Mindsurge (Mindspeak Book 3)

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Mindsurge (Mindspeak Book 3) Page 26

by Heather Sunseri

  A chill galloped down my spine. I raised my head so that my eyes met his. His breath warmed my cheek. “I’m a little tired,” I whispered.

  “Sandra would like for me to get to know you. I’ll be back in an hour.” He looked down at my dress. And try to wear something equally hot.

  His mindspeak caught me off guard. I curled my toes, trying to concentrate on some other part of my body and not react to his words inside my head. I had no idea if Maya was capable of hearing Jonas’s mindspeak.

  “I’ll be ready.”


  I had an hour before Jonas would be back for me. Addison, where are you?

  “Right here.” She popped into existence, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

  “Let’s go.”

  Addison made us invisible, and together we headed in the opposite direction from where I’d entered the building. It took only turn and we were in the middle of activity.

  We must be in the center of the building, I mindspoke to her. I need to find the room with the servers controlling the trackers.

  There. She pointed to a door where a man in a white lab coat was scanning a badge to enter. We jogged to catch up, and slipped through the door behind him.

  I stopped dead in my tracks so suddenly that Addison ran into my back and practically knocked me over.

  What are those things? she asked.

  Those are incubators.

  Addison and I were facing rows and rows of the rectangular machines: actual human clones being grown in a human-sized test tubes. Several people in lab coats milled about, carrying clipboards. They appeared to be checking gauges and settings on the machines and then earnestly jotting down notes. Tubes and pipes in white and sky blue ran from the machines to the ceiling. I chose a thick blue tube and followed it with my eyes across the ceiling to where it connected to a large white machine in the corner. Oxygen. I padded closer to the incubators, my fingers rubbing the spot on my chest where my heart beat erratically. I had to remind myself to keep breathing.

  The machines were much larger in person than they appeared on Sandra’s video. I had to rise to my tiptoes to peer into the window on top. When I did, a gasp escaped my lips. A human child lay on his side in the fetal position. Not a baby, but a child: a one-year-old, maybe. His hands were folded near his face, his thumb in his mouth.

  I continued down row after row of incubators. Every machine housed a human body. Sandra was growing humans. Not just fertilizing eggs and developing embryos, but growing humans from embryo to baby to child.

  A door on the opposite side of the lab opened, and John DeWeese entered. Instinctively, I ducked down.

  Addison touched my arm. Relax. He can’t see you.

  A moment later, Jonas entered by the same door, following closely behind Dr. DeWeese as he walked down the rows.

  We have to get closer. I want to hear what they’re saying.

  As I neared them, I heard Jonas ask, “What if you can’t figure out the problem? What if the children keep dying?”

  “Don’t call them that,” Dr. DeWeese answered. “Don’t humanize them.”

  I stood straighter, walked faster until I was right behind them. I wanted to take one of my paralyzing pins out of my hair and empty a full dose into Dr. DeWeese’s neck.

  “What would you like for me to call them?” Jonas curled his hands into fists, but his voice remained calm.

  “They’re just delta clones.”

  Delta? As in fourth generation? I wondered.

  Jonas paused his forward motion. His head turned to the side a bit before he continued walking.

  Sandra entered the lab and sped toward them. Her face was red, her lips spread into a thin line. “Representatives of the Nature Conservancy are paying us a visit. It seems someone told them there was activity on the island that didn’t fit in with their ‘preservation of nature.’”

  “What are you going to do?” Dr. DeWeese asked.

  “I’m going to play the perfect hostess. This room needs to be sealed off. It can’t even look like it exists. No one gets in or out while the Conservancy reps are here. And if anyone other than the Conservancy arrives, they’ll be in for a big surprise. IIA has implemented a twenty-four-hour watch in the tower and at the beach.”

  “When do they arrive?” Jonas asked.

  “By boat, midday tomorrow.”

  It was happening. I smiled.

  “Which is about the same time we should expect Sarah,” Sandra added.


  I only had fifteen minutes before my meeting with Jonas, and I had yet to locate the server controlling the trackers. Which meant I still hadn’t heard from Alyson. I was totally shut off from Jack, Alyson, and everyone else on La Luna y el Sol.

  Since I didn’t need to be invisible, Addison and I split up. If I met anyone, I would just have to carry on as if I were Maya.

  After finding nothing but medical labs behind each of the doors in the hallway I was in, I stopped and leaned against the wall. I closed my eyes and massaged the bridge of my nose. It was useless. I needed Kyle and Briana. They had studied the layout of the buildings. I should have waited until I could bring them with me, or at least until I had studied the maps more myself.

  “You look a little lost.”

  My eyes snapped open. Jonas stood in front of me, grinning. “Uh… no.”

  “Thought you were going to rest and wait for me in your room.”

  I rotated my shoulders back and reminded myself that I was not Lexi Matthews. “Since when do I answer to you? You said you were coming back to pick me up. I never agreed to stay in my quarters until then.”

  “Fair enough. So tell me… why is a girl who’s supposedly spent so much time on Palmyra lost in the middle of the main hallway?”

  Sweat broke out across my neck. “What makes you think I’m lost?”

  “Because I just watched you open every one of those doors and peer inside, only to let the doors close again.” He walked closer until there were only a couple of inches between us. “You’re looking for something, darlin’, and you can’t seem to find it.”

  I glanced in both directions, looking for anyone who might see us.

  Jonas followed my gaze, then returned to staring at me. “There’s no one there. No one to help you.”

  My head was pushed hard against the wall, and my chest rose and fell in labored breaths. This was the Jonas I knew—playful yet intimidating. Only instead of the old Jonas, the one I knew I could handle, this one had a tracker in him controlled by Sandra. And I still didn’t know if he was able to override his orders. “Why would I need help, Jonas?”

  “You just look scared, that’s all. What are you scared of, darlin’?”

  I had to change my approach if I was going to keep up the ruse that I was Maya. I’m not scared of anything, I mindspoke to him. Maya had mindspoken to me several times, so her tracker must have given her that ability. You make me nervous, that’s all. I batted my eyelashes and almost puked when a grin spread across his lips. Though I pretended to be Maya, I couldn’t help but feel I was betraying Jack by flirting.

  Jonas brushed hair back from my face and tucked it behind my ear. His demeanor toward me was the complete opposite of how he’d acted earlier that day. He leaned in and whispered, his breath hot on my neck, “You have nothing to be afraid of. I’m here to help you.”

  “I just got turned around, that’s all. Where are the computer labs?”

  He leaned back, cocked his head. “Why do you need to know that?”

  I brought my hand to rest on his chest, pushing back a bit. “Look, Jonas, I don’t answer to you. The quicker you realize that, the better you and I will get along.”

  One corner of his lips lifted. “Okay. We’ll play it your way.” He grabbed my hand and pulled. “I’ll show you.”

  If only I was playing. It had been a while since I had seen Jonas act this way.

  Jonas led me to a stairwell that led to a second story. No wonder I hadn’t been able to fi
nd the computers. The second level was laid out similarly to the first. He took me down a few hallways to a set of double doors. The doors were windowless and looked to be made of steel. I was fairly certain we were directly above the incubator lab.

  Jonas turned and stared down at me. “Want to see where the trackers are kept and controlled?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve seen the computer rooms before.”

  “Not this one. It’s new. The entire second floor just went online.” He raised an eyebrow as if he was surprised I didn’t know that. “According to Sandra, you haven’t been on Palmyra in months.”

  Again he pressed his hand on a scanner. The doors opened, and Jonas pulled me after him.

  The air was cool and smelled of overheated machines. Like the space below it, this room was large. But instead of rows of incubators, this room had three rows of floor-to-ceiling black machines. Blue lights glowed from each one.

  “So all of the trackers placed inside Sandra’s clones are controlled from this room, right?”

  “Well, this is where the information stored on each tracker lives, but the trackers are controlled from those computers”—Jonas pointed to a long desk with multiple keyboards and rows of flat screen monitors—“and from a remote app on Sandra’s phone.”

  Alyson had said nothing about an app. I wondered what else was new to the system.

  I walked slowly toward the screens. They were all lit, each one showing a different view, like we were watching sophisticated security footage. One TV caught my eye: it showed me in profile, standing in this room. My heart sped up. I slowly turned my head; the face on the screen turned, too.

  “They can see everything someone with a tracker sees?”

  “That’s right.” Jonas turned and walked down to the end of the row of TVs, then made his way back toward me. His eyes remained fixed on the monitors the entire time. “There’s something missing from these monitors, don’t you think?”

  Yeah, my line of vision. Shit.

  The sound of footsteps stopped just outside the lab doors, and Jonas and I traded panicked looks. When the beeping of security approval started, Jonas grabbed me by the elbow and led me away from the door and away from the computer monitors. We ducked behind the tracker servers. I breathed heavily. Jonas lifted a finger to his lips, then closed his eyes.

  I squinted at him. His actions confused me. He was obviously allowed in the room—his handprint was recognized. So why were we hiding?

  He remained flat against the server we hid behind. His lips tugged downward. He slipped a hand around my waist and pressed it against the small of my back, bringing me closer so that my chest was against his body and I was hidden from whoever just entered. When he leaned in, his mouth next to my ear, I thought he was going to whisper. Instead he mindspoke. We’re hiding, my dear Lexi, because when Sandra figures out that you aren’t who you say you are, she will do unimaginable things to you to extract the DNA information she needs to complete the next generation of trackers.

  How did you know?

  That doesn’t matter at the moment. What matters is why you were searching for this room.

  I need to switch the communications system, so the trackers route through the satellite instead of the cell tower.

  Jonas’s eyes remained closed. And suddenly, the reason we were hiding dawned on me. He didn’t want whoever was standing in front of those monitors to know that he was with me.

  Why? Jonas asked. Sandra can control the trackers just as easily through the satellite as she can through the cell tower.

  Yeah, but the system is more vulnerable to an outside hack when the trackers are on the satellite.

  And by outside hack, you mean…?

  My mother.

  Jonas nervously drew circles on the small of my back. I don’t know, Lex. I can’t believe Sandra would leave this new system open to that. Your mom hasn’t seen the improvements that have been made since Sandra and her minions returned from UK.

  But she designed the system. I just know I have to try.

  Okay. There’s a panel to the left of the computer stations. It’s on the wall beside the monitors. Inside that panel are three switches, one for each row of tracker servers we’re standing in now. You simply have to move the switches from one side to the other.

  That’s it? It seemed too easy. Now I just needed to hope that Alyson had regained her satellite connection.

  I leaned over Jonas and peeked around the edge of the server. My body stiffened under Jonas’s hands. I took in a breath as my heart constricted and a sweat broke out across my neck.

  What is it? Jonas asked. Who’s over there?

  I jerked back behind the servers. I had to get out of here. Is there any other way out of here? This is bad, Jonas.

  Tell me who’s over there.

  Can you see inside Addison’s head and see what she’s seeing, like you’ve done with me in the past?

  Yeah. As long as she’s not invisible at the time.

  Then see for yourself.

  Jonas went silent for several seconds, though it seemed like hours. I knew what he was seeing. He was looking through Addison’s eyes at the tracker monitors—along with two other people.

  Sandra and Maya.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Oh my God, Lexi. Close your eyes. If they tap into your tracker, they’ll see exactly what you’re seeing.

  Jonas’s eyes remained shut, and I did as he ordered. How the hell did Maya get here? And Addison’s still helping them? I had had my doubts about Maya, especially under the influence of Sandra’s tracker, but Addison? Sandra’s going to find me here. I knew the time would come when I’d turn myself over to Sandra, but I wasn’t ready yet.

  We have to get out of this room, Jonas mindspoke. Come on. Keep your eyes closed. He dropped his hand to mine and pulled me down the row of servers. I let one hand graze the servers to my left so I knew where I was. I stumbled slightly, but managed to keep my footing.

  As we drew closer to the other end of the room, we could hear Sandra’s voice.

  “Get her tracker synced and pull up what she’s seeing, right now. I want her found.” Sandra spoke through gritted teeth. “And what’s wrong with Jonas’s tracker? Why is his monitor dark?”

  I squeezed Jonas’s hand. No one answered Sandra’s question.

  Why did you insert a tracker into your neck? What were you thinking? Jonas was rubbing his thumb back and forth against mine. He didn’t sound mad, just worried.

  I had to pretend to be Maya. I thought it would buy me some time in here before I had to turn myself over to Sandra. The plan was for Alyson to get control of the trackers, including yours.

  I’m in control of my own tracker, Lexi. I don’t need your help, or your mother’s.

  I don’t understand. Seth said that your DNA was manipulated all those years ago to heal certain blood conditions and diseases, so we assumed it was you that made Jack and Georgia sick—that Sandra forced you to do it through Maya’s mind.

  Seth’s right. Jonas seemed to hold even tighter to my hand. But I was in control the whole time.

  What are you saying? I tried pulling my hand from his grasp, but he practically cut off the circulation in my fingers. You did this to him on purpose? My voice was rising inside my own head as reality began to sink in.

  Calm down.

  My eyes sprang open. Jonas, he’s dying. Jack and Georgia are dying because of you. Tears blurred my vision—tears of anger, frustration, and complete betrayal.

  I had to do what Sandra instructed me to do, or she would have known that the new tracker wasn’t working on me. I couldn’t risk what she might do to me if that happened.

  So, you risked Jack’s life instead? And Georgia’s?

  They aren’t going to die. I’ll heal them.

  How? They’re already dying. Jack could barely stand when I left him. They were both knocking on death’s door, according to Seth. I ground my teeth together. I had to come here alone because he was too sick to come w
ith me.

  Why didn’t you heal them? Jonas asked.

  I stared at him like he was a three-eyed monster. I couldn’t even figure out what was wrong with Jack. I can’t heal just anything.

  Yes, you can. Jonas sighed. We just haven’t had time to explore all that you’re capable of. But it’s time you accept the truth you’ve fought so hard against. You are the ultimate healer. Your DNA was mapped with every type of healing. You can heal brain injuries, deep open wounds and cuts, broken bones, torn muscles, ruptured appendices, and even cancer.

  You’re crazy. I pulled on his hand again with no success. Was Jonas right? Could I have cured Jack all along? I didn’t need Sandra’s help?

  I told you not to come here. That’s why Sandra needs you. The rest of us have some abilities, but you have them all. That’s why everyone wanted your father’s journals. They thought he documented all of this, but he didn’t. Well, he did, but not in an easy-to-read format. It’s all coded.

  You said you figured out his coded writing?

  Yes. The key to making more healers like you is hidden within your DNA, in the way your brain’s neurons fire. It’s more than just getting a blood sample from you.

  Sandra wants to study my DNA—my everything. She plans to recreate my brain patterns inside other humans by using a manufactured tracker. I had known this to be true, but with everything that had happened, I hadn’t had enough time to imagine the full possibilities.

  I began prying Jonas’s fingers away from mine. And thanks to you, now she’ll get to. I have no way of getting back to Jack. I have to trust that Sandra will do what she promised and heal him.

  What are you planning to do?

  I’m handing myself over. If I don’t do something soon, it’ll be too late.

  Jonas pulled me closer. I can’t let you do that. This is not what Jack would want. He’d never let you sacrifice yourself for him.

  Jack isn’t capable of knowing what he wants right now. Look at us. I have no choice.

  So, what? We’re just supposed to let Sandra win? Let her keep cloning humans in this evil government factory?

  I laughed inside his head—a hysterical, hopeless chuckle. Why do you think the Nature Conservancy is coming here?


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