The Good, The Bad and The Ghostly ((Paranromal Western Romance))

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The Good, The Bad and The Ghostly ((Paranromal Western Romance)) Page 49

by Keta Diablo

  He dropped his head and brushed his lips lightly over hers. His gaze stayed locked to hers, and she read the passion burning there. "I’ll give them a week. If they don’t have an answer by then, we’ll have to come up with another solution. Because one way or the other, Ruth Olivia Wilson, you are going to be mine."

  Not giving her a chance to respond, he sealed his mouth to hers.

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, Ruth didn’t know how much longer she could stand being in the same house as Wilhelmina. Having decided she’d made her position clear on what she’d do if Konnor didn’t marry her, she proceeded to relax and let them take care of her.

  Konnor escaped the brunt of it by spending his time outside with the horses and doing chores for the ranch. That left Wilhelmina in the house with Ruth. The first day, she gave a marginal effort at trying to help by doing a few household tasks.

  By the second, she’d fallen into letting Ruth handle all the kitchen duties. Wilhelmina decided instead to work her mind by lounging on the sofa with a book in her hands.

  She’d make any man a horrible wife, Nettie muttered.

  Sitting at the dining room table polishing a silver tray, Ruth whispered, "She might be different if she found the right man."

  Not a chance, she’s spoiled through and through, Nettie argued and jiggled the box of silver on the tabletop.

  "Who are you talking to?" Wilhelmina swung her legs off the side of the couch and slammed her book down beside her before she stood, facing Ruth. "Because I’m trying my best to read this book about draft horses but you keep distracting me with your constant chatter."

  Unaffected by the woman’s anger, Ruth smiled. "Sorry, but if you want me to get rid of Nettie, I have to talk to her."

  Knowing she’d only add to Wilhelmina’s wrath, she glanced toward the kitchen doorway. "Or if you can’t read, why don’t you start dinner? I’m sure your fiancé would love for you to cook for him."

  "And do other chores too." Wilhelmina stomped over and stared at the rags and cleaner Ruth had spread across the surface. "I don’t know why you’re bothering with that. Those pieces aren’t valuable."

  Ask her how much she got for the items she stole? This set was designed by Paul Revere Jr. of Boston. Nettie stated with pride and lightly poked at Ruth’s shoulder.

  The cold touch sent a freezing bolt through Ruth, and she shivered. "Now, Nettie, why don’t you let me introduce you to Wilhelmina. After all, she’s going to be living here soon."

  Over my dead body, Nettie grumbled.

  Ruth fought back a smile at the misplaced humor. "What do you think, Wilhelmina? Want to meet a ghost?"

  Hoping this might help them bury the hatchet, Ruth continued, "Nettie is Konnor’s great, great grandmother. She wants only for him to be happy."

  Wilhelmina patted a stray strand of hair back into place and lifted a brow. "Are you sure she’s the one who is worried about Konnor? I’ve seen how the two of you look at each other."

  Surprised by the comment, Ruth studied the woman, hoping to see an ounce of jealousy or anger. Instead, she appeared completely unmoved by the possibility of him caring for someone else. Why then would she want to marry him if she suspected he wasn’t in love with her?

  Wilhelmina shook her head and a smug smile touched her lips. "Though, why he finds you attractive, I can’t fathom. After all, it’s extremely unnerving the way you’ve been sitting here for the last half hour talking to yourself."

  Ruth chose to ignore the comment about how abnormal she appeared to others and addressed the accusation of Konnor’s very real attraction to her. "I’m sure you’re merely seeing the mutual respect we have for each other."

  Have you counted...? Nettie’s words lost their meaning when Wilhelmina chuckled.

  "I’m sorry, but you must think I’m blind or just plain stupid." The pretty blonde waved a carefree hand through the air. "Personally, it saves me from having to show him any affection at all. He’s too busy worrying about hurting you."

  This isn’t right, Nettie again interrupted the conversation.

  Ruth ignored her in her attempt to understand why Wilhelmina continued to lie about wanting to be Konnor’s wife. "Then why are you willing to marry him if you believe he doesn’t love you?"

  Suddenly, Ruth lost her desire to finish this task and tossed her rag aside. Her skin itched, and she felt the need to hit something. She rose and faced the woman at the end of the table. How could Wilhelmina be so cold blooded? Anyone who refused to see how wonderful Konnor would be as a husband had to be blind.

  Wilhelmina pointed a wayward finger at her. "Come on, we both know he’s a great catch. He owns a ranch and—"

  "With his brother," Ruth interjected.

  "Right. He also has a steady income from the fees he charges for training draft horses and from the sale of the ones he owns. The only thing he’s lacking is a wife to spend his money on." Wilhelmina smiled. "I plan to be that woman."

  Irked at how she only wanted the gold in Konnor’s pocket, Ruth fired back, "Aren’t you white washing the truth? Every dime Konnor makes, he pours right back into his ranch. He can’t afford to lavish you with trinkets and baubles."

  Wilhelmina gave a wicked grin and muttered, "I always get what I want."

  Before she finished, Nettie yelled, Ruth!

  Annoyed at the woman in front of her and the ghost in her head, Ruth growled, "Nettie, what’s the problem?"

  The box of silver rattled again. Only this time, it rose off the table and floated in midair. That woman has stolen more of my things.

  Wilhelmina cried, "Not again, tell that ghost of yours everything in this house belongs to me. I’m Konnor’s future bride."

  And I’m the heart of his family, Nettie rumbled and threw the box across the table.

  Unable to dodge the missile aimed at her, Wilhelmina held up her arms and twisted away from the main force of the blow. Silver flatware hit her before they clattered to the table and floor. The noise almost drowned out her yelps of pain.

  Tell her to get out. I don’t want that woman in my house another second, Nettie yelled as the last silver piece dropped to the floor.

  "God, Nettie," Ruth couldn’t blame the ghost for being upset, but striking out wouldn’t help matters. Hoping to soothe the other woman, she hurried forward and held out her hand to offer assistance.

  "Leave me alone." Wilhelmina waved her hands around wildly and the heel of her hand connected with Ruth’s chin.

  Shocked by the sudden abuse, Ruth saw red and acted on instinct. She plowed into the woman and slammed her to the floor. However, the other woman didn’t quit.

  Fighting with all she had, Wilhelmina pulled hair, sank her teeth into Ruth’s arm, and kicked her shin.

  The two rolled across the floorboards, each working to gain an advantage.

  Seeing as this wasn’t Ruth’s first dog fight, she gave as good as she got. Finally, she managed to pin Wilhelmina and sat on her chest. Ready to land a right hook to the woman’s pretty cheek, she paused in flight at the sound of a shrill whistle and the slamming of the front door.

  A hand touched her shoulder, and she recoiled. "What the...?"

  Konnor stood to one side of her and reached out his hand. "Come on, sweetheart, why don’t you let Wilhelmina up so Agent Burke Jameson can arrest her?"

  "Burke?" She glanced back but before she could catch a glimpse of her friend, Wilhelmina shoved her onto the floor.

  "Konnor, I want you to fire this woman." She grabbed Konnor’s hand, rose, and snuggled up against his chest. "She is a complete barbarian. First, she rattles on with some ghost that no one but she can see. Then she throws a box of silver at me before she jumps me."

  Disgusted with the woman, Ruth sat up and turned her attention to the man standing in the open doorway leading into the foyer. Familiar with the tall, dark-haired man, she admired his black Stetson, simple style of his coat, the tight trim of his beard, and his ready smile. "Am I ever glad to see you, Burke. Ho
pe you’re here with some good news for me."

  "Yes, Agent Harrison contacted me." The man strolled forward and held out his hand with a smile. "She said you had a sticky situation here."

  Accepting his offer of help, she cupped her hand around his and rose. Once steady on her feet, she released her grip and stepped to one side. Ignoring the rant Wilhelmina continued to feed Konnor, she spoke in a hushed tone, "Please tell me, Burke, that you have something solid so we can press charges?"

  The man smiled. "Yep, she might as well hang up her fiddle. We have an antiquities dealer who is willing to testify."

  The anger inside Ruth settled, and she nodded. Normally, she avoided violence at all costs but the last few days of watching Konnor’s ex-fiancée cuddle up next to him had brought out a vicious need to strike out. Though honestly, Ruth had to say, she had not intended to get in a fight. Still....

  Ruth glanced at the woman, standing in the circle of Konnor’s arms and felt no sympathy for what lay ahead for her. She had the chance to be the wife of an incredible man and forfeited it because of her greediness to take what didn’t belong to her. "How did you track down the stolen pieces so quickly?"

  Burke grinned and led her over to the couch. Once they were seated, he offered, "Now that’s an interesting tale. It seems not only did a spirit tell Healy you were in trouble, but he suggested a few people to talk to as well."

  Surprised by this, Ruth spoke to the room at large, "Nettie, did you give Barney some names to pass on to Healy?"

  Sure enough. My family has met a number of fine folks on our travels across the country to Nebraska. Those kind souls have relatives the same way we do. Nettie explained with a note of pleasure in her tone.

  "Well, in this case, it paid off." Burke rose and addressed Konnor. "If you think Wilhelmina is no worse for wear, we should head back to town. I talked to the sheriff and he’s more than willing to hold her in their jail until tomorrow. Then we can catch the eight o’clock train for Omaha in the morning."

  Wilhelmina’s eyes widened and she shifted closer to Konnor. "What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere with you."

  A smug smile touched Konnor’s lips. He tightened his hands around her shoulders and pushed her away from his body. "I’m afraid you are. Agent Jameson here found evidence that you sold several pieces of my family silver to an antiquities dealer."

  "But those things would’ve belonged to me when we got married. As your fiancée, I had a right to them. As soon as we’re wed, it’ll be a moot point," Wilhelmina argued.

  Konnor tilted his head to one side and studied her. The look in his eyes held a coldness Ruth hadn’t seen from him before. "No. You wouldn’t want people to say you had to marry me. Let’s wait until this mess is cleared up."

  "What?" She shoved away from him and yelled, "Why, you low down polecat. Even though I agreed to be your wife and live in this old shanty, you’re deserting me. Well, two can play at that game. I’m officially breaking our engagement."

  She glanced around and pointed at Ruth. "You can have him. I’m done with him."

  Holding her head high, she walked across the room toward the stairs. "I’ll get my things and leave."

  "Probably best, ma’am," Burke waved her ahead of him and followed her up to the upstairs landing.

  Ruth smiled and walked to Konnor. "I should probably go with them."

  "Then we’ll both go. Henry is out in the barn. I’ll talk to him and have him spend the night. He can take care of things while we’re gone." He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  "Are you sure?" Ruth didn’t want to expect too much from him. After all, he’d just been burned by his fiancée. He didn’t need her making demands he wasn’t able to handle.

  "Oh, yes. We should be in town before dark. Then while Agent Jameson tucks Wilhelmina away in jail, you and I can head to the justice of the peace or the church and get married." He dropped a quick kiss to her lips before he spun her around and stepped toward the front door. "Now, let’s get moving."

  "But...." A little surprised that he still wanted her, she stood in the exact place he left her. "Don’t you want to wait until this business with Wilhelmina is settled first?"

  He paused in the main room’s doorway. "No. I’m not going to be completely happy until I have a ring on your finger and a lifetime promise that you’ll be mine forever."


  "We don’t have time to argue about it now. Get your things and let’s get moving." Konnor didn’t wait for her response and bolted out the front door.

  Stunned by his devotion, Ruth marveled at how wonderful it felt to be in love. Finally, the man she’d given her heart to wanted her as much as she wanted him. Walking slowly up the stairs to her room, she noticed Burke standing in the doorway of Wilhelmina’s. "It looks like Konnor wants to go with us. I’ll gather up my things and be ready to leave with you."

  Burke toyed with his beard and glanced at Wilhelmina. Keeping his gaze on her, he lowered his voice, "I can take her in and you can follow in a day or two."

  Ruth shook her head, unwilling to end her association with the agency on the wrong foot. "No, I’ll finish the job I was sent to do and then head back later. After all, I’m still a P.S.I. Agent."

  "Yes, and you have a ghost who doesn’t appear to be leaving anytime soon." He nodded at the apparition floating in the hallway next to Konnor’s bedroom door.

  Surprised to see Nettie, Ruth hurried down the hall to talk to the ghost before Wilhelmina left her room. They didn’t need another incident between the two. "What’s wrong? I thought you’d be glad to see Wilhelmina leave."

  She has more of my silver on her, Nettie whispered in a low voice.

  "What?" Ruth spun around to see the woman step out of her bedroom and start for the stairs. "Wait a second."

  Burke caught Ruth’s arm when she tried to rush past him. "What’s going on?"

  Wilhelmina ignored her and continued down the stairs.

  Irritated, Ruth tried to tug her arm free of his grip but he didn’t release her.

  "Nettie says Wilhelmina has more silver in her luggage."

  Burke grinned and eased his grip. "Think about this a moment. Once we have her in the jail cell in Shelton, I’ll ask the sheriff to check her things. Then it’ll be up to him to find the missing pieces. That way, we’ll have one more witness to her crimes. Not that the law doesn’t always believe us, but it never hurts to throw them a bone occasionally."

  Burke stepped back and lifted his hand to rub his chin. He studied the luggage still sitting in Wilhelmina’s room. "Can you convince Nettie to let us leave without causing a stink?"

  Agreeing with his assessment of how this might help their case, Ruth nodded. "Yes, I’ll gather up my things and meet you out on the front porch. And don’t worry about Nettie, she knows I’ll get all her silver back."

  With a nod, he gathered up Wilhelmina’s bags and followed her. "Then we’ll see you outside."

  Chapter Eleven

  Konnor glanced at the crowd of people still milling around town. The trip had taken them little over two hours, which didn’t leave a long time before the justice of the peace would be heading home. He eyed the church that sat at the end of the street and considered that option. A lone horse stood in front of the chapel. A good indication the priest was inside. Father Benedict lived a few miles from the sanctuary, but Konnor didn’t want to bother him at home.

  Pulling his wagon up beside the one Wilhelmina had rented, Konnor leaned across Ruth. "Agent Jameson, you’ve got this handled, right?"

  The man nodded.

  "Good, then we’ll catch up with you at the hotel." Konnor tugged on the reins and directed the wagon toward the church.

  Ruth laid a hand on his arm and tried to keep him from making the turn. "Konnor, what are you doing? We need to be there when Burke takes Wilhelmina into the sheriff’s office."

  Keeping the horse heading in the right direction, he offered her a smile. "Are you still plan
ning on returning with Agent Jameson and Wilhelmina to Omaha?"

  Her hand on his arm tightened. "It’s my job, and I’m required to see this through."

  "That’s why we should get married before you go." He knew he’d never convince her to put off her trip but he wanted some assurance she’d come back. "When you’ve finished up everything you need to do in this case, you can quit and head home to me."

  "But," she hedged and glanced at the doors of the church only a few feet away. "Are you sure you want to do this? I could be gone for a few weeks."

  "I understand you need to finish this last assignment, and I don’t mind waiting. I just want us both to know that when this mess is over, you’ll be with me for the rest of your life." He pulled the wagon to a stop and tied off the reins before he turned. "Ruth Olivia Wilson, I love you. I will always love you. Will you please be my wife?"

  A wide smile bloomed on her lips and she leaned into him. Her sweet scent enveloped him in a cloud of need. He wrapped his arm around her pulled her close and stared down into her beautiful face.

  "All right, we’ll do this now. Because once I’m through with this case I don’t want anything standing in our way." Her hand cupped his cheeks, and she dropped a kiss on his lips. "Let’s make this quick. Then we can head to the hotel for our first night together before I have to leave tomorrow."

  Konnor swung out of the wagon and turned to help her. "I believe, my dear, we are already thinking like an old married couple. That was my plan from the moment we hit town."

  He caught her around the waist and barely let her feet touch the ground before he rushed her into the church. Today was the first day of his life as Ruth Oliva McKee’s husband.

  * * *

  "Konnor, who the heck is that coming down the lane?" Henry yelled from outside the barn. "It’s some couple in a buckboard."

  His hope of it being Ruth dashed, Konnor closed Buttercup’s stall door and walked down the main aisle of the barn. It’d been almost a week since he’d left his wife at the train depot. She’d promised to make this trip to Omaha as quickly as possible but she’d also warned him that it could take a week or more.


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