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Vanquished Page 10

by S. E. Green

  Crave victory.

  I do crave victory. Which means I have to kill Zebulon. If that makes me a bad person, then so be it. Like The Hole, there is no surrender. Either he dies or we do. I never imagined I would be put in a position to reason out such evil.

  Sera looks over at me. “Your sister is the reason you fight? The reason you live?”

  I nod. “And to one day be free. Because despite what any of you say, I will.”

  The gate opens, and she doesn’t respond. I step through first and the crowd boos. I block it out as I strut the circumference. I do a back flip and pump my fists in the air.

  Sera steps out next and the crowd goes crazy wild. They love her. She circles in the opposite direction, waggling her tongue and just like before the crowd waggles back.

  Out comes a slave wheeling the cart of weapons. We both strap on full armor and everything in me strengthens with the ferocity of the weight. To think weeks ago I stumbled under the bulk. I’m strong now. I’m ready.

  I glance one last time over to the gate we just came through. Alexior gives me a firm nod, and I nod back.

  “And now!” Dominus announces. “Zebulon, the god of Saligia. The unbeatable. The revered!”

  The crowd’s volume explodes. The gate across the arena opens and out steps the largest man I have ever seen in my life.

  Ignatius is huge, but this man morphs him. Zebulon stands taller than seven feet and from the boulders he has for muscles, I’d put him at well over three-hundred pounds.

  He is a black albino with a bald head and two white tuffs of hair fashioned into matching horns. He wears no armor and carries two single swords.

  He stomps into the center and though I’m sure it’s not actually, the ground seems to vibrate with his steps. I glance over to Sera and through her helmet I see beads of sweat already forming.

  Zebulon turns a circle, egging the crowd on. Sera and I exchange a look and then we charge. Zebulon rotates toward us in snapped attention, and just like we did with Ignatius, we swerve and circle and duck.

  He swings both swords and at the last second we spin direction, Sera cuts his left ribs, I slice his right, and he falls straight back. His enormous body bounces once and then goes completely still.

  The crowd’s cheering dies and Sera and I stand over him, cautiously eyeing his lifeless giant body. A few seconds go by and she takes her helmet off. I do the same. We look at each other. All that work, all that training, and this is it?

  The crowd begins laughing, and we turn away from Zebulon’s body and look up to Dominus to see him grinning as well. I think everyone’s shocked.

  We lift our fists in victory. The crowds’ laughter becomes a roar of cheers. I turn to the gate and look straight at Ignatius. We did it, I mouth. But his expression doesn’t seem relieved.

  The caution behind it has me glancing over my shoulder to Zebulon’s body at the exact second he slams into me from the side. Every ounce of air rushes from my lungs as my body sails through the air to smack into the ground.

  Zebulon rears back his massive foot and kicks me hard in the side, sending me spiraling through the air again. I clench my teeth. Everything spins. This time when I land my vision spots.

  I come to my knees and scramble to my feet. I can’t think straight, I feel clumsy, but I sprint toward my spear. He’s big, but I’m fast.

  Sera yells and runs at us from across the other side of the small arena. Every muscle in her big legs bunch.

  She snatches up her sword and leaps through the air. Zebulon dives too and they collide midair to fall and slide across the sand. He pins her down, head butts her, and then pummels her face with his meaty fists.

  My hands slip into position on my spear and I sling it through the air. It pierces him in the side and he bows back. Sera uses the second to wiggle free. Dark blood covers her face as she arches her sword and swipes it crisscross over his chest.

  His skin splits open in an X but he twirls his sword and slices her deep across the stomach right under her armor. She fumbles back, gripping her abdomen, and through her fingers her guts puff out in a glistening curl.

  She shoots me a pained look before falling to the ground, and I know she’s done.

  “Zebulon!” I scream and he spins.

  I dive and roll, snatch a sword, and race toward him. At the last second I veer off and whirl, then slide between his legs and plunge the sword straight up into his groin. He hollers and falls to his knees.

  “Zebulon!” Sera yells through her pain, and he snarls to where she’s still sprawled.

  I use the precious second to grab his sword and with two white knuckled grips, I stab it straight into the base of his neck and down his spinal cord. I don’t wait to see if he’s dead, I run over to Sera, grab her sword, race back, and I stab him over and over and over again.

  I keep stabbing until his blood saturates the ground, him, and me. Until his eyes roll back in his head. Until my jaw hurts from my gritted teeth. Until it’s hard to breathe. Until I’m soaked with sweat. Until Zebulon’s body is just a pile of split skin, organs, and jagged bones.

  It’s the complete silence that finally leaks into my hazed brain. I drop my sword and take an unsteady step back. I swallow and look down at my shaky, bloody hands. I turn toward Sera. She’s not moving and her guts are spilled out beneath her armor.

  But she’s breathing. She’s not dead.

  I turn toward the gate next to see Alexior and Ignatius and everyone else quietly, stoically, staring at me.

  I inhale a shallow breath and it rasps in the air around me.

  Slowly, gradually, the crowd begins making noise. It grows and grows and grows to a deafening level.

  Finally, I glance up to Dominus’ box to find him proudly smiling, Bareket sneering, and the other rich a mixture of celebration and shock, depending on who bet for or against me.

  “Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a.” The crowd chants my name.

  The gate opens and Alexior and Ignatius step into the arena. Neither of them look at me as they rush to Sera, carefully each take an arm, and slowly slide her across the dirt and out of the arena.

  If it weren’t for her, I would not be standing here. There is no way I could’ve defeated Zebulon without her.

  “Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a.”

  That’s not my name, drifts like a fog across my brain. But I do the only thing I can. I do what’s expected. I lift my fists in victory and let the crowd bathe me in their repulsive praises.


  When we get back Sera is taken to Talme, and a soldier leads me through the villa to Dominus’ office. Other than the very first visit, this is the only time I’m not required to wear shackles.

  Perhaps defeating Zebulon grants me this privilege. If so, it’s a good one to have. It means to some extent they “trust” me. That’ll only make deception all the more easier.

  The soldier knocks once, opens the door, and I step inside.

  Dominus spins away from the slave boy he has bent over his desk. I recognize him. The night of the villa party. He stood in the corner behind me.

  Dominus lowers his gown as the boy does the same to his tunic. He gives the boy a shove and growls, “Later,” and the boy quietly slips from the room.

  As I have learned I keep my repulsion and anger simmering. I keep my expression schooled. Only I know what’s in my thoughts. Only I know that one day they will all violently pay.

  Dominus throws his hands out in greeting. “Valoria! My defiant one! I knew you’d pay off. I knew it!” He claps his hands and laughs in an ugly hoot that I despise. “Oh, do I have grand things in store for you.”

  I force my lips into a pleased smile. Now I apparently will be the one with the golden vagina.

  He strolls over, grinning. “First, I will take you shopping for new armor. My champion deserves her own. We’ll get it engraved, specialized, so anybody who sees it will know it belongs to Valoria, the defiant one. Then I’ll parade you through the marketplace so
everyone can congratulate and marvel at your excellence. You’ll be going on a tour of the villas, too. The elite want to meet you up close and personal.”

  He clasps my shoulder. “I’ll throw a party down on the grounds for the other warriors with wine and whores. Everyone will know you are the reason for the good cheer.” Another bark of laughter comes out of him. “No other warrior has ever made me the money you did killing Zebulon. You have accomplished more than anyone in your short time here.”

  “My sister?” I simply ask.

  Dominus’ smile fades and then he immediately grins again and steps away, leaving a trace of sensation where his fingers dug into my shoulders.

  “Of course!” he joyously agrees. “Of course you’d want to know. I’ve found her. I’ve bought her. And I’ve arranged transport. She’ll be here within a few days.”

  I suck in a breath, my knees go weak, and I lock them into place so I don’t fall. Relief and happiness and pure shock swirls through me causing tears to blur my vision. Lena. I step forward and reach out a shaky hand. “Th-thank you, Dominus.”

  He graciously nods. “You are very welcome. I said I’d find her, and I did. Valoria, you will discover I am a man of my word. If I say I’m going to do something, I will.”

  I nod and something inside of me squeezes at the thought of my sister. “Our freedom? Did I make you enough to buy that as well?”

  He gives me a sad look. “No, but at least your sister is coming. Now you can work toward paying off your expenses and upkeep and purchasing your freedom.”

  “Where will Lena stay?”

  “Here in the villa. I will make her into a house slave.”

  “No!” I snap and immediately clamp my lips together.

  Dominus narrows his eyes. “Excuse me?”

  A bitter taste tangs my mouth, and I swallow and put all my energy into clenching my fists. I tell myself to calm down. “I mean, may I respectfully request she stay downstairs with me? She could clean our training weapons. Or assist Talme in the medic room. Or help serve food…”

  Even I can hear the pleading in my tone. Anything but up here in the villa. Anything.

  Dominus crosses his arms and studies me for an extremely long time and then finally, finally, responds, “Yes. Yes, I’ll allow that.”

  I release an unsteady, relieved breath. “Thank you.”

  He holds up a finger. “Now I want you to remember this. I’m not hard to work with. I’m not unreasonable.”

  I nod. “Yes, Dominus.”

  He motions to the terrace. “Step out with me.”

  I follow him out into the windy night and my tunic presses to my body with the strong breeze. I look down to see all the warriors standing in formation. I’ve been up here before, but right now the height dizzies me. I imagine climbing over the rail and flying off into the night.

  They look up at me and start chanting, “Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a.”

  I should feel victorious but I do not. There should be pleasure coursing through me, but there isn’t.

  Dominus reaches over, grabs my wrist, and lifts it into the air and I force my mouth into a triumphant smile.


  True to his word I am paraded through the marketplace like some goddess. People applaud. They stop to just touch me. It’s revolting.

  Dominus buys me trinkets that I don’t want but I accept. He has specialized armor fashioned out of some sort of lightweight material and a giant V engraved in gold on the chest. He purchases two spears and engraves them with the V as well. He declares this is my new look.

  The villas come next where I have a private audience with the various rich and elite. Some of them want to sit and play board games. Others want to mock fight. And yet others just want to look at me and hear my version of the infamous killing.

  The whole thing is gross and strange. But I use the time to scope the grounds and layout. To look at the interior and exterior of the villas. To count their slaves. To calculate the best ways in and out.

  I discover there are three more ludi in Saligia, but none have as many warriors as ours. Other than that, the other villas are just homes. Though a few of them seem designated for hosting feasts or spas or sexual fantasies.

  Saligia is the seven deadly sins.

  And like the villa I live in, there is no technology anywhere. Or if there is, it’s hidden. I think about that, and it actually makes sense. Because where there is technology there can be pictures and film and possible leaks. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s a requirement, leaving all that behind. When you come to Saligia you step back in time in all aspects. It’s part of the lure.

  “You’re back,” Camille says, and I blink from my ponderings. She gives me a small smile and sits down beside me on the training ground. “I hear your sister’s coming.”

  “Yes,” I say and tune into Lena’s bracelet weighing warm against my wrist.

  Camille gives me a one arm hug. “I’m so happy for you.”


  “Did you hear about Felicia?” she asks.


  “Dominus has made her into a house slave.”

  We exchange a glance. We both know what that means. Sure Felicia annoyed me, but I wouldn’t wish that on anybody. Never.

  I go back to staring at the dark clouds covering the setting sun. Between those and the strong winds, I expect a storm to hit either today or tomorrow. I think about the weather patterns, the summer month, and as usual come up empty with a solid hypothesis of where we are. The dark water is certainly not Bahamian or Mediterranean.

  I think about Lena’s arrival next, my tour of the villas, my limited knowledge of Saligia, and I whisper, “You and me. We’ve got each other’s backs. Right?”

  Camille glances around to make sure no one’s listening. “Of course.”

  From beneath my fancy new armor that I have yet to change out of, I slip the handle of a small dagger. Camille sucks in a breath and I tuck it right back in.

  “Where did you get that?” she quietly asks.

  “From one of the villas I was at today.” I turn to her. “Listen, we can do this. We can escape. There are more slaves in the villas than the elite and the soldiers who guard them. We can overpower these people. Let everyone free. Get on that galleon and get the hell out of here.”

  “And go where?” she whispers. “Plus, those house slaves don’t know how to fight.”

  “We didn’t either and look at us now.” I grab her hand. “I guarantee you those slaves up in the villa would gladly stab Dominus or his wife if given the chance.”

  “You haven’t thought this out. This isn’t a viable plan. It’s only me and you. We would need more people on our side.”

  “Then we’ll get them,” I command. “One by one. You know Gem would. And if she does Razo will. Of course my sister.”

  “But what about Ignatius and Alexior. You don’t think they’d stop us? And Sera.”

  My thoughts instantly shift and my grip tightens. “Sera. How is she?”

  “Not good. Talme doesn’t think she’s going to live.”

  An image of her intestines slipping out of her stomach flashes through my brain and I wince. That could’ve easily been me.

  Camille sighs. “Why don’t you just focus on purchasing your freedom? If you got your sister this quickly, it probably won’t take you long to secure the other.”

  No one is ever really free. Alexior’s words come back to me, and I absolutely believe them.

  “Besides,” she whispers, “we would need weapons.”

  My gaze tracks over to the large wooden boxes that hold all of the practice weapons. I study the bulky iron locks. Alexior has the keys.

  “Please be patient,” Camille implores. “I don’t want you sent back to The Hole.”

  Dominus and his wife step out onto the terrace and draw my gaze away from my friend.

  “Greetings!” Dominus calls. “To celebrate Valoria’s grand victory I have arranged for music an
d drink and whores.” He waves his arm over to the gate as it opens, and a crowd of people pour in. “Enjoy! Feel free to fuck wherever!”

  Several of them march in playing flutes and guitars and pipes. Women dressed in skimpy gowns with thin gold sashes around their waists dance in behind them. Men wearing only leather thongs and carrying barrels of drink and platters of food follow.

  What the hell?

  Camille gets to her feet and I follow. “What’s going on?” she asks.

  Alexior approaches. “As Dominus said. A celebration of Valoria’s victory. He’s only done this twice before in the time I’ve been here. Enjoy. It likely won’t happen again anytime soon.”

  “But who are these people?” I ask.

  “Slaves,” he answers. “But these are special slaves. They’ve been trained to party and entertain.”

  Music trickles through the area and I listen to it as I watch the visitors laugh and dance. None of them seem like they are here under duress. Then again if they did, they would just be punished or executed. They’ve learned to “entertain” as Alexior said.

  Several of them pour liquid from the barrels and start handing out the goblets to us warriors. People are going to be hung over tomorrow…

  A night like this would be the perfect night to escape. When everyone is distracted and getting drunk. But without my sister, of course there is no way.

  Two very good-looking men gyrate over to me and Camille. She laughs and takes the hand of one and lets him pull her away. I shake my head to the other. He handsomely pouts and twirls away to find a more willing partner.

  Over in the shadowed corner I catch sight of Gem and Razo in a passionate kiss. He takes her hand and leads her across the training ground and into the men’s quarters.

  I glance over to Alexior. Why I glance I’m not sure. I did that the last time I saw Gem and Razo exchanging an intimate act.

  Alexior looks down at me and his normally hard face gentles into a very, very slight smile. An electricity fills the air. An awareness. The party around us slowly fades as I gaze up into his dark gray eyes.

  “Would you like some wine?” he quietly asks.


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