The Bad Boys of Eden

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The Bad Boys of Eden Page 6

by Avery Aster

Chapter Three

  “I expected something bigger.” Marissa stared at the small plane, her lips pursed.

  “I’m sure it will be fine,” Lana said.

  “But a two hour flight in that tiny plane?” Marissa didn’t like flying at the best of times, but that little plane promised a bumpy, unsettling ride.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get you there in one piece.” A young woman with light brown, wavy hair and green eyes, wearing khaki shorts and a black polo shirt with the word ‘Eden’ stitched on the pocket, walked toward them. She stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m your pilot, Joely.”

  Marissa shook hands with her. Joely’s firm grip buoyed Marissa’s confidence a little.

  Joely stowed Marissa’s luggage in the back of the plane and Marissa hugged Lana, then climbed inside. Marissa clasped her hands tightly together as the plane taxied across the water, then Joely pushed the engine full throttle and the plane skimmed over the water. Marissa held her breath as the plane lifted into the air, soon leaving the ocean far below them.

  She’d heard that takeoffs were the most dangerous part of any flight, so it should be clear sailing now, but she couldn’t seem to convince her frazzled nerves of that.

  About twenty minutes into the flight, Joely turned her head and said over her shoulder, “There’s going to be some turbulence ahead, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

  Marissa tensed in her seat.

  Joely smiled. “Don’t worry. I do this all the time and I’m still here to talk about it.”

  Marissa just nodded.

  “Just think about the great time you’re going to have on Eden,” Joely said. “And you’re in for a treat this week. There are lots of hot biker guys… and chicks… swarming over the island.”

  Marissa stiffened.

  Joely glanced back at her speculatively. “Is there something wrong?”

  “I… uh… dated a biker a while back and… well, he’s sort of been stalking me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Joely glanced back at Marissa with concern in her big green eyes. “But you’ll be perfectly safe on Eden. No one will hurt you.”

  It was nice of her to try and comfort her, but Marissa knew no one could make that promise. But she did know that it was unlikely that Rip would wind up on Eden.

  “So why are there bikers on Eden this week?” she asked.

  “The master of the island loves motorcycles and he decided to invite a few motorcycle clubs to the island. He’s arranged to bring their bikes over and everything. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a number of guests who will be finding their happiness,” Joely winked, “with bikers this week.”

  Marissa clenched her fists. “Not me.”

  “Well, you never know. If you’re afraid of bikers, maybe the island has decided to fix that fear.” Joely grinned. “Or maybe you’ll have a fling with a nice guy who goes to the office from nine-to-five Monday to Friday, but rides a bike on the weekends. He could still have the tats and leather, but not scare the pants off you.” She laughed. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. The pants can still go. Just not because you’re scared.

  Marissa drew in a deep breath and shook her head. “If that’s the island’s plan, then it’s got it wrong this time around. If I never see a biker again, it’ll be too soon.”

  “Oh, honey,” Joely said with a smile, “the island never gets it wrong.”

  * * *

  The plane landed gently on the water, then taxied to a long wooden dock that lead to a beach. The view coming into Eden had been stunning, with the huge castle on the center of the island glittering like a precious gem.

  Joely turned off the engine, then hopped out of the plane and opened the door for her. Another Eden staff member, a man with a friendly smile, wearing the same khaki shorts and black polo shirt as Joely, offered a hand to help Marissa from the plane as Joely pulled out her bags.

  “Welcome to Eden,” the newcomer said. “My name is Bill and I’ll take you to the resort.”

  Marissa stepped onto the dock, relieved to be on firm ground once again. She turned to grab the handle of her suitcase.

  “Don’t worry about your luggage. It will be taken up to your room,” Bill assured her.

  She followed him along the dock, enjoying the stunning view of the glittering ocean and white sand. Soon they arrived at an elegant marble staircase leading up to the jewel-like castle glittering in the sunlight above. As they reached the top of the steps, the majestic entrance to the castle stood before them. Bill led her inside, past a beautiful fountain. The air-conditioned interior was welcome after the heat of the outside air. Within moments he had her checked in and handed her a black bracelet.

  “Just attach this around your wrist. It acts as your key.”

  It was soft and pliable and she easily pulled it onto her wrist.

  “Just hold it close to your door,” he explained, “and it will open.”


  At that point, he walked her to a stone wall which opened to reveal an elevator, then he guided her to her room. Sure enough, when she held her bracelet to the door, it swung open like magic.

  “Oh my God, it’s beautiful.”

  “I hope you enjoy your stay.” Bill smiled and strolled back down the hall.

  Marissa strode through the large room furnished with a bright colored sofa and chairs, teak furniture and tropical plants, and headed for the big windows. Outside was a large balcony with loungers, a table and chairs, and even a private hot tub. Lovely flowering potted plants added splashes of color, and beyond was a breathtaking view of white sandy beaches and the ocean.

  Marissa opened the sliding door and stepped outside, breathing in the flower scented air, then leaned against the railing, taking it all in.

  She could spend the whole week right here. But she had promised Lana she would get out and meet people. Lana had actually insisted she meet some hunky guys and try to get lucky. She’d made Marissa promise to hit the pool and the bar as soon as she got settled in and find some hunky guys to spend time with.

  A knock sounded at the door and Marissa ran to answer it. A staff member delivered her bags. After the man had put her bags in her bedroom, placing the big suitcases on a luggage rack, he left. Marissa unzipped her bag and unpacked, placing everything neatly in the dresser drawers, then she pulled on her new bathing suit and wrapped the matching sarong around her waist.

  Ten minutes later, she stepped off the elevator and headed out the door to the pool. She walked to a lounge chair close to the pool, unwrapped her sarong and sat down. Before long, she was sipping a Pina Colada and relaxing as she watched scantily clad men and woman mingle at the bar across the pool from where she sat.

  She began to relax, feeling the warm sun on her skin, and the warm glow inside from the delicious drink. She reached into her beach bag and grabbed her book, then sat back and gazed around at the idyllic setting around her. She noticed a couple of women a few chairs down glancing to their right, smiling and whispering to each other.

  Marissa looked around, and her stomach clenched. Two tall, muscular men, their arms and torsos heavily inked, walked toward the bar. One had longish hair tied back in a ponytail while the other had a shaved head. Both looked tough, and a little scary.

  At least to her.

  All the other women around them seemed to be drooling as they watched the men walk by. They settled on stools at the bar and ordered drinks and the female bartender turned her attention to them immediately with a bright smile,

  Marissa finished her drink and grabbed her stuff, then headed back to her room.

  * * *

  The next morning, Marissa decided to leave the castle and go into the little town nearby. Apparently, there was a marketplace where she could buy souvenirs and postcards, have her fortune told, buy some unique artwork, and enjoy some quaint little cafes and restaurants.

  She wore a short denim skirt and blouse over her bikini, intending to take a walk along the beach near the town in the afternoon and go for a s
wim. She finished her lemonade in the little café overlooking the ocean, having just finished a lunch salad. After paying her bill, she left the restaurant, and headed toward the fortune teller’s she’d seen earlier.


  As the sound of that voice, her blood ran cold. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Rip, big as life in his faded jeans and black T-shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattooed arms, standing about thirty yards behind her. Her eyes widened as she stood frozen to the spot.

  Then he stepped toward her. Her heart lurched and she raced forward, running past the booths and heading toward the street. Traffic passed by ahead and all she could think of was finding a policeman to protect her.

  But when she reached the road, she gazed around, searching, but could see no one in uniform anywhere. Her heart pounded as she glanced behind her at Rip closing the distance between them. She raced along the street, then around a corner.

  A big black motorcycle pulled in front of her. The driver glanced her way, his eyes hidden by dark, reflective aviator shades.

  “Get on the bike,” he said in a hard, commanding voice.

  She glanced over her shoulder at Rip heading her way.

  “Now,” the biker demanded.

  Automatically obeying his authoritative tone, she hopped on the bike behind him, then wrapped her arms around his waist as the bike lurched forward. She glanced at Rip’s face as he raced toward her, the expression on his face one of shock.

  “No, Marissa. Don’t trust him,” he shouted after them.

  At least, that’s what she thought he’d said. Not that she had any reason to believe Rip. He was merely trying to frighten her.

  As the bike dodged between the traffic and it started to sink in that she was sitting on the back of a speeding motorcycle, clinging to a man she didn’t even know, it occurred to her that maybe she’d just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

  Chapter Four

  Time sped past with the scenery around them as she clung to the stranger on the bike. They’d been riding for about twenty minutes and there was no sign of Rip following them. He might be in pursuit, but would have had to get to his bike, then figure out their path from the town. That wouldn’t have been too hard, though, given there was only one road leading in and out of the small place. Her hope was he’d gone in the other direction.

  She wasn’t sure where they were, but the view of the ocean and palm trees which had been the lovely vista around them so far, soon disappeared to become denser foliage as they turned onto a road leading to the interior of the island.

  After about an hour, they turned onto another road and soon he pulled off to a clearing and stopped the bike near an idyllic setting complete with a waterfall from a cliff about twenty yards high. He turned off the bike and dismounted. When he pulled off his helmet, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

  He had a strong, square jaw covered with scruff, well defined cheekbones, and tousled, wavy brown hair that begged to be stroked. And his eyes! They were brown, but with a golden hue; almost a dark amber in color.

  She drew in a deep breath and stuck out her hand. “Thank you so much. My name’s Marissa.”

  His gaze fell on her, those golden eyes assessing, and a shiver ran down her spine. Ignoring her hand, he shoved his helmet in the saddle bag on the side of the bike.

  “We’re not stopping for long. Stretch your legs and get some water from the bag if you want it. I’m going for a swim.”

  He shrugged off his jacket and slung it over the bike, then walked toward the water. Her eyes widened as he continued to strip off his clothes, revealing a broad back, inked with a large bird of prey, wings extended. Then he dropped his pants and she glanced away. But not before she caught sight of the tightest, hottest male ass she’d ever seen.

  She climbed off the bike and fished in the saddle bag for a bottle of water, then pulled it out and took a deep sip. A splash alerted her to the fact he’d dived into the water. She walked partway to the water’s edge and sat on a big rock. She’d love to go in the calm, clear water, too. And since she had her bathing suit on under her clothes she did not have to strip down to nothing. But going in the water with the naked man… wouldn’t that be inviting trouble?

  She breathed in the hot, heavy air and sweat trickled down her neck and between her breasts. She was sweaty and tired and a dip in the water would revive her.

  Ah, hell, trouble was already snapping at her heels. If the guy was going to attack her, her being in or out of the water wouldn’t matter, so she might as well enjoy a nice swim.

  She stood up and stripped off her shirt and short denim skirt, then dropped them on the rock. She kicked off her sandals and walked toward the water. The man tread water about ten yards from the small strip of sand. His gaze followed her and her skin tingled at his masculine perusal.

  She waded into the water. The bottom sloped deeply so she was quickly in over her head and started to swim. She loved the water and after a few strokes, turned on her back and floated. After a few minutes, she switched to treading water again and realized the man was on the beach, sitting on the sand. Still totally naked.

  She swam back to shore. He seemed like the impatient type and she didn’t know if he would decide to climb back on the bike and take off. She walked from the sandy bottom of the water to the small beach, then to the rock and picked up her shirt.

  “You’re soaking wet,” the man said. “You can take a few minutes to sit and dry off.”

  She nodded and walked to the sand. There were only patchy areas of sunlight making its way through the dense foliage, so she picked a sunny spot a couple yards from where he sat.

  She couldn’t believe she was just sitting here with a naked man, who was a virtual stranger, but he seemed to have no interest in taking advantage of her.

  He sat cross-legged and she couldn’t help but see his equipment. His impressive equipment.

  He tossed her the water bottle she’d opened earlier, then sipped from his own.

  “So, why were you running away from that guy?” he asked casually.

  Her gaze darted to her face. He had to know she’d been staring at his… uh… cock, but he didn’t acknowledge it in any way. Not even a smirk.

  She wrapped her arms around her knees. “Well, it’s a long story, but basically I’m afraid he might hurt me.”


  “I used to go out with him and he’s part of a motorcycle… uh… club and, well…” She hesitated, not quite sure how to explain her fears.

  His eyebrow arched. “You think all bikers terrorize their ex-girlfriends when they break up?”

  She pursed her lips. “No, not really. But just before I broke up with him, there was an incident. One of the others in his group killed his ex. That’s when I found out what he was.”

  He frowned. “And what was he?”

  “A gang member. A criminal. Probably a murderer. His gang was involved in some very violent incidents.” She shook her head. “Up until I saw that article in the paper, I hadn’t realized what he was. I mean, I knew he rode a motorcycle, but with me he was always…” She shrugged. “I don’t know, a real gentleman.” Her stomach clenched. “I couldn’t believe how wrong I’d been about him.”

  “And what about me? You just hopped on my bike without a second thought.”

  Her glance darted to him. “Oh, there were second thoughts, but I really had no choice.”

  His hard, amber eyes locked on her, sending a chill through her. “You always have a choice.”

  * * *

  Marissa climbed on the bike behind him. A few moments ago, he’d pulled an extra leather jacket and helmet from his bag and handed them to her. She felt a little safer now that she’d donned the new gear.

  Despite his distant manner, she’d seen the heat in his eyes when he’d watched her approach the water in her skimpy bathing suit. And again when she’d pulled on her clothes. As she wrapped her arms around his waist, she remembered the sigh
t of his impressive cock and wondered what it would be like to stroke it and see his amber eyes heat to a warm glow.

  He was a handsome man, with a body built for sin.

  The vibration of the bike between her legs and the feel of his hard body under the leather sent heat thrumming through.

  She seemed to have an addiction to dangerous, tattooed bikers. First Rip and now… damn, she didn’t even know his name.

  But that wouldn’t stop her from having hot, sweaty, monkey sex with him.

  The thought of his cock swelling at the sight of her, then him shoving her against a wall and driving into her sent her hormones skyrocketing.

  Damn, what kind of idiot was she? She didn’t know this man, and he seemed dangerous and distant. She could find herself in a worse mess than she’d been in with Rip.

  She had wanted to ask him if he’d take her back to the resort, but she was sure Rip could easily find her there. Sure, there were lots of people around, but she’d heard talk of secret dungeons, and not so secret dungeons, in the resort for those whose interests were along those lines. She didn’t know a lot about those kinds of things, but what if Rip kidnapped her from her suite and dragged her to one of those places. By paying or intimidating the staff in charge of the dungeon, he could lock her in there and do what he wanted to her.

  This man might be an unknown, but for some reason she felt safe with him.

  * * *

  After about an hour, they were going down a long stretch of straight road, rather than the twists and turns much of the road had taken, when suddenly the bike turned onto a dirt side road. Marissa tightened her arms tighter around him at the jarring motion.

  He spun the bike around, facing the road they’d just left.

  Then she heard it. The sound of engines. She glanced back the way they’d come and saw them coming over the top of the hill, still quite a ways away. Six motorcycles. Her heart raced.

  “Fuck, did he bring his whole crew with him?” He grabbed her wrist and she felt him tug the bracelet from her wrist. “Damn, I should have realized you’re staying at Eden.”

  He threw the bracelet along the road in the direction they’d been going.


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