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Amore Page 58

by Sienna Mynx


  Giovanni dropped the machete. Kei’s tortured screams ended over ten minutes ago. Still he kept hacking until there was nothing left of him. His hands and clothes were soaked in blood. Armando gave the signal to their men. Several began to toss body parts out into the sea. Others used a hose on the boat to wash down the stern.

  “How is she?” Armando asked Giovanni.

  He glanced up to the moon fading in the sky. The sun was approaching. His rational mind returned. He could see and think past the black-layered rage that had consumed him earlier.

  “There’s a change of clothes below deck. Maybe you shouldn’t let her wake to see you this way.”

  Giovanni looked at his blood soaked hands. He nodded. He turned and left them to it. All he wanted to do was find and heal his wife. And he feared Kei’s dying words would prove true.

  At sea he was left alone to care for her. She remained unresponsive to him. But he wiped her brow through her feverish deep sleep, and checked her bruises to make sure he didn’t see any additional physical trauma. Her ankle gave him the most worry. The fact was, he was clueless as to what happened to her, and how she survived seventy-two hours with that bastard. It made him uneasy.

  Armando didn’t have any women’s clothes. But Giovanni dressed her in a button down shirt, and then wrapped her again in the blanket. Her feverish moans pitched a few times. He thought he heard her say his name. He couldn’t be sure. When they docked Giovanni transferred her from the boat at the pier to his waiting car. Inside he was told that Dominic, Nico, Lorenzo, and few more of his enforcers were free. It gave him a small measure of relief, but not much. If his Bella would open her eyes and speak to him, all would be right in the world.

  The long ride to Melanzana from the coast dried his tears. When the gates parted he looked down at his wife and spoke. “Bella? We’re home. You’re home,” he said.

  He smiled.

  He kissed her brow.

  He didn’t see her as she was now, but as he always saw her. His blue rose. Giovanni made sure the sheet wrapped around her was tightly done, so it could not slip. He needed help removing her from the car. When he passed her to his men and then eased out, he immediately took her back in his arms. To the front of Melanzana, under the morning sun, stood Marietta, Catalina, Zia, Lorenzo, Dominic, Nico, and what was left of his men. They all stared at Mirabella in stunned silence. He carried her up the stairs. Marietta approached first with tears in her eyes. She touched Mirabella’s face and kissed her brow. It was more contact than he wanted to allow. He hurried to bring her to their room before the children woke and discovered her in such a state. He put her under the covers, and closed all doors and shutters on the windows. The darkness made the room very soothing. He turned on the lamp near their bed. Zia came in with her bible and chose a corner to sit and pray.

  Giovanni wet a warm rag and wiped Mirabella’s wounds. He removed the wrap on her ankle to find it darkly bruised and swollen. It had to be broken. The worst of it were the scratches to her ankle, leg, and thighs. A few were on her chest. He knew each were marks left by Kei. He picked up the phone and dialed downstairs. He told one of his men to send for the doctor, and to tell them that Bella had broken her ankle so to come prepared.

  There was a knock at the door. Giovanni set the phone down and went to the door. Why hadn’t he thought of calling the doctor first thing? He’d been too consumed with healing her on his own.

  Dominic was at the door when he opened it. “We need the doctor. Bella’s hurt.”

  “Can I come in, Gio?” Dominic asked.

  He glanced back at Mirabella and then to Dominic. “I need to be with her,” he said.

  “Only for a moment. To talk,” Dominic said.

  “Wait a minute.” Giovanni closed the door. He returned to the dresser to find something for Bella to wear. He glanced to Zia. She was of no threat. All the old woman did was hold her rosaries and pray. He covered Bella in her gown, the one she often wore when she was menstruating. He hated it. But she said it gave her comfort. He kissed her brow once more and pulled up the covers. When he knew she was okay he went to the door and opened it.

  Dominic entered. He looked to the bed. “How is she?”

  “I don’t know. It’s been hours. She hasn’t woken. She’s feverish. I felt her heart beat. It’s strong. Whatever he did to her, she’s survived it. I just don’t know. Look at this.” Giovanni walked over and pulled back the blanket. He had propped her ankle with a pillow. Dominic came closer. He touched it.

  “Broken. To keep her from escaping?” Dominic asked.

  “I killed him too quick. I should have prolonged it for days, weeks.” Giovanni put his hand to his head.

  “So he’s dead?” Dominic asked.

  “They’re dead. All of them.” Giovanni answered.

  “Our men?” Dominic asked.

  “I think five. I don’t know. I left the bodies on Lipari.” Giovanni replied. “When I found her I couldn’t think straight.”

  “How did you know where to find her?” Dominic asked.

  “I can’t talk about that now. Get out.” Giovanni went back to the bed and checked her pulse. “Make sure the doctor is on the way.”

  “Gio, I need to know what deals were made with Armando Mancini,” Dominic said calmly. “What did we agree to?”

  “Nothing. I offered. He refused. He said he wanted to help Bella. I think I believe him,” Giovanni said.

  “That’s bullshit, Gio! He can’t be trusted. And whether he accepted what you offered or not, he sent a message by being the one to help you. We have to deal with the ramifications. After we make sure Mirabella is okay we need to regroup, Gio.”

  “Don’t you think I fucking know that!” he shouted. “Look at her. Look at what he did to my Bella! My fucking wife! Nothing is more important than her right now. Get the fuck out before I snap your neck!”

  Dominic nodded and walked out. Giovanni took the chair near the desk. He brought it over to the bed and sat in it. He’d sit there for eternity until she woke.


  “What did he say?” Lorenzo asked Dominic when he entered Giovanni’s office.

  “Not much. We got a dead priest on our hands. Men in prison. Santo’s alive. Renaldo isn’t expected to live. And I suspect an alliance now with the Mafiosi, whether we want it or not,” Dominic said.

  “Shit. This Kei motherfucker did more damage than possible,” Lorenzo grunted.

  “Not Kei,” Dominic said. “Isabella Ricci. I spoke to Rocco an hour ago.”

  “Ricci?” Lorenzo’s stomach clenched. Isabella was real. The inspector confirmed it for him. But why had she attacked Mirabella? And did she really have anything to hang over his head still? “What did Rocco say? I don’t remember an Isabella Ricci. Is she related to Flavio’s people?”

  “She was adopted into the Mancini family.” The news landed hard between them. Dominic went on. “When she was young, and then she ran off a few years later. No one ever speaks of her. Turns out she’s your sister.”

  Lorenzo turned and looked at Dominic and laughed. “Seriously? Who the fuck is she?”

  Dominic sighed. “She’s your sister.”

  “I don’t have a fucking sister, you asshole.”

  “She was named after your mother,” Dominic said.

  “That doesn’t make her my fucking sister!” Lorenzo shouted.

  “Your mother had a child, a little girl. She had her with Flavio.”

  “This is bullshit! A lie!” Lorenzo collared Dominic. He threw him into the wall. Dominic shoved Lorenzo off him.

  “I can’t believe it either, but the story comes from Rocco, and Armando Mancini confirmed it. It fits. She’s the one who has been working with Santo. Who helped the China man take Mirabella. She’s been plotting and waiting since Flavio’s death, to get revenge against Gio. It’s true. And if you know anything about her, Lorenzo, anything, you need to tell me now. Because she is using our secrets and our love for our family agai
nst us.” Dominic stepped forward. “Don’t think for a moment she didn’t set it all up. Even Mirabella’s escape. She’s been at this for awhile, and she’s fucking winning.”

  Lorenzo stood there stunned. His brain couldn’t process the news. He flashed back to the tapes and what David Capriccio told him. If it was his sister from that wicked woman who gave birth to him, then it would explain why she would have so much hate in her to plot against him. He lowered to a chair.

  “Do you know this woman, Lorenzo? I need the truth,” Dominic asked again.

  “I don’t know her. Madre never mentioned a bastard daughter. You know how she was. If it’s true then I am just as clueless.”

  “The clan bosses will be freed soon. The prosecutor is dismantling his own case because they have Carlo. Giovanni could not bargain for his release. They are going to hang him for this. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah,” Lorenzo mumbled. “Give me a minute.”


  There were voices in her head. She swallowed a metallic taste on her tongue, and her stomach clenched with nausea. Mirabella felt ill. She struggled to focus on the whispers. And then she heard one voice rise above the others and it gave her hope. The man sounded like her husband. She forced her lids to part. Giovanni stood at the foot of a bed with two men talking. It had to be a dream. She closed her eyes. The drug Kei gave her kept her numb and dreaming. She wanted more numbness. She wanted to escape, and the only way to do so was in her bed.

  The whispers persisted. Confused by her inability to understand what was said, she opened her eyes again. This time one of the men looked directly at her. He said something. She saw his lips move and heard him, but her mind and thoughts were a haze. It was as if some part of her brain had been unplugged. Giovanni came forward. He sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand. He kissed it. He smiled. He hadn’t shaved. There were scratches and bruises to his face. This was no dream. Mirabella tried to smile but she barely felt her lips move.

  “Bella, you’re okay now,” he said. And this time she was able to do more than read his lips. She could hear him.

  “Where is he? Where am I?”

  “Shhh,” he said. He kissed her brow. “You’re home. Relax.”

  The joy she felt in that moment brought her to tears. “My children. Where are my children, Gio? Are they safe? Tell me please!”

  Giovanni brought her up into his arms and he held her. He kept her in his arms until her tears lessened. This was no dream! How did she get there? When did she get home? She wanted to see her children. She tried to say so, but all she could do was cling to him and pray to God that this was no dream. She was so terrified she’d wake and Kei would be there. And the nightmares would start all over again.

  “Kei?” she asked in fear. “Where is he?”

  “He’s dead.”

  “Oh my God! Thank you God!” she wept.

  “He’ll never hurt you again, Bella,” Giovanni whispered in her ear. “I swear to you, he’ll never hurt you again.”

  “Gio, I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. I’m so sorry!” She said repeatedly.

  “No. Bella, no, it’s not. Bella? Look at me?” he held her face and looked into her eyes. “This is my fault. And I’m going to fix it. I’m going to make it up to you. I’m going to protect you. I promise. You’ll never be hurt again. I promise,” he said and his voice went hoarse with emotion. His eyes glazed over with tears. “I love you. From the bottom of my heart. From here to forever, Bella. I love you so much.”

  She was exhausted. She fought against the drug pulling down on her consciousness. Giovanni laid her back on the pillows and made sure she was comfortable. He smiled at her and then turned to stand. She grabbed his sleeve. “Don’t leave me!” she whimpered. “Stay!”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He assured her. He said something to the men gathered and she didn’t care. She was resting on clouds. Her bed felt so good. She actually smiled as she turned over on her pillows and smelled his cologne and shampoo in the sheets. Giovanni eased into bed with her. His body curved around hers, and the warmth and love she felt in his embrace chased away the nightmare, for the moment.

  “I’ll bring the children in when you are stronger,” he promised as he stroked her hair.

  “Stay with me,” she said softly. “Never leave me.”

  “Always,” he said. He kissed the back of her head and held her. “Always, my sweet Bella.”


  “I have to tell you something,” Lorenzo said. He took Marietta by the hand and pulled her from the room. They returned to theirs.

  “I was waiting to see Mirabella,” Marietta said. “He is she?”

  “I’m not sure. The doctors told Giovanni they will have to send her blood to the lab to find out what he gave her. They couldn’t give her anything until they know. She doesn’t have any broken bones except her ankle.”

  “He was a fucking madman!” Marietta said.

  “He’s dead. He won’t hurt her ever again.”

  Marietta walked away from Lorenzo. She felt like she’d been on a rollercoaster for seventy-two hours straight, and now she was forced to stand still. She was weak and dizzy with exhaustion. Making up with Lorenzo was only a small part of her relief. Their family was in trouble. Her sister was hurt. All of it scared her.

  “Lorenzo, when you were in jail, Giovanni called me to his office. He… he asked me about Isabella,” she said. “I told him that she contacted me once and said that you knew about my mother. It’s all I said. I had to tell him something. Mirabella was missing.”

  Lorenzo nodded. “I’m not angry. I understand.”

  “Who is she?” Marietta asked.

  “My sister.” Lorenzo said. “That’s what I brought you in here to tell you.”

  “Sister? You have a sister?” Marietta asked. “But that makes no sense.”

  “I guess my mother had her when she was young and they sent her away. She’s angry because she thinks Giovanni killed her father.”

  “Who is her father?” Marietta asked.

  Lorenzo sat on the edge of the bed. “Flavio. You remember what I told you about him. What he did to separate Giovanni and Mirabella.”

  “What are you going to do? If she’s out there she has those tapes,” Marietta said in a whisper.

  “I’m going to find her before Giovanni does. And kill her.” Lorenzo said.

  “Are you sure? She’s your sister!” Marietta said.

  “And she tried to kill Mirabella, she tried to have me kill you. Or have you forgotten? When I find her I will put an end to it.” Lorenzo said.

  “That’s not what I mean. If she’s your sister you need to know why she never told you. Why she would do all of this. You need to understand her. Right?”

  “I don’t give a fuck. She’s as rotten and dangerous as my mother was. Be grateful you never met her. And trust me, you’ll never meet Isabella. Because when I do find her, I’ll send her to hell with Mama.”

  Marietta walked over to Lorenz and combed her fingers through his hair. She pulled his face to her breasts and held him. “Tell me everything will be alright and I will believe you.”

  “Everything will be alright.” He hugged her waist and kissed her belly. She stroked his head. “Will you be okay? I have to leave. There’s so much I have to do, I’m not sure when I will come back. I promise to come home as soon as I can.”

  “I’ll pack you some things. Okay?” she asked.

  He looked up at her. “Give me a kiss.”

  She leaned in and gave him a kiss. He pinched her on the butt and she laughed. He tickled her and tossed her on top of the bed. She laughed and bucked beneath him. He kept tickling her until she was slobbering with laughter. Lorenzo then held her on the bed. They lay there in silence.

  Marietta summoned enough bravery to ask the question burning in her heart. “How is Carlo? When will they release him?”

  “He’s not well, Marie. I don’t know what we can do to help.”

have to try, Lorenzo. He has nobody but you to care,” she said and buried her pains and regrets over Carlo’s suffering.

  “He’s my brother, my best friend. I’m not giving up on him. I never do,” Lorenzo said. Marietta sighed. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer for them all.

  Later –

  Giovanni waited a full two hours before he left her side. She slept peacefully. Zia insisted on sitting in the room to watch her while he was gone. The business meeting could not be put off any longer. He showered, changed, and checked the wraps to his broken hand. When he returned to Villa Rosso he found Dominic and his men waiting. Only Dominic and Lorenzo joined him in his office.

  “How is she, Gio?” Dominic asked.

  “I don’t know. She’s still terrified of the bastard. It’ll take time.”

  “I’m going to pay Santo a visit tonight,” Lorenzo said.

  “Not yet. The inspector knows we will make another attempt. Delay it. We’ll strike when the time is right,” said Giovanni. He stared at his cousin for a moment. “Have you heard? About this woman? Isabella?”

  “My long lost sister? Yes. I heard. It’s bullshit if you ask me.”

  “Rocco said it’s true. I believe him,” Dominic said.

  “Rocco keeps secrets. Believing what he says now is stupid. We believe what we see and know. I’ve seen what this bitch can do, and I know why she is doing it. So yes, Lo, she’s real. And we will find her,” Giovanni said.

  “Gio, we need to understand the state of things,” Dominic said.

  He nodded in agreement. “Some things are changing, I’ve made some deals. Some territory splits. Payments to officials. We have to keep a low profile for the next few months.”

  “How low?” Lorenzo asked.

  “Invisible,” Giovanni said.

  “Our enemies will circle, we can’t disappear. And we have unfinished business, Gio!” Lorenzo said. Giovanni didn’t respond. He kept thinking of Bella. Wondering if he should return to her side.


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