Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2)

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Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2) Page 14

by Maya Nicole

  "A... what did you call it, a porno?" Amari scrunched up his nose. "Did humans dress in costumes or was it with an actual lion, tiger, and bear?"

  Raphael made a gagging noise. "No. Forget it."

  I could tell it bothered him that we didn't understand his references. "Maybe sometime we can go to Earth with you and learn about these things you talk about. Only if pizza is involved though."

  "I think I'd like Earth." Nico patted his pouch. "If these nuts are any indication of the bounty that's available there, I will die and go to nut heaven."

  "That's what she said." Raphael smacked his forehead.

  I laughed. "I think I'm already in nut heaven."

  I would have loved to say I was confident walking into the Lion's Den, but I wasn't. Carnivorous shifters were misogynistic pricks. Well, except for Amari, but even he had been grumbly when we first met.

  We slid into a booth with a few stares, but not too many since I had a hood covering my hair. Kage sat between me and Nico and he gripped my thigh as a man walked up to the table.

  "What can I get for you-" His eyes stopped on Amari. "Amari Boseman. Haven't seen you around here in ages."

  "Clive." Amari put out his hand for a handshake. "We'll take five of the best you've got."

  Nico slid some coins to the end of the table and Clive looked at him and then at each of us. "Interesting company you're keeping these days. A squirrel? Is he your plaything?"

  Raphael threw his head back and laughed as Nico glared up at the shifter. "Maybe he's my plaything."

  The man laughed and held up his hands. "Woah, sorry. I'll be right back with your drinks." He scooped the coins off the table and went to the bar.

  "I hate bears almost as much as I hate foxes," Nico grumbled.

  "I have a feeling you hate anything that might eat you." Amari traced a knot that was in the wood of the table. "I've never had a squirrel. Do you guys taste nutty?"

  "Why don't you drop to your knees and find out?" Nico smirked as Amari's eyes widened.

  "Boys, let's get along in front of the lady." Raphael put his arm around me. "Her sensitive ears shouldn't have to hear that."

  Nico snorted. "Sensitive my ass. She'd be first in line to watch him suck one of my nuts."

  "He might choke." Kage glanced up at Nico and then down shyly before everyone laughed. A small smile formed on his lips.

  The bear returned with our drinks. "Can I get anything else for you?" He was looking at me and cocked his head to the side. "Take off your hood."


  "Excuse me?" I took a swig of my beer and bit my tongue from making a face at the taste. "I'll do no such thing."

  He crossed his arms. "You have your mother's eyes."

  I put my beer down. The table tensed as I looked up at the man who wasn't fooled by my hood. I wasn't about to take it off though. Surely, most had heard I'd returned with purple hair.

  "You knew my mother?" He nodded solemnly. "How?"

  "She came here a lot." He looked over both his shoulders. "Before you were born."

  "What do you mean, before I was born?" I could barely hear my own words; my ears were buzzing. "Did she... was she meeting someone?"

  Clive looked around again. "Yes."

  Raphael slipped his arm around my waist and squeezed my side. When I didn't say anything, Clive grumbled and tapped his foot on the floor.

  "She was meeting a man with purple eyes." My eyes widened and Kage gasped as I dug my nails into his leg. "They would leave together. I was the only one that knew it was her."

  "And the man?"

  "The shaman." Kage spoke low so only I could hear him. "I only saw him once but he had purple eyes."

  I stood, climbing over Raphael's lap and pushing past Clive. I knew there was a bathroom somewhere but I didn't want to risk getting sick in the middle of the damned bar so I rushed outside.

  I dry heaved into a bush off to the side, the taste of bile rising in my throat. Purple hair. Purple eyes. There had to be a connection.

  For fuck's sake, was I a bastard on top of everything else?

  My father always did question if I was his. With my mother no longer around to question, there was really only one person I could find out from and he was currently on the run.

  "Sammy? Are you okay?" Raphael put his hand on my bare arm and warmth filled me. "I'm sorry."

  "What are you sorry for?" I stood and faced him. "I might not even be..." I looked around. "The actual fucking princess."

  His eyes locked on mine and I could have sworn they flashed gold for a fraction of a second. "The shaman. I need to tell you something about him."

  I shook my head and backed up but Raphael clasped my arm to stop me from moving. "I don't want to know."

  "When Inferna was created, Earth's creator wasn't the only one." It didn't seem Raphael was going to listen to me about not wanting to know. I tried to tug my arm away, shaking my head. "He has a brother." I was going to vomit for real this time. "A twin brother. The creator."

  I managed to get my arm away and puked into the bush. My vision went fuzzy from tears that threatened to spill.

  Nothing made sense. I didn't make sense.

  "That's why your light is so unique and why the storms chase you down. It wants to give you the light that it's collected."

  "But I don't want the fucking light!" I spun and glared at him. "This is all your fault!" I jabbed him in the chest with my finger and he backed up a step, holding out his hands. "You and the fucking angels messed up everything!"

  He frowned and rubbed a hand over his face. "None of us are to blame for this."

  I wanted to punch him and take out my anger on him but clenched my fists at my sides. "Everything was fine here until the creator, whoever the fuck he is, started sending souls and angels he was pissed at here like we're some kind of dump! We aren't some fucking prison realm for your asshole dad to experiment!"

  "He's not my dad." Raphael frowned. "But he is your uncle."

  I threw my hands in the air and started walking back toward the inn. I didn't even know what I was doing. We still needed the shifter's support, but I needed a breather.

  "Sammy!" He jogged after me and grabbed my arm. I turned and glared at him. "One thing at a time, okay? Let's get this whole council thing situated."

  I just found out that my mother cheated on my father with one of the men that created Inferna. What did that even make me? Part angel? Part deity?

  "Maybe I just want to go wallow in a pillow."

  "You can wallow later." His eyes softened. "Let's go back in the bar. I told the others to stay, and I would make sure you were okay. If I go back without you, they'll kick my ass."

  I rubbed my brow. "Can we drop it, for now?"

  He put his arm around me. "One last thing though... be glad I wasn't actually born to anyone or otherwise we'd be cousins and that would just be gross."

  I groaned and couldn't help but laugh. Fucking Raphael.

  No one said a word about the revelation about my mother once we got back to the table. I could tell it was on their minds though, by the way each and every one of them snuck glances in my direction.

  Two men and a woman entered the bar and went to a small raised platform in front of an empty space. I instantly perked up as drums were set up, guitars were brought out, and the band started to play.

  "Huh. Imagine that." Raphael was on his fourth beer and was glossy-eyed. "They actually sound good."

  "Honey badgers are the best. They don't give a fuck what you think about them." Nico finished his beer and slid from the booth, holding his hand out to me. "Dance with me, Peanut."

  I grabbed his hand and he pulled me onto the dance floor with him, where other shifters were dancing to the music. I wrapped my arms around Nico's neck as our bodies began moving to the music.

  Dancing with him now was completely different than it was just weeks ago. Now, I burned wherever he touched and purposely tried to move to feel him against me. He spun me around so my back
was to him and put his dick right against my ass.

  He moved my hood back behind my ear so he could whisper in it. "You're still you, Peanut." His hands went to my hips and I covered them with mine, threading our fingers together.

  I needed his words, but even more than that, I needed him to distract me from the thoughts racing through my head.

  While we danced, I watched Amari approaching a table and sliding into the booth with four men. They got into a heated conversation for almost an entire song before he shook each of their hands and then moved onto the next table.

  The first table he was at looked in my direction and raised their drinks to me. I raised a brow and continued moving my body with Nico's.

  "Can I join?" Kage's voice was barely audible over the music as he stepped in front of me. His cheeks were tinged pink and he looked over my shoulder at Nico.

  "Of course you can." I pulled him toward us and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his face to mine.

  I put my forehead against his as he took a moment to adjust to the beat of the song. I would never have expected him to dance so well, but as we moved, he seemed to forget anyone else except us were around.

  "While I hate to break this little party up, we have a situation outside." Raphael lifted his chin toward the door.

  I knew the moment of distraction would be short-lived. I just didn't expect it to be before the morning.

  As soon as we were outside the bar, a chill ran down my spine. Standing in the middle of the road was a vacant. But he wasn't just any vacant. He was Henry, one of the elders from our gypsy camp.

  Chapter 15


  "We were going to kill him, but every time we got close he would say 'must give Princess Samara a message.' Give us the word and we'll kill him." Several soldiers and guards surrounded Henry with their swords drawn.

  I started walking toward them, but Amari grabbed my arm. "This could be a trap."

  If Henry was here and vacant, that meant Taylor had gone to the camp and done who knows what to my people. Innocent people.

  He had known where I was the whole time. He probably knew how much the gypsies meant to me. Now he had them under his control.

  "Must give Princess Samara a message." Henry's voice was distant and distorted. His head turned slowly and his red eyes landed on me. "Master Taylor has a message for you."

  I stepped closer, narrowing my eyes and pulling my knife from my hip. The guards had him surrounded, but I wanted to be careful in case he came after me.

  "What's the message?" I asked when he didn't elaborate.

  "He says he is ready for you." He took a step toward me and the guards shifted. "He says he is ready for you."

  "Ready for me how?"

  "It's mine. It's mine. It's mine." Henry began to repeat the same phrase over and over.

  I took a few steps closer as he continued repeating it faster and faster until I couldn't even make out the words anymore.

  "What is his?" I yelled over the sound of his voice. His repetition cut off and the entire village seemed to go silent. He just stood there, staring at me, and I inched closer. "What is his?"

  "It's mine. It's mine. It's mine."

  This time he didn't stop and his voice rose to a high-pitched screech that made all of us cover our ears. There was a loud pop that caused everyone to jump and then the motherfucker exploded. I covered my head and face.

  I had lived a long time and seen a lot of shit, but someone I cared about exploding right before my eyes was something I wouldn't ever forget.

  Chaos erupted seconds later and I was lifted in strong arms. I kept my head covered, unable to unclench my muscles.

  "I've got you." Amari was carrying me away from the scene. "Shhh."

  A sob lodged in my throat and refused to escape. I was covered in the blood of someone I looked up to. Someone who was one of the most generous and fairest leaders I had ever encountered.

  I felt the blood splattered on my skin and in my hair, the blast having knocked back my hood. The creak of a door was heard through my ringing ears.

  I heard a gasp. "What the hell happened?" The fox. We were back at the inn.

  No one answered him. Amari walked up the stairs, sets of footsteps sounding behind us, but no one said a word.

  "Nico." My voice was raspy, and I finally was able to move my hands off my face. Amari frowned down at me, a faint splattering of blood on his face. "I want Nico."

  I squirmed in his arms and he set me down halfway down the hall, holding onto me by the waist. My legs nearly gave out, but Nico grabbed me and pulled me to him.

  "Peanut." He was just as messy as me. "Let's get you cleaned up."

  My clothes were stripped off me once we were back in the room, and I was ushered into the shower. I barely registered being washed or dried off.

  "I think she's in shock." Raphael hadn't said a word until then. I turned my head toward him as he adjusted the towel at his waist.

  I shook my head and lay back on the bed. I hadn't even bothered putting clothes on. Raphael climbed onto the bed next to me and put his hands on my cheeks, his warmth filling me.

  "Where's Kage?" Nico stepped out of the bathroom, also wrapped in a towel. "He was right behind us in the hall."

  "I don't know, I was so focused on Sammy." Amari was looking out the window, his firm ass staring back at me. "They’re almost done cleaning the road down by the bar."

  "What did he mean by it's mine?" I stared at the ceiling, which dipped slightly in the center. This place was a dump.

  "Maybe he meant the throne?" Amari turned toward us.

  I glanced over at him, and for a moment forgot what we had been talking about. Even unaroused he was a sight to behold.

  Nico had gone into the hall and called to Kage, but came back in with pinched brows. "He was right behind us, wasn't he?"

  "I think. Maybe he's cleaning. I imagine after experiencing something like that he would need to." Raphael sat up on the bed, leaning against the headboard. I cuddled up next to him.

  "I hope so." I could tell Nico was worried. I was too, but Kage was stronger than he let on. He'd show up once he'd recovered from what had transpired.

  Amari ran his hand over his face. "Where the fuck is Val?" He shook his head. "I can't believe he just took off like that. I was right there, why didn't he just feed from me? I'm strong enough to stop him."

  I patted the bed next to me and he shuffled over, his shoulders sagging. I wasn't used to seeing him look so dejected and tears sprang to my eyes.

  "Maybe he knew it was for the best right now." He laid down next to me, throwing a leg over mine and laying his head on my naked breast. His hot breath fanned against it, and I rubbed my hand over his head. "He wouldn't just leave us for no reason, even with the bloodlust."

  Nico made a noise in the back of his throat and the bed dipped as he climbed onto it. He laid with his head on my calf, his hair cascading across it. "Well, I'm glad he wasn't around for what just happened."

  Silence fell over the room again and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the three of them pressed against my skin. "Distract me," I whispered.

  Amari immediately responded by trailing his finger around my nipple, the sensation causing goosebumps to cover my entire body.

  "Sammy, what-" Raphael's breath hitched as Nico moved my leg up and ran his tongue along my slit. "Oh, shit. Well, okay then. So, everyone is okay with this? You want all three of us to distract you?"

  I laughed while moaning as Nico's tongue circled my clit before moving back down to my entrance. He stuck the tip of his tongue in over and over until I thrust my hips and took it in farther.

  "Yes." I grabbed onto Raphael's hand and moved it to my clit. "All of you."

  Raphael's breathing became labored behind me and he slid my clit between his fingers. I turned my head and Raphael's lips smashed into mine in a bruising kiss that sent a jolt of pleasure to my core and lit up the room.

  I was glad the curtains wer
e thick.

  Amari's tongue flicked my nipple before he tugged it into his mouth and bit gently. I cried out against Raphael's lips. My entire body flushed with heat as my orgasm rolled through me. My stomach muscles clenched and my toes curled as my pussy spasmed around Nico's tongue.

  "Fuck, you're beautiful when you come." Raphael kissed along my jaw until he got to my ear. "I want to feel you come around my dick."

  "Mmm..." I gasped as he continued to run his fingers along my clit. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

  Nico sat back and then lay opposite me. I grabbed his ankle and cocked a brow. He crooked his finger and I sat up, moving toward him. Amari grabbed my chin and brought my lips to his for a sultry kiss before letting me go so I could continue my crawl up Nico's body.

  I stopped at his dick and ran my tongue around the head, spending an extra moment on his piercing. He groaned and grabbed himself at the root. "Get the hell up here, Peanut, so I can kiss those lips of yours."

  I sucked him into my mouth. I heard Raphael curse behind me and then a hand smacked my ass. I released Nico with a pop and looked over my shoulder to find Amari with a smirk.

  "Do that again, pussy cat." I blew a kiss to him as his eyes darkened. He smacked my right cheek again and I pushed my ass back and wiggled it.

  I turned back to Nico, who was stroking his cock, waiting for me. I took him in my mouth again, swirling my tongue along the head.

  Warm hands fell on my ass and then one traveled between my legs, dipping into my wet core. The fingers were gone in an instant and then they were massaging my tight hole. As the tip breeched the tight ring of muscle, warmth filled me and I knew it was Raphael.

  I pushed back onto his finger and gasped. If he could transmit some of his healing juju through his dick, I was going to be one happy woman.

  "Get up here," Nico growled, grabbing a fistful of my still damp hair. I groaned around him and he bucked his hips. "Fuck, do that again."

  I did and then opened my eyes to find Amari standing at the side of the bed. I hadn't even felt him move. "Scoot over here. I want you to do that to me."


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