Professor next Door

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Professor next Door Page 18

by Summer Cooper

Her hands smoothed down his chest, and below his belly button, into the now soapy water. She was using a cloth to scrub at his skin and the soapy material was soon much further down, grasping at his hardening flesh, massaging him as he came to life.

  “I’ve missed you, Zeb.” She whispered to him, and his head turned to look into her eyes. He found his need mirrored there, her passion as evident as his own.

  “I’ve waited so long for this moment, dreamed about it Mary. Memories of our time together got me through that war, through the time in the hospital. But now I’m home and I’m never leaving you or little Joshua again.”

  The baby was asleep after his breakfast, busy growing and not caring what his parents were doing.

  Mary’s hand tightened on him, and he gasped, his eyes going to the place where her hand held him, stroking him gently. His head fall back against the porcelain tub and he let her have her way. She stroked him until he was gasping and his hips thrust into her fist fiercely.

  “Mary.” He gasped her name, wanting release but needing more.

  She pulled her thin cotton dress over her head and smiled down at him. She was the same beautiful wife, though her body bore a few signs of the pregnancy. He saw them as her own battle scars and adored her for them. Her breasts were still high and firm on her chest, and that light triangle of hair.

  He reached for her, needing the comfort only she could offer, and groaned in gratitude when she sank to her knees, guiding him into her slick folds. His body shuddered as he felt her enveloping his cock, the silken walls within her grasping at him, sucking him in deeper.

  “Let me do the work, baby. You just sit back and enjoy the ride.” She grinned down at him, her own body beginning to flush as the blood pounded in her veins. She rode him softly, gently, until she’d found her rhythm, her own pleasure, and her own gasps started to come.

  His Mary, his wife, gave him all he needed and he pulled her down, taking her mouth as she took his body. His hands found her nipples, kneaded at her breasts until he felt her clenching around his rigid cock, and he knew she was as close as he was. He wished he had another hand in that moment but Mary volunteered and he gasped once more as she leaned back far enough to find the center of her pleasure.

  Her fingers found the small button he knew would give her the most pleasure and he gave a long moan of delight as he watched her. Mary’s gasps turned to her own moans and he felt her pulsing around him, her orgasm approaching to both their delights. Zebadiah watched as her cheeks flushed, the red stain travelling down her chest, and she inhaled deeply then stopped breathing.

  He gritted his teeth against his own release, wanting to follow her when she went over the edge.

  With a long shout of joy Mary fell and Zebadiah felt his own release begin as the hot, wet muscles of her body began to contract around him. He wanted to close his eyes and savor the moment but he wanted to watch his wife’s sweet face more. The way her mouth fell open as she gasped, the expression on her face of great pleasure, and there, the way her eyes blazed open as she hit the peak of her pleasure, that moment that was like no other.

  Zebadiah felt the pleasure in kind but watched her, far more fascinated with Mary than his own pleasure. That’s what had gotten him through, that’s what would get him through, his Mary and filling her world with pleasure.

  Chapter 5

  Cherokee Joe sat on the edge of his bunk gazing down at the letters in his hand. They were the letters that had dropped from Zebadiah’s pocket as they had carried him from the jungle. Lieutenant Simpson had insisted on returning there with a tank unit the following day and of course Cherokee Joe had been expected to attend. They’d cleared out the area thoroughly of anything they may have dropped during the fire fight. The tanks then stood back as an artillery barrage blasted away at the old fort and surrounding jungle.

  The tanks rolled in with a platoon of infantry and Lieutenant Simpson and Cherokee Joe, to mop up and look for any useful intelligence.

  Joe had found the letters down in one of the Vietnamese tunnels. They were sat on a table with a Zippo lighter perched on top. Cherokee Joe had recognized it immediately. It had a U.S Marine crest on it and a large dent in the side where it had saved the owner from a bullet. Unfortunately for the owner, it wasn’t saved from Zebadiah’s arm wrestling skills. He had beaten the marine three times in a row to take the lighter and twenty dollars. The money wouldn’t be much use for a while out in the steaming jungle, but the Zippo was a great win. Zebadiah treasured it and always had it with him. There was little else of interest down in the tunnel and Cherokee Joe had left and tossed in a grenade to leave the tunnel useless. Now he sat on the bunk and read the letters, feeling a moment of shame to be reading the private thoughts of another man’s woman. He would return them of course. He could drop them in the mail and hope they would eventually find Zebadiah, or he could of course take them himself. He had two more months left in this stinking hell hole before he shipped home. He would be headed for his home in North Carolina. He had lived within the Qualla all his life. There, he had roamed the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Old Smokies, just like his ancestors before him. Although the land his people now had was far less than his ancestors, at least they could sleep without the worry of a white raiding party, rounding them up, butchering them and herding what was left of them into some disease ridden camp.

  Yes, he decided. In two months, he would head home and then seek out Zebadiah to return his letters and his lighter. He folded them carefully into his pocket, stood up from the bed and strolled out to visit the new faces that had joined the unit that morning. He looked them over sadly, wondering how many of them would make it through these first few weeks in the cauldron. Those that learned the jungle quickly and learned to listen to Cherokee Joe and Lieutenant Simpson, would hopefully make it home in one piece. The others? Maybe not. He was determined this time he would not be getting attached emotionally to anyone. He had one goal now. Survive the next two months and get the hell out of this madness.

  Chapter 6

  Zebadiah had woken early. The day of lovemaking had turned into a longer evening of unbridled passion. Mary was insatiable and Zebadiah was shocked at the ferocity of her lovemaking. Shocked too at his ability to keep up. His shoulder, his leg and of course his head were all feeling much better. He hadn’t taken his painkillers yesterday and he wasn’t feeling he should take anything today. He felt good. Incredibly good. The pills made him groggy. They clouded his mind and confused his memories. Strangely, now as his mind was clearing, all he could seem to remember was here. The house. Mary and Joshua. He seemed to have lost all recollection of the past. The events in Vietnam. The death of his mother. That all seemed like it had almost happened to someone else. Someone he may have read about in the paper or heard about on the radio but not him. It just didn’t seem to relate to his life at all.

  Awake now and pondering this strange mind change, Zebadiah dressed and made his way downstairs. Mary was busy in the kitchen working on breakfast. She smiled as he sat down and passed him a mug of coffee.

  “Do you think you can handle a steak for breakfast darling? Steak and eggs? I think we need to get your strength built up if you want more of yesterday and look after the animals and the garden too.” Mary said before smiling.

  Zebadiah felt his face flushing as Joshua looked at him gurgling and smiling too.

  “Yes, of course. A steak would be wonderful. But where did you find the money to get steak? More’s the point how did you get it? You never left the house.” Zebadiah said.

  “Oh it was in the cold room darling. I picked it up the day before you got home. It needs eating so let’s not let it go to waste okay?" Mary replied as she slid the hot sizzling steak onto a plate and then slid two perfectly fried eggs on the top of it.

  “Eat up husband. It’s good to have my man back at last. You are a hero Zebadiah and I intend to look after your every needs.” Mary said.

  “I was thinking of taking a walk into town today.” Zebadiah sai

  Mary turned quickly from the stove and glared at him. “Whatever for Zeb darling? There was never anything down in the town before you left. There’s even less there now. No. You’re not strong enough yet my love. You must rest. Perhaps you can play with Joshua today and have a short walk in the garden. You’ll be fit enough for the long trip to town soon enough.”

  “Well okay!” Zebadiah responded, shocked at how Mary had reacted. He reached for his coffee and stared down at the cup, bemused and a little confused.

  He finished the steak breakfast in silence and eventually made his way outside into the yard with Joshua in his pram. It was good to feel the sun on his face again in his own home. The garden looked wonderful. Mary must be an incredible gardener too to have managed to raise so many and such varied crops all on her own. The house too. Zebadiah’s father had spent longer and longer on his moonshine than working on the house and it had suffered. The roof sagged and in a heavy downpour would leak into the kitchen. The whole house looked as good as new now.

  Soon Zebadiah found himself on the track leading to town and he began to gently stroll down it. As he did he began to smell the faintest hint of wood smoke. He carried on and the pain in his head, his arm and his leg started making their presence known. No he certainly wouldn’t get far without his cane he thought and maybe a couple of painkillers at least to get him to town. Mary was right. Too soon was too soon. He would try again another day and make sure he was prepared with his pills and his cane. For now he turned back and made his way into the house where Mary was waiting for him with a smile.

  “You okay baby?” She asked.

  “Sure. I just had a slow walk down the track but you’re right. I’m not ready for it just yet. I’ll try another day I reckon. How about some more of that coffee of yours?” He replied.

  Mary poured him a mug of coffee and settled herself in the chair opposite as she cuddled Joshua to her.

  “I can’t remember this old place ever looking so good Mary. I was almost embarrassed to bring you here when we married, but you’ve sure done the place well. Who helped you?” Zebadiah asked.

  “Oh the people from town rallied round when you left. They all wanted to do their bit to make sure I was taken care of while you were away.” Mary replied.

  “That’s great of them but I’ll be taking care of you from now on.” Zebadiah gave his wife a dirty grin and she giggled.

  Zebadiah held his arms out to his wife and she joined him in the handmade chair, straddling his waist as she sat down on him.

  “Think the chair is up for it?” Zebadiah inquired, not really caring.

  “Oh, I think it’ll manage. Will you is the question of the hour.” She said as she unbuttoned the top of her simple cotton dress. Navy blue with pink flowers. Zebadiah wished he could buy her silks and furs but loved the way the dress came open.

  Slipping her arms out of the dress Mary pulled off her cotton camisole, revealing her full breasts to him. Zebadiah gave a murmur of approval and reached for her, cupping the warm globes in his hands. He let the weight of her breasts rest there for a moment then pulled her to him. Mary sat up, giving him access to her breasts as he lowered his head.

  Zebadiah licked first one nipple, then the other, gauging her response to each touch he gave her. When a strong suck of the left one caused her hips to lurch on him and she gasped he continued the action before doing the same with her other nipple.

  Zebadiah wanted to grin but decided to use his tongue to rasp at the very top of her nipple first. That got the strongest response as she wrapped her arms around his head and pleaded with him not to stop.

  Zebadiah had always thought nipples were pleasure zones but he’d never quite realized how sensitive they were, or how sensitive the very tip was, along with the part in the middle. His wife was writhing in his arms, his hands on her waist not able to stop her rhythmic grinding into his now hard cock.

  “Fuck, Mary, don’t make me come yet.” He pleaded with her and her hips stilled.

  She was panting hard, little mewling sounds coming from her throat as she tried to remain still and failed.

  “I need you, Zebadiah. Please.” She begged him.

  Zebadiah’s fingers moved down to her cleft and found her damp and hot. He sought out the throbbing bud of her clitoris and gently massaged it, earning another gasp as she lost all of her control. Zebadiah grinned up into Mary’s eyes as she stared down at him. Her lips came down to his and he used his other hand to go around from the back. Plunging two fingers inside of his wife he let her ride his hands to her first orgasm, loving the way she let herself go completely as she came.

  Mary’s body calmed and Zebadiah held her, soothing her back and whispering gentle words of love to her as she came back to earth. He was surprised when she popped up suddenly and moved to her knees, reaching for his pants’ button. Zebadiah put his hand over hers, wanting more than that from her, but she shook her head.

  “Let me, Zeb. I need to taste you.” He couldn’t argue with that.

  Mary opened his pants, pulling them from his body as he watched. She took him in hand, stroking his throbbing length. Zebadiah watched as Mary’s full red lips, a natural shade not augmented by the lipstick so many women wore in the city, opened. Zebadiah felt his skin tightening as he watched her slowly moving, and moaned as her lips parted, slowly taking him in.

  Watching his wife swallow his cock was one of the most erotic things Zebadiah had ever seen and watching her now was no different. There was something about watching his flesh disappearing into her mouth that excited him beyond measure.

  He let Mary have her way, deciding not to prolong the session by holding back. Mary also made that decision when she started to suck at him quickly, her tongue, hands, and lips working together to make his cock harder than ever. Zebadiah plunged his hands into Mary’s hair and started to thrust into her face, gliding down her throat easily as she held her mouth open for him.

  Zebadiah sucked air in between his teeth and released it on a moan as he felt the first explosion of his seed from his now almost painfully erect cock. He needed this, he needed to let go, and he lost himself in the power of his explosions as he felt Mary swallowing each jet of his release. He couldn’t stop the thrusting of his hips, or how strongly he held her head, he was coming too hard and she didn’t complain.

  Finally the pleasure started to ebb and Zebadiah looked down at his grinning wife.

  After a moment of gasping he spoke, reaching for his now cold coffee.

  “Pleased with yourself, are you?” He teased, handing her the cup she’d left on the table.

  “Oh yes, husband. I might have to do that again later if that’s what happens.”

  “Oh, I believe a lot more will happen later if you try that again. Come up here and kiss me now. Then we’ll see what Joshua is doing.” He pulled her up to kiss her and they laughed together as he stood, taking her hand as they walked back to the living room where Joshua slept.

  It was some days later before Zebadiah convinced himself he could make the walk into town and he was not having any argument from Mary.

  “It’s too far Zeb, you’ll get stuck down there and not be able to get back. I won’t be able to come and get you because I’ll be stuck here with Joshua. Please don’t go Zeb, I beg you.” Mary had pleaded.

  “No Mary. I need to do this. We can’t live like hermits up here forever. I have a bit of money now from my pension and there are things we need. I shall take my time but I will get there and I will get back. Now you make sure there’s a supper ready for me okay? I’ll be careful. Trust me I’ve been on much nastier trails than this.” Zebadiah replied.

  He pocketed his pills and gathered up his cane and a knapsack. He headed out of the door without looking back. He could hear Mary sobbing behind him but kept his head focused on the route ahead. Today he was going to town.

  He was a half mile down the track before he started feeling the groaning ache in his shredded leg. When Mary had bathed him she
’d taken her time to go gently over the torn muscles in his leg and his arm. He thought the injuries would have repulsed her but she cooed and soothed as she gently soaped the wounds. His head too now carried a huge scar barely covered by his newly grown hair. He had felt he looked like a lead in a freak show, but Mary continued to tell him how handsome and manly he looked. As his leg started to throb he began to feel less than manly and lowered himself to the ground for a rest.

  He reached into a pocket and took two of the pain pills from the bottle. Opening the knapsack he pulled out a mason jar of moonshine. This was good stuff he’d had stored since before he left. Maybe not the best thing to wash down painkillers with but at the moment it was a gift from heaven. He swallowed the pills and smiled at the warm burning as the alcohol trickled down his throat.

  It was a slower trip than he had planned but eventually he arrived in Charles Station. As he was walking past the tiny church he almost stumbled headlong into Reverend Andrew Halcomb. He had been the town Reverend since before Zebadiah was born. The Rasnakes had not gone to his church as often as perhaps good God fearing folk should, but the Reverend understood they lived far out in the holler and on occasion had driven out to visit them.

  “Are you well Zebadiah? We are all so pleased you came back from that evil place alive. I’m so sorry about your bereavement. We all go to a better place of course, but your mother was a wonderful woman. So tragic.” Reverend Halcomb said.

  “Thank you sir,” Zebadiah replied. “It’s good to be home for sure.”

  “I’ve been meaning to take a drive up to see you Zebadiah if that’s okay, I have to dash now. I’m late for an appointment with Martha Morgan on the other side of town. I shall get up there as soon as I can my friend. Take care now and good to have you home.” Reverend Halcomb said as he patted Zebadiah on the shoulder and jumped into his station wagon and roared off down the street.

  Zebadiah stood watching the car speed away in a cloud of dust. He had a lot he wanted to ask the Reverend. It would wait until he visited he guessed and he continued towards the grocery store. He was limping badly now and leaning heavily on his cane. His head and his arm were throbbing and he reached for his pills. Too soon for more he thought. Maybe with a coffee at the grocery store. As he got closer to the store he noticed people giving him stares. Many were lowering their heads and shaking them. Zebadiah assumed they were sad for him losing his mother, or perhaps they were sympathetic to his injuries. His injuries wouldn’t improve by standing in the street worrying over it, he thought as he straightened himself up and entered the grocery store.


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