The Bad Boys of Eden

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The Bad Boys of Eden Page 20

by Avery Aster

  The sex was good. Really good. These two were skilled and definitely knew their way around a woman’s body. So why then did she suddenly feel so lost, so completely empty inside?

  Because it was lacking intimacy, a real connection, her inner voice warned.

  She’d come here to have fun and get laid. But as she found herself sandwiched between these hot guys, it occurred to her that she still felt lonely. That sobering reality startled her and had her questioning what it would take to fulfill her, to make her feel loved…important.

  A noise in the distance caught her attention. She lifted her head, and when the hairs on her nape began to tingle, her breathing became shallow.

  She peered into the night and caught the silhouette of a guy standing on the upper deck of a boat. Her heart jumped into her throat, and her body tightened. There was something about him that held her attention, something about the way he stood there with tension in his posture, tracking her every movement, that felt oh so familiar.

  Jack lifted his head, worried eyes moving over her face, when he asked, “Hey baby, are you okay?”

  “He’s here,” she murmured, her voice a strangled whisper. “I just know it.”

  Blair ran soothing fingers down her arm and in a soft tone asked, “Who’s here, sweetheart?”


  Chapter Six

  After waking up early, Alaska dressed in a simple, button down sundress, slipped into her flip flops, and hurried outside. She spent the better part of the day searching the island for Jesse, trying to catch a glimpse of him in the crowd. She checked with registration, but they had no record of a Jesse Cavanaugh ever arriving on Eden. Then again, he could be using an alias like her. As day bled to night, she paced the beach, searching endlessly for signs of him. Everything in her gut told her he was here, watching her.

  Feeling frustrated, she began the trek back to her room, squishing the warm sand between her toes. She slipped on her flip flops when she reached the lit path leading to her cabana, but when she heard a motorcycle revving in the distance, she stilled her movements and listened carefully. She caught the sound again and parted a few tree branches to peer into the woods. The beautiful multi-colored bird that seemed to be following her spread its wings and took flight, startling her. With her pulse pounding, she pushed tree branches out of her way, determined to find Jesse and figure out what was going on.

  The trees grew thicker, the canopy of leaves over her head blocking out the moonlight and making it difficult to find her way out. Something moved in the underbrush, and feeling a little nervous, she hurried forward, fearing she was never going to find her way out, or worse, find a snake slithering underfoot. A few feet later, the trees thinned and she stepped from the wooded area. She glanced at the huge clubhouse overlooking the ocean, numerous motorcycles parked outside. It occurred to her that the trolley tour she’d taken the day after she arrived had never passed through this area, or if it had, the building wasn’t there at the time. As she examined the clubhouse, she wondered whether this was another fantasy, or if she’d just stumbled upon Jesse.

  Her pulse leapt, and with renewed purpose, she hurried toward the building. She could hear music from the open windows as she looked over all the motorcycles, searching for one that Jesse might drive. Pushing her mussed hair from her face in an attempt to fix herself up after her trek through the woods, she opened the door, giving her eyes a moment to adjust.

  The sound of balls cracking on a pool table pulled her focus, and she looked at the men walking the table and drinking beer, oblivious to her. She scanned their faces and catalogued the room but was forced to step out of the way when three men came barreling in behind her, all wearing leather beanie caps, with bandanas masking their faces. A fine shiver moved through her as she studied the skull pattern on their masks. She looked at their gang colors and the patches on their leather jackets, patches that identified them as…outlaws.

  As the three men made a commotion, their biker boots hitting the wooden floor hard as they kicked off debris, all eyes in the club turned her way. Her stomach tightened. Feeling like she’d just walked into the lion’s den, she took a step back, hoping to lose herself in the shadows.

  Too bad the guy who appeared to be the gang’s leader seemed to have other plans.

  “Well, well… What do we have here?” he asked, stepping away from the pool table. He walked around her, and she could feel his eyes sizing her up. Everything in the way he moved told her he was the one in charge, the alpha.

  He stopped in front of her, and she lifted her gaze. Her heart leapt when she came face-to-face with a guy who could easily double as Charlie Hunnam, the sexy actor who played Jackson from Sons of Anarchy.

  Oh Gawd...

  He cupped her chin, and as he turned her face from left to right, giving her a thorough examination, it occurred to her that this man—this scene—was straight from her fantasies.

  He grinned. “Looks like we found ourselves a trespasser,” he said.

  “I didn’t…” she began. “I’m looking for… I’m not looking for trouble.”

  He pressed his finger to her lips to silence her. “Yeah, well I think you just found it,” he responded, his voice dropping an octave. He took a step closer, his hard body crowding hers. He dipped his head, and she could smell beer on his breath, leather on his skin. His mouth was so close to hers she thought he was going to kiss her. “You’re trespassing, sweet thing, and you do know what we do with trespassers around these parts, right?” he asked, his strong hands going to her hips.

  “Hell, yeah,” a few of the guys hollered out. Chairs scraped across the floor as the men rose, preparing for what, she had no idea.

  “No, what?” she asked, her voice a low strained whisper as she worked to figure out how this fantasy was going to play out. She wasn’t even sure she wanted it to, not if Jesse wasn’t involved.

  Promise dripped from his voice when he said, “We punish them.”

  “Punish?” she squeaked out, her mind conjuring up the kind of punishment this dangerous biker dude could dole out.

  He stepped behind her, his fingers tightening on her waist. He pressed his chest to her back, and with a little nudge, set her in motion. Her knees quivered as he guided her to the pool table.

  “I think we’re going to have to frisk her, boss,” one guy said, meeting them at the table. “She could be carrying.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” the leader agreed, giving her a little push until her breasts were flat out on the pool table.

  Someone grabbed her hands and held them on the table above her head while a foot moved between her ankles to kick them open. Spread wide and completely at their mercy, she felt a big pair of hands on her legs. They slid all the way up one thigh, coming perilously close to her pussy before sliding down the other leg. Once complete, the guy ran his palms up her sides, stroking the edges of her breasts.

  A small sound caught in her throat, and she tried again, “I’m looking for someone.”

  She was lifted from the table and spun to face the leader. “You’re in luck. You’ve found someone.” Two guys stepped up to her, caging her with their bodies. She caught a flash of silver, and her heart leapt as her Jackson look-alike pulled a knife from his pocket.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he shook his head to silence her. He ran the knife down the length of her dress, then began popping the buttons with the sharp tip. She compressed her lips as the buttons clattered to the floor and rolled away. Her dress began to spill open, exposing her nakedness beneath. Biker dude cut away her last button, and her safe word lingered on her tongue when he straightened to his full height, his eyes locking on hers.

  “Tie her up,” he ordered.

  * * *

  What the fuck was she doing here?

  Jesse moved deeper into the shadows. He paced restlessly and mumbled a few curses as fellow biker, Keegan Gates, a guy he’d met when he first arrived, gave Alaska a pat down. Fisting his hands, he drove them int
o his pockets and fought for a measure of control. But how the fuck was he supposed to get his shit together, especially after watching her perform on the dock last evening? He might be the guy giving her the opportunity to live out her deepest, darkest desires, but watching her with those two jocks last night had damn near killed him. As they touched her, he couldn’t help but imagine it was his tongue circling her pale nubs, coming closer and closer to her coveted peaks. Couldn’t help but visualize it was his cock inside her, driving her higher and higher until her body exploded with pleasure. What he’d do to feel her come on his dick, to know that he was the guy giving her what she needed.

  Last night it had taken every ounce of strength he had not to dive into the water, go to her, and claim her as his. At the last second, he’d somehow miraculously stopped himself from acting on his urges. As much as he wanted to climb onto that wharf and give her the fuck she always wanted from him—the fuck he always wanted to give her—he knew it was all kinds of wrong. Not because her father would kill him—hell, he was ready to stand up to her bastard father—but because, since the first time he met her, he knew that if he ever really touched her, ever drove his cock into her, he’d want more.

  From the way she eyed his body, he knew Alaska wanted a piece of him, but he was a nobody, some punk-ass kid raised on the streets. A beautiful, intelligent girl like Alaska had a bright future ahead of her, providing she got out from under her father’s hold, and deserved more than Jesse could ever give her.

  He grabbed his beer, took a long pull, then slammed it on the oak bar top with much more force than necessary. The bartender gave him a questioning look, but he ignored it, all the while trying to fight down the lust rising in him. He’d come to this club tonight to cool his heels, to get his shit together. The last thing he ever expected was to find was Alaska walking through the front door of a gang’s hangout. This was his sanctuary, goddammit, and she wasn’t supposed to be here. As he chewed on that, another thought struck. Perhaps this was one of her fantasies. Or perhaps someone in charge was fucking with him.

  Or maybe, just maybe, in some twisted, fucked up way, fantasy was tangling with reality.

  One of Keegan’s guys walked her to the middle of the room, where a rope hung from the rafters. He bound Alaska’s hands, putting her naked body on view for every biker in the club to admire. Exhibitionist that she was, she nibbled her bottom lip as Keegan walked around her, lightly trailing his hands over her body. When he gave her ass a good hard smack, she made a whimpering sound that roused the hunger in him.

  Feeling like he’d been sucker punched as another man stroked her and a handful more ogled her, a storm roiled inside Jesse. He fisted his hand, but the flash of possessiveness cutting though his gut like a sharp blade nearly brought him to his knees.


  He finished off his beer and bit back another heated curse as he watched another man take what he wanted. His gaze shifted restlessly, moving over her beautiful, naked body. Jesus, she was so sexy, so sensual, so fucking impossible to resist.

  Her glance moved over the room, searching the crowd. When she looked in his direction, he stiffened. Something in his gut warned that she knew he was here.

  Keegan lowered his head, and when he took her nipple into his mouth, Jesse just about went out of his fucking mind. His body trembled, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take before he imploded. Keegan sucked her long and hard, and a look of desire moved over her face. She made a sexy noise, and Keegan inched back. He removed his belt, folded it, and stepped behind her. The snap of leather hitting her soft flesh cut through the room as he gave her a light whack on the ass.

  Her mouth opened and closed, and when her nipples quivered, Jesse’s mind practically shut down. Aware of the passion rising in him and completely ruled by lust, his mind abandoned any rational thought. As he watched Keegan touch her, every reason he had for staying away from her suddenly seemed insignificant.

  Knowing he was fighting a losing battle, he adjusted his leather beanie cap over his forehead and tugged on the bandana around his neck, pulling it over his nose. Once his features were masked, he pushed off the counter, his vision a red hot blur of desire as he stalked toward her. His cock ached as he circled the room, quietly coming up behind Keegan. He tapped Keegan on the shoulder, and Keegan turned around to give Jesse a questioning look. With a flick of his head, Jesse gestured for him to back the fuck off. Keegan stepped away, leaving Jesse in charge of Alaska’s pleasure and pain.

  With his features hidden, he reached out and touched her back, lightly trailing his fingers down her spine. That first sweet touch of her nakedness had air rushing from his lungs. Her body quaked beneath his fingers, and he sucked in a fueling breath. Her skin was so damn soft, so warm it fired his blood from a slow simmer to a raging inferno.

  He stepped closer, and she drew a small, shaky breath, her body visually quivering, and he realized that she might not be okay, that she might actually be afraid. Did she want out of this? He put his mouth close to her ear, the sweet scent of her hair twisting his insides.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked, pitching his voice low.

  Her body went suddenly stiff, like she knew the players had changed.

  She breathed deep and exhaled slowly. “No,” she answered in a soft whisper that made his blood rush. “I could never be afraid of you.”

  “You want this?”

  “I want you,” she said and moved her hips, relaxing under his touch, driving every sane thought from his brain. Her ass brushed up against his cock, feeding the intensity of his arousal as she urged him on.

  As moisture collected on his brow, he clenched down on his jaw, working to keep it together when all he wanted to do was grab her by the hips and ram his cock into her. It frightened him how badly he wanted to fuck her, to bury his face in the heat between her legs. He closed his eyes against the flood of heat and worked to leash his control. Now that he had her where he’d always wanted her, he didn’t want to rush anything.

  Knowing just what sweet little Alaska needed, he slid his hands over her bare skin, his movements slow, deliberate, as he caressed the lush curves of her ass. She arched into him, and he pulled his hand back to give her a light whack.

  With her body trembling, she let loose a little whimper, her head falling forward. He soothed her with his hands, then gave her another whack, a little harder this time, and she cried out. Jesus, he loved the way she reacted, how she let go of every inhibition and gave herself over to him.

  He gripped her chin from behind and tilted her head back until it rested against his shoulder. He put lips to her ear. “You like that, do you?” he whispered.

  Instead of answering, she squirmed, tucking her bottom up against him. He gripped her hips and held her still. If she kept that up, he was liable to shoot off in his pants before they even got started. “I wonder what other punishment you might like.”

  He grabbed a bandana from his back pocket and tied it around her head, taking care to cover her eyes. Once her vision was obscured, he pulled his own bandana from his face and walked around her, trailing his hands over her flesh. As his mind sifted through all the ways he wanted to pleasure her, to take her beyond her wildest fantasies, he walked to the bar, leaving her standing there in a quivering mess as he ordered a whiskey on the rocks.

  With everyone in the room staring at Alaska and waiting to see what he had in store for her, he swallowed a mouthful of alcohol, then jangled the ice in the glass. The sound cut through the quiet. Alaska turned her head toward it, her mouth opening as she drew in a breath.

  “What…what are you doing?” she whimpered. Jesse couldn’t help but grin when he caught the anticipation in her voice.

  “You don’t get to ask the questions,” he answered, taking charge.

  As she made a mewling sound, he tossed an ice cube into his mouth and captured it in his front teeth. He moved into her space and dipped his head, running the ice down the long column of her neck until he reached her
breasts. He circled one nipple, and she shivered almost violently in response.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out.

  The ice melted fast on her hot skin, and he swallowed the liquid in his mouth. “You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” he murmured.


  His dick throbbed, and tension rose in him as her pale nipples hardened, her body so needy for him. He fished another ice cube from his glass and swiped it over her other breasts. He greedily pulled her cold nipple into his mouth, blood pounding through his veins as he let the ice dissolve on her hard peak. Inching back, he tossed another cube into his mouth and brushed it over her stomach until it melted. He dipped lower, then went back on his heels to see her pretty pussy.

  He widened her soft lips with his fingers, and as he took in her sweet pinkness, she squirmed. He held her still and nearly came unhinged as he breathed in the tang of her arousal. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted someone moving toward them to join in the fun, but seeing Alaska this excited, this needy for him, had his cock throbbing and possessiveness flashing through him. Like an animal marking its territory, he growled, and the guy backed off. What the fuck was she doing to him? Everything in the primal way he wanted her had him acting crazy, out of character. But he knew this was the only time he could ever have her, and he wasn’t about to share.

  He had no time to think about that right now, not when he was dying to taste her. Leaning in, he ran his ice cold tongue over her clit, and pleasure forked through him as she bucked against his mouth. Her scent curled around him, and the way her pussy glistened in the dim, overhead light was enough to shred his last ounce of control.

  The lust that had been bottled up for months broke through the surface, and he suddenly found himself hungering for so much more. As her heat reached out to him and seeped under his skin, a fierce shudder overtook him.


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