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Go Big

Page 9

by Joanna Blake

  And then he'd ruined it by pulling this caveman stunt.

  He'd tried to impregnate me! Deliberately! He'd as much as said it was on purpose. He wanted to trap me somehow. Mark me as his own. Breed me like an animal!

  It made me so angry I could scream!

  Actually, I had screamed.

  I cracked a smile at the memory of Cade Dupree cowering from a woman half his size. I'd really let loose with every foul word I could come up with. And then I'd made up a few of my own.

  He wasn't the only one who had a way with words.

  I sighed. I would take care of this. As for Cade, I had no idea what I would do about him.

  I couldn't think about that. About how I would resist him if he came calling again. And judging from his texts and phone calls, he wasn't going to just give up and go away.

  One thing at a time, Camille.

  I was sitting in my doctor's office, waiting for them to bring me the drugs I requested. I came in for the morning after pill. But it was taking too long.

  Something was wrong.

  I sat there, fuming. I wanted to cut Cade up into little bitty pieces with a machete. I wanted to-

  "Miss Rivers, sorry about the delay."

  He sat behind his desk and gave me an odd look.

  "I'm sorry, but after looking over your chart, I cannot prescribe this medication for you. It's not safe."

  I stared at my doctor.

  "What do you mean I can't take the morning after pill?"

  "Well Camille, you had that deep vein thrombosis back in your teens… I'm afraid it's just not the solution for you. I spoke to your doctor in New York and she agrees."

  "I was on an eighteen hour flight when that happened! It was a fluke."

  "I'm sorry but I can't allow it. Have you thought about using condoms instead?"

  I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming. The man was an idiot.

  All men were idiots.

  "Yes of course I have. This was a one time thing."

  "Well, it only takes once you know."

  I almost slapped my forehead in annoyance. My voice sounded strained as I ground the words out. I added the doctor to my kill list.

  "That is why I am here."

  He smiled reassuringly. Like he thought he was calming me down. It had the opposite effect.

  "Well, if you do find yourself pregnant, we can do something about that. But not until later I'm afraid."

  It was like a splash of cold water. I sat there, realizing how trapped I was. If that was the only answer…

  "An abortion."

  I felt sick as I said the words. It's not that I didn't believe in a woman's right to choose, I just never imagined that woman would be me.

  I wasn't sure I could go through with it.

  Which meant… Cade may have really screwed me. In more ways than one.

  "If that's what you want. Take some time to think about it. It might not even come up."

  I nodded numbly and stood up. I would just have to wait and see. I had a strange certainty that I was pregnant already. That was ridiculous though. You couldn't tell after a few days, could you?

  I felt so stupid as I walked to my car. Cade was just another misogynistic caveman. An impossibly handsome, funny, talented as hell caveman.

  But that didn't change the fact that I'd fallen for his act. Not just his act either.

  I was pretty sure I'd fallen for him. I hadn't meant to. I'd done my best to resist him, but it had been impossible. And once he'd put his hands on me… I was lost.

  I was literally putty in his huge, manly hands.

  I shivered, imagining all the things he'd done to me with those hands. And his lips. And his tongue.

  And his-

  I turned the AC on, leaning towards it to cool my face. Just the thought of what we'd done together was getting me hot and bothered. If he had been in the car with me at that moment, I wouldn't have known whether to kiss him or smack him.

  Or both.

  Oh yes. Camille Rivers was in trouble.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "What do you want Cade?"

  Finally. Finally she answers the phone and this is what I get. I'd even called her at the office this time. I was pretty surprised she'd taken my call at all if this was how she was going to be.

  "Come on sweetheart, let's talk… I want to see you again."

  For a minute she was silent. I wondered if she was trying to resist me or reach through the phone and strangle me. Possibly both.

  "You will see me. You have an event this weekend, remember?"

  "The country club thing right?"

  "Yes Cade, the country club thing. It's one of the most profitable events we have all year."

  She sighed heavily, using her schoolteacher voice again. It should have annoyed me but instead it made me horny as hell. I had a vision of her in a prim, tight fitting dress. She'd have a ruler in her hand. And glasses. Then she'd make me stay after school…

  Her voice snapped me out of it.

  "Cade? Did you fall into a well?"

  I almost laughed at her snippy tone. I guess I deserved it. I had pulled quite a surprise on her. But the woman was so hard to pin down, she hardly gave me a choice!

  "Alright, well I'm bringing guests. I can't wait for you to meet them."

  "Guests? How many?"

  "Five. You'll love 'em, just wait."

  I almost said, you'll learn to love me too dammit but I didn't want to sound desperate. No need for her to know how hard I'd fallen. And what sort of desperate measures I would stoop too.

  Starting by sweetening her up with my adorable siblings. Maybe she'd hop right on board the baby train. She'd come to me, begging me to give it to her good. She'd pray each day for a baby from my loins.



  The damn woman hung up on me! I cursed, staring at the phone. I knew I was out of my depth with Camille. Probably out of my league too.

  She was too fancy for a backwoods boy like me. But I didn't care. She liked me dammit. Our parts had fit together in a miraculous way. She would learn to love me dammit.

  Or at least beg for my cock on a regular basis.

  That would be a good start. Yes, that would fit the bill just fine. But so far, she was being more ornery than a drunken squirrel about it!

  I smiled for a second, remembering how the squirrels back home all got foxed on fermented fruit berries come August. All through September, if it was warm enough. They'd run around chattering and screaming and falling out of the trees like tiny drunk sailors.

  We called it Squirrel Mardi Gras.

  My smile faded as I considered the Camille problem. She was being difficult. I was getting real lonely for her. I'd never had to wait on a woman before and I didn't like it one bit.

  I was Cade Dupree dammit! Nobody turned me down! I was big and mean and-


  I walked to the door, imagining that maybe Camille had come around already. But she hadn't had time to drive over here, even in that Italian sports car of hers. I peered through the door to see an empty hallway. I looked down and saw a bare ass pointing right at me.

  I smiled, knowing who that small white ass belonged to before I even opened the door. I'd wiped it often enough. My baby brother had a fondness for dropping trou. I opened the door, barking in my best drill sergeant voice.

  "Shepard, pull those pants up boy!"

  Sure enough, Shep was bent over, his hands on his knees. He turned and yanked up his pants as the four other kids launched themselves onto me at once.


  I grinned, my arms full of wild unruly children.

  The Dupree brood had arrived early.


  I walked through the event space, looking for problems to solve. The floral arrangements were lovely. The staff was in place, trays of champagne in hand.

  The doors were about to open.

  But where was Cade?

sp; I felt unaccountably nervous about seeing him. And it had nothing to do with the event. Yes, this was one of our biggest events. And yes, the members of the club had deep pockets, especially where sick children were involved.

  But I was nervous for another reason.

  I was afraid Cade Dupree was going to try and talk me into bed again.

  And I was afraid it was going to work.

  In fact, I'd barely slept a wink all week, worrying about his effect on me. He hadn't given up either, even after I tore into him last weekend. He'd gone on sending me flirty texts and calling me as if we hadn't just made a monumental error in judgment.

  I still couldn't believe how careless I'd been. Or that he'd tricked me into having unprotected sex. Well, not tricked exactly. He'd driven me wild with lust and then proceeded without further discussion.

  Which felt like a trick to me!

  I sighed, rubbing my hands together. I grabbed a glass of champagne, hoping it would steady my nerves. I sipped it, catching my reflection in one of the huge mirrors over the bar.

  I looked pale and nervous in my sapphire blue silk dress. I had a thin matching blue lace jacket on top but I was still chilled by the AC. My eyes were huge in my face. I looked tired.

  "You look beautiful Princess."

  I turned to find Cade right behind me. He was grinning ear to ear. I couldn't help it. My heart warmed at the sight of him.

  Then he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me against him.


  He lifted me up and smothered my words with his lips. I started to melt into him just when the hooting started. I opened my eyes but Cade kept on kissing me.

  To my right was a young boy, grinning at us as he shouted his approval. I slid my eyes to the left. A blond girl stood there with her fingers in her mouth. She was whistling like a professional.

  I was pretty sure there were more of them too.

  "Put me down!"

  My feet were dangling as his hands slid down to cup my bottom. He squeezed and I let out a yelp. My cheeks were bright red as he finally lowered me to the ground.

  I'd never been manhandled like that in my life!

  "She's so pretty!"

  "Isn't she though?"

  Cade was smiling at me like I was the prize hog at the county fair. Oh lord, now I was talking like him too! I scowled and shoved him away.

  "Cade! Do not do that in public!"

  He grinned wider.

  "But it's okay in private, dollface?"

  He leaned in close.

  "I've got lots of things I'd like to do with you in private, sweetheart."

  I was blushing again. Just as the guests started to arrive. Perfect.

  "Cade, please behave. You are here to raise money, remember? You need to schmooze, not paw at me."

  "Whatever you say darlin'. Just want you to meet some people first."

  I looked around at his guests. I was surrounded on all sides by large, extraordinarily healthy looking children. They all had red cheeks and Cade's earthy good looks. Ten pairs of pale blue eyes were staring at me.

  A sudden, horrifying thought occurred to me.

  "Cade… are these all your children?"

  They all started laughing, slapping their knees and leaning on each other in their mirth.

  "She's funny!"

  I waited for them to stop laughing. I was so annoyed that I crossed my arms and started tapping my toe. I was surrounded by Duprees and they all seemed to be as happy-go-lucky and arrogant as Cade!

  "No angel, these are my sisters and brothers. Jenny, Tammy, Lucy, Shep and Craig, this is Camille. She's the special lady I was telling you about."

  They all made funny little bows and curtsies to me. It was strangely formal. Perhaps it was a Southern thing. I decided that they were pretty cute, until I noticed what they were wearing.

  Jeans and t-shirts. Not even clean ones either. They were unkempt and out of place. I could not believe he had chosen this moment to spring his family on me!

  Even if it was kind of sweet.

  "Cade, this isn't exactly the place for children. It's a black-tie event."

  He grinned.

  "You got any extra ties?"

  I sighed, resting my forehead on my palm.

  "Come with me."

  I led the way through the building to the game room in the back. There was a foosball table and a pool table, as well as arcade games. I asked the staff to bring dinner and snacks. Cade looked on approvingly, then followed me back to the other side of the club.

  Before we got halfway down the long hallway he grabbed me, pressing me against the wall.


  He smiled at me.

  "I missed you."

  I sighed. I'd missed him too. Even if he was a big lug.

  "Cade I can't do this. Not here. Not now. Not ever. It's too risky."

  His face fell. He looked almost hurt. I realized that he'd probably never been turned down before.

  Well, maybe it would be good for him. It felt awful all the same.

  "I'm sorry Cade."

  He frowned at me. Then he looked around. I had no idea what he was doing until he yanked me into a supply closet and slammed the door behind him.

  "What are you doing?"

  He loosened his tie, pacing back and forth in the small space. He cursed and ran his hands through his hair. Then he backed me up against a wall.

  "You don't get to do that."

  "Do what? This is ridiculous Cade! We have an event to attend!"

  "I'm talking about us now. This is something real. You don't get to blow me off like that."

  "I'm not blowing you off Cade. I slept with you against my better judgment and you tricked me into having unprotected sex!"

  "Tricked you? Does this ring a bell? 'Oh Cade please fuck me. I am begging you to fuck me!'"

  I turned bright pink.

  "You are not a gentleman for bringing that up."

  He stared at me.

  "I never said I was a damned gentleman. I am a real man who knows what he wants. And I want you. Long term, Princess."

  My heart did a little flip-flop. Cade Dupree, playboy extraordinaire was asking me to be in a relationship.

  "You want to date me?"

  "Date? You're crazy woman. I want you in my bed. Permanently."

  My mouth opened and no sound came out. He was serious. He meant it.

  He looked abashed as he ran his hand through his hair. I had started noticing he did that when he was struggling with his emotions. There it was. Proof that Cade Dupree had a heart.

  "Well, say something already woman! You want me too, remember?"

  I tried to pull myself together. I was on the brink of throwing myself into his arms and telling him I loved him. It would be a relief to stop fighting.

  But that would be bad. Bad bad bad. Stupid.

  And I was not a stupid woman who let herself fall in love with overgrown athletes.

  So I gave him a polite smile and stood up straight.

  "Let's talk about this later Cade. Please. We have to get back to the party."

  "Don't think you are skipping out on me Princess. It won't go over well."

  "Alright Cade. We'll talk. I just- not now, okay?"

  He nodded gruffly and pressed his lips to mine. I absorbed the kiss, wishing it was longer. It was hard, fast, hot and sweet.

  Kind of like the man himself.

  I ducked under his arms and out of the supply room before he could kiss me again. Or… anything else. I found a bathroom and splashed cool water on my face. I looked in the mirror, telling myself silently to buck up and stay strong. Now was not the time to think about my messy love- or almost love- life.

  I reminded myself what my father always said. It was a family motto that went back generations. A River never folds.

  Then I stood up straight and walked out to join the party.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I rounded up the kids and got them into
the back of the limo. They were all nodding off, even after all the excitement. The rich country club food had been more than they were used to.

  Plus they'd played about fifty games of pool while I was glad-handing and making nice. Camille had checked on me, making sure I had my drink and tried all the best food. It had felt right, having her look after me, seeing her nearby. Especially looking like she did in that stunning dress.

  Now I just had one last thing to do…

  I grinned, telling the driver to wait.

  I was going to get my woman.

  "Camille? Where you at girl?"

  I had looked everywhere but the only people here seemed to be the staff cleaning up. I found one and pulled him aside.

  "Can I help you with something sir?"

  "Have you seen Miss Rivers?"

  "She left."

  "Oh, she did, did she? When?"

  "About twenty minutes ago sir."

  I turned and left without a backwards glance. This would not do. This would not do at all. She'd promised me we would talk. And then she pulls a disappearing act on me?

  After everything I said to her?

  There was going to be hell to pay on this fine Floridian evening, that much was certain.

  "Take us to the hotel and wait for me. We have a second stop."

  The driver nodded and I got in, pulling a sleepy child against my shoulder. Cami should be here too. She'd promised.

  I hated being lied to.

  More than almost anything.

  I got the kids into their hotel rooms and into their pajamas. Even made them brush their teeth. Then I waited till the littlest one was out cold before heading back to the car.

  I still had my tux on, so I slung the jacket over my shoulder.

  "The Rivers Estate please."

  I sat back in the seat, contemplating what I was going to do to make Camille see things clearly. I'd wooed her already. I'd asked nicely. Now I was mad.

  I didn't even knock. I just walked to the back of the house where I was sure I'd find her. She'd told me it was her favorite spot. There she was on the back terrace, sipping a cup of tea, staring out at the night sky.


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