Pursuing The Madam 3

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Pursuing The Madam 3 Page 14

by Charmanie Saquea

  “Y'all niggas done been through some shit,” said Kaison.

  “You don't even know the half,” Mykell laughed. “No relationship is perfect and they always have ups and downs, but if you two truly love each other and want to be together, you will do everything in your power to work it out and stay together.”

  “Preach, brother!” Ramone said.

  “Can I get an amen?” Mykell asked as if he was preaching a sermon.

  “Amen!” all the men said with laughter.

  All night the two families talked, laughed and got to know each other better. Everyone was acting as if they had all been longtime friends and promised to get together more often. Kaily was happy that Orlando was welcomed with open arms because she knew how much this meant to him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Later that night, Deonte was laying in the bed with Kaiah and rubbing her stomach. The two looked at their situation differently after hearing about everything that Neicey and Mykell went through. To Deonte, their story was actually inspirational and gave him hope that he and Kaiah would be just fine.

  “Everything they went through was like something out of a book or movie or something,” Kaiah said as she ran her hand over his waves.

  “I know. I felt bad when he was telling his story, but I'm happy they made it through.”

  “Yea, it made me look at our situation in a whole new light. Like, I have never doubted that I loved you, but I'm starting to feel bad that I ever asked for a divorce,” Kaiah admitted.

  “You really have no reason to feel bad, I probably would have wanted to divorce my ass too,” Deonte laughed.

  “No, seriously, Tae. Our shit seems so minor compared to them. I'm really inspired by their story. I mean, we had some issues, but nothing that serious.”

  “You're right, baby.”

  He thought it was crazy how it took them hearing about another couple’s relationship to make them realize how much they really loved and wanted to be together. But none the less, he was very grateful for it. Now they could put the bullshit aside and focus on being better spouses to each other.


  Three months later

  Angel was finishing up one of her clients when Neicey walked in. Since the first family gathering, they had been getting together quite often. You never would have been able to guess that they had only met a few months ago.

  “Hey boo,” Neicey spoke.

  “Hey, mamas. I see you finally got some free time to come see me.” Angel smiled.

  “I had to make a run for it when nobody was looking. Mykell has already called me twice since I left. And I sent him to voicemail both times,” she laughed.

  “Girl, you better stop doing him like that and answer.” Angel shook her head.

  “He will be alright. If I'm not working in the boutique, I'm around him and the kids all day. I need to get out and have some me time at least every once in a while.” Neicey sighed.

  “I understand what you mean, but I hate leaving my diva and lil man at home. Especially Kaileb because he's still young.”

  “Yes girl, but you only have two. I have four of them and that's not including when my glambaby comes over,” Neicey laughed.

  “See, at least two weekends out of the month, all us girls need to get together and just have a girls’ night out,” Angel suggested.

  “Yes, let's, please. But we have to wait until Kaiah has the baby.”

  “You're right, because Deonte will not be letting her put of his sight once that baby comes. I can see it now, but that's good because she will have more time to help me plan my wedding,” Angel laughed.

  “You are so silly, girl.” Neicey shook her head.

  Angel just so happened to glance up at the door right as Mesha walked through the door. Instantly, she went into combat mode, but that all changed once she noticed Kartier walking beside her. She was shocked to see him because the last time she saw him, he was still a baby.

  Mesha walked over to Angel and looked at the ground before looking at her. “I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but I was wondering if I could talk to you.”

  Angel looked down at Kartier who looked up at her and smiled. He shyly waved at her and that melted her heart.

  “Neicey, I'll be right back,” Angel said.

  “Handle ya business, boo.”

  Mesha picked Kartier up and followed Angel to her office. Once they were in there, Angel shut the door and sat behind her desk.

  “First, I want to apologize for all the hell I put you and Kaison through. I'm coming to you because I know you would be easier to talk to than him. I was doing some things I had no business doing and it had my mind all misconstrued. It took me almost losing Kartier to get my act together. So I wanted to come to you like a woman and apologize.”

  Angel just nodded her head. Honestly, she had forgotten that Mesha had even existed until she walked into her salon a few minutes ago. She respected the fact that she came to her like a grown woman, taking full responsibility for her actions.

  “I accept your apology,” Angel said.

  “Thank you. Another thing I wanted to talk to you about is Kartier.”

  “What about him?” Angel asked, confused.

  “I want you and Kaison to be his god parents. I know it's a little late, being that he's a year old now, but I think he needs some positive role models in his life. I've done some fucked up things that I know he wouldn't be proud of, but I want him to have some positive people in his life.”

  Angel smiled. “I would be honored and I know Kaison will be too because he has no choice,” she said as she looked over at Kartier who was looking all around her office.

  “I really appreciate it. I know Kaison doesn't want anything to do with me right now, but could you please tell him how deeply sorry I am?” asked Mesha.

  “I will be sure to deliver the message.” Angel nodded her head.

  “Thank you again,” Mesha said as she picked up Kartier and prepared to leave.

  Minutes after she had left, Angel still sat there replaying their conversation over in her head. It was crazy how once upon a time, she was ready to rip her head off and now she was the godmother to her son.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaiah was sitting in her office when Natalia happily bounced in. Their business had been up and running for two months now and surprisingly, business had been booming. She had finally passed the madam torch to Kaily and her only job now was planning parties and events.

  “We are done with appointments for today,” Natalia said as she plopped down in a chair in front of Kaiah’s desk.

  “Good, because my feet are swollen and my back hurts like hell.” Kaiah sighed.

  “I don't see how you can still work and you're nine months pregnant. I'm surprised Deonte even lets you work.”

  “Girl, I have three weeks until my due date and I will be working for the next two of them. Plus, Deonte can't let me do anything because he knows I'm not having it. He knows I can't just sit on my ass, I have to work.”

  “I want to be like you when I grow up,” Natalia laughed.

  “Girl, please.” Kaiah waved her off.

  Their moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. They both looked up to see Keith standing there with food. Natalia blushed while Kaiah’s mouth watered.

  “You sure know how to make a pregnant woman happy.” Kaiah smiled as she got up and waddled over to him.

  “Girl, you look like you're about to pop,” Keith joked.

  “I feel like I'm about to pop.”

  No sooner than the words left her moth, she felt water gushing out. Everyone's eyes followed the water flow. “Oh shoot, I jinxed myself,” she whined.

  “Aw hell, I'm a lawyer, not a doctor,” Keith panicked.

  “Keith, you have to calm down. The more you panic, the more she will,” Natalia said.

  “Somebody call my husband, please,” Kaiah said.

  “I'll do that. That, I can handle,” Keith said as he pulled out
his phone.

  Natalia helped Kaiah out of the office and to her car since she knew she was in no position to drive. She was trying to keep her giddiness at bay because she was so excited.

  “Three more weeks, my ass,” she said.

  “Not now, Nati,” Kaiah laughed.

  “I'm just saying, mami. It seems like that little girl had her own plans that you knew nothing about.”

  “Tell me about it.” Kaiah sighed.

  “Okay, Deonte said he will meet you at the hospital,” Keith informed them.

  Deonte and Synai were running like hell through the triage area looking for Kaiah. When Keith called him to tell him that Kaiah’s water had broken, he immediately went into panic mode. If it wasn't for Synai telling him what all he needed to bring, he wouldn't have brought shit to the hospital.

  This was his first child and he had no idea what to expect. When they reached her room, she was laying in the bed on her side with the look of agony on her face.

  “What took you so long?” she asked as the pain from the contraction subsided.

  “Daddy-o over here was losing his mind and didn't know what to do. He pulled off and got half-way here before he realized he left me and the bags.” Synai rolled her eyes.

  “Aye, this is my first time doing this, alright?” he chuckled.

  “That's a damn shame.” Kaiah shook her head.

  “So what's the word? How you feeling?” he asked.

  “Well, I'm hit with an excruciating pain every seven minutes. My midwife says this labor should be quick since I'm already dilated to five centimeters, and God, do I hope she's right,” Kaiah said.

  “Dilated to five centimeters? What the hell does that mean?”

  “See, if you would have been here three hours ago, you would know.” Kaiah rolled her eyes.

  “Three hours? You been here that long, baby?” Deonte asked, feeling bad.

  “Yes, the longest three hours of my life.”

  “My bad, I was out with the fellas then went home and all that other stuff went down.”

  Kaiah wanted to say something very rude and smart but she was hit with another contraction that made her whimper. Feeling bad that his baby was in pain, Deonte went to the other side of the hospital bed and rubbed her back.

  Stacy walked in and pouted. Kaiah smiled at her faintly. “Do you ever get a day off?” she asked.

  “It doesn't seem like it. I just so happen to be working at all the right times,” Stacy laughed.

  “And I'm grateful, I don't think I would want anyone else checking on me,” Kaiah said.

  “I'm flattered, but how are you feeling?”

  “Like I could cry and my daughter needs to hurry up and come out. I would call the rest of the family up, here but I think I should wait until she gets here.”

  “It's your choice mommy. I'm here for whatever you need.”

  “Thank you.”

  Seven hours later and after three rounds of pushing, Kaiah and Deonte were finally greeted with their six pound, seven ounce daughter, Denaiya Carla Smith. While trying out the breastfeeding thing, Kaiah couldn't keep her eyes off of her beautiful daughter who was a mixture of both her and Deonte.

  “She's beautiful,” Synai gushed.

  “I guess I'll have to start dusting off my Colt .45,” Deonte said seriously.

  “You won't be shooting anybody,” Kaiah laughed.

  “Bullshit. If any nigga gets too close to her, he’ll end up with some bullet holes in him.”

  Kaiah and Synai just shook their heads at him and said nothing because they knew he was serious. She was only an hour old and he was already threatening the boys that were nonexistent. Kaiah looked into her daughter’s coal black eyes that she inherited from her daddy and did something she hadn't did in a while. She started singing.

  Last night I prayed on a fallen star

  That you never have a broken heart

  Though the world is so cold, just remember who you are

  And I pray, that you never have a rainy day

  And no matter what the people say

  Even when it hurts it'll be okay

  She teared up as she sang K. Michelle’s “A Mother’s Prayer.” She knew that by all means, she would protect her daughter so that she would never have to go through what she did. She knew she and Deonte weren't going to be the perfect parents, but they were going to be some damn good ones.

  “Thank you,” Deonte said as he leaned down to kiss his wife.

  “For what?”

  “For loving me and bearing my first born.”

  “No, thank you.” Kaiah smiled.

  “May I ask what for?”

  “For loving me no matter what and trusting me to bear your first born. I know I'm not the easiest person to love and I didn't make it easy on you. But through it all, you loved me even when I didn't deserve it and I'm beyond happy that she has you as her father.”

  “Awww, you guys are adorable,” Synai whined. “Picture time,” she said as she pulled up the camera on her phone.

  Deonte was happy that he finally had the family he had always wanted. The road got tough and he’d strayed off the path a little, but the whole journey was worth it in the end. He couldn't picture himself with anyone else.

  From that first moment he laid eyes on Kaiah in that club, he knew without a doubt she was going to be his. All the trials they went through only made them and their love for each other stronger.


  Angel sat at the table holding Kaileb in her arms, glowing from the prior events. She was now officially Mrs. Kaison Parks and there was no better feeling than the natural high she was on now. She wisedh that she could see all those people that told Kaison that he would never be able to turn a hoe into a housewife, because that was exactly what he did.

  In no way was Angel ashamed of her past because it made her the woman that she was today. Nobody is perfect, but she tried her best and that's all that matters. She found someone to love her for who she was and that could look past all her past transgressions.

  “The father-daughter dance is coming up, so how about we give it a go?” Senior asked.

  Since she still wanted no dealings with her poor excuse of a father, the only man she knew as her father did the honors of walking her down the aisle and giving her away.

  “I say, let's do it.” She smiled as she handed Kaileb to his auntie Kaily.

  Kaison was on the dance floor with Keymani, but when he noticed his dad and wife coming, the two stepped to the side to give them some room. Kaiah smiled as she watched her daddy dance with his new daughter-in-law. She rocked a now four month old Denaiya as she slept peacefully in her arms.

  “My two favorite ladies.” Deonte smiled as kissed his daughter then his wife.

  Kaiah couldn't help but to admire Deonte. He was looking too fine in his all-white suit with a red vest to match her bridesmaid dress. Deonte noticed the look Kaiah was giving him and smiled.

  “Girl, you better quit looking at me like that.”

  “I can't help it. You look good. That suit and fresh cut is doing something to me.” She smiled.

  Deonte bent down. “I can think of some other things I would love to be doing to you,” he whispered, sending a chill down her spine.

  “You two need to stop being nasty,” Synai said. “Mom wants to see her granddaughter,” she said as she took her sleeping niece from Kaiah.

  “Guess what?”

  “What?” asked Kaiah.

  “I love you,” Deonte said.

  Kaiah blushed. “I love you too, handsome.”

  Orlando sat with one of his arms around Kaily’s chair and the other was on her stomach. Just like he knew he would, he put one in her. She was now four months pregnant with his junior.

  “We got next,” he said as he glanced at the ring on her finger.

  Kaily smiled brightly as she admired her ring then her handsome fiancé. Every time she looked into his green eyes, she got mesmerized. When the two had gott
en separated, she thought that the love that she had for him had died. Obviously that wasn't true because as soon as she laid eyes on him in that gas station, all those feelings came rushing back.

  She knew that even if Carlos hadn't committed suicide, Orlando would still be a big part in her life, even if it was as a friend. It amazed her how she lost one love only to have another steal her heart. Orlando was there for her in her darkest time. He did whatever he had to do to bring her out of it, and it worked.

  “I love you.”

  He kissed her lips. “I love you more.”

  After the father-daughter song went off, Kaison decided to cut in and dance with his bride. Just looking into her eyes, he knew that he had made the right decision in making her his for eternity.

  “So, how does it feel being married?” he asked as they danced to “Spend My Life” by Eric Benét and Tamia.

  “Words can't even explain how I feel right now. I still can't believe it.” Angel smiled.

  “Believe it, baby, because you are stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

  “Promise?” she asked.

  “I promise.” He smiled.

  “Ahh, I love you Mr. Parks.”

  Kaison smiled before kissing his wife. “I love you too, Mrs. Parks.”

  Every couple was more in love with their significant other than they had been when they first got together. They’d all had ups, downs, trials and tribulations but they had conquered them and beat the odds.



  First I would like to thank God for blessing me with the talent of being an author. Here I am on book number 9, none of this would have been possible without him.

  To my mommy, Sheree, who has been by my side since day one. You told me I could be anything I wanted to be if I put my mind to it. You have always been my backbone and I would not have made it this far without you. Also, my Grammy; you've been there every step of the way and I can't thank you two enough.

  S/O to my wonderful bosses Raymond and Envy for giving me a chance. Also David for putting people in a position to go after their dreams.


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