Go Big

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Go Big Page 38

by Joanna Blake

  The second you left, he’d drink or eat anything.

  He was a righteous pain in the ass.

  Never mind handling his catheter. For some reason, he’d pulled it out several times. That was extremely painful, even for someone whose senses were diminished by age and illness.

  With no catheter, he peed all over the place.

  If he pulled it out again though, it was diaper city for him. I had had enough. And yet, I was smiling as I entered his room.

  Because of Trent.

  Everything he’d said to me, even the way he’d shown up at my house out of the blue. He’d refused to give up on me. It made me feel… special.

  Like I meant something to him.

  Like I hadn’t been a complete idiot to feel all the things I’d been feeling.

  He felt it too. I knew it. And that changed everything.

  “Hello, Mr. Kline. How are you feeling today?”

  I swear the man made a sound that sounded something like ‘harrumph.’ He was basically the bad guy in an old time movie. I smiled at him, all the same.

  Nothing was going to bring me down today.

  I felt my phone vibrate in my hip and smiled. I knew it was Trent. He and I were playing a little game of phone tag the past few days. Ever since he came to see me.

  He texted me good morning every single morning.

  And he texted me goodnight.

  He also sent pictures of his dogs. I had no idea he had so many dogs. They were all rescues that he had taken in. He called the pictures ‘dolfies’ or ‘dog selfies.’ They often featured dogs wearing sunglasses, or sitting on Trent’s head.

  It was freaking adorable.

  It was making me fall for him.

  Well, it was making me fall for him faster.

  I almost wished he would stop being so amazing. Just so I could catch my breath, take my time with these crazy new feelings.

  Almost. But not quite.

  Mr. Kline was quiet today. He didn’t try and urinate on me, or spit. And he actually took his meds. I made a note to check all his vitals hourly. If he wasn’t spunky today, that might be a sign of trouble.

  It also might be a sign that he was doing better. I hoped the latter was true, even if he was a mean old bastard. Everyone deserved as much life and good health as they could get. I truly believed that. It gave my job even more meaning.

  The mid-day shift started and I reviewed patient status with Kelly. She teased me a bit about the dopey smile on my face. Even she had no idea what was the cause of my good mood. I hadn’t told a soul what had happened. What was happening.

  I was grinning because tonight, I got to see Trent. In person this time. Not just a picture.

  After this my shift was over. I would go home, shower, take a nap, and when I woke up it would be time for our date.

  I wasn’t going to lie. I was looking forward to it.

  I was looking forward to it a lot.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I could not stop tapping my foot on the ride over to Lexi’s. I had thought of everything. I had made sure Lexi didn’t have to work. I had made sure Jan could stay the weekend and take care of my girls.

  I had the plane. I had the hotel room. I had even packed a suitcase with clothes in what I hoped were Lexi’s size.

  She had no idea what was in store for her.

  I grinned, imaging her face when she realized where my favorite restaurant was.

  It wasn’t in LA.

  “We’re here sir.”

  I thanked the driver and got out. Before I even got to the front door it opened, revealing a very young, very pretty girl. She looked so much like Lexi that it took my breath away for a moment. That’s before I noticed something strange about her eyes.

  They lacked something. A sparkle. Focus.

  “Who are you?”

  Her speech was slightly stilted, as if she had trouble putting a sentence together. She almost sounded foreign. She also did not seem all that happy to see me.

  I smiled.

  “I’m Trent. I’m here to pick up Lexi.”

  The girl tilted her head to the side.

  “I’m Char.”

  “It is very nice to meet you.”

  She smiled suddenly and I saw her sister in her again. Then she shut the door in my face.

  Again, not unlike her sister.

  The door opened in less than a minute. Lexi stood there, looking slightly horrified.

  “Trent! Sorry about that.”

  “It’s fine.”

  And it was. I could not stop grinning. Lexi was wearing stripy high heel sandals. And a dress. A slinky, sexy, clinging to her curves kind of dress.

  All the times I’d admired her looks, I’d thought she was beautiful in a sweet and innocent way. I was wrong. Really, really wrong.

  Lexi was a fucking knockout. A ten. No. She was a twenty. Gorgeous face. Stunning eyes. Luscious hair. A body that would stop traffic. And I already knew what a good heart she had.

  She was, quite literally, the perfect woman.

  I forced myself to calm down and sound normal. Like I wasn’t ready to jump her bones the second I got her in the limo. Hell, I was ready to jump her on the doorstep.

  “You ready?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s go.”

  The driver opened the door for us. I slid in behind her, watching as she buckled herself in. I smiled. Nobody did that. I’d literally never seen anyone use a seatbelt in a limo.

  Except my girl.

  And she would be mine if I had my way. Not just for a night or a weekend. Not even just for a year. I was thinking much longer term than that. The thought of not seeing her beautiful face was fucking terrible. I couldn’t imagine not getting to feel this way. When I was around her, the world was fucking right.

  That’s when I knew.

  I was keeping her dammit.

  “Do you have your ID? I don’t want you to get carded.”

  She rolled her eyes, patting her tiny little purse.

  “I have it.”

  “Good. Now just one more thing…”

  I held up a blindfold. Nothing kinky. The kind you wore to sleep in. It was silk. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.

  “Are you serious?”

  I nodded slowly. She looked nervous for minute. And then she sat up straighter.

  “Okay, I’ll play your little game.”

  She was giggling as I slid the mask over her head. I adjusted it, making sure it was a comfortable fit. Then I leaned back and looked my fill at her. It was the first time I could really do that without her noticing. My eyes wandered down her throat to her amazing tits. I let my eyes slide all the way down to her feet, and back up again.

  Damn, the girl was fine!

  I took her hand, letting my fingers trace lazy circles on the inside of her wrist. In less than a minute, I was hard and she was breathless, her nipples poking up through her dress. I’d heard the expression ‘chemistry’ before, but I never understood it before now.

  Oh yeah, this was going to be a very, very good weekend.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “It’s a surprise. You’ll like it.”

  She had no idea my favorite restaurant was in Hawaii.

  The limo drove us all the way onto the tarmac. I handed our ID’s to the TSA agent, gesturing silence with my finger. He winked at me, handing me back our ID’s. I guided Lexi up the stairs. There. We were on board. She didn’t say a word until she heard the engines during takeoff.


  I leaned forward, sliding her blindfold off. She blinked at me, staring around the private jet. It was an amazing one. Creamy leather sofas and executive chairs in a state of the art airplane. I’d borrowed it from a friend who only charged me for fuel and paying the pilot. He owned a private jet rental company and never charged his friends a fee. One of the major perks of having the kinds of friends I had.

  It still wasn’t cheap. But fuck
it. If I couldn’t spend my money sweeping Lexi off her feet, what was it good for?

  Her jaw dropped.

  “The jet isn’t mine.”

  I didn’t want her to think I was that rich. I didn’t think it would impress her, and for some reason I hated the thought of lying to her, even by omission.

  I took a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice. I popped it, pouring us each a glass. Lexi accepted the drink from me without comment. But she looked upset.

  “This is the first drink I’ve had since the accident. No drugs.”

  “That’s not what is bothering me Trent.”

  Her eyes were wide with panic. I realized I had made a serious miscalculation. Something was wrong.

  “I need to get back. For my sister.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She can’t be left alone. Not for an hour, let alone overnight.”

  “I don’t understand. She’s not a child.”

  She took a deep breath. When she looked at me, her eyes were worried. Not just for her sister. She was afraid of what I might think.

  “She’s disabled. I am her guardian. I should have told you. It’s just- well, it freaks some people out.”

  I took her hand.

  “It doesn’t freak me out. I’m just- fuck, I’m sorry. What if she stayed at my place, with the dogs? I have a friend there for the weekend.”

  Lexi chewed her lip.

  “I can call Mrs. Keeley and ask her to stay over. And the caregiver is there tonight. She’ll be there Saturday as well but not Sunday.”

  I squeezed her hand. The last thing I wanted to do was make her worry.

  “We can make it a one day weekend then. If I could turn the plane around I would. I’m so sorry.”

  She smiled at me, exhaling.

  “No, it’s alright. She’s used to me being away sometimes when I work overnights. I’m not mad. I just didn’t know.”

  I grinned at her, leaning over to nibble her ear.

  “That’s how surprises work, Lexi.”

  I handed her the phone embedded in the wall. She picked it up, glancing at me.

  “Do I need to dial 9 for an outside line?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. I sat back and watched as she called her neighbor and then the service for the caregiver. Her hands her white where she gripped the phone. I felt like an ass for assuming she could just up and leave.

  I was also touched by how obviously she cared about her sister. It’s not that I was surprised. She was a caring person after all. That was obvious. It must be nice to have family like that. I had no idea how it felt to have anyone want me for anything other than my cock.

  At least, I knew I would not disappoint her with that.

  She hung up, looking relieved.

  “Everything alright?”

  “Yes. Thank goodness the new caregiver is working out. The last three ran screaming.”

  “I want to hear all about it. After.”

  She giggled as I leaned over, nipping her neck. She smelled so good. I decided to… distract her.

  Once the fasten seatbelt sign was off, it was game on.

  It was a very long flight after all.

  And I had Sexy Lexi all to myself.


  I moaned as Trent slid my dress off my shoulders. He’d started kissing me the moment the plane leveled off. My seatbelt had come off first. Then my shoes. Now he was working on my dress.

  “Trent, what if someone sees us?”

  “The pilot won’t come out. He’s kind of busy.”

  I chewed my lip, not sure about getting naked on an airplane. It seemed wrong somehow.

  “It’s a five hour flight. Maybe a little shorter if the winds are right. That gives us plenty of time to… entertain ourselves.”

  He looked at me.

  “I wouldn’t want you to get bored.”

  I laughed. He was incorrigible. But then I nodded. I wanted what he wanted after all. What was the use in fighting it?

  And he’d gone well out of his way to make this a memorable date. I wasn’t going to be the killjoy I was so often accused me of being. For just this weekend. I would let go.

  I’d let Trent show me how the other half lived.

  He rained kissed over my skin as it appeared. My shoulders. My arms. My chest. He grinned at me as he pushed my dress to the floor and carefully laid it over the back of his seat.

  He stared at me, his eyes full of appreciation.

  “Jesus, Lexi.”

  His eyes were dark and hungry as his fingers trailed over my skin. Then he stood up and pulled me to the couch across the room. I followed him willingly, my legs feeling like jello.

  I was shaking as he lay me down across the buttery soft leather. Not from fear. From anticipation.

  I wanted this. Badly.

  And from the look in his eyes and the huge bulge in his pants, he did too.

  He pulled his shirt off and climbed on top of me. He smiled at me as he lowered his head to mine. His lips felt so soft and gentle. And then all the gentleness was gone.

  His tongue dove into my mouth hungrily. It was as if he was starving and I was the only thing that could satisfy him. His hands were all over me. He moaned, murmuring that I was beautiful… soft… that he had to have me.

  He kissed his way down to my breasts, pulling my bra cups down so he could get at me. His hands were hot on my breasts. His lips were even hotter.

  He devoured me, one breast at a time. His touch was urgent but he was not in a rush. He was taking his time.

  But I wanted more.

  He was wedged between my legs, his huge package pressing against my knee. I wanted it higher. I wanted it against me.

  I wanted it inside me.


  I grabbed his hair, lifting him up to kiss my mouth again. Ah… there it was. He was up against me again. I rocked my hips without thought and he moaned.

  “Lexi… I have to prepare you.”

  “Hmmm… no, I’m ready.”

  He stopped kissing me and stared down at me,

  “Trust me, you are not.”

  I blinked. He meant it. I pouted a little.

  “Okay but hurry. Please.”

  “Trust me Lexi, I do not want to wait.”

  He grinned at me and started down my body again. This time he didn’t kiss his way down, or tease me. No, he ripped my fucking panties off.

  I barely noticed him stuffing them into his pocket.

  Then he dove face first into my lap. I gasped as his hot tongue filled me, pressing up and inside me. He was wasting no time, plunging his tongue in and out of me. Hard.

  His hands gripped my hips. Kneading them, angling them outwards so my legs opened even more. I gripped the edges of the couch tightly, holding on for dear life.

  He changed tactics then, moving his lips up to my clit. His tongue was so strong. I’d never felt anything like it. Not even close. This was different than the other times he’d done this. This time we were alone. We had time. And he was making the most of it.

  Rapidly he flicked his tongue against me. My hips started to rise off the couch but he adjusted his shoulders so they pressed me down. Then he slid a finger inside me. I clamped down, shocked at the sensation.

  Gently he stroked my inner walls, adding another finger. And then another.

  I was out of control, close to cuming when he added yet another finger, circling them against my walls.

  I realized what he was doing suddenly.

  He was stretching me.

  I came then, my body bucking against the weight of his shoulders. My whole upper body came up off the couch as a million stars danced in front of my eyes. He did not stop fucking me with his mouth and hand. And I did not stop cuming.

  “Please- oh God- Please!”

  It was too much. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  And still he did not stop.

  His mouth continued to work my clit as his hand disappeared. I heard his belt buckle coming und
one. I was still shaking when his mouth finally lifted, only to be replaced by the wide, hot tip of his cock.


  I stared up at him, in a daze.

  “Are you ready, love? I’m clean.”

  I nodded. I knew that. I’d seen his chart.

  “Yes- Please…“

  He pushed forward.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Hot, slick pressure engulfed the tip of my cock. I couldn’t believe it. I could hardly believe that Lexi was finally letting me inside her after all this time.

  And fuck me, had she been worth the wait.

  She felt like heaven. Silky, sweet heaven around me. I groaned, my hips twitching. Along with my balls.

  Hell, my entire body was twitching with the effort of holding back.

  I’d never had to be careful before. Most girls wanted it hard. Especially on camera.

  That’s what I was known for. The Trent Davis mind-blowing pounding. It was something that only I could do.

  Lexi could not handle that. And to be honest, that’s not what I wanted to do anyway.

  I did want to drive forward and fuck her slowly until the sun came up. Fuck Hawaii. We could stay on the plane. Like this. I could spend the whole weekend balls deep inside her.

  Except I wasn’t balls deep. And from the tight fit, I wasn’t sure I ever would be. Never had I felt something so exquisitely tight on my cock.

  I stared down at the beautiful woman underneath me. Her eyes were closed. Her lips parted. Her cheeks flushed. Her hair was a mess. She looked hot,. Mega hot. I couldn’t wait to make her even messier.

  “Lexi, am I hurting you?”

  She opened her eyes.


  I groaned and eased forward a bit.

  “What about now? Does it hurt?”

  Her eyes were wide.

  “No. It just feels… oh… it feels full.”

  I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace.

  “I’m trying to go slow- oh fuck Lexi you feel so good!”

  My hips twitched again and I drove forward a bit. It was completely involuntary. I grunted with the effort of not moving.


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