Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance

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Manny To The Rescue: Gay Romance Page 10

by Trina Solet

  Owen cut him off.

  "No. Don't. Some guy harassing you is not your fault and neither is me punching him. I should have stayed in control. What the hell was I thinking?" Owen asked himself. His hand covered Dan's hand on the steering wheel. Owen's other hand was bruised and probably hurting.

  Dan didn't answer him, but Owen had punched Keith because he saw him as a threat to Dan or because he said some ugly things about him. Mild mannered, coolheaded, upstanding citizen Owen had a bruised knuckle because of him. If Dan needed proof of how Owen felt about him, there was exhibit A. But Dan didn't want that kind of proof.


  On the drive home, Owen phoned Eve to tell her everything was OK. He also called off Justin. When the house came into view, Owen decided to sit in the car for a while. Eve said that the girls were in bed, but Owen still needed time to decompress. Looking up from where they were parked in front of the house, Owen thought about everything he had to lose.

  "How is your hand?" Dan asked.


  Dan took his hand gently and looked it over.

  "Now tell the truth. Did you hit him for making a threatening move or because of what he said?" Dan asked.

  "Fifty/fifty," Owen admitted.

  Dan was so wonderful, no one should dare to speak to him the way Keith did. Owen had seethed with rage. That step Keith took in Dan's direction might have been just the excuse Owen needed. Owen's feelings for Dan went beyond reason, beyond wanting and liking him. He would do anything for him and now he knew it. It was such a powerful, overwhelming feeling. If this was love then who invented this horrible, wonderful thing? Some fucking sadist, that's who.

  Strangely enough, tonight had also proved to him again that Dan was someone he could lean on. He kept his cool though Owen could tell how upset he was. Dan was simply an amazing human being, who was now looking at Owen with worry.

  "I'm OK."

  "Are we OK?" Dan asked.

  As far as Owen was concerned, nothing could come between them.

  "You're perfect. I'm a little bruised and a lot stupid. And because of that asshole, I still owe you a second date," Owen told him and saw some of the worry leave Dan's face.

  "I think you were right. Let's call any uninterrupted time together a date."

  "You don't get off that easy," Owen told him. "Let's do this right."

  "By the book it is," Dan said and leaned over to kiss him.

  Owen's mouth opened as his eyes closed. He didn't know how much he needed this until he felt Dan's lips on his, his tongue probing gently.

  "It's weird to date someone when you're a hundred percent sure you want to be with them," Dan said, ending the kiss.

  "You're that sure?"

  "More than sure," Dan said and gave him such an intense look that Owen was glad he was sitting or he would have been knocked over. The raw emotion he saw in Dan's eyes went straight to his heart.

  "I hope I never disappoint you," Owen said. He felt happy and honored by Dan's faith in his feelings for him.

  "Are you worried that we don't belong together? Because if we don't belong together, no one does," Dan said emphatically.

  "I'm beyond worrying about that. I'm just waiting for that moment when everything clicks and I know where I'm meant to be. It happened when I moved in with Mom and the girls. One day I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be, with the people I loved most. I can feel that moment coming again so you better be as sure as you say you are," Owen warned him.

  "Damn. When you bring it, you don't kid around," Dan said with a happy grin. He inclined his head to look deep into Owen's eyes. "When that moment comes, I will be so ready for you."

  This time Owen leaned in to kiss Dan. If Owen needed this close contact between them, then Dan did too. Owen wanted to give him everything he wanted and needed. For now, it was a tender kiss that deepened as Dan's arms went around him and Owen's tongue started to slide over his. This was everything, Owen thought as he was lost in that kiss. No matter what had happened tonight, Dan was worth it.

  Chapter 13

  Friday evening, Owen was showing a house to some busy clients. Later that night, Dan was planning on going to dinner with Antonio.

  "I'll be back before your date with Antonio," Owen told him.

  "You're not funny. You are the only guy I'm dating. But if you're not back in time, I'll just take the girls along. They can chaperone."

  "I wouldn't wish that on poor Antonio. I'll make sure to get back," Owen said, showing more compassion for Antonio than Dan expected.

  "Make up your mind. Are you jealous of Antonio or not?" Dan asked and got close to Owen to stare him down and press up against him.

  "I think he's nuts," Owen said as he looked into Dan's challenging eyes and smiled. "He had a taste of you and he let you go. How could he do it?"

  "I wasn't meant to be with him, and we both knew that. I was meant to be with someone else."

  "Some boring, real estate guy with two kids."

  "Yes. Him."

  "I still can't believe you're interested in me," Owen said with a shake of his head.

  Instead of being uninterested, Dan was ready to make every one of his filthy desires come to life.

  "Interested doesn't cover how I feel," Dan told him. "I'm consumed, obsessed and crazy in love."

  "Hey! You said the L word," Owen said, startled.

  "Was I supposed to wait for the third date when we're still working our way up to the second one?" Dan asked him.

  "At least. Now what you said is going to be ringing in my ears the whole day. How am I supposed to concentrate and talk about a whirlpool tub and an oversized marble shower?" Owen asked, frowning at Dan while his dark eyes gleamed.

  He was so cute when he was flustered. Dan kissed him and sent him on his way.

  Owen came back in plenty of time. They even had a chance to fool around a little before Antonio showed up. Standing on the doorstep when Dan opened the door, Antonio just shook his head at first.

  "So you're really a manny," he said as Dan dragged him inside.

  "You thought I was joking this whole time?" Dan asked. He had known about the job since Dan got it.

  "It seemed more likely than you being a manny," Antonio said.

  "Here's proof," Dan said as the girls ran over.

  "These are your charges, huh?" Antonio said as the girls peered at him curiously.

  "We're not charges. We're little girls," Connie corrected him. "We're Uncle Owen's nieces."

  "We're nieces!" Maggie repeated like a little megaphone.

  "So they're shy?" Antonio said.

  "This is Connie, and this is Maggie. And this is the friend I'm going to have dinner with. His name is Antonio."

  "Not another date, right?" Connie asked suspiciously.

  "No. Just dinner."

  "OK," she said.

  "Does that run in the family?" Antonio asked once Connie and Maggie were gone.

  "Jealousy? I think I'm more jealous than Owen," Dan said remembering his reaction when he visited Owen at work.

  "I'm about to prove you wrong," Owen said from behind him.

  "OK. I get it now," Antonio said as Dan introduced him to Owen. "And I'll take the jealousy as a compliment," he said to Owen.

  "As you should," Owen told him.

  Antonio had a great body and beautifully chiseled features. Despite that, Owen was perfectly nice to Antonio. Dan could only see the barest hint of jealousy. When it came down to it, Owen was a classy guy and he was all his. Feeling lucky to have him, Dan was smiling as he walked out with Antonio.

  As they headed to Antonio's car, he stared at Dan with a scowl.

  "What's this? This face you're making? Are you happy or something?" Antonio accused him.

  "Mostly. Things with Owen are moving along. But Keith reared his ugly head," Dan told him. Thinking of the incident still made him feel sick.

  "Keith? I thought he was done with you after he cost you that job," Antonio said as he got behind
the wheel.

  "I didn't want to keep parking cars that bad," Dan said to him.

  "No. The other job at that flooring place, Solutions something?"

  "Surface Solutions? What do you mean?" Dan asked.

  "I ran into Samantha from the valet service right after I got here. She told me about it. Mr. Douglas gave you a good reference. You know how he is. But a day or two later, Samantha overheard Keith talking to someone about you from the phone in Douglas's office. He was saying that you were suspected of stealing from people's cars. She told Douglas. He checked his calls. Keith was talking to someone at the flooring place about you. Mr. Douglas called them back to straighten it out, but it was too late. They already went with someone else."

  Dan was speechless for a second.

  "Shit. That's why they dumped me at the last minute. Why didn't Mr. Douglas let me know?"

  "Probably didn't want to stir up trouble. Maybe he thought that was the end of it."

  "Damn. Good thing I don't care about that job any more," Dan said though he didn't like to hear that Keith had gotten away with even more shit.

  "Not with what you have going on with your current boss," Antonio needled him.

  "Exactly. But Keith is still causing trouble. He almost got Owen arrested." Dan told him what happened when they ran into him.

  "That guy is crazy. What are you supposed to do?" Antonio said.

  "That's the same problem I had before. I have to have proof that he's done something illegal, and being an asshole and getting Owen to deck him isn't it."

  "Did he come looking for you or...?"

  "We just ran into him by accident. I think he only strikes when he sees an opportunity. He's not going to come chasing after me." That's what Dan was hoping anyway. That cop brother of his probably talked some sense into him.

  Dan was back home after dinner. He went to Owen's office to talk to him, but Owen only wanted to tease him about Antonio.

  "Did you rekindle any old feelings? Did any sparks fly during your dinner?" Owen asked, holding Dan by the waist.

  "Not at dinner, but sparks are flying now," Dan told him.

  "Are you sure? That Antonio is really good-looking," Owen persisted.

  "Maybe I should be jealous of you and Antonio," Dan said, giving Owen a dirty look.

  "Not while you look this good," Owen told him as his eyes traced a path down his body. "The girls are in bed. We're down here, and that door locks."

  "You can't get enough of me."

  "I want a taste of you," Owen said and got closer.

  The tip of Owen's tongue parted his scowling lips. Dan let Owen kiss him while he acted disinterested. He liked how tightly Owen held him as he kissed him lightly. Teasing him, he was trying to get Dan to respond. Of course Dan did. He couldn't hold out against the biggest temptation of his life. Their kiss started out soft. Then Owen increased the pressure of his lips and tongue while he squeezed Dan's ass. Turning the kiss hard and thorough, he made Dan shake inside with unfulfilled need. Owen pulled back and looked at Dan, proud of what he had done to him. Dan grinned enjoying the buzz of arousal even if he knew it wouldn't be satisfied any time soon. The girls had only just gone to bed. Owen nuzzled him and kissed his neck. Letting out a soft moan, he was letting Dan know that he had made himself horny too. Running his fingers through Owen's hair and down his back, Dan decided to ruin the mood.

  "Now I have to tell you something about Keith."

  Owen drew back, and his features clouded over. Dan told him what he found out from Antonio about Keith sabotaging him. Seeing Owen's face turn very grim, he reassured him. "That was a while ago. I just told you so you'll know I'm not keeping stuff from you even if it's unpleasant."

  "I appreciate that. But if you see this guy, get the hell away from him. Please don't be brave," Owen begged him.

  "Look who's talking. You punched his lights out."

  "And that was stupid. Be smarter than me."

  "Do as you say not as you do?"

  "Exactly. An arrest could screw up your future."

  "I'll play it smart. I promise." Dan didn't want Owen to worry. He gave him a kiss to seal his promise.

  "I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you," Owen said.

  "I know exactly how you feel," Dan told him. Seeing Owen in handcuffs was possibly the worst moment of his life.

  Owen kissed him as if he wanted to make it up to him.

  "I'm sorry I made you worry," Owen said.

  "I can't blame you for being my hero."

  They kissed again then broke apart quickly when they heard the girls on the stairs. They were probably sneaking down to make sure Dan was back, and Antonio hadn't stolen him away.


  A few hours later, Owen heard a light knock on his bedroom door. When he opened it, Dan came in. It was past midnight. This late, Dan had to be there for either a very good or a very bad reason, or both.

  "I just came down here to use your shower," Dan said.

  "Oh, did you?" Owen didn't bother to ask him if the shower upstairs was broken.

  "I hope that's OK," Dan said. He could almost pull off the innocent act. If only his pajama bottoms weren't tenting.

  "So you just decided to take a midnight shower. And now you're stripping," Owen noticed.

  Dan had pulled off his t-shirt in one swift motion that revealed his magnificent chest. Now he was bending over to pull down his pajamas and also to give Owen an enticing view. He was just sinfully gorgeous.

  "I like to shower naked. Call me a perv," Dan said then went into the bathroom. Was Owen supposed to ignore his big, erect cock?

  "Are we doing it in the shower?" Owen asked as he took off his own t-shirt and threw it on a chair.

  "I'm showering. I don't know what you're talking about," Dan said as Owen followed him into the bathroom.

  "This," Owen said. He took Dan's hand and put it on his bulging crotch covered only by his boxers.

  "How did you get that?" Dan said, looking puzzled.

  Owen decided to explain himself. "This guy barged into my room and took off all his clothes to show off his perfect body."

  "The only perfect one is you," Dan said and grabbed him roughly to pull him close. Their erections met hard, grinding against each other.

  "Strip. I want to scrub you down," Dan said as he started kissing Owen's chest and nibbling on his nipple. Owen panted and fumbled with his boxers.

  Once the boxers were off and kicked away, Owen stepped into the shower.

  "Are you going to lick me clean?" Owen asked. Though water was now running over them, Dan was still using his tongue to tease his nipples.

  "I might," Dan told him as he licked his way down until he was on his knees in front of Owen.

  Dan swiped the head of his cock with his tongue several times. Owen watched as his wet cock slipped into Dan's hot, sweet mouth. It felt so good, but it didn't last. Dan slid up his body making sure to maintain full contact. Naked and wet, skin to skin, Owen couldn't get enough of him. He was mesmerized by the movement of Dan's muscles as water ran over him in rivulets. Owen's tongue traced the outlines of his biceps as Dan threaded his fingers through his wet hair. Then Dan's mouth was on Owen's for a truly wet kiss.

  Water ran over them as their tongues danced around each other. Owen stroked Dan's slippery, rock-hard cock with a light touch, barely any pressure. Cupping both cocks in his hand, Owen thrust his hips, letting his own cock slide over Dan's. As their cocks rubbed together, Owen knew what he really wanted. He ended the kiss and shut off the water.

  Going into his bedroom, Owen got lube and condoms from his nightstand and dumped them on the bed. He hurriedly threw some towels over the bed then he kneeled on them still dripping wet. Offering himself, he waited for Dan. The first sensation Owen felt was Dan rubbing his thumb over his ass and down the crack. He gasped and panted.

  "Tease!" he managed to get out.

  Then he felt a slick finger entering him, and he shuddered and sighed. It was happening
. Owen felt shaky with anticipation as his whole body screamed for Dan.


  Just one finger inside Owen told Dan how tight he was. He felt the ring of muscle constricting around his finger and imagined what that would do to his cock. He groaned at the thought, and his cock got even stiffer. Dan added plenty of lube before pushing in a second finger. He felt Owen push back, panting for more. With even more lube, a third finger was pistoning in and out of Owen, but not easily. Owen's head had dropped to the bed and he was moaning.

  "Stop. I don't want to come like that," Owen warned him between moans.

  Fingering him was fun, but Dan wanted to fuck him so much. How could he wait when Owen was urging him on? Dan barely had any self-control left. This was what he had dreamed about.

  Owen groaned at the initial pressure against his hole. He called Dan's name and clawed at the sheets. When Dan was in, Owen's back arched. The grip on Dan's cock was crushing. He could feel Owen breathing shakily. He could feel everything. Not daring to move, Dan moaned hoarsely and rubbed Owen's back still wet from the shower. He smoothed out the beads of water starting to mix with sweat.

  Forehead on the mattress, Owen reached back with both hands. The muscles of his arms stood out as Owen took hold of Dan's hips and pulled him further in. Letting himself be guided, Dan moaned. He grabbed onto Owen's hips again and pushed in. Owen crossed his arms over his lowered head, put his weight back on his elbows and pushed back. Owen had no patience and Dan loved it. He felt his cock enveloped by an unbelievably tight, hot grip. Sparks shot through his brain. Owen was amazing. He was panting as he rocked back into Dan. Moving inside him became only slightly easier, but Owen was enjoying it. His breathless moans were clear about that. Dan didn't know how much he could take. Being inside Owen felt too good. He gritted his teeth against the threatening orgasm.

  "Don't you dare come yet," Owen told him as Dan pulled back.

  "Then stop being awesome," Dan told him, but that was enough of a distraction to help him hold off his climax. He was back in with one solid shove, loving every inch of Owen as he tightened around him, trying to undo his hard won control.


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