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Amore Page 10

by Sienna Mynx

  “Sí, I was supposed to be inside for two weeks, but two weeks became two years.” Santo’s gaze slipped over to Lorenzo when he spoke. Giovanni picked up his cigar and reclined in his chair. He would make no apologies for the past. It was done.

  “My life is ruined,” Santo continued. “I’ve lost my clan. My family is in shambles. My sons don’t respect me. I have the money you set aside for me… but…”

  “Go on,” Giovanni said.

  “I’ve lost so much for the Battaglias. For you. I did so in respect of omertá. The vows we took as men. But who am I now, Gio? I don’t think there is a man in this room that has made the sacrifices I have for the brotherhood!” Santo made a point to look at all the men gathered. He settled back in his chair and addressed Giovanni. “I need more than my life back. I want my honor. Only you can give it to me.”

  Giovanni cast his gaze to Lorenzo. His cousin cleared his throat and Santo stiffened. Lorenzo spoke with a smile. “We understand honor. Don’t we boys? Santo is our hero. Bravo!” Lorenzo gave a slow clap. “Unfortunately, brother, to the other clan bosses you are a fucking pentito. Mascalzone! You testified against Mottola’s men.”

  “I did, because Giovanni wished it! And Mottola the true pentito had killed himself in his jail cell. I had to testify. I had no fucking choice.” Santo shouted. “And don’t call me a betrayer. Remember I know you too, brother. You are as loyal as the leash Gio keeps on your neck!”

  “There you go insulting me,” Lorenzo chuckled. “It makes my dick hard to hear you beg.”

  Santo shot to his feet. Nico and Carlo stepped forward. Giovanni smoked his cigar and observed. The taunts weren’t what interested Giovanni. It was Santo’s refusal to look him in the eye for longer than ten seconds. He didn’t like it. Lorenzo continued. He was unfazed by Santo’s anger. “Own your misery. You testified. Giovanni can’t change that. You know how this works.”

  “I have paid in blood!” Santo slammed his fist in his hand. “I have never failed this family. Never! I’ve proven myself.” He glanced to Giovanni. He then looked back to Nico and Carlo. “Where is Domi? I want Domi here.”

  Lorenzo laughed. “I’m to Giovanni’s left. You address me!”

  Santo put his hands in his hair. He pulled it at the root. Giovanni understood the struggle. Santo had the discipline from living in a cage for years to know restraint. Everyone paused to see what Santo’s next move would be. Giovanni secretly hoped he passed the test. “Non ne posso più! Gio, I can lower myself no more. I need famiglia. I need my soul back! If begging is what I have to do—”

  “I’ve heard enough,” Giovanni said. Santo looked up at him and this time he managed to hold his gaze. “Lorenzo is right. You testified. I can’t change the fact. The clan bosses need to approve your return to the Camorra.”

  “But you are the capo di tutti capi. You can decide this, Gio,” Santo said. “No disrespect, but don’t bullshit me! It’s your blessing they need to hear. None of them would dare challenge it.”

  “I say you’ve done enough, Gio,” Lorenzo answered. “Mottola came to rise under Santo’s watch. You spared Santo’s life. You took care of his family while he was in prison. We owe him nothing.”

  “You fucking bastard!” Santo seethed. “Since we were kids you played this game. Constantly whispering in Giovanni’s ear against all of us!” Santo looked back to Nico and Carlo. No one gave him the agreement he sought. He turned his attention back to Giovanni. “I’ll ask it again, Gio. Who in this room has laid his life and soul out for you and you father other than me? Who has rotted in a cell for years and kept the secrets of this family? Who has been tried, convicted, tested other than me?”

  Giovanni sat forward. “I believe you are the brother I’ve known since we were kids in Sicilia. And I believe you deserve a chance to reclaim what is lost to you. But just as you were loyal to me, you failed me. And that failure came at a price. You get no fucking mercy from me. You owed me those two years, just as Mottola owed me his life and the life of his sons.” Giovanni stared into Santo’s eyes to make sure every word he spoke was heard. Santo’s gaze wavered and lowered. “Look at me when I’m speaking to you!”

  His gaze lifted.

  “I will meet with the clan bosses and tell them of my wish to pardon your sins. Mottola was the rat, la pentito. Mottola is dead. I still have use for you, Santo.”

  “Gio?” Lorenzo started to object. Giovanni leveled his gaze on his cousin and Lorenzo immediately fell silent.

  “Where are you staying?” Giovanni asked Santo.

  “My brother is in Firenze now, at a medical center barely hanging on to life.”

  “What ails him?” Giovanni asked.

  Santo’s gaze lifted. “He’s eaten up with cancer. I’ve been with him and then tried to visit my kids in Roma. Their mother refuses to let me see them. I have no place in Sorrento.”

  “Make sure Santo has a villa and a car in Napoli,” Giovanni told Lorenzo. He kept his gaze trained on Santo. “I’m on my way to Milano. See me at the end of the week. I’ll be in Bellagio for Mirabella’s birthday party. The clan bosses have all been invited. You can be heard then.”

  “Grazie, Gio! Grazie!” Santo righted the chair he kicked over. Giovanni stood and approached. Santo kissed his ring. He embraced Giovanni once more. Before leaving he cast Lorenzo a look of contempt. As soon as the door closed Giovanni’s anger surfaced.

  “Don’t ever question me in front of these men!” Giovanni warned. “I gave you a voice but learn when to hold your fucking tongue!”

  “Perdonami, Gio. It wasn’t my intent. Why do you keep bringing Santo in? He isn’t trustworthy.” Lorenzo said.

  “He’s blood. He’s been blood since we were thirteen. And he’s gone to prison twice for me. Have you?” Giovanni asked.

  Lorenzo stared on. “I’ve been in jail plenty of times for this family, Gio. I’d go again willingly. We had a gun to Santo’s head before he agreed to the same sacrifice. Do you not remember?”

  “My point, Lo, is he made the sacrifice to me. That is a step toward redemption. What would any of these men think if I just cast him aside after all he’s done for us?” Giovanni leaned forward and held his cousin’s stare. “Do you not understand the tenants of loyalty? Forgiveness? Unless it only serves you?”

  “You’re right, Gio. I give up,” Lorenzo sighed.

  Giovanni shook his head. “Slow down, cousin. Learn from our mistakes. Even if we can’t trust every man under the gun, we must make him think we do.”

  Lorenzo nodded.


  “Good Lord!” Shae pressed her hand to her heart. It beat so fast with excitement she swallowed her gum. Never in her life had she seen a place so beautiful. It was like a page out of a storybook. First they travelled along the Amalfi, which was a narrow road that threaded along high cliffs, and dropped down to quaint little villas and the sea.

  The coast had a colorful splash of flowers blooming everywhere. She took out her camera and snapped a few shots. Mostly she looked on with her mouth gaping. The drive changed from scenic, to an isolated hillside. The car drove up a single lane road between trees with umbrella shaped branches heavy with palm leaves. And then came the unveiling. Out of the clearing Melanzana sat perched upon the highest part of the land, and it was at least three stories tall. It nearly blocked the afternoon sun. Shae leaned forward to look out of the front driver’s window.

  The vehicle slowed to a crawl and stopped before large gates with a family crest at its center. She glanced to Marietta. “You have got to be kidding me? This place is gorgeous!”

  Marietta laughed. Shae grinned as well. Her feisty best friend Marietta Leone, who carried fake designer bags, and bought that favorite Shalimar perfume of hers bootleg, had really come up. At the gates the men opened them for Renaldo to continue through. Shae saw the guns on both men. They wore them in the open.

  “Ah? What’s up with that? Guns?”

  “I told you. The Battaglias are very private. And
different,” Marietta replied.

  “No shit. I can’t believe this is where you live?” Shae chuckled.

  “One of the places I live in. Yes.” Marietta corrected her.

  “One? How many do you have?”

  “We have a place in Milano and Bellagio. My husband has real estate in Napoli and Sicilia. Melanzana is where the Don and Donna nest. Not many people are invited to stay, especially women.”

  Shae sat back in her seat. “Why not women?”

  Marietta shrugged. “It’s just one of the house rules. Only family come through these gates. And in this family it’s mostly men. I think my sister was the first woman to live here who wasn’t family, and wasn’t married to the man she was sleeping with. And then came me. So it’s a honor that you have an invite.”

  “How big is Melanzana? How many rooms?” Shae asked.

  “I don’t know how big it is. I haven’t been in all of the rooms. But it’s big. And there is land to the back, two pools, stables with horses, and a guesthouse. All of it belongs to the family. You travel far enough west on the land and you reach the end. The cliff drops off to a deep valley that leads out to the sea. You travel East and you reach our neighbors but that’s after crossing three hundred acres.”

  The car circled a marble fountain of what looked like the goddess Aphrodite pouring water out of a pitcher. Renaldo parked. Shae couldn’t wait. She threw open her door immediately. Before she got out a hand reached in to help her. The young man was just a few inches taller than her. He was cute except for the scar to the side of his face. He said something in Italian and Shae pretended to understand with a polite smile. She glanced back to see Marietta being helped out of the car.

  “This way!” Marietta called to her.

  Shae winked at the man and sashayed around the car. Her heels kept sinking into the dirt-paved drive but she straightened her spine and tried to keep from stumbling. “I have to take plenty of pictures. No one is going to believe me, Mae, when I get back home. Damn!” Shae giggled.

  Marietta grabbed her arm. “Wait.” She stopped her on the step. There were at least eight of them to climb before they reached the doors. “Remember what I said. Represent, respect, Shae. Don’t act all loud and bossy. Okay?”

  “I said I understood. Calm down. I’m not some ghetto queen. If you remember I was the one who taught you how to ‘represent’,” she said with air quotes on the last word. The door opened, and Shae froze. A black woman stepped out. She wore dark slacks and an emerald green satin shirt. Her hair was in a blown straight style with a center part. She had Marietta’s eyes and smile. She also had a trim figure that made her clothes look classy. It was the fashionista she’d seen in magazines, Mirabella Ellison Battaglia. Next to her was a short older woman in a shawl. The old lady had a nest of gray hair pinned to the back of her head, and very dark piercing eyes. She stared directly at Shae and there was nothing welcoming in her smile.

  “They told me you were here. Benvenuto in Sorrento! It means welcome to Sorrento. I’m Mirabella, Marietta’s sister.”

  Shae glanced to Marietta. Her friend let go of her arm. She smiled and nodded for Shae to continue on up the stairs. She did so, but this time she could feel the thaw of nervousness overcome her excitement. It dawned on her what her friend worried over. Not Shae being uncouth and embarrassing her. Marietta wanted Shae to charm her sister, the Empress.

  Mirabella stepped forward and kissed Shae on the left and then the right cheek. She then glanced behind her with a broad smile for the old woman. “Oh, forgive my manners. Please meet our Zia. She’s like a mother to me and Marietta.”

  The old lady nodded at her but didn’t speak. Shae nodded in return.

  “We are so happy to have you come all this way to visit with us. Please! Come inside,” said Mirabella.

  The Donna took Shae by the hand and pulled her inside. Shae blinked at the grandeur but tried to mask her excitement. Suddenly she didn’t feel as giddy with happiness. In fact she felt a bit overwhelmed. Several men were inside. They passed and nodded at the designer with respect. Mirabella kept walking with her arm hooked on Shae’s. She spoke to her about the few visits she had made to Chicago.

  “How long will you be staying?” Mirabella asked.

  “Uh, two weeks. If that’s okay? Maybe longer,” Shae answered.

  “Of course it’s okay. Trust me, most people that visit la Campania have a hard time leaving. We’ll make sure you see all of Italia and have a wonderful visit,” Mirabella said.

  Shae’s gaze swept left and right in appreciation of the polished villa. What caught her eye for a stretch was a portrait that hung between the front and back of Melanzana on a hall wall. On one side was the family crest that had a cursive letter B in gold carved through it. And the other was a portrait of the Battaglia family. From the Donna sitting with a baby boy on her lap and little girl to her right, to the Don behind her with an identical baby boy in his arms. To his left was Marietta, and Shae guessed the man standing behind her to be her husband. To their right was another striking woman and a young man. Also both the old woman and an older man were in the portrait. Shae wanted to see more of the family but she was marched through the hall and could barely keep up.

  The journey ended out on an open terrace. There was a long table made of wood with enough chairs for a family of thirty to sit down to dinner. There was food, wine, bread, and lots of different cheeses. Shae’s stomach clenched and her mouth watered. The food on the plane was bland. She hadn’t eaten in over ten hours.

  “Zia and I prepared this for you. I know you’ve been travelling and would like to freshen up. But first would you like to join us for lunch?” Mirabella asked.

  “Sure. I’d love to. Thank you,” Shae smiled.

  “Let’s eat!” Marietta clapped her hands together. She pulled out the chair in front of her and sat at the table. They all chose chairs to the center of the table. Zia did not join them. At some point the old woman left their company. Marietta sat next to Shae and Mirabella walked off to bring plates to the table.

  “The food smells so good. Do you always dine outside like this?” Shae whispered.

  “Most days. Unfortunately we won’t be here long. We all leave for Milano in a few hours. So I suggest you eat up,” Marietta said.

  Shae glanced up at Mirabella who put a plate in front of her. “I’ve been a fan of your clothes, I mean I’ve loved your work for years.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet. Thank you for taking care of my sister all these years. She told me how much you helped her.” Mirabella used mitts to bring over one potted dish and then another tray with flat meat sandwiches oozing cheese.

  The compliment lifted Shae’s confidence. She looked over to Marietta who winked and reached for the decanter of wine. She poured her glass and then Shae’s, just as three men climbed the steps to the side of the terrace. Shae had found Renaldo the driver handsome, mysterious. Nothing she’d seen so far prepared her for the troop of men approaching them.

  “Who do we have here?” A tall handsome man with a deep tan asked. His accent was thick. He looked tough. His muscles rippled but did not strain the silk threads of his tailored suit. The very way he stared at her made her want to explain herself. She’d met men like him before. The kind you couldn’t bring home to meet your girlfriends, but you’d welcome to your bed to pin you up against the headboard. He had dark curly hair that tapered low to his long sideburns. His eyes were the darkest shade of blue, almost black. Marietta scooted her chair back and stood.

  “Come here, baby, and meet my friend,” Marietta said.

  This was her husband? Shae remembered the glimpse she got of him from the family portrait. Seeing him in the flesh was a totally different experience. She pushed back her chair and stood. Two other men accompanied him. The one to the right was big. He had height, a wide chest, muscle in his arms and legs, even his neck bulged with muscles. She imagined his dick would be too. He stared at her but didn’t speak. Shae’s eyes reverted to the other
man. This one made her blink. He was tall like Marietta’s husband, and athletic enough to keep up with the other man, but it was the way he stared back that felt sexy. He had the eyes of a predator; a sexiness about him she couldn’t resist. He leaned against the column on the terrace and let his gaze do a slow walk up her body.

  “Ciao, bella,” Lorenzo said and kissed her on the left and then right cheek. Shae had to snap out of her trance to accept the greeting. She swallowed and found her voice.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you, Lorenzo. Mae… ah, Marietta has told me so much about you. Congrats on getting my girl down the aisle.”

  “Down the aisle? Che cosa?” he looked at his wife.

  “She means congratulations on convincing me to agree to marry you!” Marietta smiled.

  “Ahh!” Lorenzo laughed. “Yes! Marie is my greatest accomplishment.” He pulled Marietta in close and bit her on the neck. The bite looked yummy. And she could see how it tickled Marietta. Her girl really had scored. Shae cut her eyes over to the other man. He stared back. The challenge lay bare in his eyes. He wanted to be introduced.

  Lorenzo whispered something to his wife and Marietta giggled. He kissed her again and then walked off. The other two men weren’t introduced. They both followed him out. Shae grabbed Marietta by the arm. “Who were they… the other two?”

  “Huh?” Marietta blinked out of what trance kissing her husband had put her in.

  “That was Carlo and Nico. They both work for my husband. I heard Santo was here earlier,” Mirabella answered for her sister.

  “In the house? Why don’t you tell Giovanni that you don’t like the man?” Marietta returned to her seat. Shae strained to see the men leaving. Carlo never glanced back, and that was disappointing.

  “Sit down!” Marietta laughed.

  “Oh? Okay,” Shae tried to mask her flushed state. She sat back at the table.

  “If I told my husband of every man who works with him that made me nervous he’d never let anyone through the door,” Mirabella chuckled. “Besides it’s been two years since Santo has come here, I’m over it.”


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