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Amore Page 29

by Sienna Mynx

  She pulled her mouth away and sat up. He had that glazed over, lust drunk look to his violet-blue eyes. “Hold on for me, baby,” she said and kissed his sweat-slicked chest. She reached between her legs and grabbed his cock. She held it steady for her descent and made sure she clenched her pussy walls, and ass cheeks as she did. His back bowed from the bed. He let out a gust of breath, and she knew it pleased him.

  Once she was seated and full of him she began to move her hips back and forth. It was a slow ride. She put one hand to his lower abdomen and the other rested behind her on his thigh. She went up and down rocked her hips. He began to thrust up into her when she descended, and the rhythm rocked them both. This time instead of crying out with joy, the air hissed out between her teeth. They found a rhythm that was all their own. She fell forward with her hands braced to his shoulders. She bounced on his dick with rapid hard strikes, crying out. Sweat covered them as the smell of sex wafted through the air. He put his hands under her thighs and gripped them to instruct her up and down strokes. He flipped her. It was so sudden she cried out in surprise. He put her legs on his shoulders and fucked her into oblivion. They crashed hard, with her legs pinned to her shoulders, and his dick tunneling deep. Mirabella’s eyes rolled in her head.

  It was damn good.

  Giovanni withdrew. He did so with a deep groan of regret. She was in his arms again and held to him. “Oh, Bella,” is all he could say.

  She kissed his sweaty chest and smiled.

  The Dinner

  “Shae! Would you like to come open the wine? Keep me company?” Kyra asked from the kitchen. Shae’s gaze lifted from Carlo’s hand of cards. Through the cloud of smoke hanging over the poker table she saw Kyra’s smile. Carlo’s free hand continued to rub between her thighs. He had effectively pushed her skirt all the way back to her panty line. To be honest she preferred where she sat rather than standing over a stove. Refusal, however, would be impolite.

  “Sure,” Shae said. Kyra turned and went back into the kitchen. Jamie shuffled the deck of cards. Jamie had her hair wrapped in a colorful turban like some kind of African queen, and her face was clear of makeup. Still she was undeniably beautiful and all woman. Jamie had flawless pecan brown skin and severely arched brows. Everything about Jamie exuded femininity. From her nails to her floral perfume, her confidence and presence drew envy instead of contempt from the women that crossed her path. That was until one was to notice the cigar hanging out the side of her mouth ready to be lit. Or hear her spew her truck driver language to a group of mobsters.

  Earlier that day Jamie told her about the poker game she wanted to have at Kyra’s. It was something she suggested when Shae fretted over how she couldn’t get an evening of fun and relaxation with Carlo. Poker was something she had taught to Carlo and Renaldo when she first arrived in Italy. Jamie did it to break the ice with the men who would glare at her when she entered a room. Once they started gambling and drinking, the bonding set in. Tonight Carlo, Jamie, Renaldo and Carlo’s little brother Ciro were all dealt in. Shae knew how to play but settled on being an observer.

  “Alright boys, grab your dicks because your wallets are mine!” Jamie said as she began to toss out the cards.

  Ciro laughed. Renaldo and Carlo only smirked. Jamie had already won one out of the first three hands. And now it was her turn to deal. Shae pushed back to stand. Carlo reached up and grabbed her arm to stall her escape.

  “My good luck kiss, brown sexy?” he said. The nickname wasn’t all that hot but when he said it with that wicked smile of his, it always made her tingle. She leaned in to kiss his cheek. He turned his face and gave her a much more provocative tongue lashing before he let her go.

  “Good luck, baby. Win some money for me,” she whispered in his ear and ran her hand down his chest. He chuckled. Shae joined Kyra in the kitchen. “Hi, miss lady, how can I help?” Shae asked with concern. The kitchen was a disaster. Kyra had pots boiling over, dirty dishes piled everywhere, and the fridge, freezer, and oven doors were all open. The destruction was an affront to the immaculate order of the small villa.

  “Open the wine. It’s over there.”

  “Where?” Shae asked. She scanned the counters and saw bottles of everything but wine.

  “Over there, silly,” Kyra pointed at the bottle.

  “Maybe I should clean up a bit for you? While you finish dinner.”

  “Don’t bother!” Kyra laughed. “Renaldo will take care of it.”

  “Are you serious?” Shae had to stop herself from laughing. Renaldo had smiled and spoken a little of his broken English since she arrived, but he seemed as intense as the other men. He definitely didn’t strike Shae as a guy into domestics. Kyra turned from the cutting board. She wiped her hands on the apron.

  “I’m his little uragano,” Kyra said.

  “What does that mean?” Shae asked.

  “It means hurricane in Italian. That’s what he calls me,” Kyra smiled. “No matter if I tried to clean this up I’d never get it to his liking. He’ll handle it. He likes my chaos.”

  Shae had to admit their home was spotless. Nothing was out of place. Even the shoes at the door were aligned in perfect symmetry. What she didn’t understand was why Kyra had to take everything out of the fridge and cabinets to cook a simple meal.

  “He’s a neat freak. I’m a messy freak. Together we make perfect harmony,” Kyra said as if hearing Shae’s inner thoughts.

  “Hey, I get it, sweetheart. Opposites attract,” Shae said. She closed the fridge and freezer door. “How old are you?”

  “I don’t like saying my age,” Kyra said.

  “Why?” Shae asked.

  “I work with a lot of ambitious people. Jamie protects me some, but mostly I have to work a bit harder for respect. And mostly I’m always the youngest in the showroom other than the models. I think my age distracts people.”

  “I understand,” Shae said with a newfound respect for Kyra. The girl at first seemed flighty to her. But to be best friends with a six-foot tall transgendered woman, and be engaged to a Mafia enforcer, Kyra had to have some toughness about her.

  “I wanted to thank you, Kyra, for having me over. Jamie invited us, but I know you had to approve. Marietta is really busy with her sister after the big fashion show,” Shae said. She went over to the wine and located the bottle opener.

  “Yeah, the show was awesome yesterday! Wasn’t it?”

  “The party was hot too! I’ve never seen so many celebrities in my life,” Shae grinned.

  After twisting the screw down into the bottle, Shae gave it a hard pull up. The cork popped out.

  “Voila!” Shae said.

  Kyra smiled. “I have a question for you.”

  “Sure,” Shae said. “Ask.”

  “Do the Battaglias know you’re dating Carlo?” Kyra asked. She turned back to the cutting board and continued cutting the bell pepper.

  “Ah, dating?” Shae gave her a nervous laugh.

  “I heard you. When you told Marietta that you were hanging out with Jamie and me tonight. You conveniently left out that you were coming with Carlo.”

  “Did I?” Shae shrugged.

  Kyra stared directly at her. “Yes, you did.”

  “We’re just friends. Marietta is weird about it. I hope you don’t mind, and keep our visit discreet.”

  Kyra didn’t answer. She scooped up the veggies and dropped them into a pot. She picked up a spoon and began to stir them as they sizzled in olive oil. Shae felt a little uneasy by her silence. Carlo told her that Renaldo and Kyra would be cool with them hanging out. What if he was wrong?

  “Is it a problem, Kyra?” Shae asked.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t say anything. But it can turn into a serious problem for Carlo if Giovanni doesn’t approve,” she warned.

  “I don’t understand that? Why would Giovanni care?”

  “Why?” Kyra laughed. “I don’t know much about what the Battaglias do. But they aren’t trusting of strangers. They live by very stri
ct rules. Renaldo broke this rule once, and it cost him his position with the family—almost his life. If you care about Carlo be careful. Harmless fun can… well it can get you into a lot of trouble.”

  “How did you and Renaldo meet?” Shae asked. She poured herself a taste of wine in a Merlot glass.

  “America,” Kyra smiled. “He visited, and it was love at first sight. He saw me and just had to have me. That’s they way he tells it. I like to think of it that way too.”

  “Sweet,” Shae smiled.

  Kyra giggled. “I love him to death. When we first met he was intense, really serious about his job. But I got him to loosen up. Now he’s my teddy bear.” She showed Shae the bedrock of a diamond perched on her finger.

  “Teddy bear?” Shae chuckled. “He’s a damn grizzly bear to afford this ring, honey!”

  Kyra laughed aloud. “Mmhmm, and his son, Luca. Oh he’s so cute. He’s teaching me Italian. Soon he and Renaldo and I will be one family. We’re building a house in Sorrento. We already have one here in Milan.”

  “What about Paris? The shoes, all of it?” Shae asked.

  Kyra didn’t answer. Instead she put the meat in the oven. “Look at me. I could cook before. Growing up I had no choice but to learn how. But I never liked it this much. Now I can’t wait to make his favorites. His mother and mine are constantly giving me recipes.”

  “Mother? I thought he was an orphan?” Shae frowned.

  “His wife, she died young. Her mother is his mother. She keeps Luca and treats him like a son. When we get married she will move in, help us. They are with family tonight.”

  “Strange arrangement.” Shae scoffed. She has never understood the tenets of family. Especially since hers was so rigid and unyielding in their strict beliefs.

  “Family. Love. I’ve always wanted these things. I just wanted to be a shoemaker too. Now I can have all three. In my culture we take care of our parents. Same for the Italians. American blacks… well… you don’t value these things.”

  The comment hit Shae hard. She narrowed her eyes on the girl. “American blacks take pride in family and culture! I’m so sick of everyone stereotyping ‘American blacks’ but reaping the benefits of our hard fought battle for rights in America.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend—”

  Shae ignored her failed apology. “American blacks believe women have just as many rights as men do. And we don’t try to suppress or silence them to make men feel superior.”

  Kyra smiled. “I said it wrong. I apologize.”

  “Oh, you said what you meant!” Shae snapped.

  “I really didn’t mean to offend you. Trust me. I am all for women’s rights. The fight to be here, right now and marry Renaldo has been a hard one for me. I love America, and everything about it. I miss it terribly. I love working for Mirabella. Having my creations walk the runway of one of the best designers in the world. I only meant to say that I’ve been raised to believe that this…” she gestured around the messy kitchen. “Is love too. Do you agree?”

  “Not quite,” Shae gave her a half smile. “But I get your point.”

  “You and Carlo make a cute couple too. He’s a bit… different, huh?” Kyra asked.

  “What ever do you mean?” Shae chuckled.

  “Renaldo doesn’t have many rules. But the ones he gives me I obey without question. He saved my life once. Long story. Let’s just say I trust him completely.”

  “Okay? Now you have me really curious,” Shae said.

  Kyra walked over to the door to the kitchen that was open. She peeked out at the men playing cards. Shae waited as Kyra drew the door shut. It was one of those that swung inward or outward with no doorknob.

  “The rule is I am to never be alone with Carlo. Ever. And if he does come here without Renaldo, or any of the men that work with Renaldo that I’ve been introduced to, I am not to let him in.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Shae asked.

  Kyra shook her head slowly to answer.

  “That’s bullshit. Why?”

  “It’s not just me, it’s the women in the family. He’s never allowed around any of us alone. He… I think he hurt someone or something. I think he’s a rapist.”

  “He is not!” Shae said.

  “I don’t want to speculate. I’m just telling you what they say about him.”

  “It’s bullshit. Calling a man a rapist is serious. He’s not a danger to you.”

  Kyra arched a brow. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m dating the man. Of course I’m sure,” Shae said.

  “A minute ago, you said you were just friends.”

  “And you know what the fuck I meant by that!” Shae hissed.

  “Look, I like him. He’s really funny. And he’s very loyal to who they are. But he’s mean at times when he’s drunk, and a bit scary.”

  “He’s a fucking man, like all the rest of them. Trust me not even yours is destined for sainthood.”

  Kyra laughed. “That’s true. As Jamie would say, if you like it I love it, honey!”

  Shae drank a bit more wine. “Well I like it!”

  “Duly noted,” Kyra nodded.

  Shae considered Kyra’s comments in silence. Carlo was different, complicated, but he wasn’t a rapist. She really felt sorry for him. Who did he have in his corner?


  “Fuck this!” Carlo threw in his hand. Jamie squealed and dragged the money over to her end of the table. “You wear a dress, but play cards like a man!”

  “And you carry a gun, but lose at cards like a puttana!” Jamie teased.

  Ciro and Renaldo roared with laughter. Carlo didn’t enjoy the humor. Jamie winked at him. Carlo couldn’t help but shrug the insult off. Not long after meeting Jamie he began to respect the fearlessness in her. She didn’t lower her gaze when stared at. She didn’t walk out of a room when ignored. She took a seat at any table with an open chair. That took guts considering the world she was now thrust into.

  Of course she soon came under the boss’s radar. Carlo was present when Renaldo was called in to tell them who Jamie was. He explained to Giovanni that the Donna had gone behind his back and funded a sex change operation for a man. Carlo believed the doctors cut Jamie’s dick off and did away with his balls too. The mere idea of it went against their faith. Giovanni didn’t challenge this news, though everyone knew it enraged him. The men were given orders to be watchful of her. After a few drinks, and cards played between them, Carlo had grown to accept Jamie for who she was. It was clear that Jamie was part of Renaldo’s family, and a very good person. Who was he to tell her she needed a dick to be respected?

  “Vieni con me,” Renaldo patted Carlo on his back. “Let’s talk.”

  Ciro nodded that he was okay to be left behind. Carlo pushed up from the chair and took his beer with him. They walked to the front of the villa and out the door. To have any conversation they couldn’t do it in front of others. They both took a seat on the front step.

  The moon had risen. Yet traces of the sun hadn’t completely faded away, which made the evening cool and pleasing.

  “Grazie for having us over,” Carlo said.

  “Va bene,” Renaldo said.

  Carlo glanced over to him. “If any questions come I’ll take the heat.”

  “Yes, you will, because I’ve already told Dominic.”

  “Perchè?” Carlo asked.

  “Dominic asked. I don’t lie,” Renaldo said simply.

  Carlo nodded. Renaldo was one of the most loyal, by the gun and by his word, men he worked with. He did nothing without orders and approval from the bosses. His first act of rebellion cost him dearly. Which was total bullshit when one was to consider how many times Lorenzo broke the rules and got a slap on the hand. Not once since Renaldo’s return from America had he seen Renaldo complain or gripe. He took the demotion and cut in pay in stride. And he worked harder at the menial tasks given to him. Carlo would consider him weak or a chump if Renaldo wasn’t equally crafty and deadly when provoked.r />
  “You of all people should understand forbidden fruit,” Carlo said.

  Renaldo hung his head. He shook it slowly. “What are you doing with this one? The truth, Carlo?”

  “What kind of question is that to ask? What does a man do with a woman?”

  “It’s a direct question. Why are you with her?” Renaldo pressed. “And in secret? You bring her to my home after you know how it will be perceived.”

  “I meant no disrespect. The women came up with the dinner plan. I should have confirmed it with you.”

  Renaldo didn’t accept the explanation. He continued to stare straight ahead and sip his beer.

  “Why are you with Kyra? Why is Lorenzo with Marietta? We all know why Giovanni chose Mirabella. But why did you make the choice?”

  “It was made for me, by my heart,” Renaldo said.

  “And how am I different?”

  Renaldo’s gaze was slow to turn to Carlo.

  “A man can’t live on whores alone,” Carlo said.

  “You are no average man. Are you?” Renaldo asked.

  “I’ve done things. I’ve been paid to do things. I don’t go around the country terrorizing women.” Carlo stood on the step. He was growing agitated. He expected others to doubt his intentions. But why did his brothers constantly have so little faith in him?

  “She’s American. A stranger to our ways,” Renaldo said.

  “So is Kyra!” Carlo said.

  “But Kyra is to be my wife. Are you ready to marry? Take a permanent woman?” Renaldo asked.

  Carlo turned up his beer and swallowed the last of it.

  “She’s a friend. I can be friends with a woman and it not lead to trouble or marriage.” Carlo answered while keeping his voice dead even. Anger tightened like an iron knot in his gut.

  “You have a lot to lose now. The boss has invested in your brother. Ciro becomes a real boxer in the IBF, it’s going to be good for you.”


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