Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel

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Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel Page 22

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “No.” My heart thumped. “My name is Faith. Your prince is my mate.” I didn’t hold back, not when it appeared my life might very well be on the line. I couldn’t be contained within a steel lined cell, not when should I go missing, Dad wouldn’t hesitate to search for me here. A war would likely ensue, something I didn’t want to have happen.

  The monster only laughed with deep grunting noises that boomed and hurt my ears. “So says you and every other little pretty who wants the prince as theirs. I’ve heard it all before so why don’t you shut up. You’ve got some time to learn this isn’t to happen again.” He pulled open a steel door.

  Oh hell. I was out of time. “Belle.”

  “I’m here. When are you coming?” Same opening words as always, only this time I loved the sound of them.

  Warrick shoved me into the cell and I crashed to my knees. “Warrick. Some kind of—“

  The door slammed shut.

  My connection with her cut off.

  I squeezed my eyes shut.


  The steel that lined this cell finished me.

  Inhaling, I coughed at the reek of sludge all around.

  I stayed still in the dark where I’d fallen, the sludge covering the floor seeping into the knees of my jeans. No more. I pushed to my feet and slimy muck oozed between my toes.

  Gagging, my movement only stirred up the stench beneath me until it clogged my airways. Oh boy, this really was the pits.

  “Davio!” I screamed his name. “Where the hell are you?”

  Peering through the pitch black toward the door, I slipped through the muck and slammed my fists against the cold metal. The dull thud of each hit reverberated all around.

  “I mean it, Davio. Get me out of here!”

  “Hell, Warrick.”

  I sagged against the door as Davio’s voice echoed on the other side. “Davio!”

  “I’m coming.”

  The steel door cranked open, and I grabbed my head at the sharpness of my mind flying toward my mate’s. Such a piercing need to connect, one I couldn’t hold back.

  His answering grunt sounded as I made the merge and snuggled into my special spot in his mind, then a beam of light hit my eyes and he caught me tight. “Silas, take the lantern.” Davio’s voice rumbled over my head.

  “Got it.” Silas stepped forward into the light and took it.

  Davio’s arms firmed around me. “This should never have happened.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to hear what I have to say about the way your protectors protect, but let me enlighten you anyway.” I drew in a deep breath as he led me out of the cell “That one.” I pointed at Warrick who stood in the flickering lamp’s glow. “Needs to die.”

  “I’m sure he does.” Davio scooped me into his arms. “But first, let me take you out of here. I can’t stand seeing you in this place.”

  And he did, zapping us straight into an outcropping of trees which edged a roaring river. The instant change of location, the bright vivid colors and the shock of morning sunlight beaming through the dense foliage, had me pinching my eyes shut.

  I took a moment, slowly opened them again and when I did, Silas appeared before me. “No,” I bellowed and jammed a finger at him, “you have to go back and kill Warrick.”

  He crossed his arms. “Before I do that I have to make certain you don’t take your anger out on my cousin.”

  I huffed as Davio set me gently on my feet and gripped my shoulders. “I can’t believe you’re here. You should have told Belle you were coming. We would have been on the alert. There’s always certain security in place, particularly within the castle. Until I’ve introduced you around to those in my closest circle, you’ll need to take all care.”

  “Then alert this,” I snapped. “Warrick. Dead. Now.”

  Silas sighed. “How about I go and see to Warrick. I’ll return once I’m done with him, and I’ll bring something back with me that’ll take that awful stinky smell away.” Frowning, he slanted his head at me. “And sadly I didn’t mean you.”

  I scowled, hating all things Silas. “Go.”

  He wavered and disappeared.

  “We’ll clean this muck off you in no time. The river’s deep enough in the center, and it’s not too cold.” Davio shucked off his boots and taking my arm, steered me down the bank and into the river.

  “I’ll do anything to get rid of this stink.” The water rose past my knees, then my hips as I walked in deeper. I rubbed my arms as the chilly water covered me. “Grrr, this is freezing.”

  I stopped, lowered down into the water’s fast flow until I’d covered my shoulders.

  “Hey.” Silas was back and far too soon. “Catch.” He tossed a large bottle from his position on the bank and Davio caught it midair. “I’ll give you two a few minutes to clean up.”

  “Thanks, and bring Viv back with you when you return,” Davio called back over the rushing river water. Lowering down in front of me, he squirted out a glob from the bottle and raised his brow. “Dunk, love.”

  I didn’t argue, went under the frigid water and after it closed over my head, I popped back up to a new kind of goop landing on my head.

  With the cold water flowing briskly past us, Davio scrubbed my hair until I smelled lavender sweet instead of icky and foul. Shadows darkened his eyes, his worry and lack of sleep clear to see.

  “I’m sorry.” I touched his cheek with my palm. “I couldn’t come any earlier. Mum needed me.”

  “I understand. How is she?”

  I traced along his jaw, the two-day stubble raspy on my fingertip. “Have you slept at all?” I searched his mind, but he was blocked. There was nothing.

  “Your mother,” he insisted.

  “She’s handling things. Although I need to be home by the time school finishes this afternoon.”

  “Why so soon?” His jaw tightened. “It’s Thursday and you’ve been gone since Monday night. The weekend is coming. You’re sleeping in the enemy’s territory, and I don’t know from one minute to the next whether I’ll ever see you again.”

  The tumbling water sucked at my clothing. “Don’t go getting mad at me. I’m unstable at the moment as it is.” I meant with my rising since it still hadn’t quite taken full form and begun. The delay had my emotions tossing up and down in a stormy mess. All that additional strength, three times as much, which would soon be upon me. I stamped my feet in place, trying to keep my circulation going. “As nice as this river is, I need a warm shower.”

  He took my arms and lowered us further into the water where the current whipped my hair into a tangle around his neck. “You didn’t answer me.”

  “Ah, freezing my butt off here. I’ve got to get out. That’s all the answer you’re going to get for now.”

  His gaze darkened. “Then I’ll have your answer after you’ve showered. I’ll meet you in the recreational room. Take the image from my mind so I know you’ll always have a safe place to arrive.”

  An image of where he said flashed into his mind, and I stored it. Next came an image right on the cuff of that, one that showed a very exclusive male bedroom.

  “This is my private domain. Which means, I expect to see you.”

  I gritted my teeth. “One day at a time.”

  A low growl rumbled from his throat. “That’s all I’ve heard through your link with Belle these past few days. I need to see you.”

  “Ah-hem.” Silas stood on the bank, Viv at his side.

  She took one look at me and held out a towel. “Come out of there. You’re turning blue.”

  I pushed my way toward her, shaking more as the cold wind hit me. I accepted the white towel she held out and wrapped it around me. “How fast can you move?”

  “I’ve got you covered.” She wrapped her hand around my wrist and we zipped from the chilly river to a brightly lit yellow bathroom.

  “Oh, this is perfect. Now, where am I?”

  “Silvie’s quarters. This is her bathroom.” She pointed to the yellow vani
ty top where Silvie’s hairbrush lay with strands of red-gold hair twisted in the bristles. Beside the brush, her favorite gold clips sat.

  My heart panged. I missed her.

  “Silvie’s at school. I’m sure you two have shared clothing before, and she’d want you to help yourself. Her bedroom adjoins this bathroom.”


  Viv backed up. “After you’re done, come to the rec room. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  I stood alone after she ’ported away, and because I couldn’t help myself, I focused on Davio.

  He remained on the sandy edge of the riverbank, a matching towel to mine covering his shoulders. “Faith will not commit, Silas. I haven’t seen her in days and she’s already said she’s leaving this afternoon.”

  Silas raised his hands. “Hey, I’m the last person who’ll ever understand her.”

  “Well, this I do understand. The longer my mate remains with Wincrest, the stronger her blood-bond with him grows.”

  My fists bunched, for I couldn’t be everywhere and all at once. How could he not see that?

  I unclenched and switched my forethought to Silvie. She sat in our Physics class, where I should be, only not while I dripped water all over her bathroom floor.

  I shut down the visual and flipped the shower’s lever to piping hot. With her favorite lilac soap, I scrubbed my skin until it glowed red.

  In her castle bedroom, I pulled open drawers, found a red button-down blouse that was mine, which she’d borrowed an eon ago. I teamed it with a pair of her dark blue jeans, and because I wanted to feel a touch glam, added her three-inch fire-red heels.

  Refreshed, and with my hair dry and tucked behind one ear, I ’ported directly to the rec room. Such a massive space, fifty to sixty feet long and just as wide. Divided into two noticeable areas, the half where I stood had polished wooden flooring, a table tennis platform and a pool table. Behind me pool cues stood slotted in a wooden frame against the wall, and next to them a game board hung to keep markings.

  On the eastern wall, square cut, wooden edged windows with soft draperies of caramel-cream tied back, overlooked a green garden with tall hedges.

  At the other end of the rec room, four separate white leather couches faced each other and Zac and Viv sat on one, Silas and Belle the other, and Davio opposite them. He stood and I met his gaze and soaked in the sight of him. His custom-fit black jeans hugged his tight rear and a paneled black and white shirt lay loose and untucked. Damp hair hung to his shoulders. He’d clearly showered too. “How are you feeling?” he asked me.

  “Much better.”

  “Come and show me.” He held out his hand.

  I zapped straight to him, my mind merging solidly with his. I should probably warn him about my coming rising, which was clearly already doing a number on me, because it was either that or I was losing myself. “I hope you didn’t have Warrick killed, and I hope I smell better.”

  He inhaled as he leaned over me. “You smell like lilacs, and Warrick still lives.”

  I sighed. “I heard what you said to Silas at the river, so I should warn you right now my rising is close, and my emotions are swinging back and forth. I’m just waiting for the tripling of my strength, which sounds real swell.” I rolled my eyes. “Jeez, I can’t believe there’s a rising. I’m sure looking forward to when I completely lose it.”

  Silas laughed. “And here I thought you were always this emotional and annoying.”

  “I am not normally this way.” I snapped around and glared at him. “Much.”

  Davio took my arms and backed me up toward the couch. “Clearly your rising’s close. Which means you’ll be staying here since you’ll need those closest to you to get through it.” He settled one hand over my mouth. “Don’t argue that point with me either. I won’t have you go through your rising anywhere else but with me.”

  I tugged his hand away. “I have school.”

  He sat, pulled me down with him onto his lap. “Your need to attack others will become uncontrollable. What you have is me.”

  “No, what you have is me.” My heart raced and I leaned in, because in that instant, my mood jackknifed and I very much wanted him.

  He clearly caught my change in mood and nabbed my wrists. “This is what we call uncontrollable.”

  I brushed my nose against his nose. “I want to drag you behind this couch and show you what I call uncontrollable.”

  He let out a slow, stuttering breath. “There are others in the room so no, you won’t. Your increasing anger and desire are all part of your rising.”

  “Kiss me and prove it.”

  “As much as I’d like to, I can’t now you’ve enlightened me as to what is coming.”

  I looked at his lips and licked my own. “You want to explain exactly why.”

  “As your rising escalates, the full force of it will hit you. Giving into you now will only make things more difficult at the end. If it helps, during my rising I used to count. By around thirty, you’ll find yourself able to breathe the tension away.”

  Zac piped up. “Counting aided me as well. During Viv’s rising, she experienced the same physical pull as to what you’re displaying. It’s worse if there’s been some length of time apart, and you two can’t deny you’ve had that.”

  I glanced at Viv. “You really controlled it?”

  “I did, not that I cared for keeping my hands off my mate.”

  I yanked my hands free of Davio’s and wrapped them around his neck. “It seems I don’t care for keeping my hands of you either.” I leaned in and kissed him, actually devoured would be the more appropriate word since I wasn’t prepared to stop.

  And it was perfect, until my craving for him surged yet again.

  I retreated a bit, breathing fast. “We need—”

  Silas grabbed me, and in a heartbeat, lifted me away from the one I wanted. As he did, the most feral sound gained momentum in my chest until it rose up as a hissing spit. I kicked out at Silas and swiped my hand at him, nails drawing blood.

  “Calm down. You can’t control yourself, so this is the new way I’m going to insert some control.” Biting words in my ear.

  “I really hate you, Silas. It hurts not to touch him.” It truly did, for the gulf Silas enforced had me slamming my elbows into his stomach.

  He grunted, his hold tightening as he pulled me even farther away. “I’m doing this for your own good.”

  “I double hate you.”

  “That’s okay. The feeling’s mutual.” He hauled me to the wall at the far end of the room.

  I was too far away from Davio, my mind-merge shattering. I sobbed, grabbed my head between my hands as pain lanced through. “Let go of me. I’ll leave if I’m not wanted here.”

  Davio growled, low and menacing from across the room. “You’re wanted. It has to be this way until you can think more clearly.”

  I ground my teeth together, my vision darkening.

  A blackness smothered my sight.

  I shut my eyes, my forewarning activating in the midst of such turmoil.

  Guy Moyer’s image crystalized, his midnight black hair and pale, silver-blue swirling eyes, unmistakable. He traipsed through some kind of communal dining hall where dining protectors sat at low wooden benches around wooden-slatted tables. With a sword belted at his side, and a sharp dagger sheathed at his wrist, he blended in with his battle leathers.

  “Forewarning.” I shoved my eyes open and eyed Belle. “Is there a dining hall nearby? I see a lot of protectors eating together, maybe two-hundred of them.”

  “Yes, in the village, five miles from here.”

  “Oh hell.” I grabbed both of Silas’s forearms. “I have to go and I swear no one can follow me. Don’t let it happen. My forewarning doesn’t include any of you.” It didn’t include me either, but someone had to stop Guy from walking amongst his enemy. Death would come to him fairly fast otherwise.

  Davio was a blur, his legs flying as he sprang toward me. “You’re not going anywhere.

  I dived behind the pool table and rolled clear, pulled the image of the communal dining hall from my forewarning and zapped straight to it.

  Such a hive of activity, but Guy was there. He patrolled, moving about the room with grace and purpose toward the table with the greatest number of protectors.

  What he was doing here? Was he on a suicide mission?

  Chapter 13

  Behind me the air stirred—they had all come—and Davio bolted toward me. He whipped his right arm around my waist, hooked me back against him then breathed down my neck, “You need to cease leaving me.”

  I wriggled against him, edging closer and not farther away as I should. “You were forced from me first.” I tried to find Guy through the crowd.

  Dralion’s enchanter halted, his gaze catching on mine. He let out a low snarl. “I’m here for Loveria, and I know you can hear me through your forethought.” His thoughts flew freely, easy to catch.

  Which meant Guy wanted this. He wanted his own demise, and I couldn’t let him have the one he was after.

  “Who is that man?” Davio ground out.

  I had to make a decision and fast.

  “Wait for me somewhere and we’ll speak,” I yelled to Guy.

  He lifted his middle finger and shoved it at Davio, then stepped in behind another protector in the crowd and disappeared from my sight. He flashed away, fast.

  “Obviously he’s not one of yours.”

  Davio swung me around until I faced him. “You knew the warrior was here. Give me his name.”

  “He’s gone.” Only he hadn’t gone as far as I’d hoped, or so my forethought showed me. Guy waited in a field of green grass, and behind him, high on a steep rise, Loveria Castle sat.

  Which meant I had to go to him since I had no idea how long my order would stick.

  Davio gripped my shoulders and shook me. “Answer me.”

  I fisted my hands deep in his fine black and white shirt and dragged him to me. I kissed him until my skin heated and so did his. I pulled back, breathing deeply. “I don’t have time for an argument right now.” I pushed him away and dropped, then swept one leg out and tumbled him in a move that had my mouth opening. Oh, this had to be the start of my tripling in strength. I should not have been able to take him down.


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