Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2)

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Goal: A Mate (Bachelor Auction #2) Page 4

by Selena Illyria

  The wolf’s belly rumbled. Hunger won out over any sense of self-consciousness at eating off the floor of a client’s dining room, and she dug in with gusto. Once she was done, she looked around for something to drink. The idea of getting water from the toilet like dog was repugnant to the wolf. They would have to wait for Jazz to return.

  Her ears pricked up at a scratching sound near the back door. She heard the slab of wood swing open. Alberto? Had he followed them? Kelly stilled. She crouched low to the ground and waited for her target to come into sight. She could hear the sound of paws padding very lightly down the hall.

  She smelled cat musk and a light sandalwood perfume. Cat? The shifters! Without waiting for Jazz to return Kelly rushed forward ready to protect her client’s territory. A screeching yowl pierced the air as she spotted her prey. A petite woman with dark hair and blue eyes stood before her, dressed in jeans and a jacket. The woman hissed and climbed up onto a counter.

  Kelly spared a thought for the extra work that Jazz would have to do, but she needed the cat gone.

  “Kelly? Kelly you in here?” Jazz’s voice rang out in the house, causing Kelly to pause.

  The intruder took that opportunity to make a dash for it. Kelly let out a howl and leaped toward the cat shifter, managing to catch the edge of her jacket in her teeth.

  “Bitch! Let go.” The intruder gave Kelly a few gentle smacks on her had, but Kelly held fast.

  “Holy shit, Kelly!” Jazz rushed passed them and slammed the door shut. “Stay where you are. I’m calling Al.”

  “Hell no. Let go.” The woman struggled forward, pulling Kelly with her.

  Kelly bit down as hard as she could. The kitty wasn’t going anywhere.

  “What is going on? Caroline?” Susanne Claire stormed into the room, anger turning to shock as she took in the scene. “What in the world?”

  “Hi, Al? It’s Jazz over on Peach Tree Ave. Can you send someone over here? We have an intruder. OK. See you in five.” Jazz hung up. “Al is on his way to deal with this. Kelly, I brought a change of clothes.” She held up a small duffle bag.

  Susanne went over to the cat shifter and took her hand, leading her away from the door. “Go change, I’ll watch her.”

  Jazz guided Kelly to a powder room. Once they were alone in the small space, Kelly changed back to human form. Bright, white light filled her eyes as pain exploded from her center to consume her body. Tears streamed over her cheeks as black spots danced in her vision. She swayed on her feet. If it weren’t for Jazz, she would’ve crashed to the ground.

  “Hey, now, it’s OK. I’ve got you.”

  Jazz helped her get dressed, then sat down on a footstool. “Want to tell me what happened? You don’t normally lose control like that. Is it the mating heat?” Worry filled Jazz’s hazel eyes.

  “Yeah, along with the business and pack problems.” Shame filled Kelly as tears blurred her vision. “I don’t know what to do. I want to run away. Why did my father do this to me?” She felt so exposed and raw. The postshift emotional dump hit her hard. She wiped away the moisture and drew in a deep breath. “Ugh, I have to make nice with Susanne. I feel horrible about all this. Come on.”

  She stood up and let Jazz lead her out into the kitchen. Al was already there, cowboy hat over his chestnut curls. No emotion showed on his face.


  The policeman turned toward her, his eyes black. Anger sparked in the dark depths. “Go ahead, tell me what happened.” He turned his attention to Caroline, who squirmed under his gaze.

  Kelly let her story pour out. Al started when she mentioned Alberto, but other than that he was well controlled. Once she was done and Jazz and Susanne had told their sides, everyone looked to Caroline. Her lips were a thin line.

  “Really Caroline? Nothing to say? OK, I’ll take you down to the station where you can call your lawyers. Ladies, I’m sorry about this. I’ll make a few calls to set up some sort of security detail for your clients.” Al held out his hand.

  Caroline ignored it and brushed past him.

  Kelly turned to Susanne. She opened her mouth to say something, but Susanne cut her off. “No need to say anything. I heard about all the trouble they’ve been causing. Just finish up and we’ll call it even. I’ll set up another appointment with Reenie tomorrow.” She gave Kelly a sad smile.

  Kelly couldn’t find the words to show how grateful she was. “We promise this won’t happen again. I will find a way to stop this.”

  “I don’t doubt you. I just can’t understand this behavior at all. Thank you for defending my home, Kelly.” Susanne got up and held out her hand, which Kelly took.

  “You OK here?” Kelly asked Jazz.

  “Aces, boss. I’ll put in a full report when I get back.” Jazz reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a pair of gloves. Then she got back to work.

  “I’ll drive you back to the office. It’s on my way.” Susanne headed for the door with Kelly on her heels.

  The ride was a short one. They didn’t speak until Kelly got out of the vehicle. “Thank you, again.”

  Susanne smiled. “I understand…well, not what’s going on, but things happen. I’ve had rivals sabotage my business before. Didn’t think a woman could sell cars without showing off cleavage or wearing a short skirt.” Pride shone on her face before turning to sorrow. “I’m just sad about the situation. Caroline used to clean for me. But I needed someone whose attention wasn’t bogged down by school and family stuff.”

  Kelly could understand both sides. “I see. We’ll talk later?”

  Susanne grinned. “Absolutely. I may even have some clients for you.”

  Kelly’s spirits soared. “Thank you. Later!” She headed into the office with a smile on her face. Reenie spotted her and bobbed her head. As soon as she settled back into her office, her thoughts strayed to what Susanne had said. She considered calling Madison Weston to see if she could talk to her fellow feline shifters. Could lions have any power over domestic cat shifters? She didn’t know, but she knew one thing—she already wanted a vacation. Preferably with Brandon, and preferably for a year of more. Or at least until her father forgot all about his declaration.

  How could she drag Brandon into her crazy life without him getting hurt? It wasn’t a simple crush on him. Nope, it was full on love and intense lust. They spoke on a near daily basis about everything and nothing. She loved watching him play hockey, even if watching him get bloodied up made her stomach drop. Once the game was over, all she wanted to do was make sure he was OK and take care of him. And once she’d made sure of all that, her intentions would turn in another direction, and she would get the urge to make sure that all his working parts were intact.

  Fire flared to life in the pit of her stomach. She could picture him the way he had looked at the auction. Tuxes were dangerous on men, even ones she didn’t know, and on him a well-tailored suit was devastating. It had made her weak kneed and caused a crack to open in her armor.

  Kelly hoped Reenie hadn’t told anyone how close she’d come to bludgeoning Blanca when the werewolf tried to bid on her man. He may not officially be her mate, but she’d felt he belonged to her and damn anyone who got in her way. But if she wanted him for real, she had to claim him, and by doing that she’d put him the line of fire. Why the hell had her father issued that ridiculous decree?

  A knock on her door drew her attention. Her father stood in the doorway, filling the entryway, dressed in his riding leathers, jeans, and black T-shirt that couldn’t hide his barrel chest. He wore fingerless gloves and held a helmet in one hand. The light bounced off his bald dome. His dark-brown eyes glimmered with pleasure.

  “Hey, kid.” He strode into the space, filling it with the scent of his expensive cigars and spicy cologne.

  Kelly rose and shuffled around the desk to hug her father. “Hey, Daddy.” She snuggled her face into his chest and inhaled the calming scent of her childhood: sweat, leather, and tobacco.

  “Looks like you’re busy.” He drop
ped a kiss on the top of her head and stepped back. His gaze bounced over her face. “It also looks like you’re not sleeping. What’s up, kiddo?” He took her chin in between his fingers and turned her head this way and that. “Is it Brandon? Did he do something?” A glint of the wolf shifted his eyes from amber back to brown.

  Kelly shook her head. “No, Daddy, he’s been great. I’m just exhausted from the business. So much to do. And those Persian cat shifters across the road aren’t helping. There’s Alberto and pack business.” She darted away and sank into her chair.

  Her father remained standing. “Do you want me to talk to them? And what has Alberto done wrong? He’s been trying to talk to you and you’ve shut him down.” Martin’s voice dropped to a low rumble, which set off goose bumps on Kelly’s arms. His alpha voice was only used for naughty children and to get his pack members in line.

  “No. The Persians are my problem. My fight, my way.” She waited for him to ignore her declaration. He’d always been overprotective of her. She suspected he’d step in no matter what she said. “And as to Alberto, I don’t want him as a mate. I know my duty, but you always said I had a choice. I wouldn’t pick him for a mate.”

  “OK, fine. No interfering with the cats.” Martin’s lips contorted into a pout before he broke out into a laugh. “But why not Alberto? He’s strong, dependable, good income status, and has been alpha for his pack for over year. He’s managed to fight off all challengers. He’d be good for us.” He let out a heavy sigh and then dropped into the visitor’s chair.

  “Those are all great points,” Kelly said, “but for someone else. I want to pick who I marry…if I get married at all.”

  “That would be a good argument if you weren’t a pack princess. You have a duty to your pack. You’re thirty-five years old. You know who you want, but haven’t gone after him. You’ve had your chance, kid. This is no longer about you. This is about the future of the pack, or did you not read my e-mail clearly?” He settled against the backrest and stared at her. He’d used that unsettling, unblinking gaze during her childhood when he’d caught her in a lie and decided to wait her out until she broke down.

  “I read it.” Kelly crossed her arms over her chest and gave her father the same look back.

  “Then you know what’s at stake. Brandon is a good man. He’s strong. He can take a hit, but can he fend off other suitors? He’s useless as a mate if he can’t protect you, and we’re not on the ice. My wolves, they fight dirty…” He raised a thick, bushy brow.

  “I never said—” Kelly began to protest but realized it was no good. It seemed like everyone knew about her feelings for Brandon. “He doesn’t have to fight off any suitors. You could set rules of engagement. You are alpha. Why didn’t you just choose Dalton to succeed you? He was your heir apparent.”

  “True. I could hand the pack to Dalton, but I’m not going to. Being alpha ain’t easy, and neither is life. I need a strong pack and you need a strong mate. This isn’t up for negotiation, kid. I’ve seen the way Brandon looks at you. Same way your mother looked at me.” Emotion clouded his eyes.

  Kelly reached out to her father, palm up. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks. Not easy loving an alpha. But she was as strong as they come. Sexy too.” He barked out a laugh. “OK, let’s talk about Brandon. Boy’s done well for himself. Stable income. Nice houses. Good to his family. I like him… So what’s the hold up? Why didn’t you make a move when you had the chance? Don’t tell me lil’ Reenie is putting up a fuss?”

  “I heard that, and I’m not little!” Reenie called from beyond the door.

  “Yes you are. Now hush,” Martin shouted back.

  Kelly groaned but couldn’t hold back a smile. Her father wasn’t one to hold back. Reenie never got any work done when there was the possibility of eavesdropping.

  “No, she’s not putting up a fuss,” Kelly admitted. “She’s encouraging it, actually. I just… He’s one of my best friends. I don’t want to lose him if things go south.” The fib just rolled off her tongue. She almost believed it herself.

  Her father rolled his eyes. “Nope. Not good enough, sweetie.” He shook his head. “Your mother and I were best friends before I made my move. You must not be serious about him.” He got up. “Which means it’s not a good enough reason to change my mind. Either Alberto will step up and you will do your duty or you will be exiled. Understand? Those are the rules of our pack, and I know you don’t want to leave the pack. Think things over. Talk to Alberto. I gotta go. Poker game with the old guys. Love you kid. Never forget that.”

  Martin squeezed around the desk, dropped a kiss on Kelly’s cheek, and strolled from the office. When he was gone, Kelly slumped into her chair.

  Reenie appeared in the entryway. “What did dad want?”

  “As if you don’t know. To check up on me and tell me he’s not changing his mind. Ugh.”

  The phone rang. Without a thought, Kelly picked up.

  Lynda one of their other maids was on the line. “Boss, we have a problem.”

  Kelly pushed back her chair and stood up. “I’m on my way.” She turned to Reenie. “Gotta go handle this. Call Al, please. Hold down the fort until I get back. It will be another late night for us.”

  “I’ll order dinner,” Reenie called after her.

  Chapter Four

  Brandon rolled his neck. Tension clung to his jaw and shoulders. This was his first time on the ice in weeks. Trepidation made him cling to the walls as his blades found purchase. His legs shook, threatening to spill him to the ground.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. He wasn’t sure why he was so damn nervous. From the time he discovered skating, his parents hadn’t been able to keep him off the ice. But being away from it unwillingly had caused something in his mind to question if he still had what it takes.

  No one was here to see him. In the weeks after his surgery, he’d been eager, longing to get his ass back into the thick of things. Now he was scared of taking a spill and injuring himself all over again. Shifters may be hardy creatures, but they were still human to a point.

  Three fucking operations over a span of five years, all for a problem that could only be fixed by him stopping doing what he loved. Now that phase of his career was over. He didn’t have to be here, yet he was.

  Pierce McKinney was placing him as head coach of his own team and giving him a position on the board of the new Elemental Hockey League. Unlike other professional outfits, the NHL wasn’t snubbing their nose at shifters participating openly in the sport. It would make transitions easier for pro players who wanted the chance to use their powers and abilities during play.

  This was all good, but doubts about his worth as a player and coach had assailed him during his waking hours ever since Pierce had made the offer. The only thing he’d had to look forward to was his date with Kelly. At least he thought he did. Ten canceled dates. Ten. Her excuses sounded sincere, but he’d known her long enough to tell when she was lying. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought she didn’t want anything to do with him. Never in his life had he worked this hard for a woman’s attention. He knew he was good looking and had enough confidence to approach anyone he had his eye on, but Kelly was the only one he gave a damn about.

  “Gotta go after what you want,” his old coach from the Claymores had told him. “Can’t hold back your talent just because you want others to shine. You’ll miss your chance.”

  Now or never. Brandon pushed off from the wall. His body took over. His legs pumped, his arms swung, his core tightened. He took a few turns around the rink, getting his bearings back. His brain replayed a thousand victories and losses while his muscles flexed and relaxed, filled with the memory of a million movements.

  On his fourth round, he grabbed his stick off the top of the goal that the rink staff had set up for him. In the middle of the ice sat a pyramid of black circular punks, all shiny and fresh out of the packs. With the tip of his stick, he knocked one black disc off and began to carry it back and f
orth, going through the motions, imagining a goalie and defenders at the ready to take away his prize.

  With the flick of his wrist, he aimed it where glove side should be. It bounced off the bar and into the net. The red light came on and the word GOAL flashed behind the net.

  He let out a whoop and returned to the pile of discs to have another go, trying different maneuvers this time. Some worked and some didn’t. He overshot at least twice and a few hit the crossbar—the bane of a shooters existence. A couple of times he didn’t know what the hell he was truly aiming at, but it sure as shit wasn’t the net.

  His shoulder burned and throbbed. Sweat bathed his face. His sweatshirt stuck to his torso. He had worked himself too hard. His body protested every movement he made. Sharp needles of pain seared through the muscle with each flex and lift until he listed, putting all his weight on his left side.

  Time to get the fuck off the ice. Maybe Kelly would want to do a late dinner. He doubted it after that phone call he’d gotten, but he had to try. After a long, hot shower, he dressed and got into his SUV to head home and drop off his hockey equipment before heading to Kelly’s office. Each step set off an avalanche of sweet pain, proof he’d had a damn good workout. His doctor would give him shit for working his shoulder beyond what he’d done with the therapist, but he didn’t care.

  Brandon was only thirty, but the game had taken at least five years off his healing ability. As a werewolf, he should have been one hundred percent by now. Instead, he’d have to force shift just to hasten the process. He wasn’t looking forward to it.

  The roads were clear for once. He turned on the local sports station and listened to the latest news about the leagues until he pulled into his driveway. Brandon had just turned the key and shut down the engine when his phone rang. He answered it without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”


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