Never Been Kissed

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Never Been Kissed Page 4

by Darling, Lucy

  He pulls a chair over next to him. “Eat. You’re not going anywhere.” I take the seat. He grabs the bottom of it, pulling the chair and me both closer to him.

  “I’ll do better about talking.” He puts a couple of pancakes on my plate and bacon before handing me the syrup.

  “We are going to be neighbors.” Kind of. My cabin is a few miles from him. Guessing from the drive over here that will make us neighbors. In the city not so much.

  “Are you thinking about taking Jameson up on his offer?”

  “Would that mean I work for you too? Since part of it is your oil too?” I don’t know shit about oil. I think all I’d be doing is making sure security was tight around here. I’d probably look into safety stuff too. All stuff I’m sure I could learn. If I wanted the job. Bow would be an added incentive for me to take it. I’ve been on the fence about leaving my other life, but if it meant more time with him, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “I take my check. I don’t get into any of it much.” He takes another bite of his food, chasing it with his coffee. I dig in too. He starts to play with my hair. “So you're thinking about taking it?” he asks again.

  “You worried I might go somewhere?” I tease him as I lick my lips to catch any syrup.

  “Like I said, I enjoy you being around.”

  I turn to look at him. “I’m going to be straight with you.” He doesn't stop playing with my hair. I’m starting to understand Bow really is a man of few words. When he tells you something, he means it. My insecurities about him changing his mind melt away. Everything that he has said points to him more than liking me. I keep going.

  “I don’t know what’s happening here, but I think we should explore it. We’re here for who knows how long.” I lick my lips again because his eyes are there. “Not really sure how long everyone is here, but this can be one of those no strings kind of things.” There are no brothers to get in the way either. I could explore whatever this is Bow and I have going on.

  “No strings?” he asks. I think he knows what I mean. His eyebrows furrow as he considers my words.

  “Fun, Bow. You want to have fun?” I lean over toward him, resting my elbow on his thigh as I look up at him. “We can have some fun together.”

  “I’m guessing you’re not talking board games.”

  I snort a laugh. “Did you make a joke? It’s a miracle.”

  “I guess I did.” His lips switch into a smile. I can’t help but kiss him. I lean up and take it. Brushing my lips against him, I let my eyes fall closed for a moment. It feels so right to kiss him.

  “So I stay and we do things.” I clench my thighs together thinking about all the things we’ll do. This is new territory for me, but Bow is a safe place. I don’t see him running around telling people we hooked up. He smiles against my mouth. I’m guessing that’s a yes from him.

  “Things?” Again he teases me. I elbow him. He fakes like I hurt him. He’s a tank. Not sure anything can hurt him.

  “Yeah, things.” This time I nip his bottom lip. He grabs me, pulling me into his lap. “I have to say I didn't think I’d enjoy being manhandled, but when it’s you doing it I think I do.” I shift to straddle him.

  “I would never do something I didn't think you wanted.”

  “I believe you.” Why else am I agreeing to this crazy idea of mine? Encouraging him to keep on doing whatever he wants with me. I’ve never been so turned on as I was last night when he pinned me to the wall. Then again this morning when he did it in the bed.

  “You smell so damn good. You know that?” He runs his nose along my throat, breathing me in. His morning beard tickles my skin.

  “It’s the syrup.”

  “No, it’s not.” I gasp when he takes a long lick up my neck. I press down into him, trying to rub myself against him. It’s then I realize I don’t have my jeans on. It’s only my panties pressed into his sweatpants.

  His hands grip my ass, pulling me tighter against him. He rocks me himself, dragging me along his cock as he keeps on licking and sucking my neck.

  “Bow.” I moan his name. The pleasure starts to build in my body. I’m so worked up that it’s almost unbearable. I never imagined that I could feel this way. The things this man does to me have me wanting much more from him than just a little fun.

  “You feel good too. Anyone ever told you that? Only sitting in my lap and you’ve got me turned inside out.” His fingers dig into me as he keeps on rocking me back and forth, drawing me closer to my orgasm. He was right. I felt damn good in his lap. He is making me feel that way.

  “No one’s ever told me that,” I breathe out.

  “Then I’m a bastard because I don’t want anyone else telling you that. To know what you feel like pressed up against them.”

  “Have you ever told anyone that?”

  “Never.” He nips my neck again.

  “Good.” I dig my nails into his shoulders as he pushes me right over the edge. I come for him, crying out his name. I have no idea how he does this to my body. A few touches and I’m done for.

  “Fuck,” he grits out, lifting me with him. I’m sure we’re headed back to bed for more, but he sets me back in my seat. I watch as he reaches down to adjust himself before sitting back down into his chair.

  We sit in silence for a few moments. My body is still coming down from its high. For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I find that I don’t need to fill the air with chatter. It no longer feels uncomfortable to me now that we’ve cleared the air. My body still hums with need for him, but I try to keep it under control.

  “Eat. You’ll need your strength.” I look up to see that he has a piece of pancake on a fork. “Open.” I find myself obeying him. I’m usually the one that gives the orders in my line of work, but allowing him to do it seems natural. I wrap my lips around the fork and moan when the sweet taste hits my mouth.

  “What will I need my strength for?”

  “All those fun things we agreed to explore.” He gives me one of his rare smiles that heats my entire body. One that says he’s going to give me as much pleasure as he thinks I can handle. And I’m going to let him.



  No strings? I feed her another bite of pancake. No, I don’t want any messy strings when it comes to her. Playing games is not what I want. I always know what I want. That’s something that has come easily to me in life. I was never one to ride the line. I was either in or out. With her I am all in. I just have to get her on the same page. To make her realize that I’m all she needs. That my intentions are not fleeting.

  I don’t know shit about dating. It was never my thing. All it ever looked like was a world of hurt when I saw others do it. I’ve experienced enough pain throughout my life. I never had time for dating in the past. I was busy going on missions. I guess it would be fair to say that I never made the time for it because there wasn’t a reason to. It hadn’t been important to me until I saw my little kitten. I want something different now. Looking at Precious next to me, I think I know how I could have that. How I need it now.

  Unable to help myself, I lean over to kiss her again. I want her back in my bed, but I also need to get her to see this as something else besides sex. I’m going to have to blend the lines. Or I could give her so much pleasure she’ll never want to leave.

  I tense, pulling back from her mouth when my phone starts to vibrate on the counter. I look down to see it’s my alarm for the front gate.

  “There’s someone here.” I push back from the counter, standing up. Duke is already on his feet and quietly heading for the door. He never barks unless he can’t get my attention. He knows you remain quiet, never letting anyone know you’re aware they’re there. But I have a feeling this isn't someone who is trying to hide. They’re coming right down the drive, tripping the front gate alarms.

  “Someone is out there?” She stands with me. “Are you expecting someone?”

  “Stay here.”

  “Don’t start that with me. I work i
n security. You think I can’t handle myself?”

  “I think you can handle yourself just fine.” That was the truth. I know she’s highly skilled at what she does, but I want to protect her. I’d even seen the video of her tackling Michael, Bunny’s stalker last year. She may be small, but she could knock someone right on their ass if she wanted to. Not to mention the sucker punch I saw her give him yesterday. I have no doubt that she can handle herself just fine. But I’m still not going to let her go out there until I’ve assessed the danger.

  “I don’t want anyone seeing you without pants on.” She looks down at her bare legs.

  “Oh.” Her cheeks once again turn that sexy shade of pink. “Right, you see who's here and I’ll get pants.” She darts off down the hallway toward my bedroom. I really didn't want her to put pants on, but maybe that will help me from mauling her too fast.

  Duke whines, letting me know that whoever is here is already coming up to the door. There are only a handful of people it could be. I’m not sure why they didn't call me first. My foreman already had everything handled before the storm rolled in.

  “It’s me,” Jameson calls before his hand comes down on my door. The fuck is he doing here? I pull the door open to see him standing there alone, looking pissed and soaking wet. “Phone service is shit,” he says before I can ask. “Bunny is worried about PJ and I can’t-” He trails off, his eyes going behind me. “I figured when I didn't find her at her place but her SUV was there that you may know something about her whereabouts.” I look over my shoulder to see Precious standing behind me with her eyes wide like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  “She’s staying here for a while.” I don’t say it’s because of the storm. I know it is, but something deep inside me wishes it was because she wants to be here. Not that she’s scared of something that made her run to me. Then again, this could be her chance to leave. She could go with Jameson and go back to Bunny. I start to close the door before anyone can get any ideas. Jameson catches it before I can. That earns a growl from Duke. He likes Jameson but that all ends when you do something to get in my way.

  “I’m going to need her to tell me she wants to stay.”

  I fight back a growl of my own, knowing I’d do the same thing as I pull the door back open.

  “I don’t stay anywhere I don’t want to.” I can feel Precious move behind me. Her hand rests on the center of my back. Tension I didn't know I was holding releases.

  “Bunny said you were scared of storms. She was worried.”

  “I’m fine.” She peeks her head out. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her into me. Jameson fights a smile knowing what I’m doing. I’m making it clear she is with me and I have it handled.

  “No basement in the cabin.” He doesn't offer to take her back with him. Good. I really didn't want to have a go with Jameson. We’re old friends. I’m bigger than him but it would be a hell of a fight.

  “Yeah, not sure it’s safe to stay there right now.” She leans into me. “Bow said I could stay here until the storms pass.”

  “Bow?” Jameson full-on smiles now, looking back at me. If I didn’t like him, I’d knock that look right off his face. I don’t know what that fool is smiling about. He acts the same way when Bunny is around.

  “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” It was only yesterday that he was trying to push us all out of his house to be alone with Bunny.

  “That I do.” He glances back to my girl. “Call Bunny later or she’ll be sending me out here again.”

  “I will.”

  “All right.” He turns to head back to his truck but stops. He turns back. I brace myself, not sure what kind of warning he’s going to give me, but surprisingly, he speaks to Precious.

  “Don’t hurt him,” he says before he turns, taking off in a run toward his truck. I shut the door, locking it. Precious tilts her head to look up at me.

  “We finished eating?” No, that was only my appetizer. I plan to eat her as my main course.



  “You suck at this.” I laugh as I sink another one of his battleships. This isn't what I had in mind when I told Bow I wanted to stay, but I am having a good time. I am enjoying getting to know him. I’m starting to think that it's not that Bow doesn't like to talk; it's more that he wants to watch and observe. I also notice the more I ask him questions the more he opens up and begins to ask his own about me.

  I found out he lost his parents too. I think his loss is worse than my own. At least I still have brothers. Bow doesn't look to have any other family. I try not to push too much about it. I know it can hurt to talk about the loss, but as shitty as it was, it was nice to have someone that’s not one of my brothers to understand it.

  “It’s hard to concentrate.” Thunder booms again over us. I look up. Not long after Jameson left another storm rolled in. This one sounds worse than the last. Bow even said we should move downstairs. I didn’t know storms could last this long. Bow said they are different ones rolling in and out.

  “Yeah, this one sounds pretty bad.” I’m not really scared anymore. I know it’s not only being in the basement but that Bow is here. His presence alone calms me.

  “It’s not the storm.” He reaches over, grabbing me. The board goes flying as he pulls me into his lap, ending our game.

  “I think you’re a sore loser.” I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck and settling into his lap.

  “Nope, you can beat me at Battleship anytime you want.” He is so sweet. He’s not cocky, which a lot of men try to be with me. They find they have something to prove when they are standing up next to me sometimes. I know it’s my line of work that brings it out in them. Not Bow, though. He’s confident in himself and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “I bet I can shoot a gun better than you too.” I tease him more. I am a good shot. My brother made me practice a lot. I tend to be on the smaller side, so he said I needed to be good with a gun.

  “Then you’ll have to help me improve.” His hands roam up and down my hips, settling on my ass. There he goes proving me right.

  “I think I can do that.” I settle into him. His eyes lock with mine. “Bow, I’m not sure I want this to be no strings.” I can feel myself falling for him. He makes it too easy. I think he’ll catch me too.

  “This can be whatever you want it to be, kitten.”

  “Don’t hurt me.” Jameson said the same to me about Bow.

  “I promise you nothing I’ll ever do will be to cause you pain if I can help it.”

  “Do you always say the right stuff? I'm starting to think you’re too good to be true.”

  “I’m shocked to hear you say that because I have no clue what the hell I’m doing.” I don’t take Bow as a man who dates a lot. He’s handsome enough to catch any girl's attention, though.

  “You don’t date?”


  “Hook up?” I keep on pushing.

  “Kitten, no need to scratch me. I’m all yours.”

  I lift my hands up. I didn't realize I was digging my nails into him. Something about him brings out a side of me that I didn’t even know existed. I’ve become possessive of him in only a matter of days.

  “I think I might have a jealous streak,” I admit.

  “I know the feeling. I don’t like to think of anyone touching you. I want you all to myself.”

  My insides melt. I want that too. “I think I want to be all yours.” I kiss him hard and deep. That no strings idea was a bunch of crap I was trying to feed myself. I was trying to put up walls to protect myself, but it was too late. I was in deep with Bow and I know I’m only going to keep sinking more and more into him.

  He stands with me in his arms. A moment later my back hits a bed. “Don’t think, kitten. Tell me you’ll be all mine from now on.” I shake my head no.

  “I can’t tell you that.” I stare up at him.

  His jaw flexes. “For tonight then.” I reach up, needing to touch him. I wrap
my arms around his neck so he can’t go anywhere. Jameson’s words still linger in my mind about not hurting Bow.

  “Not for tonight.” I pull him down. He doesn't fight me, coming down closer to me. “Not from now on, Bow. There’s never been anyone else. There will only ever have been you.” I feel his whole body go tight over me. I wrap my legs around him the best I can. The man really is giant. He still doesn't say anything. He only stares down at me in surprise. “You’ll have to go slow.” I lick my lips, starting to feel shy. “You’re big and, well, I’m small.” I try to joke. I know he’s not changing his mind. I didn’t think me being a virgin would shock him this much, but his silence says otherwise. “Bow?” My words come out needy and breathless. A hint of doubt creeps into me, thinking that maybe he doesn’t want someone that’s not experienced.

  “I’ll go slow.” His words come out hoarse. He sounds as though he’s trying to control some other emotion. His next words are ones that I never expected to come from his lips. “I’ve never done this either.” I lie here shocked for a moment while my brain tries to fully process his words. His mouth meets mine before I can. All I know is Bow is mine too. I have no idea how this man has never had sex before but my whole body lights up, knowing this is something we’ll share together. That no matter where this life brings us that this moment will always be cemented in time as ours.

  “Bow.” I moan his name as his mouth leaves mine. He trails kisses down my neck. I start to pull at his clothes, wanting to see and feel him all over. “Lose the shirt,” I demand. He doesn't think twice about giving me what I want, pulling his shirt up over his head. Then he goes for mine. In one quick pull he has it ripped from my body, leaving my chest on full display for his eyes. My nipples pucker under his gaze. He takes me in fully, looking over what no other man has or will ever see but him. I like that we’ll only know each other.

  “God, you’re hot.” I pull him back down to kiss me again.

  “Gotta taste you,” he says, pulling his mouth from mine. His hands go for my jeans. I help him get them down, leaving me naked in the bed. There is no time to be shy. “I can’t wait,” he groans, grabbing my legs and spreading them wide before his mouth is on me. I cry out in surprise. It quickly turns to a moan as his mouth devours me, licking me as though he has never had such a delectable treat in his life. Devouring every inch of me until I’m writhing on the bed.


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