Enthralled: A Box Set

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Enthralled: A Box Set Page 44

by Pamela Ann

  “Kyle?” I whispered to him. He groaned in my hair. “I can feel your erection—feel like letting go of me now?” I said against his neck.

  “Never—I will never let go of you.” Uh! I have to get back to Chad. I tried to push myself off of him but he wouldn’t release me. “I love this, Sienna. Give me just a few more minutes. Let me cherish this moment.”

  “Fine.” I murmured. It was the least I could do, compromise, since he had taken care of my well being and had been supportive.

  Not knowing what to do, I gently traced the tattoo on his arm; it was a beautiful design and it fitted him well.

  “Can I kiss you?” he asked, as he smelled my neck.

  Oh, what the heck? I was so not in the mood to be teased. “Kyle—maybe next time—I’ll think about it, but for now, I need to get back to Chad.”

  Kyle looked serious. “Think about that rain check, will you?” I gently slapped him in the head as he laughed heartily and released his hold on me. Men and their stupid hormones! Seriously.

  I ran to the bathroom and showered. I dressed in the clothes that Kyle packed for me yesterday. I didn’t want to miss any progress with Chad. Kyle dropped me off at the hospital and I hastily kissed his cheek. He tried to capture my lips with his but I nudged his arm playfully.

  Kyle’s been a little aggressive with his antics lately. I couldn’t honestly accommodate that thought when my friend was lying lifeless in a hospital bed.



  I was on my way out of the hospital when I saw her emerge from the cab with Matthews. They looked pretty intimate and I was frozen to the spot watching how the two exchanged their goodbyes.

  Keep moving before she sees you, I told myself, but I couldn’t. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of months and my eyes were taking everything in. She was walking towards the building with a huge smile on her face.

  Is she still in love with him? Did she love him even when she was with me? Did she think of him while we were together? Bloody fuck, she probably did.

  She was obviously happy while I sat with my own bloodless misery. Every waking moment, I feel the loss of Sienna and she doesn’t give a damn. I was convenient and she probably used me just to get over her ex. Well, you did pursue her—it’s no one’s fault but yours. Resentment, as always, crept in and I was starting to hate her—really, scornfully hate her.

  I stood frozen, studying her face. She was wearing a black, cotton long sleeve top, black leggings and the very same cowboy boots she wore that wretched day she confronted me about my engagement. My stomach recoiled as I thought about it.

  Her hair was still wet—evidently just out of the shower. Did she share it with Kyle? Stop, it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t matter anymore.

  When she finally saw me, she stopped and stared with her pretty mouth hanging ajar.

  I stared at her beautiful face, hating and loving her at the same time. My jaw tightened as I thought about her with another man–God knows I haven’t been celibate. I jumped at the nearest woman who opened her legs invitingly a day or two after she left for LA. But fuck, jealousy was such a toxic emotion.

  “Blake,” her soft voice stammered. I caught her eyes wandering all over me, stopping at my mouth.

  “Sienna,” I said through gritted teeth. I hate you.

  “You’re uh—back early from Australia? Did you see Chad? How is he?” She pressed her lips, looking anywhere but at me.

  “I landed a couple hours ago and came straight here. I had to cram some meetings together to get here. There was another movement from Chad’s fingers and the doctor is hopeful. Lucy and Toby are upstairs.”

  “You’re leaving? You’re not staying longer?” Her fingers fidgeted on her purse straps. She does that when she’s nervous. Good, I didn’t want her to think that things would be the same after she dumped me without giving me a chance to explain properly—another chance to prove that I did mean everything I said and promised her. I’m not going to be the considerate man that she once knew.

  “I have to go to Rome for a few hours. I’ve been summoned by my uncle. I’ll be back when I can.”

  “Oh, right. Um…have a safe flight then—wait—do you want to go get some coffee before you leave? I haven’t had one yet—”

  “No. I’m busy. I have to go.”

  My rejection threw her off. Even when we were friends, I always succumbed to her wants—not anymore. I can’t stand being in the same vicinity with her without wanting to strangle her. It’s best that I leave before I say something I would regret later on.

  I nodded and left her standing there, looking hurt and not knowing what to do. Striding towards the waiting black Bentley without looking back, I released a long breath as I slid inside it. Then I ordered Robert, my driver, to drive me to the office in South Bank to get some paperwork before leaving for the airport.

  When I arrived at my office, my assistant Luke greeted me cordially. He was alerted the moment I stepped inside the building. I want every single branch that I own to run efficiently.

  He handed me all the paperwork I needed to go through and briefed me with the ongoing progress in all branches of the company. After listening without interrupting him, I excused myself to go to the annex apartment I have inside my office. I could’ve easily gone to my own apartment, but I didn’t; I simply can’t. That place is haunted by memories of her. Her scent lingered everywhere in my room and I’m not ready to step in there, knowing full well that I won’t recover if I do.

  I welcomed the silence once I entered the annex apartment. It contains a massive king-sized bed, full shower, and a well-equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances. The whole place is decorated with Sienna’s solo portraits from Chad’s show. I might accidentally burn them all. There were six solo portraits—but Kyle, the bloody cretin, bought one–the one he kept staring at all evening. I’m sure the image reminds him of something significant—that’s why we ended up fighting that night. I punched his jaw without a second thought after Chad informed me that Kyle purchased the portrait already. “She’s my girlfriend. Don’t even think twice of trying to take her away from me. I will ruin you Matthews! I can easily ruin you.” I remembered threatening him while others scrambled to exit the room.

  “She was mine first—don’t you ever forget that you asshole! Once she realizes that you’re just a fucking playboy and she’s just one of the passing girls—she’s going to run back to me! I’ll always be here for her. That’s how it’s been and that’s how it always will be. She hasn’t been with anyone apart from me and you—what you guys have is lust not love, nothing else. Dude—get your shit together before you threaten me, you stupid British fuck!” He yelled and huffed angrily before storming out of the room.

  Once he left, I felt helpless. What Sienna and I had—it was more than that. I knew it—my heart knows it—my soul knows it. I felt it with her kisses and the way she looked at me. I tried to convince myself that what Kyle said didn’t bear any fruit.

  I had stood in the middle of the room staring at her decadent portrait, looking for answers. As if her eyes could tell me all her hidden secrets. How I wished I knew what they were.

  I had taken a hold of her arm and linked it to mine, lightly tugging her to follow me out of the room and towards the gallery office.

  I needed to be with her. I needed confirmation that she was mine and that she wouldn’t leave me. I remembered hoping that she would love me the way that I loved her.

  Memories of that night tugged something inside. My eyes started to tear and I immediately composed myself. I cursed her portraits profusely before I headed towards the bathroom.

  Call me a masochist, but I needed to see her face once in awhile. My heart is turning into sinister dark ice, stone cold and black. I needed to be reminded—even if for only a second—that I once loved fully and fiercely with no boundaries. Glimpses of the future I once yearned for with her. The limited time I spent with her was the happiest I’d ever been since my parents
were taken away from me.

  I knew I fucked up when I didn’t tell her about the arranged marriage. But she could’ve at least stayed, listened and given me the opportunity to fully explain myself. But she didn’t—that’s why I hate her. Her rejection when I proposed on the pavement in Covent Garden will forever be tattooed in my memory. I hate her for jumping ship.

  I’m going to expand what my grandfather’s father built. I’m going to exceed everyone’s expectations and then some. I’m exceptional in what I do. It’s the only thing I have control of, its outcome, its future.

  Stepping out of the steam shower, I walked over to the medium-sized walk-in closet adjacent to the bathroom. The call from my uncle’s wife, Seraphina, baffled me. If my uncle wanted to talk, he could’ve called himself. Is he sick?

  Both of my maternal grandparents died before I was born. After mum died, he was the only relative I remained close to on my mother’s side. My uncle, Luciano Vittori, was my mother’s only brother–we catch up once or twice a year. He’s a busy man as well–he runs the family vineyard in Tuscany. Luciano and Seraphina used to be such a happy couple; they once reminded me of my parents. But all that changed when my seventeen year old cousin, Alessandro, crashed his brand new Lamborghini into a tree going one hundred and twenty miles per hour on a curved road. Aunt Seraphina died that day as well. She was never the same. The sunny person turned solemn and bitter.

  I dressed in a light blue dress shirt and black trousers. I need a shave but I don’t have the time to do it. I need to get to Rome as soon as possible and get this over with.

  The past two weeks have been such a nightmare. The news about Chad’s suicide attempt took a toll on my sleep. I kept going in circles as I thought about his actions. The lively man who was once robust and full of life decided he no longer wanted to live. When I saw him earlier, I became angry. Why didn’t any of us see this? Were we that selfish that we couldn’t see our friend was going through pure utter hell?

  Sienna adores Chad, we all do. But they were closer—they were each other’s confidantes. Chad became a part of our circle, became a friend. The fact of him being gay didn’t bother me a bit. True, Chad tends to be flamboyant, but that’s just a part of him. The other major part that others, besides our group, can’t see is the man behind the persona. The man who’s devoted to the people he cares about. The gifted man, who has an eye for beauty and captures it exceptionally well, even though we were all close to him, somehow we still missed the man who was crying out for help, a man that was broken and felt so alone.

  I knew all four us felt guilty; our faces said it all. The minute Chad comes out of his coma, I will keep a closer eye on him and make sure he gets all the help he needs. I know he will come through. That man may be broken right now—but he has the spirit of a fighter.

  I summoned Robert to wait for me outside the building as I left my apartment. I started making phone calls, mentally delegating in my head which ones should be taken care of first and which ones could be done last. I have a photographic memory and I’m a whiz when it comes to numbers–I wouldn’t have been nicknamed a “Modern day Einstein” by Times magazine if I wasn’t good at what I do.

  I’m hoping to be back by seven tonight to see Chad again before I head out to Marbella tomorrow morning. I’m exhausted from all the country hopping—but I’d rather deal with that than with my emotions and thoughts.

  Arriving at the airport, I got out of the car and climbed the stairs of my G650 Gulfstream jet, customized and fitted to my liking. I was greeted by a hot, willing stewardess–a beauty. I smiled back at her. I might need a distraction later.

  Seated and situated, I dialed Toby. The moment he picked up, I forgot about the Nordic beauty hovering about the cabin. I had informed him about the flight to Italy earlier at the hospital and he seemed intrigued and asked what Luciano wanted; I told him I had no clue. I notified him that Luke would send him a few emails and that they needed to be gone through immediately. Before cutting off the call, I heard a familiar laugh in the background, Sienna. She was laughing at something Lucy had just said.

  My heart contracted with the sound of her laugh; how I’ve missed that laugh. I pressed the bridge of my nose as I tried to reign in the emotions that had started to sprout about.

  Damn, that wretched witch of a woman.

  But I’d rather die than admit that to her, or to anyone else. We were in the same circle of friends. We have to endure being in each other’s company. I might as well get used to it. I will be seeing a lot of her very soon, when Chad wakes up.

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  A woman could be… Everything. Anything. Nothing.

  I was a connoisseur of beautiful things, women included. I had not just one, but three—all exotic, stunning and would do anything I asked.

  My life was grand. It was perfect, and I was content with it all, until a little minx came along. The second our eyes clashed, giving me a glimpse of her violet blue depths that had a mixture of stubbornness and will, though with a hint of something else…

  Choices were made. Decisions were done.

  And, for the very first time in my life, I was challenged with something risky, igniting the animal in me.


  (The Encounter Trilogy)

  Pamela Ann


  (The Encounter Trilogy) Copyright © 2014 by Pamela Ann

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without a written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

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  To my Poppets, most especially Sherry, Chantel and Louise—thank you for letting me use your names! And to the rest of the crew, your love and support for my work has helped me get through some tough times…when I’m emotionally and mentally drained. I can’t thank you guys enough.

  Ashley Suzanne, you’ve been such a true gem of a friend. Words can’t be expressed enough…

  To my editors, Kristin and Alizon, thank you for tolerating me. LOL. You ladies are beyond amazing.

  Lastly, to the readers—none of this would be possible without your support. Your encouragement and enthusiasm fills me with gratitude. Thank you for letting me pursue my passion.

  Always yours, Pamela Ann

  For Phillip...

  Your undying devotion, unwavering love

  and ceaseless patience puts mine to shame.

  Thank you for being the brilliant nonsensical all-around

  person that’s always been there for me.



  “Mr. Xavier, your presence is needed sir,” Benoît, my head of security, prompted me the second I hung up the conference call I’d had from England.

  I considered him a moment, pausing as I raised my brow, before responding to him with a curt question. “In regards to what?”

  My life revolved mostly around work. It was the love of my life. The Riviera had been in my family for generations. It was more than a five-star, luxury hotel that offered one of Europe’s finest casinos; it was in a class of its own. It was a legacy that ran in my blood. It became my soul when I had nothing left going on with my life.

  This was all I possessed.

  The power.

  The prestige.

  The privilege.

  Benoît cleared his throat before answering me with his own raised brow, “It’s about Miss Dana Bat
eau, sir. One of the cleaning ladies found her in your library, trying to open your safe.” He paused before sharply adding, “Sir.”

  Dana… trying to open my safe… She’s been with me for over six months, so was this her first attempt? Or the first time she had ever gotten caught?

  I met her through Javier; a man I socialized with yet never welcomed in my circle of trusted friends. Come to think of it, I didn’t have friends. I had partners, associates, acquaintances, but never friendships. I didn’t trust a lot of people, and the ones I did were a puny, trusted circle. Dana obviously wasn’t in it.

  “Where is she now?” I calmly asked as I turned my attention back to the screen, staring at the message that was before me while I waited for Benoît to continue.

  “She’s being held in the villa, sir. We’re waiting for your orders.”

  “Hmm,” I murmured nonchalantly before getting up and striding to the vast glass that covered the entire wall looking down on the night beauty of the lights of Monaco. “Wait for me downstairs. I need a moment.” Gently barking out an order, I didn’t move until I heard the soft shut of the heavy oak door before strolling towards the marbled table for my humidor. Cuban cigars were lined accordingly. Precisely. Just like my life—it was a well-oiled machine. Although, from time to time, one would find some problems. The imperfections. Like Dana.


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