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Vanquished Page 15

by S. E. Green

  Alexior takes his usual spot in the corner, and Dominus comes around his desk to stand in front of me. He looks down at my tunic to the area where I was knifed and then to my forearm where a row of stitches hold the split skin together. “You are well?”

  “Yes, Dominus, thank you.”

  “Why did you want to see me?”

  “I hear you might be selling Sera.”

  “Yes,” he sighs. “Unfortunately I’m going to have to.”

  “I’ve earned a lot with my percentage of the fights.” Money I naively thought would purchase my freedom. “I’ve spent very little.”

  He nods.

  I straighten my spine and look him right in the eyes. “I would like to pay for her expenses so she can stay.”


  With a yell I charge Gem. Right. Left. Right. Left. Duck. Spin. Kick. Elbow. Over the head with my spear and halting at her head. I turn and move the blade down to her neck. “Your guard is low and I now have your jugular.”

  She sighs.

  I smack her lightly in the side of the neck. “You, my friend, are incredibly distracted.”

  It’s been days since everything happened with Camille, and neither she nor Gem have been mentally in the here. Sure we train, we eat, we sleep. All the normal stuff. But their brains are somewhere else, like they’re going through the motions without purpose.

  Truthfully mine is, too, but I just hide it better.

  Gem glances over her shoulder to where Camille trains with the two new recruits Dominus bought. Twins that I hear are from Poland. A guy and a girl that do seem capable of surviving this lifestyle.

  Gem turns back to me, her expression serious. “I can’t stop thinking about what happened to Camille and the threat they made about separating us. It could happen any day. You know it could.”

  I tap my knuckles against her practice shield. “Listen, Dominus is not going to split us up. Now that Sera’s not fighting, we are his three main women warriors. We make him the most money. He’s spent a lot of time and investment in us. He’s smart. He wouldn’t risk it.”

  She stares at me for a few seconds as this seems to really sink in. “You’re right.”

  I’d said it to reassure myself as well. But now that I have, it really does make sense. Dominus wouldn’t risk the future earnings.

  I follow Gem’s line of sight as she looks back over to Camille. Together we study her for a few seconds as she fights the twins. Something’s different about her today. She’s more focused. More intense. Definitely powerful. Like whatever trance she’s been in over the last several days has suddenly snapped free.

  I watch as she roundhouse kicks one twin in the stomach and blocks the other. With a yell, she jumps up, arcing both of her swords through the air and straight down to simultaneously disarm them.

  “Wow,” Gem says.

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  “This isn’t a real fight,” one of the twins grumbles.

  Camille grabs the edge of her shield and slings it like a disk straight into that twin’s shins and knocks him hard on his ass. With a smirk, she crouches and the pandemonium of adrenaline flashes through her gaze.

  In my periphery I see Gem look at me for my reaction, but I don’t exchange her glance. I know Camille’s expression. She’s enjoying the feeling of triumph. Good for her.

  She opens her mouth and out comes a slow, deep, powerful chuckle.

  “Halt!” Alexior yells. “Eat.”

  “Oh thank God,” Gem says. “I’m starving.”

  “Valoria,” Alexior calls out, “a word.”

  I grab up all my gear, deposit it in the large wooden boxes, and go to the opposite side of the training ground where Alexior waits. I wipe the sweat off my neck and look up at him. “Yes?”

  “It’s not in anyone’s interest that you discuss your deal with Dominus regarding Sera.”

  “I didn’t plan on it.”

  He nods. “Good.”

  I wait for whatever it is he wants to say next, but he doesn’t speak. “Is that it?” I finally prompt.

  His gray eyes flick across the training grounds to where everyone is eating and then back to me. “You’re going to be in debt to Dominus a long time. Sera’s been here forever and with that comes a huge investment. Money you now have to pay in order for her to stay.”

  “I know.”

  He moves a fraction closer and his nearness flushes my skin with heat. “Why?” he asks.

  “I thought that was obvious.”

  The right side of his mouth lifts into a half smile. “Only to you.”

  “Without her I wouldn’t have won against Zebulon. If she weren’t there in the tunnel, Niho probably would’ve killed me. She saved my life. She deserves better than being sold to whomever for whatever malevolent thing they have planned. I have no doubt she will fully recover.”

  I fold my arms over my chest as a new thought occurs to me. “And when that happens, she’ll start winning in the arena and now that I pay for her, I’ll share in her earnings.” Of course I know that will never happen, but still.

  His eyes crinkle. “Got it all figured out do you?”

  “Not really,” I retort with a chuckle. “But it sure sounds convincing.”

  We both stand, looking at each other, amusement tickling the air around us. I wonder what Alexior would be like outside of this place out in the real world. And then I think about his wife. What happened to her? Will he ever tell me the whole story?


  That night I go out onto the training ground. It is empty, as I had hoped. I lay down on the sand and stare up at the multitude of stars. One of them blinks and I smile.

  My sister was convinced any kind of twinkle or blink was an angel winking at the person staring up. “Hi Lena,” I whisper. “Is that you? Are you my guardian angel?”

  A soft moan echoes through the air and I turn my head to the right to see Razo and Gem hidden in the shadows. He has her pressed against the wall while he nuzzles her neck. She slides her leg up to curl around his hip and he grinds into her. Another quiet moan floats toward me and I watch as he slides his hand under her tunic—

  “Valoria,” Alexior says.

  I shoot straight up.

  He steps from the tunnel. “Dominus has sent something for you. Come.”

  I push to my feet and don’t look over at Gem and Razo as I hurry toward the tunnel. “What’s going on?” I ask.

  Any camaraderie we may have shared earlier is completely gone now. A look that can only be described as disappointment and disgust enters his eyes and makes me pause.

  “What’s going on?” I hesitantly ask again.

  “Just follow me.”

  “Am I in trouble?” I search my brain. What did I do now?

  He doesn’t answer and instead turns and starts walking down the tunnel. I follow him, my ears tuned to our sandaled feet echoing softly off the stone around us.

  We pass the medic room and continue all the way to the end where the gate leads up the stairs into the villa. On the right sits a wooden door I’ve seen several times and naturally wondered what was on the other side.

  Alexior unlocks it and steps inside.

  It’s a big area with shelving on the left that holds food and wine. On the right, behind a locked iron gate, sits a room with weapons. Real weapons. Not the ones we practice with. Swords, spears, shields, knifes, ball-and-chains, clubs, axes, bow and arrows, and tons more.

  I eye the gate’s three enormous padlocks. Who has the keys?

  Straight ahead sits another door. Alexior turns to me. “Dominus wants to keep his champion happy.” He nods to the door. “He said you requested this. When you’re ready, go on in.”

  He turns to leave and I grasp his arm. “I don’t understand.”

  Alexior tugs his arm from my grasp and walks straight past the food and wine and weapons and leaves me in the area alone.

  I stand for a few seconds, staring at the door. I requested this? I search through my brain,
but come up completely empty. I don’t recall requesting anything.

  Oh, to hell with it. I lift my hand and push the door open.

  The smell of citrus hits me first. Subtle and sweet. Like the villa. Colorful hanging cloths decorate the room with enormous bright pillows all over the floor. In the center sits a table with fruit and wine.

  On the right is the boy house slave who I saw Dominus raping in the office. On the left is the girl house slave who I saw giving Dominus a blow job on the terrace.

  Naked, both lay sprawled across the pillows.

  “I’m here to please you,” the boy says.

  I close my eyes and turn away. “Put your clothes on.”

  “I’m here to please you, too,” the girl parrots.

  “Put your clothes on,” I repeat.

  Neither one of them move.

  “Or we can do each other and you can watch,” the boy says.

  “Put your GODDAMN clothes on!” I roar.

  I hear them both jump up and scuffle around and I draw in a couple of deep breaths. Dominus is right. I did request this, but not for the reason he thinks.

  Back when I killed Zebulon and he was parading me around, promising me anything and everything, I requested a night with a house slave, thinking I could talk to him, learn the inside goings on of the villa.

  I honestly didn’t think it was a request Dominus would honor.

  I open my eyes and turn around to see them fully clothed and sitting scared and stiff-spined on their individual pillows. It brings out an odd blend of protectiveness and anger in me.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” I carefully, calmly assure them. “I just wanted some food and wine. Some company. A nice cozy place to sleep.” And hopefully some information and possibly an ally on the inside.

  They exchange a blank glance. They’re practiced at hiding emotion.

  No wonder Alexior was pissed.

  “When Dominus asks,” the girl timidly speaks, “will you tell him we pleased you?”

  I give her a gentle smile, “Definitely,” and close the door. I sit down in front of the table and grab a slice of mango and motion to the food. “Please eat. Both of you.”

  They exchange another glance but they don’t move. They’ve never been offered food and wine before. Not like this.

  “You’re supposed to do whatever I say, right?”

  They nod.

  “Then pour us all some wine and both of you eat. Please.”

  Finally, they move, carefully doing as I asked, making sure they don’t piss me off. I hate that they’re so beaten down. They won’t even look at me.

  “What’s your name?” I ask the girl.

  “Hedian,” she softly answers.

  “That’s pretty.” I turn to the boy. “And yours?”


  I smile at them both. “Nice to meet you.”

  The girl’s lips curve into a very tiny smile that I’m so glad to finally see.

  I let a couple of quiet moments pass so we can all eat, drink, and get used to each other’s presence. “How long have you two lived here?” I finally break the silence.

  “Four years,” Joseph answers, and it curdles my blood.

  Four years of living in the villa and being forced to do unspeakable things. “How old are you two?” I ask next, hoping to hide the turmoil going on inside of me.

  “Fifteen,” Hedian answers. “We came on the same boat.”

  They were eleven. Eleven goddamn years old. “You two are friends?”

  They nod, and I smile. Like me and Camille and Gem.

  “Where are you from?”

  “We’re both from Italy,” Joseph answers.

  Alexior, Australia. Ignatius, Greece. Gem, Asia. Sera, Africa. Camille, Denmark. The U.S.… yes, Saligia really does have their evil fingers everywhere. “And your parents?” I ask, though I already know the answer.

  Joseph shakes his head. “We were both living on the streets. They snatched a bunch of us up.”

  “Wait, so you knew each other before here?” This is new.

  Hedian nods. “There were six of us taken, but…” She glances away before continuing, “We’re the only two left.”

  I glance away, too, not wanting to show them the fury simmering within me. Six children taken and only two still alive. Who knows what happened to the other four. The elite did whatever they wanted. They did what pleased them.

  We talk for the next hour or so, but every time I steer the conversation in the direction I really want it to go—goings on of the villa, keys to open things, Dominus’ office—they expertly divert things into a safer area.

  I can’t blame them. They’re brainwashed. They’re scared. Frankly, they don’t trust me.

  All I can do is request them again, hope Dominus allows it, and work on gaining their trust. Because what they see and hear upstairs will be invaluable when it’s time to take this place down.

  We end up falling asleep and in the morning I tell them both goodbye.

  “Will you request us again?” Hedian asks, the eagerness in her voice coming through probably more than she had intended.

  “Yes,” I assure them both. “I will.”

  They go back upstairs and I head toward the training ground. Everyone is finishing breakfast, and I grab an apple and a roll of bread.

  As I quickly eat, I look toward Alexior who is speaking to Sera. She’s holding a practice sword and I wonder if she’s going to do some light training today.

  Alexior turns to all of us. “Warriors. Recruits. Take note of a true champion returning to training.” He looks right at me. “An honorable champion returning to training.”

  I narrow my eyes. He has no idea what he’s talking about, and I have no plans on setting him straight. He can think what he wants. All of them can.

  The fact is, I can’t tell them about my real reasons for being with Hedian and Joseph. What would I say? I’m gathering inside information so I can overtake this place?

  That thought alone will get me killed. Not to mention Hedian and Joseph.


  Dressed in our armor, me, Camille, and Gem stand at the gate, staring out into the small arena as raindrops softly patter the ground. I watch as several disciplined slaves are dragged from the sands by soldiers. I’ve never been ordered to participate in maiming the slaves. That’s what the soldiers are for. If I’m ever commanded to do it, I will not. I will gladly die first.

  The pre-games have come and gone and we are up next. The main event. We’ve been told we’re fighting six men, all violent offenders brought in from some maximum security facility in California.

  The irony is not lost on me. If the elite rape and torture and murder, it is part of being in this sick and twisted cosplay. Yet that’s exactly what these six men did and now I’m about to end their lives.

  The light rain gradually dissipates and the sun comes back out. The gate on the other side of the arena opens and out step six men of varying sizes and ages. The crowd immediately begins booing. The men squint against the brightness and look around in obvious dazed confusion.

  “Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a,” the crowd starts chanting.

  Gem glances over at me. “Gem. Gem. Gem.” She laughs. “Doesn’t have the same ring.”

  Through Camille’s helmet, I study the dark circles under her eyes and her intense expression. “You good?” I ask.

  She nods once, giving off an almost weird level of energy. “I’m ready to kill these assholes.”

  Gem flashes me a surprised, worried look that I agree with but don’t return.

  The gate opens, and Camille doesn’t wait, she yells and charges. Gem and I follow. The crowd leaps to their feet and screams. The six men start to run in different directions. Good, they’ll be easier to pick off that way.

  We weave through them, purposefully confusing them. One goes down with a stab in the gut. Another with a sliced neck. I fling my spear toward one who is trying to climb the wall out and pierce hi
m straight in the back.

  Three down. Three to go.

  The crowd roars.

  One runs straight toward Gem. I catch her eye and give her the signal and she drops to all fours. I use her back as a spring board and fly through the air to impale the guy right in the heart. I spin to see Camille sliver one from groin to chin.

  Five down. One to go.

  Gem grabs a long chain and her and Camille sprint toward the last man. He just stands there in a trance, looking at the five other murderers lying dead and bloody on the ground. He knows there is no escape. He knows he is about to die.

  Gem dives low, Camille high, and they sling the chain around the guys neck.

  They yank hard and the guy gags and claws at the chain as he falls to his knees. They run a wide circle around him, weaving the chain tighter, pulling until his tongue and eyeballs bulge on a last breath.

  I have a quick flash of Felicia hanging from the terrace and immediately shake the image from my head.

  The crowd stamps their feet and screams and some of the women flash us their tits.

  Camille and Gem come to stand beside me. We all link hands and raise our victorious fists into the air, and the crowd transitions into unadulterated craziness.

  “I no longer think of life beyond Saligia!” Camille yells. “This is my life!”

  Violence and power can intoxicate, and my friend is drunk. But I grip her hand harder to let her know I heard her, even though I don’t like her words. When it comes time to overtake this place, I need her on my side.

  I look up to the Dominus’ private balcony to see him proudly on his feet, cheering. Beside him stands his wife politely applauding. And next to her sits Bareket. She’s the only one not on her feet celebrating.

  I watch as her eyes travel slowly from Camille to Gem and finally settle on me. She catches me staring and sneers.

  That sneer. There’s something even more deviant than usual hiding behind it, and I have a feeling I’m going to find out soon what it is.

  When we return to the ludus, Sera is practicing hard against a wooden post. I watch her form. She’s definitely improving, as I knew she would.


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