Anchors Away~Shades of Gray

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Anchors Away~Shades of Gray Page 2

by Shara Azod

He was right behind her the entire way. It wasn’t until they were out the doors that he reached out and touched her.

  It was nothing really, just his very large, very warm hand on the small of her back. She could feel the heat through the light cotton of her dress. It wasn’t remotely sexual, yet her juices started to flow with a vengeance. The goose bumps on her arms had nothing to do with the breeze from the nearby ocean. She almost groaned at the loss of contact when he opened the door of his jeep.

  “Do you want to go straight home?”

  It was a casual question, but the voice held a promise she wanted kept. Licking her lips nervously, she gathered her courage to reply. “No.”

  There she said it. It was on. The sardonic smile sent another chill down her spine. Had she made the right decision? Her eyes traveled across his profile and down his body to rest in his lap. She could make out a thick ridge outlined down the right side of his jeans. Oh, hell yeah. Just as she licked her lips once more, the damned thing twitched, as if basking in her gaze.

  Bobbi swung her eyes upward and to her mortification found him watching her surreptitiously. Her face flamed as she quickly averted her gaze to the passing scenery. They had already gone over the Coronado Bridge and were headed towards the downtown area on the 5 freeway. She hoped like hell he wasn’t taking her to one of those pretentious clubs downtown. She held her breath when he got off the freeway on First Street, but instead of taking one of the many side streets off of Broadway, he headed straight toward the wharf. A moonlight walk?

  She was nervous as a virgin on her first date by the time he pulled over to park near the Waterfront. There were a smattering of small boutiques and shops overlooking the bay, most were closed now, but there were a couple of restaurants and an arcade still open. She sincerely hoped he wasn’t going to suggest one of the restaurants; there were so many knots in her stomach there was no way she could keep any food down.

  “Walk a while with me?”

  There was nothing guileless about those baby blues of his. They twinkled with mischief and a slice of danger that sent a shock of a thrill right up her spine. Did he even know he didn’t have to plot, plan or even try that hard. Hell, they could’ve gone straight to her apartment.

  Well, maybe not her apartment. She was a little weird about bringing men home. Still, the battle was won, he was already in, but if he wanted to go through the motions, she was game. Besides, ending the pre-game show would be such a waste of his southern charm.

  Chapter 3

  The scenery was perfect. The reflection of the moon on the Pacific was romantic, the few couples milling about along the boardwalk gave just enough privacy so he could get to know her a little better, but enough people to give her a sense of security. It was important that Bobbi was as comfortable as possible.

  Well, hell. He was starting to think of the night like some kind of siege. This had suddenly become a mission to get under her natural defenses. He had planned on taking her home, but somewhere during the drive, he had changed his mind. He didn’t want to take her to the small cottage he used when he picked up women. It wasn’t really his home, just the place he kept for days when he had to be at the command late or early, and the place to take nighttime entertainment. This woman was anything but that. His real home was a three story place right on the water on Shelter Island. Grayson had every intention of taking Bobbi there, just not tonight.

  Gray got the distinct impression Bobbi didn’t expect more than a quick one night stand from him. Not that he could blame her; he did come off as a guy looking for a little fun. She didn’t strike him as the type that went for one night stands, but for whatever reason, she had judged him safe enough for that. He wanted her to feel safe enough for what he really wanted. That would take a while. How and why he had decided he didn’t want to sleep with her tonight was a mystery. He just knew that if he took her to bed, it would be over before he got to know her. He really wanted to know Bobbi. It was becoming more imperative with each passing second.

  There was something solitary about Bobbi. Some place she kept hidden deep inside. Gray wanted to know who she really was, not just the tough Navy chick she projected to the world. What were those secrets behind the sorrow buried deep in her eyes?

  “Tell me about yourself, Bobbi…?” He held her hand and tugged her ever so gently into the crook of his arm. She didn’t try to get away or tense – good sign. She came into his embrace like she was born in it. Damn, he liked that. Why was it he didn’t like to cuddle again? He couldn’t seem to remember.

  “Bobbi Nelson,” she offered, but Gray had a feeling she would offer little else. He was right. “There’s nothing much to tell. I’m in the Navy, but you probably figured that out. I’m a second class Crypt Tech, an only child, Navy brat. As soon as I graduated from high school and I joined the Navy. That’s about it. And you? Other than being a big, bad SEAL, tell me a little about yourself.”

  It wasn’t even close to being it, but he’d let her get away with it for now. It was a neat little deflection she had just done there – downplay anything about herself and flatter the dude she was with. How many men had let her get away with that? Why would any man let her get away with that? There was a wealth of things left unsaid, and she really expected he wouldn’t be interested to scratch beneath the surface. Gray was a hard man, he knew that. He was dominating in everything he did, including relationships, not that he’d had many. She’d learn that about him later. He wanted to make sure she would be woman enough to handle it. Not that he doubted it for a second.

  “You don’t like SEALs much, do you?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like SEALs exactly…” she started to hedge, but there was no way he would let her get away with that one.

  Stopping, he turned her to face him. Damn, she was really beautiful in a quiet, reserved kind of way. Everything about her screamed cool, calm and collected at all times. He didn’t want her quiet and reserved. He wanted to see that calm shattered, the cool turned into a blazing inferno, he wanted her to come apart in his arms. He wanted that hellcat he sensed lurking just underneath all that careful control.

  “Don’t ever lie to me, sugar. There’s no reason for it.” He edged his voice with just a touch of control, just a little to see how she’d react.

  Her head dipped just a bit, biting her bottom lip. Fuck! The slight submissive gesture had him standing at attention in a heartbeat. His yearning to crush her to him was acute, but he knew he had to hold off. Damn, he wanted this woman!

  “No, I don’t like SEALs in general. They usually just piss me off.”

  Gray had to smile. Yeah, she had a bit of submissive in her, but she was no push over. It was sexy as hell to find a woman with the right mixture. He was right to take her here instead of rushing into something sexual. He was intrigued.

  “I don’t blame you,” he lifted her head so he could place a light, fleeting kiss on those delectable lips. Like having the merest sip of wine, he wanted more. The tiny appetizer only whetted his appetite for the full course. “I don’t like most of them much either.”

  Instead of delving too deep too fast, Gray turned the conversation on to lighter things. He was still digging, but he didn’t let her know that. From what he could get out of her, he saw that Bobbi had led a pretty solitary life. She more or less left to raise herself while her father concentrated on his career. He found his heart going out for the little girl who let herself into the house after school, who learned to bake her own cookies because no one else would bake them for her. She didn’t even realize how much she was letting slip past those walls she had erected around herself. The moonlight walk had been an inspired idea. He had probably found out more about her than most people who were close to her had ever known.

  Bobbi brought out the protective bear inside him. She had a way about her that made him want to hold her close and keep her safe. He wanted to fight all her battles, but she wasn’t the kind of woman who would allow that. She had no idea that just made him twice as d
etermined to do it anyway. This was the kind of woman men waited a lifetime to meet. She was a challenge, not because she played hard to get, but because she was determined to do it all on her own. She practically dared a man to make her depend on him. And he had thought he was in for a long, boring night.

  By the time they reached her apartment in South Park, Gray was half in love.

  “Do you want to come inside?”

  More than anything in this world, but it was too soon. He had to keep telling himself that. His fingers played with a wisp of her hair. If he stepped inside, he would be all over her.

  “Not this time,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss her lightly. “I wouldn’t want to leave.”

  There went that dip of her head again. With a groan he had to force himself to take a step back.

  “Maybe you don’t have to leave.”

  As much as his dick approved, Gray recognized he was playing for something beyond this moment.

  Another quick kiss and he took another step back. “Lock your doors, sweetheart. And draw your curtains.”

  She didn’t argue, thank the Lord. He wasn’t sure he had enough control to say no if she insisted. But she didn’t.

  He waited until he heard the lock sliding in place and the chain clicking before he moved. Had to make sure his woman was safe.

  The thought made him pause and smile. His woman. Yeah, he liked the sound of that.

  Chapter 4

  “What the hell happened to you last night?”

  Well, Carmen didn’t look any worse for wear, though Maria looked like she might be nursing a pretty massive hangover. Her girls had been banging on her door at nine o’clock this morning, all wearing the clothes from last night. Bobbi had been in the middle of a delightful dream starring one Grayson Calhoun. That man was seriously deadly to a woman who just happened to be in the middle of a serious drought.

  “Met someone,” was all she offered. She wanted to keep the knowledge of her new friend to herself for minute, at least until she saw where it was going.

  “Yeah? Who? Was he cute?” Marie croaked then groaned, burying her head in her arms.

  Bobbi didn’t feel the least bit sorry for her. The chick needed to seriously slow down. She was about to give some noncommittal answer when her cell rang.

  “Hello?” She didn’t recognize the number. Normally she wouldn’t answer, but it was better than dealing with her friends right now.

  “Did I wake you?”

  Grayson! He was the last person she expected to hear from, at least not this soon.

  “No,” she answered waving her friends off and retreating to the bedroom and closing and locking the door. “I’ve been up for a little while.”

  Ten minutes, but who was counting?

  “Do you have anything planned today?”

  If she did she would cancel. “No. Why?”

  “I want to see you.”

  Wow! Just like that. No “I wanted to see if you’d like to hang out” or anything with the tiniest bit of subtlety. Just straight out “I want to see you.” That was hot! Who knew she’d find the manly man type so damn compelling.

  “Yes.” Like she could say no. “When?”

  “Twenty minutes. Wear a dress.”

  Short, sweet and to the point. She got a little wet at the short, crisp command-like request. It wasn’t disrespectful or even intimidating really. But it was damn sexy.

  “Would you please wear a dress?” she teased. She couldn’t let him get all bossy right from the jump. Yeah, she liked it, but she didn’t really know him. He needed to work up to that.

  “Bobbi, would you please wear a dress for me? You look so sexy in a dress, sugar. I just want to look at you all day long. ”

  Ah, shit! His voice dropped a couple of octaves, his southern accent coming all out to caress each word. She had to press her thighs together to relieve some of the throbbing ache brought on just by his words.

  “Was that little moan for me?” His question made her heart skip a beat.

  Had she moaned?

  “What moan?” Well, hell. Her voice was all breathless and…quite frankly, horny. What kind of man could turn her on like this just by talking to her? Geez, how desperate was she?

  “Bobbi, are you…Never mind. I’ll see you soon.”

  He was pulling back, just like he’d done last night. She knew something deeper was percolating inside his head, but he refused to come out with it.

  “Am I what?” She wasn’t letting this go. “Please tell me.”

  Normally, never in a million years would she go all girly and pleading like that, but damn it she wanted to know! What exactly was he thinking, and was it half as naughty as what she was thinking?

  There was a pause, then she could have sworn she heard him shift his body. Hmmm, getting comfortable or readjusting that magnificent bulge she caught sight of last night?

  “Are you wet?”

  Just like that. Damn, her clit actually jumped at the growled question.

  “Yes.” No point in lying. What would he say next?

  “Have you touched yourself?’

  She was now. Reaching down she pressed two fingers against her clit through her underwear. The pressure was nice, but nowhere near enough. “I am now.” But I wish you were doing it for me.

  “Over or under you panties?”

  Damn, his voice had gotten all gravelly. She slowly rocked her fingers from side to side, pushing her hips upward. “Over.”

  There was a groan, then a definitive rasp of a zipper. Her nipples hardened, her mouth watered at the thought of him touching himself while listening to her. “Are you touching yourself?” she dared to ask. It excited the hell out of her.


  Man, she would kill to see that! Just imaging it was enough to send her fingers wandering under the band of her now sopping panties. “Is it hard?” What a stupid question! She wished she could take it back.

  “Oh, baby, I’ve been hard since I first saw you.”

  Okay, that just took her breath away. Grayson was one hell of a good looking man, scar and all.

  “Rub you clit for me, Bobbi. Rub it in little circles, then pinch it between your fingers.”

  “Oh, shit!” she exclaimed, following his instructions to the letter. A bolt of raw, unabashed need shot through her system, making her desperate for deeper penetration. “I need more!” Was she seeking his permission? She wasn’t really sure.

  “Go ahead, sweetheart,” his gruff command thrilling her every bit as much as her fingers. “Dip those fingers inside. Tell me what you want. Tell me how it feels.”

  “So good!” Wow, she was really doing this; with her friends blasting her television in the other room and everything. “I want to feel you inside me. I feel so good, but it’s not enough!”

  She needed something thicker than her fingers. She was working them frantically, her thumb circling her clit, but she knew without a shadow of a doubt he would be so much more fulfilling.

  “I know, baby. Come for now. I’ll take care of you later I promise.”

  And just like that, she did.


  It may not have been the first time Gray had ever had phone sex, but it damn sure was the hottest. For the rest of the day all he could think about was how she sounded when she came. The cute little “Oh!” was all it took set him off like a geyser. It was damned hard not to make her do it again, but in person this time.

  In the end, it was the underlying something in her eyes that helped keep his libido in check. The damn lurking melancholy was starting to drive him up a wall. He wanted it gone, permanently. A woman like Bobbi should never be sad. She should be wreathed in smiles at all time. She should be treasured, secure.

  He managed to hold off for several more dates, getting to know her little by little. The more he knew, the angrier he got. Her mother had abandoned her and her father when she was two, and her father wasn’t much better. No wonder she was so damn reserved; there had never been anyo
ne she was particularly close to. She was even a bit standoffish with her friends.

  Gray was more determined than ever to place a smile in those deep brown eyes of hers. It had become a sacred mission.

  But Bobbi had to completely comfortable with him. He wouldn’t dare take her to bed before he’d gained her trust. He didn’t want a simple vanilla affair. He wanted to show Bobbi all that he was, and have her accept it. He wanted to show her all that she was. To do that, she had to believe he would never hurt her.

  It was killing him though. The kisses at the door, the electricity when he touched her, most especially the invitation in her body language. Hell, all he had to do was look at her chest long enough and her nipples where popping out right at him. They were all perky and proud, demanding his total attention.

  Soon, he kept promising himself, just a little while longer.


  Bobbi was dead tired when she came home from pulling a twenty-four hour fast cruise at the pier. Whoever thought up the bright idea of acting as if a ship was underway while still firmly anchored to the pier for the sole purpose of training ought to be shot. It would have been better if the ship had gone out into the channel, or circled around San Diego harbor for the day. Being stuck onboard acting as if you were in the middle of the ocean, while being able to see the gates that led to freedom, was a special kind of torture.

  Chapter 5

  “You coming to the picnic this Saturday?”

  Grayson looked up from the BUDS candidate reports he had been staring at absently without really reading. He supposed he should have been grateful to Taggard, a fellow instructor and sometimes party partner, for the interruption. Bobbie Nelson was playing havoc with his mind. He had been seeing her for all of two weeks, not nearly long enough to form any real bonds, but he couldn’t keep her off his mind. Whenever he wasn’t with her, he was thinking about her; her smile, her laugh, the way she cocked her head and stared straight in his eyes. Not to mention that killer body that had him in a constant state of arousal.


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