Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2)

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Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2) Page 9

by Maya Nicole

  Nico ripped his lips away from hers, panting and looked over her shoulder at me before looking back at Sammy. "Are you sure you want to try?"

  She rolled her eyes. "I've done it before, Nico. Yes. My body is ready for it." She leaned forward so her hands were resting near my shoulders. "Just take it slow."

  The tip of Nico's dick pushed against my shaft as she stilled on top of me. I shut my eyes and groaned as he slid the tip inside. Sammy gasped and I opened my eyes. Her face was masked in concentration.

  I reached between us and found her clit, working it in slow circles. "Yes. Just like that." I wasn't sure who she was talking to, so I continued as Nico's dick slowly slid along mine.

  She hummed as he fully sheathed himself next to me and we lay in suspended animation; the only sounds were our breaths.

  Her hips rocked gently as she adjusted to the stretch, and I held onto her hips to slow her down. The tightness surrounding me was so much more than being in the tight canal of Val's ass. A few solid thrusts and I'd be a goner if she didn't go slow.

  "You both feel so good."

  Nico's dick slid along mine as he pulled out and then pushed back in. "Stop moving, Peanut. We'll do all the work."

  She stilled on top of me and then his arm came around her and pulled her back into his chest, his hand cupping a breast. He began thrusting, slowly at first and then more forcefully.

  My mind was going a million miles per hour and I began to roll my hips up to match Nico's pace. Between the tightness of her pussy and the slide of his cock against mine, I was headed toward an early release.

  "I'm going to come," Nico growled, his hand heading south to circle against her clit. "Fuck."

  His cock pulsed and heated, and I gripped the sheets at my sides, my release crashing into me and leaving me in a shout.

  "Fuck!" Sammy's pussy squeezed our dicks and she threw her head back against Nico. Her mouth opened on a silent scream as her body spasmed.

  We stilled and the scent of sex and sweat filled my nostrils.

  Sammy laughed lightly and patted my chest. "You okay?"

  Words failed me and I nodded. Nico's dick slid against mine as he pulled out and then collapsed on the bed, pulling Sammy with him and placing her between us.

  "I'm not sure how I feel about what just happened," Nico muttered.

  I laughed and traced a circle around one of Sammy's nipples, which instantly became hard. "Did it feel good?"

  "Well, I came, didn't I?"

  "Then what's the problem? If this is going to work and it's what she wants, we're going to all have to get a little more comfortable with each other." I found myself feeling possessive of Val, and now Sammy, but loving her right along with the others didn't bother me.

  "We're natural enemies." Nico brought Sammy's hand to his lips and kissed it. "The question is, is Sammy ready to deal with taking care of five grown-ass babies?"

  She snorted and looked between us. "I am not going to turn into your caretaker." She chuckled and then stopped abruptly. "How did this even happen? One second I'm steadily pursuing Nico, and the next I have five... although Kage..."

  "Kage is going to probably need to take it slow. Do you think he watches us have sex without us knowing?" Nico rubbed his bearded chin against Sammy's arm. I had forgotten that squirrels liked to cuddle just as much as panthers.

  "I don't think he's watched us. Do you think... he's a virgin?" Sammy had moved her arms around us and was stroking both of our heads.

  "So what if he is?" I shut my eyes and relaxed against the pillows. I was feeling sleepy and tried to open my eyes. Damn, I could get used to this.

  "Kage?" Nico called.

  My eyes popped open, and less than a minute later, Kage appeared on Nico's side of the bed. His eyes scanned the three of us and he looked down as red creeped up on his cheeks. "Y-y-yes?"

  Clearly our nakedness had brought back the stutter.

  "Two questions. Do you watch us have sex?"

  He gasped and moved his head back. "N-n-no. I-I-I w-would n-never." He seemed like he was about to freak out.

  Nico sat up. "We were just wondering. I don't mind if you do."

  He really seemed to have taken a liking to the brownie, which was surprising since he didn't seem to like anyone except Sammy.

  "I don't either. In fact, just thinking about you guys watching me with each other is turning me on." Sammy swept some hair from her face.

  I mumbled my consent. Being watched was kind of hot.

  Kage pressed his hand to his chest. "I will ask p-permission first. What was your s-second question?"

  "Have you had sex?" Sammy asked in the softest voice I'd ever heard from her.

  Kage backed up a step and started spluttering. He was ready to run, and I guess we didn't need him to answer.

  I sat up. "It's okay if you haven't. We just wanted to know because Sammy is a pretty horny gal, it seems." I got a smack to the chest for that one.

  He backed into the wall and stilled. "It's been a long t-time. Centuries."

  Nico whistled in surprise. "You weren't always like this?"

  "L-like what?" Kage took a step away from the wall and crossed his arms. "A neurotic n-nut job? No."

  "I didn't mean it in a bad way." Nico frowned. "Just curious."

  "I have to go clean." Kage reached behind him, pulled his rag from his back pocket, and then disappeared.

  The estate was already clean.

  Chapter 9


  The morning came too fast, and with it a new bundle of nerves that burrowed into my stomach. We would be heading to my own people's village. At least, I hoped they were still my people.

  Dream demons tended to live with other demons that manipulated the mind or feelings. Not because they wanted to, but because other demons didn't want to be around demons that ate nightmares, desires, or fears for their energy.

  There was only one alpha dream demon, though. The alpha not only had the ability to manipulate awake moments, but also had a phantom form that left them impervious to threats.

  With Reve leaving no heir, I wasn't sure where that left the hierarchy of our kind. Would they hold me accountable for my brother's abandonment? I hoped not, otherwise if I lived to see another day, I'd track him down and kick his ass.

  Nico wrapped his arms around me from behind, his arms draping over my shoulders and around my neck. He kissed the top of my head as I grabbed onto his forearms.

  "Are you going to be okay?" He turned me around in his arms and brushed his lips against mine. "There's still time to just take off and run... We can build a life somewhere far from here."

  I snorted and searched his eyes. Did he mean we as in him and me, or we as in all of us?

  "You know we can't do that." I leaned into his palm as he stroked my cheek. "Are you okay?"

  He cocked an eyebrow. "In what sense?"

  "All of the senses... being a vacant, losing your rare nuts, being with me." I turned my head and kissed his palm before stepping away and grabbing my bag.

  It would take several days to get to the village, traveling over rough terrain and through dangerous territories. I wasn't looking forward to it, but if we were going to take the council by storm and then deal with my rogue brother, we needed all the allies we could get.

  Dream demons would help us plant fears and doubts. That was if they didn't skin me alive for Reve abandoning his crown.

  "Those nuts were definitely a major loss for me. We will need to search for some good ones on the way."

  I narrowed my eyes. He was always protective of his collection, eating a few a day. But the nuts that had been in the small pouch he always wore at his hip, often hidden under his shirt, was a mystery. I'd never seen him eat one of them from it. "What secret are you keeping?"

  He froze as he bent over to grab his bag and then straightened to look at me. "You know all my secrets."

  "You're lying." I adjusted the straps on my bag and gripped onto them.

  He slung
his bag over his shoulders. "Is that one of your new powers? Lie detection?"

  I studied his face for answers, but he wasn't giving anything away. "What if I told you I occasionally took a few of your nuts from that pouch when you left it to go shower, and I have them somewhere?"

  This was a lie to gauge his reaction, and it worked because his eyes lit up. "Then I'd fuck you right now."

  Damn. Too bad I didn't have any of them.

  "No secrets, Nico." I crossed my arms. "We owe each other that much after everything we've been through."

  He huffed and scratched at his beard. "They’re magic."

  "Magic how?" I followed him to the door and he stopped, causing me to bump into him. "Geez, man."

  "They give me a lot of energy. Like a lot, a lot." When I just stared at him, he drew in a breath and released it. "That little display in the village with the guards... that is the power in one of the rare nuts."

  "What happens if you eat more than one?" I cocked a brow. "How much is there in two nuts?" I wiggled my eyebrows and we both laughed.

  He opened the door to the room and slung his arm around my neck. "There's a lot of power in two nuts."

  Raphael just happened to be heading down the hall and overheard the comment. "What about four nuts? It sounded like there was an awful lot of power in them last night."

  My face heated and I bit my lip, looking down before looking up and batting my eyelashes. "Want to find out?"

  "Serpent on a cracker, you're insatiable." Nico laughed and we followed Raphael downstairs where everyone else was already waiting.

  Looking around at the five men in front of me, it was no wonder I wanted them all. They all gave me their undivided attention as we stood in the foyer, bags over our shoulders, weapons at our hips.

  They would follow me no matter where I went. I knew Nico would die for me, but what about the others? I'd like to think we were already at that stage.

  But was I willing to die for them?

  I shook the thought from my head and cleared my throat, as if that would help the sudden bundle of nerves that had situated itself there. "Now's the time to back out if you're going to. We're going to pass through territories that aren't going to be welcoming."

  We had discussed what we would be facing the night before, but now that we all had sleep and time to mull over it, opinions might have changed.

  "It's the fastest way. Otherwise it will take weeks." Raphael shrugged.

  "I tried to get in contact with Tony and Miles, but they were unable to be reached. I think it was time for Miles to feed, so Tony took him to hunt." Val frowned. "I don't trust any other giants and their serpents.”

  "I wouldn't trust a giant and his serpent either," Raphael muttered.

  Kage snorted and then quickly put his hand over his mouth. I smiled at him and winked, causing him to blush. I wouldn't go as far as calling him adorable, but there was something about him that made me want to just squeeze his cheeks. I would never tell him that though; he'd probably self-combust from embarrassment.

  "How do we know you actually tried to contact them?" Nico frowned at Val.

  "You don't." Val walked to the door and stepped outside. I didn't miss the hurt that glistened in his eyes and my heart pulled tight.

  "Back off him a bit?" I patted Nico's hand.

  "You can't be serious. He's a sneaky bastard." He shook his head and moved his arm from around my shoulders.

  Amari cracked his knuckles, and I stepped between them just in case. Amari peered over me. "Let's not forget we've all made mistakes in our lives."

  "The panther is right. Mistakes are a part of life. If we judged everyone by their mistakes all the time, we'd have no one. It's not like Val killed anyone." Raphael smacked Amari on the back before going out the door in front of us.

  "The angel is kind of growing on me," Kage whispered as he disappeared once we were outside.

  He had shared with us the night before that he was nervous being away from something he could clean. We would need to find an inn, or at the very least a cave every few days to satisfy his needs.

  We joined the guards that were already waiting on their horses. We'd ride our own horses, except for Kage, who would ride with me.

  I climbed on a gorgeous dark brown mare. She flicked her ears and I rubbed behind them. She wasn't Buttercup, but I could tell we would ride well together.

  I climbed on the saddle and then felt Kage climb on behind me. He was tense and wrapped his arms around my waist.



  I laughed and started after the front group. We would be in the middle, while another group would take the back.

  We rode in silence for a while until Kage shifted, and I felt his dick against my ass. I smiled to myself, wondering how he was handling the close proximity. His forehead had been against my back the entire time so far.

  "Kage, how are you doing?" Nico's horse came up beside mine. When he got no response, he looked at me. "Is he even still there?"

  "He's there alright. Too much touching for him, I think." He hadn't made a peep since his emphatic ‘no.’

  "I'm fine." His voice was a whisper and I took both reins in one hand so I could hold his hand with my other.

  I might not have been able to see him, but I could certainly feel him. I left my hand over his and stroked my thumb across it. His skin was smooth and I wondered if the rest of him felt as soft as his hands.

  A brief flash of him fucking me while invisible crossed my mind. I really was horned up without a cause. Well, besides the five attractive men at my side.

  "Are you feeling all right?" Val's concerned voice interrupted my thoughts from the other side. "You look flushed and glossy-eyed."

  "She's thinking about sex," Raphael said from behind us.

  My eyes widened, and I turned my head to glare at him. "Can you read my thoughts?"

  "No. Just a vibe you send off. I can sense it." He sounded as if it wasn't a big deal. What else could he sense?

  "A vibe?" I turned to face forward again. "So, when I'm horny, you feel the vibes from that? What about my pleasure?"

  "Sammy," Nico growled when several guards turned their heads in my direction.

  I gave them a small finger wave and they grinned, turning forward again. "I deserve to know what he can sense and when it started."

  "Well, if I touch your face, anyone's face, I can sense what they’re worried about. As for sensing emotions and physical ailments... if I'm close enough, or if it's a strong enough feeling. It helps me determine who needs healing." I could hear the smile in Raphael's voice without turning around. "I really feel it with my sensing stick."

  Val let out a pained groan and I threw my head back and laughed, my head hitting Kage's. "Ow, fuck! Are you okay?"

  "Fine," he muttered.

  "He's turned on." Raphael laughed. "I'm assuming you already know that, Sammy."

  Kage gasped and his arms loosened. I grabbed onto him because he was liable to fall off the damn horse in a panic.

  "Damn it, Raph." I shot him a look and held tight to Kage. "Maybe he needs to ruffle your feathers a bit like he did with Val."

  "Is that a promise?" Raphael sped up and passed by us, shooting us a wink before joining Amari a short distance in front of us.

  "Damn angel." Val let his horse fall back. They had decided to always have one of them in back.

  With a curse, Nico slowed his horse to join Val, since he ultimately didn't trust him to have my back.

  We continued on in silence for a few minutes before I decided to talk again. "Kage, besides cleaning, what do you like to do?" Maybe that would keep his mind off the travel, the horse, and his erection that was now firmly trapped between him and my ass.

  "Cleaning is all I know." His voice was sad.

  Fuck. That had backfired. Surely, he had to enjoy doing something other than cleaning.

  "What about when you aren't cleaning?"

  "I sit and think."

Think about what?"


  "When you aren't thinking about cleaning?" I was hopeful, because, shit, this was depressing me.

  "Sammy." Kage's voice hardened and my brows nearly shot off my forehead.

  "I'm sorry, I just-"

  "Sammy!" His voice was alarmed and then, all of a sudden, all hell broke loose.

  "Who the fuck looked at them for too long?"

  "Ah, fuck! Get to the trees."

  "Take cover!"


  A cloud of dust rose as we all took off for the trees. Black aspens were one of the most vicious birds in Inferna. If you looked at them too long, they attacked and went for the eyes.

  I finally saw the flock of birds overhead. They circled and then dove. I screamed and ducked my chin to my chest, keeping my eyes down. A small clump of my hair was ripped from my scalp.

  "Fuck!" Kage surprised me by grabbing onto my hands over the reins. He leaned forward over my back. "Get your head down!"

  I did as I was told as he shielded me. A few guards fell from their horses, some of the flock going after them and the remaining continuing their assault on us.

  We finally made it to the trees, which we were avoiding, and came to a halt just far enough in where the birds couldn't get to us. Kage was trembling as we came to a stop.

  "The fucking angel looked at them! I don't see a fucking scratch on him!"

  "I'm going to kill him!"

  "Enough!" Val bellowed, causing the noise to fall flat. "Maybe if you all didn't have your heads up your asses joking around with him, you could have warned him not to look at them!"

  "Kage?" I tried to pry his fingers from the reins, but he wasn't budging. "It's okay, we're safe now."

  His fingers finally let go. Then he fell sideways and hit the ground, instantly becoming visible.

  "Fucking serpents! What happened?" Nico rushed to him and rolled him over onto his stomach. "Fuck!"

  I stared wide-eyed at his back, which was torn to shreds by the beaks of the aspens. They had been after me and he had shielded me.

  A tear slid down my cheek as I hopped off the horse and knelt by him and Nico. He groaned and turned his head to the side, dirt streaking his face where his tears had been.


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