Saved Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 2)

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Saved Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 2) Page 7

by Tamara White

  I’m so disappointed in him. Knowing how much honesty means to our relationship working, and he would still keep things from them? I understand why he did because I would hate to see the others distracted and hurt too, but he shouldn’t have kept it from them and let them find out the way they did. That’s my fault for assuming that if Dane knew the others would.

  “Dane, what have I said about honesty? You can’t keep things like that from everyone. They deserved to know. Yes, I would have liked to tell them in a more ideal setting than your parents’ torture basement, but I assumed if you knew you would have told the others. If we’re all going to be together, we can’t be worried about what secrets are being kept from each other. Even if my dad says it may affect us, it shouldn’t matter. You should trust Teddy, Mike, and Ky to handle it, and if not maybe we aren’t ready to be together?”

  I’m starting to doubt this will work. Everyone is confused and irritated about Dane lying to them. I’m scared to tell them who the fathers are now. How will Teddy and Mike react knowing that the babies aren’t theirs? Will they leave me?

  Chapter 9


  Dane is such an idiot! Why wouldn’t he just tell us? Did he really think we couldn’t handle knowing? And what’s up with Max telling him not to tell us? I understand Evie’s his daughter, but he has no right to dictate what we can, and can’t know, even if he’s a fallen angel.

  I suppose there’s nothing we can do now, but I hate that Dane kept something so important from us. It wouldn’t have distracted us, if anything, we would’ve fought harder to get her.

  Evie’s right though, a bond with one or two of us is hard enough, but with the four of us and possibly Zach, we need to be honest so there are no misunderstandings. Once one of us lies, Evie will find it hard to trust the rest of us, and our relationship will crumble without her trust.

  “So how do you guys feel about this? I know it wasn’t exactly planned, but it’s definitely happening. And what if you’re not one of the fathers? Are you going to be upset?” She looks around to each of us.

  Poor Evie, we can all feel her anxiety. She’s so scared we won’t be happy. Evie pales and leaps from the bed dashing into the bathroom. Thank god, this room has a bathroom attached, because I doubt she would have made it otherwise.

  We all rush after her, but Teddy makes it there first holding her hair back, while I wet a cloth and place it on the back if her neck. I’m glad for the advice my mother gave me about pregnant women. Although, it has made me wonder if she knew something? She gave me lots of tips and advice for dealing with pregnant women, and, at the time, I assumed she was talking about what helped her get through her pregnancy with me, but now I’m not too sure. I’ll have to ask Dad once he’s awake.

  When she’s done retching, she leans back into Teddy and lets him cradle her.

  “Thank you” she whispers, sighing when he moves the cloth to her forehead. The bathroom is cramped with all of us in here, so we walk back out with Teddy carrying Evie back to the bed.

  I’m surprised she made it that far being as weak as she was, but I guess when the need comes your instincts take over. She shouldn’t have to run that far if she needs to throw up so I go back into the bathroom and search around for a bucket for Evie so she won’t have to get up again. I look in the cupboard, but it’s just washcloths and towels. Looking in the cabinet under the sink I find what I’m looking for.

  I bring the bucket and place it by the bed, “Here, princess, if you feel ill again use this. We don’t want you running like that while you’re still weak.”

  “Thanks. It came on too quick to say anything,” she says, leaning back into Teddy with a soft sigh.

  “So, you asked us if we’d be upset about not being the fathers, and I’m not. I don’t care if one of the babies is mine biologically, they’ll still be ours. I don’t know how everyone else feels, but I love you, Evie, and I’ll always stay with you,” I declare hoping the others feel the same way.

  I don’t care whether one of the babies is mine, and I don’t think the others do either, but I’ll never leave Evie unless she asks me to, and, even then, I’d still watch over her from afar. Having her taken from us made me realize I’ll do anything to make the bond work. Even if it means sharing her and the babies.


  I don’t know how I got so lucky to be bonded with guys as sweet as this. Ky said he loves me and doesn’t care about the babies’ biological parents, but what about the other others? Even though he’s the father of one of them and he doesn’t know it yet, I’m so proud that he’s willing to raise someone else’s child as his own.

  “And the rest of you, how do you feel?” I ask. I’m terrified of them not wanting a baby that isn’t theirs, and having it destroy our bonds. Over the weeks here, I realized even though we spent so little time together, I love them all. I don’t think I could live without them.

  Teddy places a kiss on my cheek, “I would never leave you. I agree with Ky. Even if one of the babies isn’t mine, I’ll still treat them as mine. We’re a family now.”

  Mike and Dane are nodding in agreement, while Teddy is speaking. It makes me so happy I start to cry. Stupid hormones. Of course, all the guys freak out and think somethings wrong.

  Teddy places a hand over my stomach “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  I laugh with tears running down my face “Nothing’s wrong. Jeez they aren’t even born yet, and you guys are freaking out. I’m crying because I’m happy. I thought you would lie to try to make me feel better, but I can feel how sincere you are. I’m happy that none of you are letting it bother you, and that you all still love me knowing they may not be your babies. I think if it’s ok with all of you, I won’t tell you whose babies they are until after they’re born?”

  “It’s up to you, Evie. If that’s what you want, we’ll support you either way,” Mike says, leaning in to hug me.

  Honestly, I’m glad I decided not to tell them who the fathers are. Maybe it will help them bond with the babies if they don’t know, and they could all prepare for it together.

  I have no idea how our situation will change when they’re born, or what will be involved especially with the different fathers. Will we live in the same house back in Ashville? Will they want to split them up and take care of them in different houses? Will we stay here now that the council is free from demons? I hope by the time they’re born we’ve sorted it all out.

  “So, I should probably make a doctor’s appointment soon? I’m not far along, but I’ll need to have a scan to make sure everything’s ok,” I say to the room but, the guys have all gone quiet.

  “What?” I ask.

  Dane is looking from me to each of the guys, and it looks like he’s having trouble trying to find the right words to say. I don’t like the looks shared between them.

  “For god’s sake Dane, just spit it out!”

  It’s so frustrating watching them treat me like a child. You’d think after everything that’s happened they would know I can handle anything that comes my way.

  “Well, you can’t see a doctor. Actually, you could, but you couldn’t tell them how far along you think you are. Elemental pregnancies are shorter than human pregnancies. A normal human pregnancy can last up to 10 months, but an elemental one lasts a maximum of 6 months. Your babies are not only elemental, but angel as well, and we have no idea how long angel pregnancies last for. There’s also the chance of it being even sooner with twins,” he says, grabbing my hand for comfort.

  “Ok, I understand that. Grandfather told me it wouldn’t be longer than six months, but how far along would I be considered? Would I be able to go see a doctor, and just tell them I’m not sure how far along I am?” I ask.

  Mike runs his hands up and down my arms trying to keep me calm “Honey you would be around two to three months along in human terms. It’s why we’re being extremely paranoid right now. In a human pregnancy, the first two to three months are extremely vital in the future development of
the foetus. It’s roughly the same for elementals, but because we progress faster, it would mean two to three weeks for you, but you’ve passed that mark. We have no idea what going through what you went through has done to the babies’ development.” He pulls me against him.

  I didn’t even think of that. I’ve been down there being drugged and beaten every day for nearly three weeks. What if it hurt the babies? How would I know? And what am I supposed to do if I can’t see a doctor?

  “So, what do we do then? Do we just hope and pray they turn out ok, or do I just lie to the doctor?” I ask them trying not to panic.

  I have to see a doctor! Especially now I know something could be wrong. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t do everything I could to make sure my babies were ok?

  “Sorry, Evie, I could feel your worry, and overheard what you were asking. I called my brother before and he’s on his way. He’s an obstetrician that helps out with elementals while they’re pregnant. There are usually a few other nurses and doctors who assist in these situations, but he’s the only one I’d trust right now. He’ll be here first thing in the morning, he’s just got to get his equipment together,” Zach says standing in the doorway.

  That’s so sweet! He called someone to check over me and the babies, without even knowing I would want to be looked at. I can’t believe he did that.

  He must have come back while we were talking, and I was too worried to feel him. I need to work on that, it’s why I was taken in the first place. I didn’t realize someone was outside with me until I heard a noise. Plus, it’s not just me anymore, I have my babies to protect.


  How could no one tell me she was pregnant? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not holding it against them especially seeing as I was unconscious most of the day.

  I’m not even shocked she’s with so many of them and pregnant but, more so, that Dane didn’t tell me before giving me hope I might have a chance with her.

  However, I’ve seen a woman that had been bonded for seven years meet another bonded. She already had a four-year-old child with the first bonded and it never affected their relationship. There was a period of time when the two males had to adjust to sharing her, but the child was loved more having two fathers instead of one.

  The reason I’m upset is, if I had of known she was pregnant, I’d have gotten her out of there straight away. I wouldn’t have waited and planned, I would have knocked Jimmy out and snuck off with her.

  What kind of effects could the drugs and beating have had on her babies? I better call Christian and get him to look them over just in case.

  Christian is my half-brother on my father’s side of the family, and the only real family I have left now. My father left my mother and I when I was 10 years old, and it left my mother in a pit of despair. They hadn’t bonded, but she said the bond was there and never formed completely.

  I didn’t hear anything from him again until Christian showed up on my door three years ago, claiming to be my older brother.

  My father met Christian’s mother, Lauren, five years before he met my mother, but because she was human, he decided to keep seeing her after he met my mother, thinking he would never get caught. But, one day she followed him to our house and saw my mother and I. She gave him the choice of staying with her and Christian, or going with my mother and I. At the time, he chose Christian and her, but, 5 years later, he got caught sleeping with one of Lauren’s human friends, and so Lauren shot him. After shooting my father, she was arrested by the human police and told Christian all about me and my mother.

  When he told us my father had died, I was slightly upset, but more annoyed, that he would choose a human over his bonded, especially when he didn’t bond with her. My mother ended her own life a month later from the torment of knowing she would never see her bonded again.

  I hate my father every day for leaving, but I’m so glad Christian found me. He helped me get through my mother’s death when I thought there was nothing left for me.

  Dialling Christian, I wonder if he’ll be busy with a client, but he answers on the third ring.

  “Christian speaking,” he answers.

  “Hey, Christian, I have a favour. A friend is pregnant and she’s been through a rough time. I want you to come check and make sure her babies are ok. Can you come?” I ask.

  “Dude, seriously you got a girl knocked up? After all the stories, I told you about med school, you still get someone knocked up?” He sighs, exasperated through the phone.

  I knew he’d think it was me. He always told me these stories about emergencies he went through at med school and, I admit, they scared the life out of me. I mean seriously a women’s vagina opening to 10cm to make way for a baby’s head? Who wouldn’t cringe from that?

  “No Christian, I didn’t knock anyone up, but my bonded is pregnant, and you’re the only one I’d trust to make sure her babies are ok. So, how soon can you get here?”

  There’s stunned silence while he absorbs the implications of what I’ve said. My bonded is pregnant and not with my babies. I’d imagine he doesn’t hear that too often.

  “Ok. I’m not going to ask too many questions because from your tone it sounds pretty urgent. I’ll have to get the equipment to bring with me. It may take me a day or two, though. Where are you? At your place?” he asks.

  “No, not at my place, I’m at the council’s mansion with Dane. I know I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but please don’t tell anyone where you’re going, and don’t bring any of your assistants. I’ll help you, but the less people that know the better.” I hope he understands the seriousness of the situation.

  “Ok then, I can be there by tomorrow morning if I’m not bringing anyone. Is everything ok in the meantime? She’s not having pain, or bleeding?”

  How would I know? It’s not like I can as if she is bleeding! “I don’t know. She had some pain earlier, but I think it was because I stressed her out. She’s eating now, but I can go ask her.”

  “No, it’s ok. I’ll go get everything organized and I’ll see you tomorrow. If she experiences any unusual pain or bleeding give me a call, I’ll have my phone on me. And tell her if anything strange happens, she’s welcome to call me if she’s too embarrassed to discuss it with you. Some women won’t discuss things with men, because they feel it’s embarrassing for them to say out loud, so make sure my number is some where she can find it if that happens. I’ll see you soon,” he says before I hear the dial tone in my ear.

  Placing my phone down on the table, I go out in the hall to tell Evie that Christian is on his way, when I hear her asking what doctor she should see. I’ve been feeling her worry since I left, and I feel bad that I may have caused her unnecessary stress.

  At least by calling Christian here I’ve done something right.

  Chapter 10


  Evie has finally calmed down knowing Zach’s brother is going to come and check her and the babies to make sure everything’s ok.

  We are all stunned to learn of Zach’s brother. He explained to us what had happened since we left and I feel for him over the loss of his mother, but I understand how she wouldn’t be able to live without her bonded, even if the bond hadn’t formed. I didn’t even know their bond wasn’t formed when he left them. I assumed it was and his father still chose to leave regardless.

  Zach explained Christian met his bonded before his powers activated, but he also lost her to an explosion before he found Zach. I admire Christian for finding a purpose in his life after his bonded has left the world, and continuing to live.

  If something happened to Evie, I don’t know if I could go on. That was before the babies. Now we not only have to do what’s right for Evie, we have to do the right thing for the babies as well.

  We’re going to have a lot to discuss pretty soon. I’ve felt a few of Evie’s thoughts already about going back to school, and I don’t know what we should do. I know Dane and Teddy will probably say it’s ok to go back and finish, but her pregna
ncy is going to progress quickly, so it’s better if we have her do the final tests at home and keep hidden until the birth. Knowing how stubborn she is though I doubt she’ll listen.


  I’m stunned. There’s no other word to describe how it feels learning about Zach’s brother and what happened to his mother. Why didn’t he tell me? It would have happened just before I requested a permanent move away, so why wouldn’t he trust me with this?

  Even after everything that happened, I would have stayed with him and helped him deal with the loss of his mother, but instead he chose to shut me out.

  Evie’s holding my hand on the bed, and I feel horrible that she must be feeling some of my hurt.

  Dane, it’s ok to feel hurt. I figured there was some kind of history with you two, and Zach confirmed it earlier with his outburst. Don’t feel guilty that I feel your pain over his secrets, but maybe you should talk to him about it? It’s never going to get easier on you two, if you don’t talk about whatever it is that happened. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. One of the guys will come grab you if anything happens.

  I love Evie so much right now. Even when she’s weak and malnourished, she’s still trying to take care of the rest of us. She will make a wonderful mother.

  Are you sure? It can wait until you’re feeling better?

  No, you need to fix it now. I’m bonded to you, but if I want any chance of giving the bond with Zach a chance, I need to know I’m not conflicted by your feelings. Now go talk to him.

  Leaning over, I give her a quick kiss.

  “Thank you. I’ll try not to be long. Call me if you need me ok? Even if you don’t think it’s important call me,” I say determined to let her know she is what matters most.

  “It’s ok. Now go talk to Zach, while I catch up with the guys,” she says, shooing me with her hands towards Zach.

  Zach looks between us, thoroughly confused since he missed most of our conversation.


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