The Brothers' Virgin Captive

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by The Brothers' Virgin Captive [Evernight] (mobi)

  She just fell in love with him all over again. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles before leading them away from the pond and back to the house. A crystalline swimming pool in the shape of the infinity symbol sat untouched as they walked up the stone steps of the back patio and into the house.

  “As much as I want to take you to my room right now and touch every part of you I don’t want to rush it.” He leaned down and kissed her softly. “I’ve got some paperwork to do. I’d invite you to keep me company, but it is quite boring. Is there anywhere you’d like to relax until I’m done?”

  He wanted her to stay here with him, and to her there hadn’t been sweeter words that set her blood aflame. The fact he wasn’t going to take her to the bedroom and relive the clear lust that zinged between them was a disappointment, but she also loved that he had the self-control and obviously wanted to make it special. Clearly he didn’t feel the time was right, and she’d be lying if she wasn’t a tiny bit relieved that he wasn’t hauling her up the stairs. This was completely new territory to her, and she was glad he had a good disposition to the whole situation. Even saying and feeling all of that, her body still craved him like nothing she had ever experienced before.

  “I think I’ll visit the library.”

  He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They walked to the library, and right before she stepped inside he spun her around and pressed her against the wall.

  “I want you to know that I desire you like I’ve never desired anything in my life before.” He was hard, and she melted right against him. Her panties were uncomfortably soaked and rubbed against the tender folds of her pussy. Dipping his head closer so their lips were a hairsbreadth away, he whispered, “I’ll come for you and show you what it means to really be loved.” With one last kiss against the side of her neck he turned and left her standing there in flames.

  Anna needed a few moments to calm herself before she entered the library, but as soon as she stepped through the threshold she stopped when she saw Arik sitting in a leather chair, a book in his lap and his eyes trained on her. He slowly brought his glass to his mouth and drank the clear liquid while never taking his eyes from her. The way his lids were at half mast, and by the evidence of his arousal pressing against the fly of his slacks, Anna had no doubt he had seen everything. She turned to leave, but his deep voice stopped her.

  “Don’t run, Anna.”

  She had yet to face him again, partly because she was embarrassed over what he had seen, and the other half that she was aroused over that fact. Anna should have felt shame that someone had seen such a personal act, but desire wrapped its talon-like claws into her, wetness came from her pussy, and her nipples tightened.

  “Look at me.” The tone in his voice brooked no argument, and Anna found herself doing exactly what he said immediately. Arik held the same position, relaxed and devilishly attractive. His legs were parted, and his arms rested on the back of the chair. His empty glass sat beside him on the small oak table, and the tips of his fingers ran along the rim. He wore another three-piece suit, and she had never known a man to look so good in one. The dark, expensive material fit him to perfection, molding to his bulging muscles, yet making him look sophisticated. It was hard to believe that he was nearing fifty. He carried his age well. His blood red dress shirt stood out under the black vest, and the onyx silk tie further enhanced the power he exuded.

  “Come here, Anna.” The way he said her name was like a physical stroke along her body. A shiver worked up her spine, but she still found herself moving toward him. When she stood only a foot from him Anna forced her hands to stop shaking by clasping them behind her back. There was something about this man that set her on edge. “I make you nervous.”

  There was no point in lying since all she had to do was look at him to know nothing slipped by his appraisal. “Yes.” Keeping his stare, Anna felt the weight of that one look right down to her toes.

  “Why?” He smirked, but it was anything but pleasant. It reminded her of a wild animal scenting the fear of its prey and relishing in it.

  “I’m not really sure.” It wasn’t the whole truth, but it wasn’t a lie either. Anna couldn’t really place why he made her feel so unsteady. Most of the time it was like her body gravitated toward him, but her mind screamed that he was stronger mentally and physically than any man she had ever come across, Luca as well, and Luca had always been the strongest man in her eyes. Where Luca and Arik had the same big, hard bodies, Luca also held compassion and love and wasn’t afraid to express it. Anna could look at Arik and see that even if he did feel those intense emotions, he would never show them. Most likely he saw them as a weakness.

  He didn’t say anything for several seconds, and she found herself shifting on her feet. “You have feelings for my brother.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, so she didn’t bother answering. “And it’s clear he has them for you as well.” The sound of the ancient clock ticking behind her drowned out some of the silence that descended upon them. “He’s told me a lot about you.” Sweat blossomed along her palms, and she placed her hands behind her back and clasped them together. “But in order for me to properly complete the task of getting you out of there safely I needed to know everything about you.”

  She didn’t know what he was getting at. Maybe to intimidate her? If he only knew how she felt about him, around him, he wouldn’t need to do this … whatever this was.

  “And did you find what you were looking for?” The corner of his lips twitched as if he tried to hide his amusement.

  “There isn’t much to learn about you, Anna Milovich.” He tapped his fingers on the leather armrest, and the sound became distracting, but maybe that had been his intent. “No siblings, solitary life, parents who ignore you to the point you’ve become trapped in your own body.” Sweat started to cover not just her palms, but her whole body. He spoke about her so personally. “I know about you, Anna, because I’ve lived a similar life. I never knew what the love of a parent could bring, and despite being surrounded by people and money, I was alone and lived in a poverty I created.”

  The words he spoke struck home with her, and Anna found herself taking another step forward.

  “You see, you and I are cut from the same mold, born of the same dreams and hopes, yet living in a prison we created for ourselves.” For some reason Anna found that hard to believe, but she kept quiet and waited for him to continue. “You project your feelings on the outside, whether you want to believe that or not, and maybe to some you may seem introverted, but to me—someone who lives with that emptiness inside of him—I can see you, Anna. Plain as day.”

  She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt tears slip down her cheeks. There was no use wiping them away because they were a steady fall. Arik was in front of her in the next instant, and his big body towered over hers.

  “Why are you crying, Anna?” His gaze was on her cheeks, no doubt watching her tears track down. There was tenderness in his voice that was so unlike what she had seen from him thus far that she actually took a step back.

  “I don’t know.” He lifted his hand and brushed the wetness from her face.

  “Yes, you do.” His green gaze captured hers. His tone wasn’t demanding or accusing, but it did hold truth and understanding. She looked at the ground, but it seemed Arik wasn’t having any of that. He tilted her head back up with his finger under her chin. “Tell me why you’re crying, my darling.”

  Everything stopped inside of her at the endearment that fell from his lips.

  “I’m crying because what you said is the truth.” His gaze softened, and before she could say anything else or delve deeper into why he might have called her such a sweet name, his lips were on hers. For a second all she did was stiffen and stare at him with wide eyes. His mouth felt good on hers, but despite the fact she wanted him desperately, she was in love with Luca.

  Planting her hands on his chest, she felt the muscles contract when she pushed him away. He wrapped his arms arou
nd her waist, keeping her close even when he broke their kiss. “I can’t do this.” Fire burned in his eyes, but his expression was stoic.

  “You love my brother?”

  He said this like he wasn’t surprised, yet he still kept holding her. It felt so good, and because of her feelings for Arik she felt immediate guilt. She had only been a short time in his presence, and although she wasn’t in love with Arik, she did care for him. There was a dark lust that burned inside of her for him, one that was the polar opposite of the sweet and almost innocent emotions she had for Luca. Maybe it was the situation, or maybe it was because he had freed her from the darkness that threatened to swallow her whole? Whatever it was, she was drawn to him, and felt connected to Arik in a way that rivaled her emotions for Luca.

  “Yes, I do.”

  He nodded slowly. “But you care for me as well.” His statement was blunt, and she nodded again because it was the truth.

  “Yes.” Her cheeks heated over her admission.

  “And you feel like you’re betraying Luca because of your emotions for me?” She didn’t trust her voice, so she nodded again. “What if I told you I care about you in a way I shouldn’t?”

  Anna didn’t know what to say, but his question must have been rhetorical because he kept speaking and didn’t wait for her to respond.

  “What if I also told you I spoke with Luca about my feelings for you, and that the relationship we want to have with you is far from conventional.”

  Anna took another step back, but Arik wouldn’t let her get far since he kept his hands on her waist. Nothing in her world had been conventional, but was he really suggesting what she thought he was? And did Luca truly speak about her with his brother concerning the three of them together?

  “It doesn’t seem right.” Right? They lived in a world where young women were auctioned off to the highest bidder, and although there were men who had numerous wives, there were not women who had more than one husband. That was an abomination in the eyes of their society.

  “Anna, everything that has happened in your life thus far has been anything but right.” He pulled her closer to him, and the air left her when her breasts pressed against the hardness of his abdomen. She could feel the individual ripples of his six-pack through his clothing, and a fresh wave of wetness spilled from her. “But I can’t think of anything that sounds more right than me between your thighs while my brother watches.”

  A gasp left her at his crude, yet arousing, words. His mouth was on hers, and she tensed once again, not knowing what she should do. There was no doubt she wanted this, but nothing had been resolved and there was still the matter of Luca.

  He whispered against her lips, “Look, Anna.” Gently, yet firmly, he turned her head to the side. There was Luca, standing against the doorframe with one ankle crossed over the other and a heady look of pleasure on his face. “You see, my darling,” Arik ran his lips up the side of her cheek and said, “Everything is perfect and right if you let go and trust us.” Arik pulled back and made her look into at him again. “You trust us, don’t you, Anna?”

  He kissed her again, stopping the response that would have come from her. He moved his lips coaxingly against hers, and all she could think of was the fact Luca stood a few feet away watching it all. Her panties were wet, and her body didn’t feel like her own. Was she really going to allow this to happen? Everything was traveling at a dizzying speed, and she couldn’t think, breathe, or comprehend the sensations traveling through her. A part of her screamed at what in the hell she was doing with Arik and Luca, but another side of her, the one that felt pleasure and excitement over being in his arms and having the man she loved watch the whole encounter had her pressing forward and letting her heart and body lead the way.

  Chapter Seven

  Anna kissed Arik back, but he wasn’t the type of man to let others lead the way, that much was clear from the short time she had been in his presence. He took control of the kiss, licking every inch of her mouth then pressing his tongue along hers in such a sexually charged way her clit pulsed from the increased blood flow. She was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t sense Luca moving closer until his body heat speared into her through her back and seeped all the way to her toes.

  Luca whispered against her ear. “All you have to do is say stop, and we will. This isn’t about us taking control, but about being with you and showing you how much you are desired.” He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear, and she shivered. Arik broke the kiss and pressed his mouth against her other ear.

  “My brother might want to take things nice and slow, and not control the situation.” He took hold of her hand and pressed it between their bodies and right over his extremely hard, impossibly big erection. “But as you can tell, I’m not the type to sit back and let others have all the power.”

  He pressed his hips forward, causing his shaft to move against her palm. Anna had never been so aroused, had never been so blatantly touched and tempted before.

  “When you’re with my brother he may be all sweetness and softly spoken words, but make no mistake, Anna, that when you’re with me, I will have you any way I wish.” Arik pulled back to look in her face. When she was about to pull her hand away his was right there, covering hers and keeping it directly over his cock.

  “You’re frightening her, Arik.” Luca’s gruff voice was filled with warning, but Arik obviously didn’t care. He didn’t take his eyes from her, and there was no worry or amusement in his face.

  “I don’t think I am, brother. I think our little virgin likes my filthy words.” Arik ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip, and she sucked in a breath. He slipped his thumb in her mouth, and a gasp left her.

  On his thumb she tasted the alcohol he had been drinking, most likely from when he was running his fingers along the rim of his glass. The taste was unusual on her tongue, but coupled with the flavor of his skin it made her grow warmer with desire. Maybe she should have said no, or for them to give her time to accept all of this, but Anna had never known this kind of passion. Even realizing what her wedding night brought didn’t guarantee she would ever feel these emotions. Master Charles was just one of the men she had heard about who was sadistic and bought harems of females to use and discard.

  “Isn’t that right, Anna?” Arik’s words brought her back from her thoughts. “I bet your pussy is wetter than it has ever been.” He leaned close so their lips barely touched. “I bet my dirty, coarse language turned you on to the point you can’t even think clearly.”

  Anna found herself answering him. “Yes.”

  Luca groaned behind her, and Arik took her mouth again. She was caught between these two men, so ready to give herself to them and to hell with everything else. Why should she double think this? Why shouldn’t she let herself enjoy the comforts of their touch and kisses, and the pleasure they would surely bring her? Luca’s hands slid down her sides and curved over the mounds of her bottom. His palms were big and covered her rear, and Anna moaned from the contact. Arik continued to kiss her, pushing his tongue in her mouth and pulling it out. He did this over and over again, reminding her of what she wanted both of them to do between her thighs.

  “Ask us to take you, Anna.” Arik’s words were low and commanding.

  “Tell us this is okay, that this is what you want.” Luca murmured the words between gentle kisses along her nape. They were brothers, but their personalities and needs were complete opposites. Where Arik wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted, even relished it, Luca made sure to go easy with her, to take his time and guarantee she knew every little thing they planned on doing.

  “I want this. I want you both to take me and make me see what living really is.”

  That was all they needed to hear. In a move so quick she didn’t even know what was happening until it was already done, Arik had her in his arms and was striding down the hall and up the stairs. The sound of Luca’s steps were close behind, and Anna heard her heart match the quick tempo of their footsteps
. Arik headed for the last door down the long, simplistic hallway. The wall scones caused a warm, yet sterile glow around them. He stepped through the last door at the end of the hallway, and she realized it was his room. How strange she had been living with him for weeks and she had never known where he slept. The room was saturated in Arik’s scent, the aroma dark and reminding her of leather and evergreen. Luca’s scent followed closely on their heels, one that was crisp and clean and brought about memories of freshly fallen snow.

  Arik set her down in the middle of the room, and she nearly groaned at the feeling of her body sliding down along his. They were both so hard and muscular, so masculine and intoxicating. She was in Luca’s arms in the next second, and his mouth was on hers. He stroked his tongue along hers, teasing her into submission, which she was more than happy to do. While continuing to kiss her, Arik moved behind her and slipped his hands over her hips. He took her pants down with one easy sweep. Her shirt was next with a quick break of their lips, and then there she stood in nothing but a pair of white cotton undergarments. They didn’t seem to mind about her less than attractive underwear because their hands and mouth were all over her seconds later.

  Anna closed her eyes and let her head fall back against Arik’s chest. The brothers took control of her until she had to grip onto Luca’s shoulders or she would melt to the floor. The feel of their fingers dancing across her body, of their tongues and lips gliding over her erogenous zones, ignited her to the point she was burning up alive.

  “Tell me how it feels, Anna.” Luca’s mouth was at the base at her throat, nibbling at her and sending vibrations through her body until she felt them right in her clit.


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