Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2)

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Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) Page 2

by Selena Illyria

  “Not now, Brandon,” Eireen snapped. Her blue eyes turned golden for a second, as her wolf peeked out in her anger.

  “The uniforms for our employees are stuck in New Mexico,” Kelly explained, “and management isn’t in the office. We can’t have our people go into all those mansions and estates in their street clothes. Plus, the alarm is going off at the office, but the police report that there is no prowler and no one is inside. I’ve been put on hold, again. I have to go into the office and see if the elvish tailors are open. Maybe I can convince them to give us a discount on a rush job. A free year of cleaning might do it.”

  “I’m coming with,” announced Eireen. “This is a bust anyway. Maybe I can pull some strings from my end with a few stores in some nearby towns. Later little bro.” Eireen followed her boss and best friend toward the front doors.

  Brandon went after them, wanting to help. He felt a need to do something to aid his mate and soothe her stress.

  Eireen turned on her heel just as Brandon reached them. He crashed straight into her and only her hold on his arms kept him from falling down. Despite their difference in size, she kept him on his feet. “Stay here. We don’t need you puttering around like a lovesick wolf,” she hissed. “Unless you can pull ten uniforms out of her your ass? No? Then stay, Booboo.”

  “Booboo? What the fuck?” He shook his head and ignored the insult. “Look, I won’t get in the way. Just let me help you. Maybe I can make a few calls to people I know?” Brandon hated how high and whiney he sounded. He was brought back to my teenage years, begging Reenie to take him along so he could spend more time with Kelly. He ignored those thoughts and turned to the task at hand—finding people who could help. His mind rolled through all the professionals he’d encountered who could do wonders with damaged uniforms.

  “I know everyone you know, ’member? You introduced me to them? I have their numbers. Go plan your date, play video games, watch porn or whatever. Just don’t tell me. She’ll be fine.” Eireen ushered him back toward the party. He glanced over his shoulder. The sight of happy couples in evening dress only dampened his enthusiasm for mixing with his fellow athletes.

  “Goddess, do you have to be so damn crass? I know Kelly will be fine. I just wanted to help. I’ll head home, but you have to promise”—he paused and pointed at her—“to call if you need anything. Even late-night pizza and coffee runs.”

  Eireen let out a huff of air. The scent of strawberries and champagne drifted off her, mingling with the cologne, perfume, and hormones swirling about the room. The stench turned his stomach. He would’ve preferred to have been curled up in a booth somewhere with Kelly, eating a late dinner of burgers and fries, basking in her presence. Call it infatuation or puppy love, it didn’t matter. Kelly was his mate, and if he couldn’t be where she was, he didn’t want to be anywhere at all. Home it was.

  “Stop waiting for her,” Eireen said, her tone hard. Her cobalt-blue eyes flashed with an emotion that Brandon couldn’t name.

  “Not waiting, biding my time. Don’t you have to help salvage the uniform mess?” He hoped this would spur his sister on.

  “Yeah, yeah, I do…I just… I’ll call later.” Eireen swung back around, pushed open the door, and followed Kelly out into the night.

  He wondered what in the world was going on with Eireen. Lately she’d been secretive, disappearing when he needed her, always busy. But it had nothing to do with her business, Pack Princess Maid Service, or as she liked to call it, PPMS. Once things with Kelly were settled he’d find out what was going on with his sister.

  Through the glass doors, he could see Kelly standing at the curb, waiting for the valet to pull up with her car. Her back was to him. Under the bright, white lights her red dress glittered, and her curves weren’t hidden by the business jackets and sweaters she usually wore. Heat flared low in Brandon’s groin as arousal welled up inside of him. His blood thickened and his cock pressed against the front of his pants. What was one more night without his mate? She’d be his soon enough.

  He waited a few minutes before he left the soiree. As he’d told Reenie, there was nothing back there for him. Besides, he needed to do some stretches for his shoulder; otherwise, his physical therapist would give him hell for neglecting his recovery regimen.

  Chapter Two

  Kelly climbed into bed and snuggled under the covers. Her eyelids were heavy. After several hours of pleading, promises, and negotiations, they had found a tailor who could deal with an emergency order and get it to them ASAP. After that it was a question of calling their other suppliers to make sure things were on track. By the time she got home, it was close to three-thirty in the morning. She’d only had enough energy to drop her bag, kick off her heels, and unzip her dress before heading off to sleepland. She yawned and shut her eyes.

  Brandon. His named drifted into her head as the darkness took her.

  He’d come to her after midnight, long after the auction had ended, and she’d gotten home exhausted and in need of some wine. She’d changed into a cozy sweater and yoga pants, ready to check out what was on the DVR when the doorbell rang. There he was, top few buttons of his dress shirt undone, black jacket off and black slacks a bit wrinkled. He had the devil in his cobalt-blue eyes. His wavy, chestnut-brown hair was a mess, falling over his brow giving him a bad-boy look. A sexy smile curled his sensual lips.

  He held up a bottle of Fireball Whiskey. “I think we both need this.”

  He didn’t wait for her to respond. Instead, he brushed past her, body leaving no space between them. The warmth of him sparked off of her. Her nipples tightened, heat poured into her sex, and her clit hardened. All thoughts stalled as she inhaled the spicy, woodsy scent that held a hint of the wolf. That cologne haunted her day and night. She wanted to press herself against him, feel of his heat and strength inside of her, surrounding her. A whimper clawed up her throat trying to slip out past her lips.

  But Brandon was off limits. She’d been telling herself that all her life. They were just friends. He was her best friend’s little brother, for gods’ sake!

  But she was in the presence of her mate. Her wolf wanted to claim and be claimed by him. In the wolf’s opinion, this farce had gone on for far too long. They were both in their thirties. He was retired, and even though he’d still be on the road, he’d given every indication that he was settling down in Pines Ville. The wolf didn’t want to waste anymore time. Why wait?

  When she turned around, he was already on the couch, two shot glasses at the ready filled with amber liquid, his arm draped on the back of the chair with ease, as if he’d been there a thousand times and belonged there. The wolf whimpered. Why indeed?

  None of her excuses mattered. He looked so good settled there. More importantly, he made her feel comfortable. There were no nerves, no protests, just a yearning to be near him always.

  “Join me?” The two words were spoken in that rough bass tone that sent tingles racing up and down her arms and legs and caused her belly to flip while her pussy clenched and moisture dampened her panties. He raised a thick brow in question. “Problem?”

  She shivered and her nipples tightened further. Feeble protests manifested again. This was Reenie’s baby brother. He was younger than she was. They were childhood friends.

  Each argument fell apart at the bright smile he gave her. “Feeling shy? Let me help you.”

  He rose with the silken grace. Kelly’s breath stalled once more as he strode toward her, each step echoing around the quiet room. Every move reflected her heartbeat. When he’d been playing pro hockey, his away games had always left a hole in her that nothing could fill. Only his phone calls, emails, and Skype sessions made his absence bearable. Now he was here, in front of her. Who knew what could happen?

  He held out a hand to her. “Come with me.” His tone brokered no argument.

  “Yes!” The word came out high pitched and squeaky. She wasn’t even sure what she was agreeing to, but she knew she’d go anywhere he asked her to go. The sensat
ion of his roughened palm sliding against hers sent an electric charge up her arm and bouncing around her chest before it settled as a warming buzz in her belly. He guided her around furniture until he had her settled down on the couch and handed her a shot glass.

  “To a successful auction! Thanks for saving me.” He held up his cup, a heated look in his eye that made her squirm.

  They toasted and downed the liquid. It felt like swallowing liquefied cinnamon candies, her favorite kind. The burn from the alcohol helped to warm and relax her. She cuddled into his side, hyperaware of every move she made. Without hesitation, she laid her head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on her head, playing with her hair, tugging the strands and winding them around his palm until he held the tresses in his firm grip. His lips traced a path from her crown to her forehead and down the bridge of her nose to the sensitive tip.

  “Brandon,” she whispered, voice rough and low.

  “Kelly,” he murmured. Brandon paused, azure depths darkened to the color of sapphires. His tongue flicked out to trace the seam of her lips. She opened up for him without a single complaint, her own tongue slipping out to meeting his. With a groan, he kissed her, exploring her mouth. The taste of deep, rich whiskey washed over her taste buds, making her yearn for more. It was warm and sweet, with undertones of cinnamon and something more.

  He pulled her head back, allowing him to deepen the contact. She moaned and arched her chest. One of his fingers blazed a path along her jaw and down her throat to trace along her neckline.

  She wished she was naked, her flesh exposed to his touch. Needing to do more than just sit and let him take what he wanted, she lifted her arms and sunk one hand into his hair, gripping it tight to hold him where he was. With her other hand, she slowly unbuttoned his shirt until she could part the panels and touch him in a way she’d only dreamed about. His skin was feverish. With each flex of his muscles, his chest rippled. Maybe it was him being here, or her exhaustion, but she couldn’t find a single reason not to be kissing him right now. In fact, all thought had evaporated.

  The roughened tip of his finger teased her, dipping into the valley of her cleavage and withdrawing, before blazing a path of fire along the bottom edge of her sweater. Each pass made her top feel tighter, her breasts seem fuller, as if the simple wool fabric couldn’t hold back her bounty. He hooked his index finger into the dip and tugged. The threaded hem scraped against her chest, sending a ripple of sensation around her torso. She whimpered and arched her back, urging him on without words to tear, take, cup, squeeze.

  He didn’t do any of those things. Brandon’s hand coasted down over her breast in a light tease before slipping down her side and behind her. She felt the cloth pull away from her torso before it was lifted up. With a sigh of relief, she raised her arms over her head. He let go of her ponytail, yanked off her sweater, and dropped it to the floor.

  She scooted back, allowing him to look his fill at her bare breasts. Under his scrutiny, her nipples throbbed and goose flesh rose on her arms and across her chest. She watched emotions flit across his face: desire, awe, happiness, acceptance, relief. Each of those sentiments was echoed within her. She wanted to reach out, cup his face, and kiss him. The buzz of the whiskey had faded away to nothing.

  “Put your hands behind your back.” His voice was ragged and torn like a voice caught by the storm and distorted. He reached for his belt.

  She didn’t ask what he intended to do. All she knew was that she wanted whatever it was he offered her.

  “Do you trust me?” He stared at her.

  The simple question made her pause in midaction, arms at her sides rather than behind her, chest thrust out.

  She stared at him, confused by the query. “Of course.”

  There was no other answer. She’d known him her whole life, loved him since she was twenty-six. Her best friend’s baby brother had not only become a man but a handsome, kind, sweet, sexy one. Whatever he wanted she’d give.

  “Mate.” The word whispered around her head like a droplet of water tracing the counters of a bowl. Smooth and easy. She’d ignored the declaration from her wolven half for so long, out of respect for their friendship, but there was nothing chummy about being someone’s mate. It meant he was her soul mate, her life companion, her other half, her world. She’d been too young to remember her father and mother’s interactions and love for one another, but she’d heard enough from her dad and their friends to know how much they had lived for one another. Even now, years later, he still hadn’t moved on from her death.

  Even witnessing her father’s ache didn’t deter her from this moment with Brandon. He was hers. She slipped her arms behind her back and waited for him to make his move. Her gaze dropped to watch his long, elegant fingers deftly undo his buckle and slip the strap out of the loops. The sound of leather against cotton and the clack of metal against metal slithered down her back, causing her to push out her chest a bit more. The position hurt, but she refused to disobey him.

  A part of her wanted this, for him to take control of her. With his strong hands, he could lift her out of her responsibilities and problems and give her what she needed: pleasure and distraction. He rose and moved past her to settle behind her. With gentleness, he took her hands and wrapped the length of cowhide around her wrists. Once done, he brushed her hair out of the way and kissed her, starting at the nape and moving down with flicks of his tongue and gentle scrapes of his teeth. His lengthened canines against her skin caused her sex to clench and liquid desire to dampen her panties.

  Her wolf rose in answer and her own teeth elongated, ready to bite and hold down onto his shoulder when he fucked and claimed her. She pressed her thighs together and moaned. Her hips rocked and her nipples ached. Her body felt too tight, too small to hold back the pressure as it increased. He continued to torment her, moving deftly from the center of her back to her shoulders.

  “Bite me, bite me, claim me, claim,” she urged without words as she reversed her body to touch his.

  “No. Still.” He bit and held the muscle at the place where her neck and shoulder met.

  She whimpered but stopped everything she was doing. Her pussy throbbed, her clit pulsed, her panties were soaked, and her breasts ached for his touch.

  “Please,” she whispered. Even to her, the word sounded agonized. Never had she pleaded with a lover. Her body was adrift when his hands weren’t on hers and every inch of her needed him right now.

  “Please,” she tried again. “Need you. Want to feel you on top of me, inside of me, everywhere.”

  He released her skin, and she shuddered. Sensations sung along her nerve endings, ramping up her passion. Brandon licked at the wounded area. Each flick set off a burst of heat in her stomach.

  “Not yet,” he murmured. His deep tenor resonated inside of her. Her pussy flexed and relaxed.

  “So beautiful and all mine.” He blazed a trail down her arm with his lips muttering the word, “mine,” as he went.

  He slipped in front of her. His fingertips trailed over her hands. She tugged on her bonds and found them set firm. She knew she could use her wolf strength to break free, but she didn’t want to end things this soon. She shifted and settled. The tug on her arms wasn’t uncomfortable, but if they went too long she knew it would hurt once freed.

  “Mine. Mine. Mine,” he murmured, as he dusted her collarbone with pecks and glides of his lips.

  “All yours.” If she had been a cat shifter, she would’ve been purring right now. She pushed out her breasts hoping he’d take the hint. Instead, he took hold of her waist and ran his hands up and down the sides. His lips coasted down into the valley of her cleavage. Butterfly brushes left her burning and seething with passion.

  She growled. “Damn it, suck my tits.” She’d never been so vocal with a lover, much less that explicit, but his actions were fraying her nerves.

  As if in answer, he lifted his head until his mouth was level with her nipples. He ducked his head for a quick lick, first with one ti
p and then the other. He moved back and forth, changing up the rhythm and pace, sometimes slow and other times lightening fast. Sparks of heat flared hot, filling her belly with warmth before turning to liquid fire, which seeped into her pussy. Her vaginal walls fluttered and her clit throbbed. Tingles raced up and down her inner thighs. Her toes curled and relaxed. She was so damn close, all she wanted was for him to touch her.

  One of his hands slipped over her hip to delve between her thighs, where he cupped her mound. His middle finger sat over the distended bundle of nerves, but there were two layers of clothing between him and it. She tried to rock her hips, but nothing happened.

  “No. Stay still.” The wolf flashed in his cobalt-blue eyes, turning them to a molten bronze before they switched back again. His lips quivered as a warning growl slipped out.

  She did as ordered, waiting, watching, hopeful he’d give her some relief. The urge to snap back, mate or no, gripped her. She closed her eyes, breathing in and out. Her own lycan counterpart didn’t like how easily she’d given in, but had no say in the matter. With the force of her mind, she held her animal half below the surface.

  He tapped his fingers over clit, and she sucked in some air as sensation burst low in her gut. He did it again, this time taking one of her nipples between his teeth. Pleasure edged out the sliver of pain that shot through her. She bucked in his hold and her hands clenched, but she didn’t tell him to stop.

  He took the thick nub into his mouth. The moist cavern heated the already fevered peak. His tongue circled and grazed it over and over. Tears blurred Kelly’s vision as it became too much to bear. Before she could tell him to stop, he released her nipple, tapped her clit, and then moved to the other hardened tip.

  Her pussy wept. Her panties were already soaked, and she was even closer to coming. And he wasn’t even inside of her.

  The pressure built as he repeated his actions. Moisture slid down her cheeks as it all became too much to bear. She came with her legs shaking, toes curled and sensation buzzing up and down her body from the crown of her head down to her feet and back up again. Her fingertips tingled. Pleasure shook her, washing over her in waves until it left her gasping out his name.


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