Dating Dilemma

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Dating Dilemma Page 1

by Michelle Leyland

  Dating Dilemma

  Title Page

  boy magnet.









  friend zone


  Chill out



  laughed his head off

  get the message.”









  on and on.


  an item



  give a stuff



  hyped up.




  cheesed off



  go out with each other,


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 1

  “What took you so long?” I demand to Kate, who has finally arrived at McDonalds. Her brown hair is tied up in a messy ponytail and she’s wearing her football t-shirt, tracksuit pants and trainers.

  “Coach wanted us to do extra practice ‘cause we’ve got a game coming up,” she answers, looking pretty tired as she slumps herself into the empty seat next to me.

  It’s Tuesday evening, so we’re here at McDonalds to hang out after school as usual and have dinner together. My other two best friends, Gina and Chloe, have been for a quick look around the shops with me, before we waited for Kate at McDonalds for the last half an hour.

  I feel so relieved that Kate’s finally here. Gina is busy texting her boyfriend Lee. She has dark, twisty hair that reaches her shoulders and looks great.

  Chloe is equally busy eyeing up a fit guy serving at the counters. Chloe is one of those really pretty girls who always look perfect. She has straightened, long blonde hair, blue eyes and looks like a model, even when she’s wearing her school uniform.

  As for me, I have light brown, short hair and green eyes, but I’m more ordinary looking. I look boring against Chloe and Gina, so no potential guys around here will notice me.

  “Hey, guess what?” Kate begins excitedly. “Jamie’s joined our team.”

  I can’t help but grin as I see her eyes light up with happiness. Jamie’s been her crush for a few weeks now and so far she’s had no chance to talk to him, so I feel pleased for her.

  “Are there any other fit guys on your team?” asks Chloe, suddenly showing us more interest instead of the McDonalds guy. “I’ve been single for ages and I’m dying to have a boyfriend again.”

  I roll my eyes. Chloe’s only been single for three weeks, which to me is hardly any time at all, since I haven’t even had a boyfriend yet.

  “I guess so,” answers Kate vaguely. “You should come to one of our games and check ‘em out. There might even be one for you, Ven,” she says looking at me.

  I blush. Even if there was a guy I like on her team, I would be so hopelessly shy that there’s no point trying. If any good looking guy comes anywhere near me, I suddenly get tongue-tied and blush so much I look like a tomato.

  “There’s no way I’m standing around in a muddy field watching you kick a ball around,” protests Chloe, wrinkling her nose. “I don’t know how you stand playing in it.”

  “It’s not the end of the world to get dirty y’ know,” Kate reminds her. “Anyway, football is fun.”

  “Yeah right,” says Chloe, making it obvious that she hates all sports and thinks they’re pointless.

  “I think it’s really cool for Kate,” Gina finally speaks as she puts down her mobile. “I mean, she gets to hang out with guys all the time. How lucky is that?”

  “It’s okay for you, you’re not looking,” Chloe reminds her, sounding quite jealous.

  Gina has been in a relationship with Lee for just over a year now. Even I admitted to Chloe and Kate that I’m pretty jealous too, although I would never tell Gina that. She’s one of my best friends and I’m happy for her. I just really wish I had a relationship like hers.

  “Anyway, it’s not as if Kate’s been so lucky with guys,” remarks Chloe.

  I think she’s starting to get a bit jealous of Kate now. She is pretty close to a lot of guys at our school, although like me she hasn’t had a boyfriend yet.

  “That’s ‘cause they’re my mates,” protests Kate. “I’ve only ever fancied Jamie.”

  “Did you manage to talk to him today?” I ask her.

  “No, not really,” she answers. “I feel nervous around him.”

  That’s very strange for Kate, since she can easily chat away to any guy. I think Chloe has just realized Kate’s gift to talk to guys the same time as I do, because her eyes quickly light up with excitement.

  “Since you’re so good with guys, Kate; could you ask that guy over there for his number for me?” Chloe asks her.

  “No way,” answers Kate. “Do it yourself.”

  “I can’t do it myself. The whole point is you’re supposed to go up to him, say I fancy him and hopefully get his number,” Chloe explains. “Please do it for me? He’s so hot.”

  “I said no, and anyway he’ll probably give it to you soon without my help,” replies Kate.

  As much as we all secretly hate it, Chloe is a boy magnet. She always has guys admiring her and has even managed to have six boyfriends so far, which is more than me, Kate and Gina put together.

  Chloe looks annoyed at Kate’s answer, “Well let’s hope so ‘cause I’m tired of being single,” she moans again.

  ‘Me too’ I think to myself, but I don’t want to say it out loud like Chloe.

  “It’s not all great having a boyfriend y’ know,” Gina tells her. “They let you down and say stupid things.”

  “Yeah, boyfriends aren’t everything,” agrees Kate.

  “Oh really? Like you’re not that bothered about being Jamie’s girlfriend?” Chloe accuses her.

  Kate blushes, “maybe, but I don’t moan all the time about being single like you.”

  “I know I’m being a bit stupid,” says Chloe, finally seeing sense. “It’s just I miss having someone around and being without a guy makes me feel so lonely.”

  I feel miserable, knowing exactly how she feels. I’ve been longing for a boyfriend ever since I started high school and all this talk about the lack of one seems to be getting me down. I quickly remind myself that I’ve been fine on my own until now so I shouldn’t care so much. Anyway, I’ve got my three best mates with me right now; what more could I want?

  Chapter 2

  “You’ll never guess what!” says Chloe enthusiastically, as we all meet up for lunch together the next day. “Danny in my history lesson asked me out on a date this weekend!”

  Me and Kate exchange glances. We should have known it had something to do with boys. With Chloe, it always did.

  “Honestly Chloe, you’ve hardly been single and you’ve already got someone else,” says Gina, but you can tell she was pleased for her.

  Chloe smiles at the
compliment. “It’s not as if we’re officially together yet though,” she says, although she looks excited anyway.

  I can’t help feeling a pang of jealousy. Why can’t I get asked on dates for once instead of Chloe? She’s already been lucky with boyfriends; why can’t I have one for once instead of her?

  I quickly try to block out my miserable feelings because I don’t want to look like a saddo in front of the girls.

  “Where are you two going?” I ask Chloe, trying to keep my tone light and happy.

  “Watching a movie at the cinemas,” she replies. “I think he wants to watch this stupid sci-fi movie, but hopefully I’ll get him to watch something else.”

  I can’t help thinking that I wouldn’t mind sitting through a boring science-fiction movie as long as a boy was taking me for a date.

  “Anyway, since you’re the Queen of Dating right now; could you give me some advice about Jamie?” Kate asks Chloe, looking hopeful.

  “I would have, but you didn’t help me out yesterday,” Chloe reminds her, thinking of the hot guy at McDonalds.

  “Well even if I had, you wouldn’t need it now would you?” Kate reminds her. “Come on, I’ve got to see him for footie practice after school.”

  “Just talk to him like you do with all the other guys,” Chloe answers simply. “Pretend he’s just one of the lads and then you won’t be so nervous.”

  “I guess so,” Kate considers it.

  “Anyway, I need to go on a mega shopping spree for something to wear on Saturday,” says Chloe. “You girls wanna go after school?”

  “Sorry I can’t, I said I’d meet up with Lee later,” answers Gina and looks apologetic.

  “I’ve got footie practice, remember?” Kate answers. “Besides, shopping is so boring.”

  “You can come though, can’t you, Vanessa?” Chloe asks and looks at me pleadingly. It’s obvious she doesn’t want to go on her own, so I can’t say no even if I was busy tonight.

  “Yeah, of course I can,” I say, hoping that a shopping trip might take my mind of my lack of boyfriends.

  “Great!” says Chloe excitedly. “You’ll have to help me find a gorgeous top to wear.”

  At home time, we say goodbye to Kate, who heads off to the sports changing rooms to get ready for footie practice. Gina happily strolls off with Lee, who’s waiting for her by the school gates, so we say goodbye to her too and then the two of us go off to town together.

  “Do you reckon Kate and Jamie will get together?” Chloe asks me as we do the fifteen minute walk to the Town Centre.

  “I suppose so,” I answer vaguely.

  I didn’t want to get onto the subject of boys, since I’m secretly jealous of all three of my best friends and just want to forget about it. You already know I’m jealous of Gina for having a long term boyfriend; and with Chloe for having every guy in the World fancy her and getting a date on Saturday.

  Yet, now I’m even starting to feel jealous of Kate. I know it’s stupid, since she’s as far out as me at the moment. It isn’t as if she and Jamie are going on a date or in a relationship; but I can’t help envying her for having someone who might be her boyfriend one day. I don’t even have any crushes now, which would have at least felt better than nothing.

  “What’s up with you anyway?” asks Chloe, sensing that something’s wrong.

  “I don’t know. I guess I just feel pretty lonely right now, not having a boyfriend.”

  I know I can tell Chloe and she would understand, with saying the same thing yesterday in McDonalds, but I still feel embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll do some serious shopping for boys too,” Chloe says excitedly.

  It does cheer me up a little as we play our hot guy shopping game. It’s pretty simple to play. All you have to do is look out for potential guys and rate any you spot from a score of one to ten. Getting scored a ten means they’re mega hot.

  “He’s definitely a seven,” says Chloe.

  I look over to the guy stood outside a music store. He has black floppy hair and is wearing a hoody.

  “I reckon nine,” I answer quietly since we’re passing him.

  “If you like him, why don’t you go and flirt a little?” she asks.

  “I can’t.”

  “Go on, Ven. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Just eye him up or wink at him, see if he’s interested.”

  “No way,” I cringe, knowing I’m way too anxious with guys to do that.

  “Do you want me to ask him for his number?” she asks, trying to be helpful.

  “No, don’t,” I beg her, blushing madly.

  “You’re hopeless, Ven,” she says, rolling her eyes at me.

  I happily go along with her doing some real shopping, letting her try on lots of tops. However, I can’t help looking at different guys hanging around, even though I know I’m too afraid to make any moves. At least it gives me something to do instead of just following Chloe around on the hunt for clothes.

  “I’m just going into the changing rooms,” Chloe informs me. “Wait outside for me, okay?”

  “Alright,” I agree and let her rush into a nearby changing cubical, seizing three tops.

  I sit on the leather seat in the changing rooms, waiting for Chloe to come out and ask my opinion on the new clothes. As she’s changing inside the cubical next to me, I start to look at the advertisement posters pinned up on the changing room wall.

  There’s one flashy poster advertising the super cool, new nightclub that we’re all dying to try.

  ‘Want a special night out with your partner on Valentine’s Day?’ it reads. ‘Come and join us at Bliss night club and dance the night away with the one you love.’

  I sigh, wishing more than anything that I could go with someone. I notice that the date underneath is on a Friday night, which means there is no way any of us could go to that event anyway. We’re only allowed to go to sixteen and under nights yet, which are on a Wednesday night. Even so, I can’t help but have that empty, sad feeling at knowing that this Valentine’s Day I will probably be sat at home watching a movie by myself. Maybe Katie might join me, but Gina and Chloe will definitely have plans

  I’m just starting to feel miserable about it when Chloe swishes open the curtain and interrupts my thoughts.

  “What do you think?”

  “Looks great,” I answer quickly, pushing my sad thoughts aside.

  I look at the pink vest top decorated with roses that she’s wearing. Chloe looks in the long mirror and thinks about it for a while.

  “I’ll try the others on anyway,” she says, not wanting to miss out on trying on any gorgeous clothes.

  She quickly returns to her cubical and pulls the curtain shut again.

  I can’t help but look at the poster again, and while I’m waiting for Chloe, I start to daydream of the perfect Valentine’s Day.

  Instead of sitting at home pretending to forget what date it is, I would wake up feeling excited and receive a huge Valentine’s card from my boyfriend. Of course, in my daydream, my made-up boyfriend looks incredibly hot, something between Orlando Bloom and Zack Afron. He would buy me flowers and a cute ‘I love you’ teddy bear, and he would take me out for a romantic meal at Nandos, which is the most posh restaurant around here.

  If only daydreams were real…

  Chapter 3

  “I found this gorgeous, pink top yesterday,” Chloe tells Kate and Gina the next day at school. And yes, in case you’re wondering, she did end up going back to buy the very first top she tried on.

  “Where from?” asks Gina, looking interested.

  She hasn’t been shopping in a while because she’s with Lee most Saturdays, so she’s probably dying to feed her shopping addiction by talking about clothes.

  “Jane Norman,” Chloe tells her proudly. “Wasn’t it lovely, Ven?”

  “Yeah totally,” I reply automatically in agreement.

  I’m still busy worrying about Valentine’s Day, but there’s no way I’d let on to any o
f my best friends. They would just feel sorry for me because I will probably be the only one of us staying at home that day.

  “Uh oh, Jamie’s here,” says Kate and tries to hide her blushing face.

  I look over and see Jamie walk past, talking with a few guys from Kate’s football team.

  Kate tries her best to act normal as she calls ‘hi’ to them all, but then Jamie starts to approach us and I can tell she’s nervous.

  “Hi Kate,” he says, smiling at her.

  “Hey,” replies Kate, trying hard not to blush, although she already has.

  “I can’t wait for the game on Saturday, can you?”

  “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to our team kickin’ their butts,” answers Kate, looking excited too.

  Jamie grins, “I think it’s awesome you play. I mean, not many girls like sports.”

  “Well, I love footie,” says Kate and looks down at her shoes shyly. “I’ve been playing with my dad since I was five.”

  “Cool,” replies Jamie and looks impressed. “I think you’re really ace at it.”

  “Thanks,” replies Kate, blushing even more.

  “I’ll see you at the match,” he says and starts to walk away, “See ya, Kate.”

  “Yeah, see ya,” she replies and then starts to cringe as soon as he’s gone. “Why do I always act like a total idiot around him?” she asks us, looking annoyed.

  “I think you were fine,” I say reassuringly.

  “He’s so into you,” declares Chloe grinning.

  “No he’s not,” objects Kate, looking embarrassed and gives her a playful nudge. “He was just being friendly.”

  “Sorry but even I agree with Chloe,” says Gina and starts to do an impression of Jamie being a love sick puppy, “Oh Kate, I think you’re soooo ace at football.”

  Me and Chloe giggle.

  “Shut up,” says Kate, giving Gina a playful shove.

  “What do you think, Ven?” Kate asks me, probably looking for support so that Gina and Chloe don’t tease her anymore.

  “It’s hard to tell,” I reply.

  Secretly I do agree with Gina and Chloe, but I don’t want to let Kate down or embarrass her anymore.

  “You’ll see,” Chloe tells her confidently. “One day we’ll be attending yours and Jamie’s wedding.” This earns her another playful shove from Kate.


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