Enthralled: A Box Set

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Enthralled: A Box Set Page 85

by Pamela Ann

  ”Well…” I teased, smiling at him.

  “Yes? No? Come on, Emma. You can’t miss out on this opportunity! Not only will it be awesome, but imagine spending all that time with me in Greece. We can explore the islands when we aren’t filming; get to know the culture and the history. You’re going to love Greece, it’s beautiful. I’ve been there once and it was marvelous! I want to see it again, with you.

  Bass Cole, I think you’ve just disarmed me. The picture he just painted was pure bliss. “How long will we be out there?”

  He grabbed my hand and started to caress it. “Three months—possibly four–depending on how well it goes. I believe the privately owned island is somewhere on the Aegean Sea and is small. I think it has a population of roughly one thousand.”

  Three to four months with Bass. That’s ninety to a hundred and twenty days with him. That’s a long… long time… on an island… a beautiful Greek island… with a beautiful man. Hmmm, what to do?

  “Well, that’s quite a long time, you know?” I teased as he shifted me onto my back and positioned his super sexy body atop mine.

  Yes, yes, yes! my mind rejoiced.

  “Say yes!” he commanded with a lopsided grin, exposing his sexy dimples. Gah!

  “Um,” my voice trailed off when I felt his hand slide inside my shirt and caress my side. Was it wrong of me when I ‘accidentally’ opened my legs a tad wider to accommodate him better?

  His blue eyes became dilated as they looked into mine. “You feel like silk,” he rasped out as his hand moved a little higher. I pushed my hips against his and found out how aroused he really was. Bass hissed from my bold gesture. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be touching you this way. It’s too early for you.”

  Are you for real dude? Come on! “Don’t you think that’s for me to decide?”

  Bass kissed my nose and held my chin. “No. I’m not taking you while you’re in love with Carter.”

  Well, there goes my sex drive, thank you. If that’s how he felt, then there was no way we were going to have sex anytime soon. Bummer.

  “I see… then I guess it would help if you didn’t make me all aroused then?”

  “Promise it won’t happen again.” He moved to the side, got the remote, turned off the lights then gathered me in his arms.

  How could he just turn me down like that? He was all relaxed and here I was, uncomfortably wet and turned on. How annoying was that?

  “Tell Martin ‘yes’ when he calls.”

  His strong arms pulled me tighter against his chest. “You won’t regret this, Emma. This will open a lot of doors for you, just you wait and see.”

  I didn’t doubt it. I just hoped that I could handle all of it.

  “I’m going to call my agent first thing in the morning and take care of that for you. Barbara will take you on and she has a great team with her. So, go to sleep. I’ll figure everything out before you wake up tomorrow morning.”

  Sigh, I couldn’t continue brooding while he was being all nice.

  “Thank you. You don’t have to, really, but still, thank you for arranging it for me.”

  “No worries. Just don’t forget to thank me when you’re accepting your first statue though.” Bass chuckled.


  “I’ll be leaving for Canada in a week to film the third KOC movie. I really needed the good news.”

  He’s leaving in a week? What?!!! “You never once mentioned that. How long will you be gone?” I felt hurt for some reason. He never said a word!

  “Six months,” he grunted and nuzzled the crook of my neck. “Saying it out loud would have made it real. I like spending time with you and I’m not ready to go, but I have to. I apologize for not telling you any sooner.”

  Shit. I guess it was a good thing we didn’t have sex or anything to complicate things. He was leaving after all.

  “That’s your job, your life, Bass. You don’t have to say sorry about that.” I knew how much he loved his job and I sure as hell wasn’t going to interfere.

  “I know; that’s why I wanted you to get the role Martin offered. I think it would be the best thing for us both. You get to see if acting is something you’d want to pursue and I get to be around you every single day.” Man, he was really serious about me. How long would that last, I wondered.

  “Trust me, Bass. You’ll get bored seeing me every day after a week. You’ll be running in the other direction afterwards.” I smirked at the thought, picturing him running away from me like he did when he was trying to avoid his fans. I guessed only time would tell…

  His arms squeezed me tighter as he let out a long sigh. “May you have the sweetest amongst the sweetest dreams, my dear Emma.”

  Sweetest dreams, indeed.


  “Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and to keep it lit.”

  ~Mary Lou Retton

  Chapter One Hundred Four

  “I’ve read through the contract and let me just say that you’ve been given an excellent deal.” Barbara Schwartz eyed me through her gold-rimmed glasses.

  How she read through hundreds of pages in such a short time was beyond me. Barbara was at Bass’s house at eight in the morning, looking like an agent straight out of that show Entourage. She was quick, sharp, and straight to the point. She also brought a lawyer with her named Sammy Chang, a hoity-toity stunning Asian woman. Sammy never once cracked a smile. And she was to be my lawyer? Bass assured me that she was as sharp as shark teeth. That I did not doubt for a second.

  “You’re to be paid a million dollars and might get more if the movie does great in the box office,” Sammy Chang stated.

  “One million?” I parroted. That’s a lot of money for an amateur like me. Shit, I better not let Martin and the studio down.

  “Samantha Knowles was going to be paid ten. You got half because you’re new in the industry and most people like you usually get half a million max. To say this deal is excellent is an understatement,” Sammy said matter-of-factly.

  I was new and inexperienced, so I understood. I nodded and took a big gulp of my lemonade.

  “Let’s go over the important details of the contract.” Barbara looked at me as she opened a portfolio. “Do you have any reservations about being filmed in the nude?”

  I shook my head. I guessed not?

  Barbara gave me a curt nod. “Good, because this film is centered around the woman cheating on her husband. They want the scenes to be as erotic as they can get. After all, the title of the movie is Blasphemous so nudity is to be expected.

  I agreed, “Of course.”

  Barbara paused for a second while she stared at me. Blinking a few times, she shot out, “Moving on; your hair needs to be longer so no haircuts, just an itsy bitsy trim. There’s a mandatory health screening to make sure you’re not going to drop dead once filming starts. Three months before the shoot, you have to see a fitness trainer and a yoga instructor twice a week. The yoga will make you more limber for the sex scenes. Speaking of which, there’ll be five sex scenes and you will be baring all your naked glory. So you see why they indicated it in bold lettering that you see a personal trainer? They don’t want any love handles. That would kill the film. If you still have any, we can do liposuction, but from what I can see with your figure, you’re in good shape. I’d rather be safe than sorry, though.

  “You will also be assigned an acting coach during this time—if you so wish it. I advise that you also hire a dietician for your daily intake of calories. You are obligated to do all the promotional tours—radio, magazine and television interviews. If you don’t comply with that, you will get sued. Do you have any aversion to waxing all the hair on your groin?” Barbara inquired in such a serious tone; you’d think we were plotting to invade Iraq.

  I wanted to laugh but instead, I shook my head. “No.”

  “Good. Since you’re new, I advise that you comply with each and every demand they make and do everything they ask of you.
You can make your own demands later on when you’ve made it in the industry. Do you have any questions, Ms. Anderson?”

  A whole fucking lot! Five—FIVE SEX SCENES! How did that escape Bass’s notice? Instead I said, “I think you’ve covered all the bases. Where do I sign?” I grabbed Barbara’s expensive gold pen. By the looks and feel of it, the pen was probably made of real freaking gold.

  After what seemed like an endless amount of paperwork, we were finally done. We had been at it for more than an hour and I was ready to sign on the dotted line to get it over with.

  “I will also need you to sign one more contract that states I will be your agent and so forth. I’ll call you later on next week.”

  “Yes, that would be good,” I responded as both women got up.

  “I would stay longer to go over any questions you may have, but I have a plane to catch. I need to save one of my clients from joining a cult in Ohio. I don’t normally accept just anyone, but you were recommended by Bass so it was already a done deal.” No smiles here. What was wrong with these women? They were both so automated and stuck-up. Were they acting like this because I was no one special? More than likely.

  “Thank you for that.” Sort of.

  Barbara Schwartz nodded as we shook hands. “Welcome to Hollywood.” With that, they both strutted out of the house and off to Ohio.

  I sat back down and stared at the horizon. I just signed! I WAS IN! All sorts of emotions washed over me. I hoped that I would rock this Angela character because if I didn’t, I didn’t think I would ever be able to forgive myself.

  Sighing, I got up and looked for Bass.

  “Hey!” Finally, I found him in the kitchen making a protein shake.

  “Hey, yourself! Did it go well? I didn’t want to interrupt—that’s why I left you alone out there.”

  I didn’t know if it was the time to bring up the sex scenes or not. Maybe I was overreacting; maybe if I weren’t an amateur this would be a piece of cake. The thought of being in the scenes with Bass made my temperature rise.

  “It was good. Lots of paperwork.” And lingering thoughts of your hot bod on mine and all sorts of illicit ideas… I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle it.

  Bass gave me a dimpled smile. Too hot… he was too hot. “Martin just called to congratulate you, but you were still out on the patio with the ladies. He’d like to meet us for lunch to celebrate. Do you feel like going out?”

  “I’d love to, but I have to get back to school. I don’t want to miss class. Can I get a rain check for next week?” Not really, but I wanted to be alone for now. This was a massive deal to me. I needed to make a quick visit to see my parents to tell them about this.

  “Sure, that’d be great! Let me know when you want to leave. I’m ready whenever you are,” Bass said as he kissed my forehead.

  Gawd! I wanted to hang on to him for another second, but he moved away.


  After class, Lindsey and I agreed to meet up at the coffee shop because she was in between classes and couldn’t wait to get back to our place before I spilled all the details. So, I spilled. Everything.

  “One mil? And you have Bass Cole hot on your heels? I hate you!” Lindsey came over and rained me with smacking kisses. “You’re going to kill that role; you know that, right?”

  I sure hoped so. “I will try or die trying,” I said sheepishly. Lindsey’s overexcited bubble was contagious.

  “There’s a party tonight at Carter’s house. I think we should go and celebrate.

  “Um, have you forgotten that your brother despises me?”

  “Pft. Yeah, right! He doesn’t despise you, he wants you all to himself. It’s a big party tonight, so you might not even run into him.” That was plausible.

  I had planned to drive back to Ojai and see my parents… but… I guessed I could ditch that idea and do it later this weekend.

  “All right, but don’t tell anyone, okay? Let’s just keep it between us for now. I’m not ready to be bombarded with questions and gossip.”

  Lindsey pinched my cheek. “Your secret is safe with me. Party starts at eleven. We should grab some dinner somewhere fancy-shmancy tonight. I’ll be back by six and we’ll leave at seven. Ta-ta!”

  After Lindsey left, I stayed and finished my coffee. I couldn’t help -feeling great! I supposed Bass was right. It was my time to shine.


  “The girls aren’t joining us?” I asked Lindsey as she studied the menu with intensity.

  “We’ll meet up with them later on. Tonight’s just our date night. We have so much to catch up on and I doubt you’d appreciate me grilling you about your new movie role with Cece around. Ah, can’t wait to see her reaction when she learns about it!” She gave me an evil smile and went back to studying the menu some more.

  “What’s the story between you and Cece, anyway?” I asked after the waiter took our orders.

  “Would you be shocked if I told you that Cece and I used to be best friends, but ended our tight knit friendship during freshmen year?” I choked on the little piece of buttered bread I just swallowed.

  With a big hefty gulp of water, I asked flabbergasted, “You and Cece were BFFs? That’s like mixing oil and water. I don’t believe you!”

  She merely shrugged and looked thoughtful for a moment. “We were—until she slept with the guy I was so in love with.”

  Ouch. What a back-stabbing bitch!

  “That does sound like good ol’ Cece to me.”

  “Yeah, she was always like that, but I didn’t think for a second she would go for mine. I mean, she knew I loved him for so long, you know? And she was my best friend. When rumors flew that they hooked up, I was heartbroken. Not only did I lose my best friend, but I lost my first love, too—unrequited love—but still, it counted to me.”

  How stupid could that guy be? He chose Cece over Lindsey? Come. On. That was like choosing good quality over used goods. Gah, men and their stupidity.

  “Good riddance to both of them. It’s not like the guy was worth it. In fact, he was downright obnoxious.”

  With a strawberry margarita in hand, she smiled at me. “Precisely, that’s why Brody is out of the question.”

  Brody sexed it up with Cece over Lindsey? What a douche lord! Maybe he needed to get his eyesight checked.

  “Well, color me shocked. I didn’t think good boy Brody cranked his tractor towards whore-aholic women.” Mean of me to say, yeah, but everyone that knew Cece knew how much she got around. I was just calling it like it was.

  “Enough about me, let’s talk about you and your exciting life! Have you concocted a plan yet?” I looked at her confused. She smacked my hand that was on the table. “Hello? On how to get him into bed? Don’t tell me you haven’t wanted to? A nun would be tempted to leave her convent for a quick roll in the hay with that fine man.”

  “What’s the point? He’s leaving a week from today.” That thought alone sobered me up. No more Bass and his toe-curling smiles. Or his deep husky laugh. Or his smoldering eyes. Yeah, I was going to really miss him.

  “Fuck. That seriously sucks! Maybe you two can figure something out, you know?” she enlightened me.

  “We’ll see. Let’s not talk anymore about Bass or the movie—”

  “Good, idea! It’s already forgotten!” she interjected without letting me finish my sentence. One of the finest things I liked about Lindsey was that she just got me.

  So, for the next two and a half hours, we discussed everything else, catching up with each other’s lives and enjoying each other’s company.

  By the time we got to Carter’s party, the alcohol in my system was working in full-swing. I was swaying my hips to the loud music before I even managed to get inside. I did have something to celebrate, after all.

  “Oh, fucking shit!” Lindsey cursed as I was breaking through the crowd behind her. I stopped as soon as I heard her.

  “What?” I asked, looking at her before I followed where her eyes strayed.

  Oh fucki
ng shit was just about right.

  It was Carter, sitting like a fucking mighty king in his own kingdom while some insipid bitch gave him a lap dance. The music of Pitbull thumped loudly from the speakers and the bitch was moving her ass in the air, jiggling it exaggeratingly. I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or cry. The whole thing was fucking unbelievable! It was, until Carter saw me. While the bitch was humping and grinding herself all over him, Carter’s unwavering eyes were trained on me.

  “Let’s go!” Lindsey spoke next to me.

  I knew I needed to move, but for some odd reason, I wanted to watch and see how far Carter would take the scene he had going on for everyone to see. “I’m fine. You go and look for the girls. I want to see where your brother will take this nice demonstration of his.”

  Lindsey’s jaw hung ajar. “You’re insane!” she hissed. I merely shrugged. When she realized that I was serious, she left me to watch the real Carter in action.

  I thought the teeny, tiny skirt was enough display but no, no the woman actually took off her top and skirt and was only wearing her matching fire-engine red bra and thong. She then hooked her flimsy skirt around Carter’s neck as she pulled him to her breasts. The guys hooted and clapped while the bitch became deliriously excited. Disgusted, I decided to stop looking when the hooker took off her bra.

  When I got outside to get air, I received a text message from Bass.

  Bass: You may be out of my sight and far from my reach... but you are certainly never out of my mind... Goodnight, my sweet Emma.

  Oh, my word. I think I was hyperventilating. Why the hell didn’t I meet him before Carter came along? I would’ve jumped on Bass’s bones in a heartbeat.

  “Emma!” I stilled when I heard Carter yell my name. What did he want? If he was looking for a quick lay, he’d be better off with the skank inside.

  Without turning around, I asked, “What do you want, Carter? If you’re looking for a lap dance from me, you’re shit out of luck.”


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