Go Big

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Go Big Page 45

by Joanna Blake

  I shrugged. I knew he did. Whether that was from familial bonds or because I was his meal ticket was up for debate.

  We weren’t exactly a close family.

  “Okay, whatever. Just don’t get in my face.”

  Joss didn’t say anything. He just stared at me. I pushed my hair back and ran a towel over my face.

  I felt self-conscious suddenly. That’s why I was fidgeting. There was something about the no nonsense look in his stunning gray eyes. They were gray, right? Or were they a cool blue?

  Either way, he wasn’t impressed by my fame. Or filled with lust. Or greed.

  He was just… here to do his job.

  I should be relieved. Instead I was struck by a perverse need to get a rise out of him. To crack that cool shell of indifference.

  “Let’s pick it up from the top.”

  I nodded and took my spot by the mirrors. I couldn’t help noticing as Joss pulled Steve aside for a quiet talk. I tossed my head in annoyance. He was supposed to be watching me.

  That’s when I realized he was scanning the room constantly.

  Basically, he was looking everywhere except at me.

  I narrowed my eyes and started to dance.

  Chapter Three


  “She doesn’t know?”

  I pulled Steve aside, speaking in a low voice.

  “She’s just a kid.”

  I stared at him hard.

  “Her file says she’s over 18. Though it doesn’t specify her exact age.”

  Steve had the good grace to look uncomfortable.

  “Look. The girl has been sheltered her entire life. Her mother basically gave her over to the studio handlers. We’ve tried to regain some control over it but it’s been hard.”

  “Over it? Don’t you mean her?”

  “Right. Of course. I meant the situation.”

  Steve flushed in embarrassment. His words rang hollow and we both knew it. I turned away in disgust.

  My eyes were drawn to the slender form dancing at the front of the room. The dance moves were seductive but somehow the performance didn’t look crass. It could have been if someone else were performing them. But Trista moved with an unconscious grace.

  She was definitely not a kid.

  Not with those curves.

  I shook my head. No wonder some psychopath was obsessed with her. This guy was not a garden-variety psycho either. Once I’d signed the confidentiality papers, I’d gotten way more info than I wanted.

  Images of the numerous packages he’d sent her. Dead animals. Love poems. Pieces of her hair woven into ornate designs. Plans for their future together.

  Sick, twisted plans.

  The fact that a DNA test confirmed he had her real hair was the whole reason they’d finally called me in.

  I glanced around the room. The threat could be coming from anywhere. He could be a friend of one of the people here. A cousin. Someone on the fringe of the business.

  “How the hell am I supposed to keep her safe if she doesn’t know she’s in danger?”


  “Okay, you’re done for the day. Good work.”

  I nodded, eager to get out of the studio. I knew the drill though. Before a shoot or a concert it was 8-5 every day. Then I would go home to rehearse again. I’d be running the moves in my head as I, ate, took a shower and went to sleep.


  That was a laugh. I hadn’t had a home since I got signed. My mom and Steve had a condo but I didn’t even have a bedroom there. I was always on the move.

  Besides, she said it was easier for her if I stayed at a hotel. That way the paparazzi wouldn’t bother the other tenants. The condo board had specified that.

  I wasn’t even invited over for dinner.

  I thought about getting my own place a few times but didn’t know where to start looking. I didn’t even really know how much money it would cost. Or how much I had.

  I never dealt with money. I didn’t even carry it on me.

  My assistant Jenna did all of that for me. Or Shast when we were hanging out. Or Steve.

  Jenna and the new security guy were waiting for me.

  “Should I schedule a massage for later?”

  I shook my head. I was tired of being cooped up. I wanted some fresh air.

  “I want to go to the beach.”

  Joss shook his head.

  “Out of the question. We need to schedule that in advance.”

  “Fine then. A movie.”

  He shook his head again. His eyes were hard. I looked around for Steve but he’d already left.

  “You know, they let me do that abroad.”

  “I know. I’ve read your file.”

  I stared at him.


  “They closed out a whole movie theater for you there. We don’t have time to arrange that.”

  I was about to argue when Jenna piped in, sounding apologetic.

  “Let’s just get you back to the hotel and we can ask one of the studios for a screener.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Fine. I’ll just get back into my cage like a good little show pony.”

  I didn’t even blink as Joss opened the door for me. One security guy was in front and one was behind. As usual. What I wasn’t used to was having Joss right by my side.

  I was used to walking alone.

  “Do you mind? I’m used to walking by myself”

  He barely glanced at me.

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  Chapter Four


  I walked the suite while Trista showered. I had already cleared her bedroom and bathroom but the suite itself was problematic.

  Unfortunately, it was also the only one with a private balcony and pool. Her Highness demanded a private pool. And whatever Her Highness wanted, Her Highness got.

  How her team had allowed her to be booked here was beyond me. It was a trendy spot, full of jet setters and celebrities. There were tons of people coming and going. Renting a single-family house in a gated community would have made more sense.

  Especially since she would be here for almost a month.

  The suite had four rooms. I would be taking one, with her stylist and personal assistant in the other two. The rest of her entourage was down the hall in separate rooms.

  Dancers, the choreographer, her personal trainer, a publicist and the hair and makeup assistants.

  Her teams had their own teams.

  I shook my head. To think that one small woman needed all these people following her around and fluffing her was shocking. Apparently, her appearance was that important to her.

  I preferred the natural look myself.

  Which is probably why I stopped short when she walked out of the bedroom wrapped in a towel with no make up on.

  With her skin scrubbed clean, long wet red hair dangling down her back, and those bright blue eyes, Trista was heartstoppingly beautiful. She looked like a Botticelli painting sprung to life. Hell, the girl didn’t need to sing and dance to stop traffic.

  She just had to breath.

  I cleared my throat and averted my eyes.


  “Oh that’s alright. It’s usually just us girls around here.”

  She smirked at me.

  “You’ll just have to get used to it.”

  I did my best to ignore her as she pranced around the place getting dressed. I called the studio to request different accommodations but I wasn’t holding my breath. I had a feeling she would raise a fit anyway.

  A procession of people came in, including a messenger with a bag full of DVD’s. I glanced inside, pulling out the DVD’s and inspecting them. I checked each and every thing that entered the room. They were all movies that were in the theater or soon to release.

  I raised my eyebrows at that. It must be nice to be famous. Not that I would want all that attention.

  But it definitely had its perks.

  I walked outside to take another loo
k at the balcony perimeter. I had two guys on the walls below her balcony and a guy on the roof. There was another in the hallway.

  Still, it didn’t hurt to be careful. This was a 24/7 job for a reason. I leaned against the fence while Trista had a private yoga session by the pool. At least she was dressed now.

  Well, sort of.

  Her outfit consisted of stretchy black leggings and a strapless top in the same skin tight fabric. I watched as her teacher guided her into contortion after contortion. The girl was flexible, you had to give her that.

  I ignored the hot spear of lust I felt as she arched her body, thrusting her perfect breasts high into the air. I could see the outline of her nipples clearly. I could also see the high, firm curve of her ass.

  It was by far the most grabbable ass I’d seen in my life.

  I shook my head at the irony. How anyone ever mistook her for a little schoolgirl was beyond me.

  I went inside to check the schedule for the coming week.


  “Movie time!”

  “Can we eat please for the love of G?”

  I shrugged. I was on a protein shake regimen. The studio had arranged it. I craved hard food though.

  “Oh sorry.” Shast batted her eyelashes at Joss. “Her Royal Highness is on a diet.”

  I pouted. I was sick of the damn studio telling me what to do. And I was sick of the damn shakes!

  “I don’t care. I want french fries.”

  Shast put her hand to her throat.

  “You? Defy the powers that be?”

  I smirked at her.

  “What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Jenna, get me a large order of fries and a veggie burger too.”

  “They won’t like it…”

  I gave her a pointed look.

  “They won’t know unless someone tells them.”

  She nodded. She was my assistant, not theirs. Thank God I had her and Shast. They were loyal to the core.

  “You got it.”

  I gestured to Joss.

  “Get him something too. Desert for everyone!”

  She nodded and started taking everyone’s orders. I noticed that Joss didn’t get dessert. He just stood in the corner, exuding tightly coiled power.

  He looked like a panther, ready to pounce.

  I had the fleeting thought that I’d like him to pounce on me. I smiled at him sweetly. It wasn’t smart to poke a tiger, but I was feeling daring tonight for some reason.

  “Don’t you like sweets?”

  “No. Food is fuel.”

  “Ugh, you sound like my trainer. Your loss.”

  He said nothing. I pouted, wondering if the guy ever smiled. He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. I wondered idly if he had a girlfriend.

  Or a boyfriend.

  I leaned over Shasta’s shoulder as she sat at the kitchen counter.

  “Shast what do you think of my new security guy?”

  She glanced over at him, not pausing from her nightly routine of putting her hair up in old school rollers.

  “He is foine with a capital ‘F’.”

  “He’s stuffy.”

  She laughed.

  “If you say so. Now what should we watch first? I’m beat.”

  We put all the couch pillows on the floor and sprawled there all night, watching movies and stuffing our faces. Joss spent the night in the corner, sullenly staring at us.

  Chapter Five


  Three AM. That’s when they finally went to bed. Three.

  I knew because I was still up. I was standing on the balcony trying to ignore the sounds of giggling and splashing from the pool. I was trying to ignore the way she looked in her bikini.

  “I’m a Goddamn babysitter.”

  “Did you say something Joss?”

  I didn’t dignify that with an answer. I’d only been on duty for 18 hours and yet I was already starting to regret taking the assignment.

  Yes, it was a lot of money. But I already had a lot of money. Yes, it was a big step forward for my security company. I’d brought on my own guys and retrained the existing team.

  I didn’t mind the work or the long hours. I relished them. I had always liked losing myself in an assignment.

  Killing time so to speak.

  But this… this was something else entirely. This was hell.

  My skin was hot. My cock was twitching. My balls ached.

  Because of her.

  And she was doing it on purpose.

  Tease didn’t even start to cover it. There was nothing overt about it either. It was subtle. But for some reason, my client had decided to drive me insane with lust.

  And it was working. For some strange reason, this girl was getting under my skin. So many had tried and failed. This feeling of out of control desire was entirely new to me.

  Not that I was going to let her know that.

  I grit my teeth. Soon she would start to bore me. I’d see what a brat she was. I’d see her with other guys. I’d see how spoiled she was.

  I’d lose interest.

  I just had to wait it out. I glanced at the water just in time to see her climbing out of the pool. The water ran over her back and over the round globes of her ass. I groaned aloud.


  “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?”

  She smiled at me, toweling herself off. Jesus, I was jealous of a damn towel!

  “I’m working.”

  “When do you stop working?”

  I looked away.


  Her smile was sad as she tilted her head, staring at me.

  “Me either.”

  The girls went inside and settled in for the night. I waited until it was quiet and then secured all the doors and windows. I stripped and got into the shower. I flinched as the cold water hit my back.

  It felt awful but I relished the pain. I knew it was the only thing that would cool me down. With steely discipline I stood under the water until my cock started to go down.

  I crawled into bed a half-hour later and fell into a deep sleep.


  “I slept a lot better knowing you were here, Joss. Didn’t you girls?”

  I giggled at the way that Shast was batting her eyelashes at him. Poor Joss. He was fully dressed and standing by the door while three females in pajamas flitted around him.

  It was almost too funny for words.

  What she said was true though. I wasn’t sure why, but I had slept a lot better too. There was something reassuring about him. He was so serious. Intense. It was more than a job to him. It was a mission.

  I knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

  Never mind all the muscles and lighting fast reflexes. I’d seen him catch a fly earlier without even looking at it. I hid a smile and poured him a cup of coffee.

  Teasing Joss was just about the most fun I’d had in years.

  Scratch that, it one hundred percent was. He was more fun than a basket of kittens. Too bad he wasn’t as cuddly.

  “I assume you take it black.”

  His eyes barely flicked towards me. For a second I thought he was going to refuse the coffee. But he reached out and took it.


  For a split second our hands touched and I felt a spark that shot through me. Straight to my core. My eyes grew wide as I felt a blush stain my cheeks. I turned away quickly to hide it.

  He had definitely noticed though.

  I even thought I saw the very edge of his mouth turn up a millimeter in the semblance of a smile.


  I walked away, so flustered that I forgot to wag my ass at him. Oh well, I had plenty of opportunities for that. I had to get ready anyway.

  “How are you feeling after your junk food escapade Queenie?”

  Jenna looked worried but Shasta was grinning ear to ear.

  “Yes, please do not do that again! I will get in trouble if you don’t fit into your costume.”

, Miss thing here never gains a pound. Besides, she could always puke it up.”

  “You don’t do that do you?”

  Joss was staring at me. Really looking at me. He looked a bit disgusted. I stood up straight, mustering as much dignity as I could considering I was wearing candy colored sleep shorts and a cami.

  “No, I don’t.”

  I could have sworn he looked relieved. He nodded in approval. I ran into my room to change, feeling a warm flush of heat.

  Why did I care what my security guard thought?

  The weird thing was, I did care. I cared a lot.

  Chapter Six


  I walked the perimeter of the cavernous studio we were in for the day. This job wasn’t boring, that was for sure. Each day had a different set and a different set of security issues.

  The stylist had a team. The director had a team. The dancers had their own makeup team. Hair team. Craft services provided food. Lighting, sound, special effects.

  Logistically, it was a nightmare. On the plus side, at least I was busy. And not thinking about all the reasons I wished I had not taken this assignment.

  It had only been five days.

  It had been the longest five days of my life.

  I had figured out how to slow down time. Just put yourself into a situation where the thing you want is right in front of you all the time. Even worse, make it something you don’t want to want.

  That’s the way to live forever. Just suffer.

  I ran my hand through my hair. So far, Trista seemed like a typical teenager when she wasn’t working. Other than the legions of people spoiling and coddling her constantly.

  I hadn’t seen a hint of drugs or alcohol, which surprised me. I hadn’t heard a word about a boyfriend. Or hook ups.

  That was also surprising.

  I had been so sure that loads of guys were constantly beating down her door. Hoards of them.


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