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Amore Page 3

by Sienna Mynx

  “Where did you hear this crap?” Mirabella demanded.

  “Pillow talk. My point is, the two of them have been lashing out at each other since they were kids, and using the women they cared about to do it.”

  “It’s a lie. Armando is twisting things.” Mirabella waved off the comment. She rocked Gino on her hip. She shook her head with disbelief.

  “Is he a liar? Or does your husband have ulterior motives? Could Gio be holding an ancient grudge over losing a woman who tried to kill you?” Marietta marched off. Mirabella watched her go. She shook her head. She loved her sister but even now she didn’t understand what motivated her. Marietta lived as if each day wasn’t promised to her. That was fine considering her history, but dangerous considering their future. Something had to change. Marietta had to change.


  Carlo paced.

  Dominic glanced up at him and then shook his head. The constant pacing began to wear on his patience. “Stop with the worrying. It’s a good proposal for Gio. He’ll accept it.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve come to the boss with my own… idea. Lorenzo shot it down,” Carlo said.

  “And I say it’s a good idea,” Dominic insisted. “Lorenzo doesn’t run this family. Gio does.”

  “You sure about that?” Carlo chuckled. “Gio listens to him more and more. And less to you!”

  The truth hurt. Dominic was allowed to pursue legitimate business for the family. But they were knee deep in the illegal affairs once again. With Lorenzo at Giovanni’s side he’d acquired the extortion businesses Mottola left behind, and some of their old territories as well. That included the gambling houses. The only rule that was severely enforced was the one of no trafficking of women and prostitution. Giovanni would never disrespect his mother, his wife, and his daughter by ever picking up that business again. Still the Battaglia men weren’t altar boys. Dominic had to turn his head to Lorenzo’s dabbles in the drug trade through the Campania. Giovanni accepted Lorenzo’s methods and reasons, but Dominic secretly despised them. They were once so close to atonement. Instead, Giovanni’s thirst for respect, and Lorenzo’s thirst for power, was now a deadly and greedy mix. Carlo’s idea was a good one. And if Giovanni signed off on it Dominic hoped it would be the first step to influence his brothers in the right direction.

  The door opened.

  Carlo froze. Giovanni glanced to him and Dominic. Dominic stood as Carlo greeted Giovanni with respect. He walked over and kissed Giovanni on both cheeks.

  “We’ve been waiting, Gio,” Dominic said.

  Lorenzo was the last to enter. He closed the door behind him.

  “What is this that you two insist we discuss today?” Giovanni asked. He went to his bar and poured another drink. He’d promised his wife that he’d not do so much drinking casually. But he was a man of habits. And this habit kept him calm and rational, contrary to her belief.

  “A proposal, Gio,” Carlo spoke up.

  When Giovanni turned he could not miss the glare Lorenzo leveled on Carlo. An exchange between the men that revealed more than he was sure either intended. Carlo was speaking out of turn. And it wasn’t like Carlo to do so. Giovanni glanced to Dominic and recognized the encouragement lied there. He wished Lorenzo and Dominic would come to terms on business matters. It would alleviate a lot of his stress.

  “I take it both Domi and Lo have heard your proposal?”

  Carlo nodded.

  “It’s not the time for this discussion,” Lorenzo said. “We have enough to contend with in the Campania.”

  “Let him be heard,” Dominic said.

  “He has been heard by me!” Lorenzo shot back.

  “And since when is your decision law? Last I checked Gio ran this family.” Dominic said.

  “Enough of this bullshit,” Giovanni said. He nodded to Carlo. “I’m listening.”

  “I have a brother,” Carlo began. Giovanni’s brows lifted. He’d learned that Carmine was Carlo’s brother after the kid was dead. He knew that Carlo’s family was split, with his father having fucked half of Sicilia, and populating the island. Carlo continued. “His name is Ciro. And he’s a fighter.”

  “Fighter?” Giovanni frowned.

  “Boxer,” Dominic clarified.

  “Sí,” Carlo said. “He’s been trained. He’s really good. He wants to join the Federazione Puglisitica Italiana, maybe even fight in America. He has the skill. I’m talking the grace of Angelo Palma, and the finesse of Arturo Gatti all rolled up in a one-two punch. Pow!” Carlo threw a few shadow punches to demonstrate. “He’s my blood. He’s tough like my Pa and me. He has it.”

  “Then why see me about him? If he’s this good?” Giovanni asked.

  “It takes a lot to get him to the EUBC.”

  “You mean money. It takes money!” Lorenzo scoffed.

  Carlo flinched after the bite of sarcasm. “Lo is right. To make him a contender he needs sponsorship. His first manager wasted his talent. But I’ve found him now. I can manage him, Gio. I need… the family behind me. If you see him fight you’d understand.”

  Dominic cleared his throat.

  “Something to add, Domi?” Giovanni asked.

  “I’ve seen him. He had a match a week ago in Rome. He’s good. Consider this, Gio. Boxing is very hot right now in Rome. The Russians dominate the AIBA now. When was the last time a Sicilian made the rankings?”

  Giovanni took a sip of his drink. He loved boxing. He even sparred with a few of his men to keep himself strong. It was an idea that stroked an itch in him he’s had for some time. “Go on,” Giovanni said.

  Dominic stood. “I’ve been looking for new business. Legitimate ones.” Dominic glanced to Lorenzo who continued to glare at Carlo. “If we back him and hire the proper trainers, we could have him ready in weeks. We’ll put him on the circuit and walk through doors closed to us now.”

  “It exposes us, Gio.” Lorenzo spoke up. “What if the kid is good like Carlo says? What then? The Battaglia name would be in the press all over. Strangers will stick their noses into our fucking business. The world once again pays attention to the Camorra. That’s the plan?”

  “Lorenzo misses the point. We are exposed, Gio. You have Mirabella about to re-enter the fashion business. The press is already running features on her, and you. I field calls daily wanting to know how Giovanni Battaglia makes his fortune. And the shit Rocco puts out from that vineyard doesn’t cover it. The real estate deals haven’t baked long enough. We need more legitimate investments to wash the blood clean from our name. This will distract the media.”

  “Bullshit!” Lorenzo laughed. “This will put us in jeopardy.”

  “No! You put us in jeopardy with your extortion rackets, drug trafficking, and gambling!” Dominic pointed an accusatory finger at Lorenzo. “It sullies the family!”

  “Chiudi il culo!” Giovanni sighed. “Shut the fuck up. The both of you!”

  The men fell silent.

  “I tire of the constant bitching like women. Enough. Neither of you can decide on anything without this competition bullshit.” Giovanni drank his glass dry and slammed it down on the desk. “Legitimizing the family is the future. I have not forgotten that, Domi. Lorenzo!” His cousin’s gaze flickered up to Giovanni. “Find a way to contribute to Domi’s plans.” Giovanni turned his gaze to Dominic. “And you. The blood we’ve spilled will never be washed from the Battaglia name. I don’t fucking want it to be. So find a way to live with it, Domi!”

  Giovanni returned to the chair behind his desk. He sat. “This fucking fashion business,” he threw his hand up in disgust. “She wants it. And I have struggled with being the generous husband. I know the exposure her business costs us all.” He lifted his gaze to his men, all of them like brothers to him. They guarded the family secret. He shared it with every man working for him. And in two years no one had uttered it aloud to strangers. Mirabella Battaglia was the bastard daughter of Marsuvio Mancini. The more his beautiful wife danced near the flames of celebrity, the harde
r it became to keep her true identity contained to their world.

  Taking a deep breath he exhaled his frustration. “The bottom line is, a happy Bella gives me peace. And I need it. We all need it. So if I must be in the media as her husband, then I do agree something new and distracting should shield me. A boxer might be the right choice. When is his next fight?”

  “Tuesday, in Bergamo. It’s perfect,” Carlo said.

  “I will be willing to see this fighter,” Giovanni said.

  “Gio,” Carlo said. “I wish to manage his career. He’s young. I ask that if any deal is to be made I am his manager. Only me.”

  “He’s your blood.” Giovanni reclined in his chair. “I would never stand in between you and famiglia. But understand your loyalties are always to me first, Carlo. As far as my compensation, we’ll save that discussion for another day.”

  Carlo nodded. He clapped his hands together in celebration and then rubbed them together. “Grazie, Gio!”

  “Are we done?” Giovanni asked.

  “Can I have a word with you? Alone?” Dominic asked.

  Giovanni shook his head. “No. Lorenzo stays.”

  Lorenzo unbuttoned his suit jacket and walked over to a chair and sat in it. He smiled up at Dominic. Carlo left and closed the door behind him. Giovanni felt the tension of a headache forming. He’d definitely have to eat dinner or he’d be on his ass for the rest of the night. And after three weeks away from his bed and his wife he had no intention of returning to her weak.

  “It’s Mancini,” Dominic said.

  “What about him?” Lorenzo answered.

  “I need to know what your plans are, Gio,” Dominic asked. “We are talking about an eighty million dollar fortune. For the past two years we’ve not finalized things with the women’s inheritance. If we sell their shares back to Armando we will get half of eighty million dollars.”

  “Fuck half. We should take it all,” Lorenzo said.

  Dominic continued to address Giovanni. “On your terms, Giovanni, we can maintain the truce. The press does not know the women are Mancinis. We’ve kept this quiet. The clans have not been told. The Sicilians have not been told. Armando doesn’t want the exposure.”

  “But they suspect, Gio!” Lorenzo cut in. “No one would dare say it aloud because they fear us. As they should.” He boasted.

  “We should sever ties, Gio. Armando is willing to negotiate, hell he’s begging for a sit-down with you,” Dominic said. “You have him on his knees.”

  “Armando is a fucking weasel! A cock sucker.” Lorenzo hissed. “Have you forgotten what he did to Carlo? How he has taunted and mocked Gio for years. That he put a hit out on Mirabella? Have you forgotten his sins?”

  Dominic sighed. “That is childhood bullshit! And the hit was called off. He never acted on the threat again. We are men now. This is business!”

  “And Giovanni is the capo di tutti capi. He takes it all. Always,” Lorenzo pounded his fist into his hand.

  “You take it all. Last I heard you were running the deals with Mancini.” Dominic replied. “What are they exporting into Napoli?”

  Giovanni put up his hand. Both of them fell silent. “Lorenzo, I need a plan from you.”

  “Plan? I’ve given you one.” Lorenzo frowned.

  Giovanni leaned forward. “For two years you’ve been playing this game with Mancini. The money coming in from the Mancini business deals aren’t enough for the aggravation. And I hear your wife has been in communication with the bastard.”

  Lorenzo paled. “I’ve told her to not reach out to him again.”

  “And she disobeys you. Get your fucking wife in order and either sever my ties with the Mancinis, or find a way to crush him. I don’t want him near my Bella.”

  “Gio? I am close to gaining more leverage. We have him up against the wall. If we only—”

  “Bring it to an end!” Giovanni said.

  Lorenzo nodded.

  “Good. Now can the day be over?” Giovanni reclined in his chair. The men exchanged looks. Lorenzo was the first to leave. Dominic hovered.

  “What is it, Domi?” Giovanni asked.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life,” Giovanni replied.

  “Then listen to me. Lorenzo is good for many things, but not business matters. Give me the control to deal with Armando Mancini and I will spare you the aggravation.”

  “Lorenzo keeps Armando in line. Selfish or not, he has Armando by the balls,” Giovanni said. “And let’s not forget, Lorenzo has succeeded in dealing with the clans, where you and Santo failed. He’s been loyal to this family and me. We are good together.”

  “But for how long, Gio? There is risk here. For over fifty years the Camorra and the Mafiosi have kept this truce. Do you not see the risk?”

  “I see it. We agree. The truce is best. I have no desire to put this family or my men through another war, especially with the Sicilians. But I will not let the Mancinis off easy.”

  “Drugs. Patri never, ever, agreed to drugs. Neither have you. But in the past two years with Lorenzo as your left hand, you have changed, Gio.”

  “Have I? Or has the world? Drugs are here, Domi. There is no golden rule or moral high road to who we are. All I’ve done is agreed to allow the clans to do what they would try to do behind my back. Mottola gained power because of my refusal to accept the truth. The clans are prosperous now. The clan bosses are content.”

  “Not true, Gio. You are strong because you hold to beliefs higher than our fathers. The drugs poison our people, and could eventually destroy our men. ”

  “We don’t sell drugs!” Gio shouted.

  “But we allow the trafficking through our ports, we make the money off of every ship that docks.”

  “And we will continue to. Lorenzo is right on this. Patri was wrong. I was wrong. You are wrong. That is the end of it. I trust Lorenzo and you need to learn to.”

  Dominic nodded. “Of course, Gio.”

  Giovanni smiled. “Where’s my sister? Will she be here for dinner?”

  Dominic wiped his hand down his face. In that moment he could see how stress and tension had aged his brother. Giovanni felt a pang of regret for being so tough on him. “She’s in Milan,” Dominic said. “I’m leaving to join her first thing in the morning.”

  “Oh. She spends a lot of time there,” Giovanni said, unable to hide his disappointment.

  “It’s this designer business. If Mira can’t be there then Catalina must.”

  “And that is okay with you?” Giovanni pressed. Dominic didn’t answer. He started for the door. “What about the wedding?” Giovanni called out. “I’ve given my blessing. What is the date? I want to… you two should be married.”

  Dominic stood at the door for a moment. His back was to Giovanni. “When I know the date I will tell you,” he said and walked out. Giovanni nearly called out to him. When Dominic was just a boy he was his only protector, mentor, confidant. He missed being that council for his young brother. Giovanni drummed his fingers on the surface of his desk. After a contemplative moment he picked up the phone. After a few rings Mirabella answered. “I’m home,” he said.

  “I know. Let me guess. My husband, the one I’ve been missing so much, is now locked behind a closed door,” she said.

  “You were told?” he asked.

  “I was told,” she replied. Underneath her sweet pleasant voice he heard a tinge of disappointment. He could have returned home sooner. But he needed the time away to focus on his affairs. He’d been to Europe and back, and not seen her. But he spoke to her every night. Did that not count for anything?

  “I need you. Just you,” he said.

  “I have a big dinner planned, Gio.”

  “Just you,” he said.

  “Giovanni? The kids missed you. Sweetheart, for heaven’s sake it’s been three weeks. Have dinner with them and then we—”


  “Okay. Okay, I understand. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  He h
ung up. Giovanni rubbed the tension in his brow. He exhaled deeply and pushed up from his chair. He walked around the desk to the coffee table. On top he saw his gift for her. He slid his hands in his pockets and stared at the bouquet. It felt good to be home.


  “Is this a bad time?” Marietta asked.

  “Never for you. I’m surprised you called. Didn’t you say your husband would be returning today?”

  “Yes, he’s around here somewhere,” Marietta smiled.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m okay. I wanted to call you to tell you I spoke to Mirabella. She’s not really open to the idea of meeting with you,” Marietta said.

  “I understand.”

  “You do?”

  “Of course,” he chuckled. “Tell her to know me is to love me.”

  “You’re a real funny guy,” Marietta chuckled. “It’ll take time. My sister is very loyal to her husband and the family. She thinks you want to hurt us.”

  “And you aren’t loyal?” Armando asked.

  “Oh trust me, I’m one hundred percent loyal to Lorenzo. He just doesn’t try to control me. I can do and think what I want.”

  “Interesting.” Armand said.

  “Besides, I think you deserve a second chance.”

  “It’s possible I don’t,” he told her.

  “True. Anything is possible I suppose. Why say that to me?” she frowned.

  “I’m not perfect, Marietta. None of us are. I just want a chance to know my sisters. A lot has changed in the past two years.” Armando said.

  “It has. I won’t be able to meet with you for dinner like we discussed. Like I told you, Lorenzo is back. I need to tell him that we’ve gotten closer,” Marietta sighed.

  “Are you sure that’s wise? He hates me more than Gio,” Armando chuckled.

  “It’s not funny. I’m sick of the fighting.” Marietta said. “Well all need to get past it.”

  “Forgive me. Lorenzo and I meet frequently. I think he and I will come to terms soon,” Armando said.

  “I have to go. I’ll call you when I can,” Marietta said.


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