm defending Rhiannon, but what's your reasoning?"

  Sean glared at Holt. Why was he angry with this man? All he did was defend his friend. The reason hit him. Sean McMurray experienced old-fashioned jealousy because another man vowed to defend the woman he refused to admit loving. He felt strange.

  "What's wrong, McMurray? Realize you're wrong?"

  Rage began to well inside Sean as the stranger taunted him. He fought what his body wanted to do. He tried to stop the very thing that had caused him to be in this place.

  "That's it. Go ahead and change. Admit what the hell you are."

  Sean growled.

  "No, I won't do it."

  "Why not? Or, is the Ranger afraid to admit he's flawed? What did you call Rhi? Oh, yeah. Afraid to admit you're a freak like the rest of us? Afraid you've sired spawn of the Devil?"

  "Go to hell."

  "Trust me. I've been there and back. We all have."

  "That's enough, Gabriel,” Julian's voice boomed into the room.

  "Yes, sir.” Gabriel left the room, rage coursing through him. He needed to protect Rhiannon but he couldn't afford enraging Sean McMurray enough to change.

  "I will not cause the Prince to change. I won't force the Chosen One."

  Gabriel Holt left The Sanctuary and drove away. He had to put in some time at his job or else he'd be caught in a very precarious spot. Rhiannon had done it right with her job. He wished he could.

  * * * *

  "How much longer are you going to keep me here?"

  "Tomorrow morning. Then you can go and cause all the heartache you want but I warn you. Stay away from my daughter."

  "Trust me, it'll be extremely easy."

  "Before you leave, you will sign documents attesting to the fact you relinquish any and all claim to Rhiannon's children. You will further agree to abide by an order of protection, something I am quite sure you know all about. There is another document swearing you to keep your mouth shut about Rhiannon, her babies, us and the others here and The Sanctuary. Do you understand?"

  "And if I choose not to?"

  "You'll be very sorry."

  "Why is that?"

  "I will ruin you. To tell the secrets of those here tells your own. Force my hand and I will ruin you while saving those dear to me."

  "You wouldn't dare?"

  "Try me. Until the next chosen prince steps up to his obligations, I am charged with protecting all this. Too many depend on me. You are quite different."

  "You told me I could help you."

  "We'll go another route. I'd hate to be indebted to the likes of you. I cannot abide a man who selfishly turns his back on those who either depend on or need him. We looked to you for help while giving you information to assist you in your murder case but you are more than willing to ignore that because of your inability to set all this aside until after you clear your case and we save our own pack members."

  Julian turned to leave hoping McMurray would come to his senses.
Outside in the hallway, Elizabeth met him.


  "We wait. Where's Rhiannon?"

  "She went home. Ryman's going to keep an eye on her."

  "Good. I don't want her to be alone. I've done all I can with Sean. It's up to him to make the right decision."

  "Gabriel said he started to change but stopped it."

  "Gabriel took a hell of a chance riling him up."

  "Rhiannon means the world to him and always has. It's taking a hell of a lot for him to step aside, though he's accepted things as they are. He's a good man."

  "Why do you think I trust him and Ryman with our daughter's life?"

  "He told me he thinks Sean is jealous of their relationship."

  "He has an odd way of showing it."

  "How much longer have you given him?"

  "Till tomorrow. The change will take over at the full moon. He can't go through it alone. I also told him he'd have to agree to an order of protection for Rhiannon, an agreement he won't put any claim on her children and that he keeps his mouth shut about everything and everyone here. He can walk out of here tomorrow but it will cost him. He'll also be told he's no longer welcome here among us."

  "But what about...” Elizabeth asked.

  "It's up to him. If he comes to his senses, none of the paperwork will be necessary. I'll give him the information he needs for his case and he'll do his job."

  "And if he doesn't?"

  "Then his office receives the information anonymously and we will protect our own."

  "If that happens, I want our daughter here until it's over."

  "If I have my way, she'll be here until after the pups are born. She can't afford to go to a hospital."

  "Bring our daughter home then, my Lord Wolf."

  * * * *

  Sean had been bombarded with information, most of it hard as hell to believe. It seemed easy to disavow everything he'd been told, and to chalk it all up to being exhausted from the case he'd been under pressure to solve before the new skiing season began. But he couldn't do it.

  Too much of what he'd been told and seen backed up too many parts of his own life, the explanations finally giving him something to go on, strange though it may be.

  Logic told him Julian and the others told him the truth. Why else would all his senses be extremely acute? Because of them, he'd been a valuable asset to the Rangers and now, the Aspen Police Department. They never came over him in an obvious manner and if no one asked, Sean didn't tell. Then again, he had no idea why, and had just accepted it all as being part of his life.

  He'd made his first change into a black lobo, free as the wind and in absolute love with his mate. He had let himself go and truly enjoyed the time he ran in the meadows with her.

  Why did his thoughts keep coming back to her? As far as he knew, she'd lied to him, though the Hawthornes and the Holt guy all told him the same damned thing. He winced when he recalled the discussion of his sex life. How did they know Rhi had been the only woman to have him, then beg for more? He had made love to her and she craved more. Others before her left, calling him every name in the book. Then he met Rhiannon Drake, who not only wanted his lovemaking, but begged for it. She pleaded with him for several things and he turned her down. Why had he been so cruel?

  Sean McMurray loved her with everything he had. Would it be enough to bring Rhiannon back and keep her?

  Chapter 10

  "Has anyone seen McMurray?” the Chief of Police asked. “I need an update."

  "He's checking out some leads, sir,” Hunter Lockwood covered Sean's six. He wished he knew where his partner had disappeared to. It was out of character for Sean to fall out of contact like this, especially during a case.

  He called Rhiannon's house but had to leave a message on her machine. Come on, Sean, call me.

  Hunter left the office and went straight to Sean's ranch. He asked Chris Lee about him.

  "Didn't he call you? Miss Drake ran him to the hospital the other night with really bad migraine-type headaches."

  "Which hospital?"

  "I guess the one in town."

  "And you haven't any clue as to where either of them are?"

  "Look, Hunt, before you go any further, one of the hands told me what happened when I got back from running fence lines and chasing errant cattle. Since she moved her things in here, I figured he had done the same and they were together. I have a ranch to run, which is what he pays me for so he can go play cop or finally be with a woman."

  "Chris, I'm sorry. The Chief's breathing down my neck. He wants updates."

  "I'm sorry, sir. I can't tell you anymore."

  "Thanks, Chris."

  The foreman left and Hunt stared. Where the hell are you?

  * * * *

  Rhiannon followed the treeline along various properties and kept out of sight of some of her neighbors. Nice people usually, they would never accept her as a wolf.

  Once she reached her own property, she stopped at her favorite spot and jumped into the cool water of the brook. The chill gave her some relief from the way she felt. Ignoring Sean's actions toward her, she had to make plans and think on them immediately.

  Her babies would be born in sixteen to eighteen weeks. Sean caught her while she'd been in heat and she'd gotten pregnant, then Julian told her the circumstances had to be just right for this to happen—a rare occurrence. Sean had sired their offspring while she was in human form, though right after she changed back. What made the big difference was her being in heat. Now, by some strange fluke, she would give birth within four months, maybe longer, to human babies who'd carry the wolf's blood in them.

  Her head reeled from all this, as did her stomach. She had to get vitamins of some sort and soon. She also had to get back to The Sanctuary before she started to show.

  Out of the water, she shook herself to get the extra water from her fur. A sound stopped her and she sniffed.

  It's only me, Rhi.

  Gabe, thank you.

  The Hawthornes are worried.

  As you can see, I'm fine.

  I know you and you're not. Ryman's been watching.

  I need to think.

  Julian wants you back at Sanctuary.

  I will when the interloper leaves.


  Good, it'll give me time to set up my work schedule for the next several months.

  Are you going to do it now?

  As soon as I get back to the cabin and change.

  I'll be in the area.

  You are a good soul.

  Rhiannon nosed his neck affectionately, then ran off toward her cabin.

  * * * *


  "Lowell, it's me. I need a favor."

  "What, Rhiannon?"

  "I need an indefinite leave of absence to start immediately."


  "Family emergency."

  "Are you all right?"

  "Yes, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't ask me anything more.” The beauty of being extremely private...

  "I wish you would..."

  "I know it's short notice but I have to leave for several months."

  "All right, but I wish you'd stay. You're my best..."

  "I'll be back. Trust me; I should be back for fall guiding."

  "I hope so. Hey, kid, good luck."


  * * * *

  Tracy Montgomery, Gliickman's latest test case, shivered. Her body convulsed as it begged for more of the drug they'd been giving her for two days straight. The Asian repeated his actions of the first time the drug went into her system.

  He'd empty the syringe into a different point on either arm then, as she soared, he'd take her. It started out at first to be every few hours, but then it became hourly. She'd just begin to come down from the drug's effect when he'd shoot her up again.

  "Please, no more. It's making me sick."

  He drove into her now naked body until she cried with delight and begged for more. The Asian came to her ag
ain, only this time, not even an hour had passed. She felt the sting as it went into her arm, then her body as he ripped her apart, this time, brutality ruled him.

  Tracy's head pounded. The more he drove into her, the more the pain increased. Tears welled in her eyes. She tasted blood and smelled its unique odor in her nose.

  A sharp pain, then nothing. She saw nothing, felt nothing.

  Tracy Montgomery died alone and captive to a psychopath.

  * * * *


  "Go to the dumpster area at the mall."

  "What have we got?"

  "Young girl. Matches your others."


  "We can't locate McMurray."

  "I'll call him. He's out of range following another lead."

  Hunter responded to the location dispatch sent him to. He arrived before the other units and had the chance to view the scene before anyone disturbed it. He shook his head.

  "You had so much ahead of you."

  He looked around and saw the same evidence he'd seen with the others. She had been another notch on their perp's gun. He checked her arms and winced. The poor girl had double the amount of injections as the ones before her.

  "Lockwood, what do we have?"

  "Another one."

  "Lord, she can't be more than twenty."

  "Whoever did it turned her into a fucking pincushion."

  "Then no wonder her brain blew up. Look at this."

  Elise pointed at the needle marks, Hunter looking closer.

  "Each one of these has a time frame in between them until we get to these. They're roughly the same age, which means she could have been given them from once an hour, to every fifteen minutes."

  "Has the lab been able to break down the drugs used?"

  "It keeps changing, mostly with pH. It shows me these girls have definitely been used as guinea pigs or lab rats. The bastard's using them to test his drugs and when the poor things die, they're thrown out like trash."

  "Son of a bitch!” He stood up. “You know the drill—send us your findings."

  "Sure. By the way, where's your partner?"

  "Up in the hills following up on a lead."

  "Give him my best."

  "Will do."

  * * * *

  Restless, Sean watched television in his room, mentally exhausted from the last forty-eight hours.


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