Truth of Touch (Templer Series)

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Truth of Touch (Templer Series) Page 8

by Duka Dakarai

  He shrugs and dips me into a deep movie-like embrace, nibbling at my neck. I squeal as he pulls me back into his arms as we begin to slowly sway to the music, our bodies wrapped tightly together. For the remaining moments of the song, we lose ourselves to each other, holding tenderly, my head resting on his neck.


  We are still lost when the whistles and cheers from the engineers snap us out of the moment. We pull apart, our faces flushed. Jake squeezes my hand and makes to head back towards his men. I watch his muscular frame begin to stroll in that easy roll that he does. Man, even his walk is sexy. As he nears the team of engineers, a naughty thought springs in my mind and I find myself running towards him.

  “Oh, Jake… forgot something!” I call after him.

  He turns puzzled, all the men look in our direction. “What?”

  “This” And I pull him into me kissing him passionately, my body pressed hard against his, arms wound around his neck. Just when I know he is breathless, I break the contact, and begin to sashay away from him in my best Supermodel walk, hips swaying seductively. I turn my head back, wink at him, to see his lop-sided smile wide in his face, running a hand through his hair.

  Behind him, an engineer shakes his head. “You fucking lucky bastard!”

  Jake turns his attention to him, slowly he nods in a wide smile. “Yeah, I’m a lucky bastard.”


  I’ll be sad to leave this Island. Memories have been created here that will hold in my heart for a life time. Some places affect you that way and this is such a place.

  As I finish the last of my packing, I reflect on the photographs I have taken for Templer Industries. I also reflect on the few personal pictures that have been shot too. The children, the chalets…..and Jake.

  I can’t brush away the sad cloud that seems to be hovering over me, and I feel a deep sigh leave my mouth. All my insecurities play in my thoughts. Once we land at Heathrow, then it is back to reality, back to real world for Jake and I. Will the player return……..?

  “Why the sad face?” Jake’s voice behind me startles me. I turn to face him.

  “Back to reality, I guess” I shrug, the cloud seeming to get darker as each hour passes.

  Two strides towards me and I am folded in his arms. “I wanted to talk to you about that.” He says, tilting my head up to face him.

  “I thought this talk would be coming.” I try to shrug away from him but he holds me tighter.

  “I don’t know what you think this talk is…..but I can imagine, Mia. And it is not that, ok? I meant every word I said. I want to try with us if you will give us a chance. Will you?” He plants a soft kiss on my lips.

  My heart pulls me in every direction, but I know I do want to try. This man is firmly under my skin. Against all the judgements that have held me safe in my past, given my false hard exterior as security, I find myself nodding. “I’ll try.”

  He beams, nuzzling my neck, before speaking. “So…..I wanted to know. A photographer doesn’t have to live in London, right? You could base yourself anywhere?”

  “What are you saying, Jake?

  “When we get back, will you come to Cornwall to me… my place? I know it’s too soon to say permanently but for a few weeks, maybe a month……to see if we can make this work, you and me.”

  “Oh my God, you’re serious aren’t you?”


  Chapter Twenty

  I slide myself slowly into the dark grey and red interior of Jake’s Aston Martin Rapide S and inhale the smell of sheer luxury. This is not what I expected from a player…..or should I start to believe, a former player. I guess I assumed maybe a Ferrari or Lamborghini, red of course.

  Jake starts the engine and we head off from Newquay Airport towards his place. He chuckles loudly throwing me a side glance.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask, bemused.

  “You were expecting a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, I can tell!” He laughs louder.

  “God, is this what it’s always going to be like? You knowing what I am thinking?” I mock huff at me, a pout playing on my lips.

  He reaches across, giving my knee and thigh a stroke. Instantly, his touch sends a pulse to my sex. I gasp. He changes gear swiftly and we roar faster towards the beach front. “You were meant for me, baby, that’s all I can say” And again, another loud laugh.


  My jaw is slack and I am stood, gawping. I try desperately to appear cool but it is not working. I was expecting a cold, bachelor sex pad. I was not expecting this.

  This 1930 house on a rocky island in Newquay Harbour is connected to the mainland by a private suspension bridge about 75 feet above sea level. At full tide, the island is surrounded by water. Visitors enter the 1,700-square-foot house through a 28-foot-long hall. Most of the main-floor rooms are off this hallway.

  The 500-square-foot living room is carpeted and has a fireplace, as well as a cabinet with stained glass original to the house. Other common areas include a conservatory with water views, a sunroom and outdoors, a wooden deck “perfect for sipping champagne,” smiles Jake.

  The kitchen is open and has a breakfast area, wide counters, laminate flooring and an oven made by Diplomat. Two small bedrooms are off the kitchen; one has a sink and a bay window with views of a beach and of Newquay. The other is used as Jake’s study and office.

  The master bedroom has a full bathroom and a large dressing room with built-in closets. In addition, there is a two-car garage on the mainland.

  I am speechless, stunned. I find myself walking from room to room, trying to take in the beauty of this magnificent house. Jake is stood in the main living area, eyeing me amused as I walk around in circles. Eventually, he stops me and pulls me into his arms.

  “So, do you think you could live here for a month?” He looks intently at my still stunned face.

  “I….I think I could live here forever” I gasp breathlessly.

  He nuzzles kisses along my neck and along my jawline. “Sounds good, baby. But first, let me show you the master bedroom.”

  “I’ve seen…..” I start to speak.

  But he interrupts me, lifting me into his arms, striding out of the room. “You have not seen it this way yet!”


  Tilly launches herself at me almost sending me off my feet, her explosive squeal piercing my eardrums. “I want details! And don’t skimp on anything!” She is breathless with excitement.

  We are sat on the deck outside of the Island house, indeed, drinking champagne. We are laughing watching the men being all masculine, making fire, arguing over the barbeque.

  “There’s nothing to tell, honey” I drawl “He simply kidnapped me”

  “I heard that!” Jake spins around, laughing. “Tilly, don’t believe anything she says. She seduced me…..made impossible demands on me…..until I am what you see today……a shrivelled shell of a man!”

  “Just go and make fire, sex slave…..and leave us women to talk!” I scowl playfully at him.


  One Month Later

  “What the fuck is this?” I stare, rage burning in my throat, salty tears in my eyes at the embossed invitation card in my hand. I glare at Jake stood before me. His face is relaxed, giving nothing away. “Well? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “It’s not what you think, Mia” Still, Jake is unbelievably calm, raising my anger further.

  I stare at the words on the card: Company Magazine Most Eligible Bachelor Awards. The event is dated for this coming Saturday. I notice my hand holding the card is shaking. Shaking with anger. And fear. How could I have been such a fool? Always a player……..

  I throw the card at him. “And I suppose you are going to this?” I spit out each words in a face - off with him.

  He nods his head, running a hand through his hair.

  “Yes, I’m going, Mia. And I want you to come with me.”

  “I don’t believe you just said that! Go with you? I knew you were too good to be tr
ue….you fucking asshole!”

  He steps in towards me trying to pull me into his arms, his face full of frustration. “I just said…’s not what you think, baby. And Drew and Tilly are going too.”

  I’m shaking my head angrily, trying to reason with myself. Drew and Tilly knew about this? What the fuck? My mind is buzzing with too many thoughts. I need space. I’m too angry to think straight.

  “Oh I’ll go with you to pick up your fucking sham award! And then we’re through….do you fucking hear me, Jake? Then we are finished!” And with that, I storm out of the room, slamming the guest room door behind me.

  Jake runs another hand through his hair. He has a wide smile on his face.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Saturday - Company Magazine Most Eligible Bachelor Awards

  Whisky Mist is located inside Park Lane’s Hilton Hotel, with a separate entrance to the side on Hertford Street. You’ll spot the club by the considerable team of door staff, and the ever-present queue. Once inside, you’ll either love or hate the bachelor-pad décor. It’s dramatically dark, and features crushed velvet curtains, animal-prints, and black and purple furnishings. The awards ceremony is being held there this year.

  We are in a limousine heading up Piccadilly on our way to attend the awards. Jake and I have hardly spoken over the last week. And, to top off my feelings of isolation, I’m even more confused by Tilly’s reaction at my anger towards Jake. She said that I’ll have a great night and I shouldn’t be so concerned. But I am concerned. Because it was at the very moment of finding the invitation card on the kitchen worktop that it hit me. Hard. I love Jake. I’m in love with Jake.

  And now in a few minutes we will exit the car ready to attend the Most Eligible Bachelor Awards. Why didn’t he turn down the invitation? Tilly leans across and squeezes my hand. I have been staring out of the window for the whole journey from Gatwick. I turn to her and give her my best fake smile. As we pull up outside, there is a throng of paparazzi jostling for position, bulbs flashing frantically as each car pulls up.

  “Let’s do this!” Jake smiles broadly grabbing my hand firmly. I try to free my hand but he just holds tighter. I catch Drew and Jake exchange a wink and a nod. My anxiety and anger are barely contained under the surface.

  The driver opens the car door and we are ambushed by photographers, blinded by the flash-lights. My professional persona steps up a gear and into play. I wrap my arm tightly around Jake’s waist, gushing in his direction. “Mia!” “Over here, Mia!” “Mia, this way!” Beckoning calls from the crowds, cameras and arms thrusting in all directions.

  I throw air kisses and poses to the cameras as I have done so many times before. We pass celebrity after celebrity as we make our way through the mass of people, still holding tightly to each other.

  I see television cameras up ahead by the main entrance and ready myself for the inevitable questions. My smile is now rigid on my face. Jake smells and feels delicious so close to me, wrapped so firmly around me, as we walk towards the cameras. Inside, I feel the beginnings of meltdown.

  Suddenly a microphone is thrust in my face. The famous TV presenter wants to know who I am here to support and who I am wearing tonight.

  “I’m here with my very good friend, Jake Templer.” I gush, looking adoringly at him.

  “And you hope he will win tonight?” The presenter asks.

  “Oh, I know he will win. Just look at him!” And I plant a playful kiss on his cheek. Jake beams back at me, stroking my back.

  “And who are you wearing tonight, Mia? You look amazing!”

  “Thank you, Tess… look gorgeous yourself. I’m wearing Vivienne Westwood, the Fence Dress from her new collection. I adore her!”

  We complete our obligatory air kisses and enter the club.


  I am sipping my third glass of champagne eyeing Prince Harry shaking hands with Eddie Redmayne. I can just make out snippets of their conversation regarding Eddie’s role in Les Miserables. To my right Sam Riley is in deep discussion with Jamie Winston and someone I don’t recognise. To my left, apart from Drew, Tilly and Jake, is David Bentley, the Premier League footballer who seems to be fighting off the attentions of a heavily breast enhanced glamour model. She seems to be not his taste by the bemused expression plastered all over his demeanour. Taylor Kitsch strolls past clutching a beer.

  “You still pissed at me, baby?” Jake whispers in my ear.

  “I just don’t know we’re here, Jake. I don’t need this sort of mind fuck. So yes, I’m pissed at you!” I spit out through a clenched smile.

  I don’t get a chance to continue my grievance as the microphone on the stage shrills. The TV presenter gushes that we are about to hear the results of the awards, and aren’t we all so excited. Actually…….

  “So……in reserve order……in third place…….” She holds the suspense just a little bit longer, teasing us. “We have the gorgeous and ridiculously rich……..JAKE TEMPLER!” Cheers and whistles erupt around the club.

  I do not fucking believe this……

  Jake leans forward, kisses me softly on the cheek, before standing to make his way to the stage. Tilly is squealing and clapping like he has just won an Oscar, jumping excitedly in her seat. Drew has the widest smile.

  Jake saunters leisurely onto the stage, kisses the presenter on both cheeks and waits to be handed his plaque. The presenter prods the microphone towards him.

  “So, Jake, congratulations! Tell us how you feel about being voted as one of the worlds’ most eligible bachelors?” She squeaks at him.

  He shrugs. “Ok, I guess. But I didn’t want to win tonight…..”

  “Did you just say you didn’t want to win tonight?” A puzzled expression spreads across the presenters perfectly made up face. Some people in the audience exchange puzzled looks too.

  I shoot a look at Drew and Tilly. They both smile quietly at me. I lean forward to hear above the buzz in the crowd.

  Jake slowly releases a wide, lop-sided smile. “That’s right. You heard me correctly. I didn’t want to win tonight. Actually……I only came here tonight for one reason, to make an announcement.”

  The presenter gasps in theatrical shock. “Oh, which is?”

  Jake coughs lightly, leaning closer to the microphone. “That I’m no longer eligible or available. That there is someone here with me tonight that I love passionately…….and if she will have me, I would like very much to marry!”

  Jake looks directly, intently, at me. The audience, including Drew and Tilly, are whooping and whistling. But I am oblivious to the noise. All I can hear is my own heartbeat pounding in my chest, as I run, pushing my way through the mass of people crowding the stage. I launch myself into his arms, tears stinging in my eyes, kissing him all over his handsome face.

  “I’ll take that as a YES!” Jake gasps, breathless from my onslaught of his face.

  “YES! Jake Templer, YES! I LOVE YOU!”

  The End

  About the Author – Duka Dakarai

  I live in Oxfordshire, England with my motorbike mad husband and two very spoiled English Springer Spaniels. I am a qualified trauma counsellor and am currently working for a charity in London writing tender bids and policies.

  I have travelled and lived all over the world and hopefully some of this will reflect in my writing. And yes, I did live in Cornwall for many years.

  Writing erotic fiction is my passion. Truth of Touch is my second novel in the Templer Series. The First Touch told the story of Drew and Tilly. The Truth of the Body will introduce Amber, the Templer sister, and I have not yet decided if that is the last of the Templer Series!

  I always welcome feedback and comments, so please feel free to send a review via Amazon or personally to me by email at:

  [email protected]





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