Anchors Away~Shades of Gray

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Anchors Away~Shades of Gray Page 8

by Shara Azod

  “I’m sure.” Her answer was clear and strong without a trace of nerves. She had no doubt.

  She shivered when Gray ran one of his thick fingers down the seam of her slit. She knew she frustrated the hell out of him and still he never touched her with anything but gentleness. Today, she didn’t want gentle. She wanted the Gray he kept a tight rein on to come out and take his woman.

  “You don’t need a moment to think about it?” he rasped.

  His voice was so sexy when it got all gravelly and dangerous like that. She moaned, her body tense with expectation. He was going to make her wait. He was going to punish her by driving her crazy with need. She licked her lips thinking about the sweet torment ahead of her. Hell, no, she didn’t need a moment.

  “No,” she shook her head vigorously as she said it. “I don’t need to think about it. I know what I want.”

  Lifting her head with a calmness that belied the tension of his body, Gray stared intently into her eyes. The blue of his irises had darkened to midnight, his face tight. She wanted to kiss him so bad! She wanted to crawl up so close there wasn’t an ounce of space between them. “What do you want, Bobbi?”

  “You. All of you. I want everything you have kept to yourself. I want the wildness I can sense in you. I want you to make me your woman.”

  Even though she was prepared for the kiss, a gasp escaped when he crushed his mouth to hers. Their tongues met and interlaced, sparring for supremacy. Of course, he won. She wouldn’t have it any other way. He controlled the kiss like a master, his hands gripping her hair to hold her right where he wanted her. When they finally broke apart, Bobbi felt as though a piece of her was missing. She wanted him back, but Gray was not about to be denied.

  “Back on your hands and knees,” he ordered, his chest heaving.

  Bobbi complied immediately, her stomach doing summersaults as he moved behind her. What would he do? In the past, every time he attempted to spank her, he wound up buried deep inside after a few swats. Would this time be any different?


  The first sharp slap took her breath away. Her ass cheek burned before the heat gradually spread throughout her body. Oh, damn, that hurt so good!

  “Do you know what that was for?” The commanding, resonant tone of his voice thrilled her to her very toes. She loved it when he got all caveman on her.

  She didn’t answer, opting to nod. She knew what he wanted, but she needed more.


  Oh, yeah, that was it.

  “I can’t hear you, Bobbi.” He rubbed both cheeks burning hot from his spanking. She rocked back, begging without words for more. “Tell me why I’m spanking you.”

  “Because I was bad?” So very bad. And she would be again. And again and again. The punishment was far too sweet not to.

  Four sharp smacks followed in fast progression, then the soothing massage. Bobbi could feel wetness coating her inner thighs. Her breathing was coming in short puffs of air.

  “Spread your legs, sugar.”

  Oh yes, finally! She opened her legs as much as she could and still stay perched in position. Her body was on fire, needing him in the most basic way.

  “Please?” There was no shame in begging. Gray had what she craved, she would beg for it, plead for it, she didn’t really give a damn as long as she got it.

  “Not so fast, sweetheart,” he laughed, but there was far more lust than mirth in his voice. “You were a very bad girl. Bad girls need to be punished.”


  Oh sweet mercy! He spanked her right on her clit. Not hard, just a quick sting. Her legs started to tremble as she felt the tension growing inside.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  Was he crazy?!

  “No! Please!” It was go good! So damn good.


  As soon as he delivered the sharp swat, he plunged two fingers deep inside her, stroking up to her g-spot before retreating. No! She was so close, just a little bit more.


  As soon as his fingers entered her the second time, her body convulsed, tightening in a death grip around his fingers.

  “Gray!” She hadn’t meant to come, but it was just too good to hold off.

  “Did you ask to come, Bobbi?”

  He was right there now, bending over her, his body molded to her backside.

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.” She wasn’t the least bit sorry. Her body was radiating with pure joy.

  “Mm,” Gray murmured, pulling her up until her upper body was upright resting

  against his broad chest. “You’re not even a little bit sorry.”


  Gray held Bobbi tight, taking deep, calming breaths. It wasn’t helping. His dick was pulsating with voracious hunger. She was so fantastically responsive, it drove him wild. He had to hold on long enough to let her know he was deadly serious. He wouldn’t sacrifice her safety for anything in the world, including her constant drive to stand alone. She wasn’t alone, and if he had anything to say about it, she never would be again.

  This wasn’t really about punishment per se. This was about trust. He wanted her complete trust, and she was giving it to him.

  It was quite a feat taking off his boxers while holding Bobbi against him but he managed. He didn’t want to let her go. He didn’t loosen his embrace as his cock plunged into her soaked pussy. It was excruciating agony to stay completely still once fully seated. Sweat popped across his brow as he gritted his teeth. Fuck! Her walls were contracting around him, sucking him in and threatening to push him out all at the same time.

  “So. Damn. Sweet.” He had to move, just a little. Three long hard thrusts, then he forced himself to still.

  Bobbi was writhing against him, seeking the exquisite tension they both sought. It took a minute, but Gray managed to get a hold of himself before he gave in to the demanding call of her body.

  “Stop moving, sugar, or I will stop.”

  Of course, she didn’t stop moving. He hadn’t really expected her to. Reaching down he placed three light open handed slaps against her clit. Man, he shouldn’t have done that. Her vaginal walls began to quake, milking his cock unmercifully. It took everything in him not to move, despite her pretty please.

  “Gray, oh shit! Please? Please move!”

  He had to press against her as tightly as he could in order to keep her from taking what she wanted. The beads of sweat on his brow began to trickle down his face.

  “If you don’t stop moving, I’m going to bite you,” he warned, pinching down on her nipple.

  Her answering groan was damn near his undoing. She was practically begging for it, so he bit down on her shoulder. Not hard, he didn’t want to hurt her, but enough to know he was serious. The damn woman came again.

  “Oh, fuck it,” he groaned, surging inside her.

  He moved both hands to the fullness of her breasts, alternately pinching down on her nipples, then kneading the soft, firm flesh in his hands. She was quite simply perfection. She fit him like a glove, hugging his cock like second skin. Her body moved with his, her legs spreading to give him deeper access.

  “You feel so good around me, baby. So damn good.” His hands glided around her sides to her back and he pushed her upper body almost to the floor.

  “Yes, Gray. Please, please, harder!”

  “Nope,” he grinned. He may not be able to resist her, but that didn’t mean she would always get her way.

  Leaning back on his shins, he was able to stop his own hips long enough to get her attention. Her frustrated growl followed by her little hand slapping the floor would have been comical if he hadn’t been for the persistent throbbing of his dick. He widened his stance, pushing her thighs apart even more. Cupping her sweet ass, he rubbed and kneaded the firm flesh before giving her another couple of smacks.

  “You work for it,” he told her. “Show me how you want it.” Gray’s mouth watered at the sight of her; her position was perfect for deeper penetration and still let
his hands caress and explore. To make her completely his.

  Immediately, her ass slammed down on his upturned hips, moving twice as fast and twice as hard as he had previously. Gray moaned, his head falling back as he let her work his cock to her desire.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Take what you want. Tell me you like it.”

  “Yes! I love it. It’s so good Gray! You make me feel so good!”

  Oh, hell, yes. If she only knew how good she made him feel, she could blackmail him forever. His balls drew up painfully tight. He wanted to come so bad. But he wanted to see her come again first. It was all for her, her trust and need. He provided. That was something he never wanted her to doubt again.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  As soon as the telltale shivers began, he vaulted upright once more. One arm wrapped firmly around her midsection, he began to piston inside her slippery warmth. He used his other hand to lightly pat at her clit, kissing, biting and sucking against her neck.

  “Oh, shit! Gray!”

  Her arms flew up to hook around his neck, her hands tugging mercilessly on his short cropped hair. Her pussy squeezed unbearably tight demanding everything. With a shuddering roar, he came harder than he had ever done his life.

  It occurred to him as they spooned on the floor he had forgotten to close the curtains. Damn.

  Chapter 14

  Something wasn’t right. Gray could feel it in his bones. He lied awake half the night, holding Bobbi tightly to him. There was something he was missing, something important. This wasn’t some random loss of control, but a slow burning that had blazed out of control. This guy had been driven, and Gray knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was his seeing Bobbi with someone else that had driven him over the edge.

  The sick fuck that had trashed her apartment had come to think of her as his. Another man was a threat. But there was something more. There was something oddly familiar about…something. He couldn’t seem to nail it down. It was there on the edge of his consciousness as he drifted off to sleep, and stayed in place once the new day had dawned.

  He tried not to show his distraction. Bobbi didn’t need that now. He kept conversation light, encouraging her to talk without saying much. Inside, he was boiling. Anything could have happened to her. His nerves were rubbed raw, going half mad at the possibilities. By midday he was jumping at shadows. When his cell rang he was almost grateful for the distraction.

  It was Taggard. “Yeah, what?” Better to take it out on him than on Bobbi.

  “Recruit went missing last night. Senior chief wants everyone to come in.”

  Gray looked at Bobbi. Damn.

  “Tag, I can’t leave her. Not today. I’ll call in and talk to Senior Chief.”

  “Yeah, man I wouldn’t advise it. Dude was seriously pissed.”


  “Gray, if you have to go in, go on,” Bobbi caught onto the situation quickly. “I will be fine here. Who would dare attack the home of a SEAL?”

  She was attempting humor, but Gray felt anything but humorous right now.

  “Yeah, Tag I’ll be there in thirty.”

  Hanging up he went to kneel where Bobbi sat. She looked so damn serene, despite all that had happened. His Bobbi, always together no matter what.

  “Baby, I will be right back okay? Call me if anything strange happens.”

  “Nothing strange has ever happened to me here,” she replied. “I’m fine, really.”

  She wasn’t. Damn it.

  “You could go along with me.” It would cause a minor ruckus, but it was better than leaving her here alone.

  “Gray, I refuse to be cowed. I won’t let some psycho asshole make me afraid to be alone. I will be fine. Go get dressed and hurry back.”

  She wasn’t going to budge so Gray didn’t force it. The stupid AWOL recruit had better pray he didn’t get his hands on him.


  Bobbi hummed as she moved around the kitchen. Her body was a little sore, but deliciously so. After the wild morning at her apartment, Gray had first taken her shopping, not only for clothes, but some fun new toys as well. He had spent the rest of the afternoon trying to “punish” her. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from burying that thick, stiff weapon very much longer than any other time. She had loved every minute of it.

  He had to run into work, something about a BUDS recruit going AWOL last night. She decided she would cook a big Sunday dinner. Although she had always been a pretty good cook, she had never been moved to cook for anyone other than herself. Not even her friends knew she was lethal in the kitchen.

  Because Gray was a good ‘ole country boy, she had decided to make smothered pork chops with rice, macaroni and cheese and cabbage, complete with cornbread and peach cobbler for dessert. She wanted everything done and perfect before he got back.

  She had just put the cobbler in the oven when there was a knock on the door. Frowning, Bobbi considered ignoring it. It wasn’t for her after all, and Gray wasn’t here. But it could be important. Who would come by unannounced on a Sunday just to shoot the shit?

  “Taggard!” She exclaimed as she opened the door.

  She didn’t like him. Something about the way he looked at her was creepy. It was like he expected something from her, but what that could be she couldn’t imagine. After the picnic, he had been nothing but respectful, grudgingly, but respectful nonetheless. At least he hadn’t come on to her again.

  “Um, Gray isn’t here right now. You can probably reach him on his cell…” Then it occurred to her, Taggard was the one who had called to inform Gray of the missing recruit.

  She tried to slam the door shut, but it was too late. He caught the swinging door with both hands and pushed back so hard it knocked her off her feet. Instead of scrambling back and trying to run, Bobbi stayed right where she was. Turning her back on this man was the worst thing she could do. He wanted that, she could see it in his eyes. He stood over her, waiting. She wasn’t going to give him what he wanted, which either could be very bad for her, or just the distraction she needed to get her hands on something heavy or sharp.

  “It was you all along, wasn’t it?” No wonder he always made her feel icky. The man was a psycho.

  “I’ve been watching you much longer than Gray’s been fucking you,” he sneered. “But you had to go and give it up to the pretty boy, didn’t you?”

  Pretty boy? Gray? Was he crazy? There was nothing pretty about Gray. Smoking hot, dangerously sexy yeah, but pretty? No one would ever use that adjective to describe her man. Taggard could’ve been cute if it wasn’t for the perpetual sneer on his face. He was reasonably tall, blonde; she supposed most women would find him attractive. She hadn’t ever really considered it.

  “You never noticed me,” he spoke softly, almost to himself. “I have seen you dozens of times in clubs, at the mall with those bitch friends of yours and you never even looked my way.”

  “Was I supposed to? Most men come up and talk to a woman they wanted to get to know.”

  That pissed him off but good. He grabbed a hank of her hair dragging her up to face him.

  “You were pure!” he hissed in her face, bits of spittle flying from his mouth. “You went and let that animal foul you. Have you seen yourself with him? He has you begging for it.”

  She would have laughed if his grip hadn’t hurt so damn bad. Her head was starting to pound, but she had to keep it together.

  “Jealous he’s more of a man than you are?”

  His hand came out of nowhere, smacking her on the side of her face with his open hand. Had he used his fist, he probably would have knocked her out. She would have fell if it hadn’t been for the vicious hold he had on her hair. Her hair felt like it was being pulled from the roots. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she should be screaming, clawing, anything to try to get away, but rational Bobbi had emerged with a vengeance. He was stronger than she was, and worst, he was trained in subduing whoever the hell he had to. To physically fight him would only incense him,
and could spell an early death for her. She needed to keep her wits about her.

  “You need to be purified. You are defiled, you are fallen. I am trying to help you.”

  Man, he was gone! He was talking through clinched teeth, sweating profusely. He was dragging her to and fro, without a clear destination.

  “Had you just noticed me; had you called me, I would have saved you.” He was pacing, clearly agitated. “Did you have to like it? He had you on your hands and knees like a dog!”

  He was crying now. This wasn’t good. But at least he was getting closer to the fireplace. Just a little bit closer.

  “How could you?” He swung her to face him again. Tears were running freely down his face, his eyes wild.

  Bobbi didn’t dare look away. Behind her she was reaching desperately for the poker, the shovel, something. She almost cried out in relief when her fingers grasped something. At this point she didn’t give a damn what it was, as long as it could do some damage. All she had to do was wait for the right time. Taggard was a SEAL. One wild swing and she was through. All she needed to do was daze him long enough to get away. She had to get out of the house. Gray had been gone a while, hopefully he would be back soon. She just couldn’t depend on it.

  “I didn’t want to have to hurt you,” he was babbling. “I wanted you just like you were. Perfect, pure.”

  “What the fuck!?!” Gray!

  Bobbi wept openly in relief, but she wasn’t about to chuck her planned attack. Taggard’s grip tightened when he hear the bellow. He could snap her neck without much effort.

  Gray came barreling through the door. Taggard’s grip slipped just enough for Bobbi to drop her weight and fall as he braced himself for Gray’s charge. When Taggard tried to re-establish his punishing grip on her hair, Bobbi made her move. Bringing what turned out to be the small fireplace shovel over her head she swung with all she had. It was a direct hit. The thud jarred her to her bones. It didn’t bring him down but it was enough for her to break his hold and let her jump out of his reach.


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