Their Virgin Hostage, Masters of Ménage, Book 5

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Their Virgin Hostage, Masters of Ménage, Book 5 Page 2

by Black, Shayla

“She’s the mean one, Kinley. You’re just too good to see it.” She stood back and shook her head. “You look so beautiful. If your mama could see you now, she would have cried.”

  Kinley had really needed to hear that today. “Thank you. I have to admit, I’m going to be really happy when this whole wedding thing is all over.”

  “I would be happier if we left and headed for Vegas right now. Come on. Let’s Thelma & Louise this sucker.”

  “And drive off the side of the Grand Canyon?” The thought horrified Kinley.

  “It would be better than marrying Greg Jansen. Before you do this, I really wish you would just meet with the private investigator—”

  “No! I’m getting married in less than an hour. Don’t bring this up again. I’m marrying Greg.” She had to.

  Belle sighed. “Has Mike called lately?”

  She should never have told Belle about him. “He’s just a work peer. Sort of.”

  “You talked to him for three hours one night, and I doubt it was all about tax exempt status and donation channels. I think you like him.”

  She did. “But that’s no reason to call off the wedding, Belle. Come on…”

  Her rapport with Mike had started out all business with a few calls. She’d talked about how her mom had set up Hope House and what it had meant to her to help her mother with a cause so meaningful. Before long, Mike told her about his military service and his desire to start a charity with his brothers for wounded soldiers and their families. After a couple of talks that strayed more into the personal, she’d begun looking forward to hearing his voice over the line.

  One night she’d spent three hours on the phone with him, rapt and fascinated. He’d admitted that he wasn’t married or even dating now because what he really wanted was a woman to share with his brothers.

  Kinley had been shocked. And utterly intrigued.

  And she couldn’t even think about this again. She had to marry Greg. Her father’s chemo bills were stacking up, and he didn’t need the added stress of wondering where the money was going to come from. He was so embarrassed by his weakness and distressed about it all that he wouldn’t even allow her to go with him to his therapy sessions. And with her charity about to go belly up, Kinley needed the money, too. She couldn’t allow years of her mother’s good work to end.

  So she had to sacrifice and do what thousands of women had done before her. She had to keep her chin up and make the best of things. “I love Greg.”

  She couldn’t tell Belle that she was basically prostituting herself. Besides, if she said it enough, maybe she could make it true. Kinley was a great believer in affirmations. If that didn’t work…maybe Becks was right, and no one was really happy in marriage. Maybe all a woman could do was put on a smile the same way she affixed her makeup.

  “Sure you do.” Belle rolled her eyes, then looked around the room. “Where’s Gigi?”

  Her little Yorkie baby had shown her deep disdain for the proceedings by crawling into Kinley’s Louis Vuitton bag and settling down for a nap. Gigi had taken an almost instant dislike to Greg and everyone on his side of the wedding party. At first, Kinley had thought it would be fun to include her little dog in the ceremony, but Gigi had refused to go anywhere near her fiancé. “She’s asleep. She had a rough night.”

  “Yes, she did. She growled at Greg all through the rehearsal dinner. Your dog is very smart.”

  Kinley wanted to cry. She was utterly and completely alone, and arguing with her best friend in the world sent her into a tailspin. “I wish you could accept that Greg is going to be a part of my life.”

  Belle leaned in. “Are you doing this because you need a man? I can get you one. If you’re not interested in California Mike, I can find you the hottest man who will rock your world. Then you will forget you ever heard the name Greg Jansen. As a matter of fact, I could find you two or three amazing guys. I could get them here really fast, too.”

  She wondered what Mike and his brothers looked like and wished she could see them just once and indulge in a moment of fantasy before she had to face reality again.

  Kinley turned back to the mirror because she couldn’t stand to look at Belle when she was lying through her teeth. “I only want Greg.”

  Two or three hot guys might light up her world for a night, but all her responsibilities would still be waiting the next day. She just had to accept that sexual desire wasn’t in the cards for her.

  “Kinley, I don’t understand. When we were kids and we were planning out our weddings, I ask you to describe your groom. Do you remember that?”

  “I remember that you wanted to marry Leonardo DiCaprio.” They had watched Titanic about a hundred times that year and she’d cried every single time. What would have happened to Rose and Jack if he’d lived? Would she have regretted leaving the money behind? Would Rose have been able to live with the ruin it would have brought her family?

  Or would she have been happy to have lived with her soul mate?

  There were tears in Belle’s eyes as she forced Kinley to turn. “Yes, I was very picky back then. But you weren’t. You only had one requirement. Do you remember?”

  “I said it didn’t matter how he looked or how much money he had as long as he was a good man.” Which just showed how young she was. Naïve. God, she wanted to be that little girl again.

  “Greg Jansen is not a good man, Kinley.” She whispered the words as though they had some kind of power, as though she prayed they would make their way into Kinley’s heart.

  She couldn’t let them in.

  Kinley broke away and turned back to the mirror, forcing down the need to cry. She didn’t want to lose Belle, but it looked like she might. “The feds cleared Greg of all charges. And I don’t care about how good he is. He’s going to be my husband. Have you seen all the gifts he’s already given me?”

  A long sigh came from Belle and her oldest friend hugged her from behind. “I’m not stupid.” She put her head on Kinley’s shoulder. “I wish I was more than a secretary so I could bail you out of this mess.”

  Relief swept over her. Maybe she didn’t have to tell Belle a thing. “You understand?”

  Her best friend’s face softened. “I know you feel like you have to marry him. I think it’s wrong and you deserve better.”

  “Then why are you here?” She sniffled a little. It would be horrible if Belle walked out.

  Belle took her hand, giving it a hearty squeeze. “Because we made a promise. I will love you forever. You are my best friend and that will never change. I will forgive you for the stupid things you do and I will be there to help you hide the bodies. God, Kin, call me when you need to bury Greg. I will come with a shovel and a bottle of tequila.”

  She laughed a little but shook her head. Once she said “I do,” she was in it for life. No matter what Becks or Belle said, Kinley was going to make her marriage work. Even if she worried that her husband was a major douchebag.

  Belle peered closer at her. “You look pale. You’re not eating, are you?”

  “I had a light breakfast.” Of course it was almost three o’clock now, and all she’d had today was a grapefruit. With a little bit of sugar, and she’d felt guilty about that.

  “I speak Kinley so I know what that means. You had next to nothing. I’m calling room service.” Belle moved toward the phone.

  “Don’t. I’m getting married in an hour. I can’t eat.”

  “Eating is normal. You have to do it or you’re going to pass out.”

  She did feel a little faint, but... “I will after the ceremony. It’s just…Becks said the dress looks too tight. I don’t want to be the fat bride.”

  “You’re not. Becks planted that idea in your head because she’s a heinous bitch. You’re perfect the way you are. Seriously, you have a whole ceremony and pictures to get through. It could be hours before you get to eat again, so I’m going to make sure you do it now.”

  “Belle, I—”

  “Damn it. I’m your best friend. I’m goi
ng to watch out for you.” She picked up the phone. “Yes, we’re in suite 2010. That’s right the Presidential Suite. We need a couple of burgers.”

  “A salad.” If she ate a burger, she would split her dress open. But a burger sounded so good. “No dressing.”

  Belle rolled her eyes. “A salad with grilled chicken and vinaigrette on the side. And a burger, medium with fries, and two Diet Cokes.” She hung up. “I will get some of those fries down your throat.” She stopped for a moment. “You know I love you, right?”

  “I know.” She counted on it. Sometimes the only thing in the world she could count on was Belle’s friendship. “Please understand that we all have to do what we feel is best.”

  Her lips turned down in an almost sad expression. “That’s true. I just need you to know that I want only the best for you.”

  Belle’s cell trilled.

  “You should answer that,” Kinley said. Belle called herself “just a secretary,” but Kinley knew that she valued her job—and the three lawyers she worked for. She ran their office like clockwork and had for the last year.

  “It’s Kellan,” Belle said apologetically. “I’m sorry. We’re working on a big murder case. Do you mind? I’ll probably have to run back to my room because my files are there.”

  “Go.” She was glad Belle had a career she loved.

  The door closed behind her best friend. Someday one of those three lawyers she worked for was going to wake up and see what a huge catch Belle was. She’d met Kellan, Eric, and Tate. They were gorgeous and smart, and any one of them would be a great husband for Belle.

  Or all three.

  Kinley let her head fall back. She had to let that notion go, but the idea of those three hot lawyers just played in her head. It wasn’t that she thought they were right for her—they had their eyes on Belle—but the idea of being surrounded by strong men just did it for Kinley.

  She loved her dad. She really did, but she’d watched her mom have to be the strong one all her life. Certainly, it wasn’t wrong to wish for something more…

  Was Greg capable of loving and protecting her? She worried about that…

  Staring at the woman in the mirror, Kinley acknowledged that she was his entrée into old-money society, a second chance for Greg Jansen. His first wife had been a model. Carrie Anthony had been beautiful and successful. As far as Kinley could tell, she’d become a star. Then mental illness had tragically cut her life short.

  Two months after their marriage, she’d killed herself.

  But Kinley wasn’t that girl. She was strong. She didn’t run away from her responsibilities. Once she said “I do,” she would be there forever.

  Kinley turned back to the mirror and straightened her dress. It was almost time to start the rest of her life. Nothing could save her from it now.

  * * * *

  Through the hidden cameras they’d planted in the suite the night before, Dominic Anthony stared at the blonde in the wedding dress on the screen. After a few minutes of surveillance, he knew that the gorgeous bride had a pretty heart-shaped face and a juicy hourglass figure. Too bad she was a money-grubbing whore.

  “There. I think I fixed the audio. Is the sound in the suite back on?” Riley asked, looking up from his computer, already dressed in the black and white uniform of room service staff.

  “I think so.” Dom nodded.

  “Good. Shitty that it crapped out through that whole conversation with her sister,” Riley groused.

  Dominic didn’t care. He’d doubted they’d missed much. Everything was in place now. Years of planning was finally coming together. So why did he have a deep pit in his stomach, a feeling of gnawing anxiety as he listened.

  “Oh, the audio is definitely working again. She’s talking about how much she loves the creep.” And Dominic couldn’t stand it. Somehow hearing her say she loved a hardened criminal made his skin crawl.

  He almost wished Riley wasn’t so good at his job. To be honest, he’d enjoyed just watching the blonde. She was so freaking beautiful. Her seeming innocence made her look like a girl who would appreciate a man’s—or men’s—comfort and protection. But the second Riley had restored the sound, the words that had come out of the bride’s mouth proved the image was all false.

  I don’t care about how good he is. He’s going to be my husband. Have you seen all the gifts he’s already given me?

  And to think he’d mooned over her for even a second. He was a stupid ass. He’d seen Kinley Kohl’s picture and half fallen in love with her sweet face and banging body on the spot. Blonde curls and caramel brown eyes, and that husky voice that went straight to his cock.

  But she couldn’t wait to jump into bed with Satan, so she was pretty much on the “no touch” list.

  Still, he was going to do what he must in order to save her life. She wasn’t going to die like his baby sister had. Greg Jansen was going to pay for his crimes—and Kinley Kohl was the key.

  Law Anders stepped up and looked at the screen. He was wearing the same starched uniform as his brother. It was almost go time. “Does that mean she’s stopped talking about how fat she is?”

  “What?” Dominic scowled.

  “Yeah, just before all that crap about loving Jansen.” Law made gagging sounds. “I heard everything she said to both her sister and Annabelle. I don’t get it. She’s gorgeous. How can anyone think she’s fat? I swear, my hand is itching.”

  Law liked to spank women, especially pretty women who mouthed off about how unattractive they were. Kinley Kohl was practically his perfect woman. Fuck, she was practically all of their perfect woman, if only her heart was half as sweet as her looks. But no. She was willing to marry a violent killer because he bought her some luggage.

  “Focus, man,” Dominic barked. “She’s talked a lot about how much shit Jansen’s bought her.”

  Law frowned, his eyes never leaving the screen. “I’m telling you, it’s an act. She’s scared. She needs us.”

  “You’re insane, Law. Delusional.”

  He stared at his friend. Law Anders was supposed to be the surly one. He mostly communicated in growls and snarls, but ever since Dominic had put him on the surveillance of Kinley Kohl, he’d been all complete sentences and smiles. Oh, his lips didn’t curl up much, and he looked a little like he was in pain, but for Law, that was a brilliant grin.

  Riley stared at his older brother. “This isn’t like you, Law. You know who she is.”

  So they’d had conversations. Dominic had wondered about that. Riley and Law Anders were the closest thing he had to a family because he’d more or less grown up with the brothers.

  He’d helped Riley get into Harvard and they’d attended the Ivy League institution together for a time. When patriotic duty had called, Dominic had gone off to the military. Law had joined up, too. Before it was all over, Law had taken an IED and lost function of his legs, so Dominic had left the service to come home and help the men he considered his brothers. Law was a tough son of a bitch. Even after the doctors had told him he would never walk again, he was up and running eighteen months later. Now Anthony Anders was one of the premier investigative firms in the country. They worked for law firms and police departments.

  But this case was personal.

  “She’s the target,” Dominic said in no uncertain terms. “She’s the woman who’s going to give us all the ammunition we need to finally prove what kind of a man Greg Jansen is.”

  The kind willing to kill a woman for money, Dominic thought in a rage. Even a woman as sweet as his sister.

  The time had come to avenge Carrie by beating Jansen at his own game. And Kinley Kohl was his sledgehammer. He had everything he needed with the singular exception of a witness. After today, problem solved. He’d do whatever it took to make Kinley spill everything she knew until she practically sang. What he didn’t need was Law falling in lust with her.

  Even though it would be a really easy thing to do.

  “You guys haven’t been watching and talking to her t
he way I have.” Law’s eyes never left the screen. “She has little tells. She smiles a little too brightly when she’s lying.”

  “She has different smiles?” Riley asked with a frown.

  “Yep,” Law replied. “And she’s using her fake smile now. Watch the difference between the one she uses on our little Benedict Arnold and her sister.”

  “Hey, she’s trying to help Kinley.” Dominic wasn’t going to let Law throw Annabelle Wright under the bus. She was a hell of a woman, choosing to do something brave and save her friend’s life. “If Annabelle hadn’t agreed to intervene, do you really think Kinley would have come back from her honeymoon alive?”

  “I’m not saying we should let her marry the fucker,” Law replied. “I just wish you would let me talk to her instead of carrying through with this crazy plan. She’s a smart woman. She’ll listen.”

  Dominic seriously doubted that. “Like she’s been listening to Annabelle all this time? She’s a socialite who takes lunches and goes to charity balls. How fucking intellectual can she be?”

  “She’s raised millions of dollars for the homeless. And those lunches she takes are usually about her charity.”

  He hated to burst Law’s bubble because the guy so rarely had a positive outlook on anything, but he had to do it. “Her charity is on the brink of ruin.”

  “Because of her father.” Law could also be a little like a pit bull with a nice hunk of meat when he decided something. He never fucking let go.

  But Dominic needed Law on his side. “Her gambling father who’s run the whole family into the ground. Yeah, and she just keeps feeding him money. She’s giving him funds earmarked for warm coats and shoes for poor children. She’s probably hoarding some herself for shopping sprees.”

  “You’ve got her all wrong.” Law’s jaw squared, and Dominic just knew he wasn’t going to like what his best friend was about to say. “I think she’s the one for us.”

  “Fuck.” Riley put a hand to his head, shaking it as though he couldn’t believe what his brother had just said.

  Dominic felt his blood pressure tick up. “Are you fucking crazy?”


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