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Ebudae Page 9

by Carroll, John H.

  “I must tie you up, but no one will hurt you. Someone will come by tomorrow morning, no?” Juggles asked the woman.

  “Yes. People will show up tomorrow. Guards will check on things sometime tonight though.” The woman sniffled.

  “They’ll show up sooner when they find the guards at the back door or when one of them wakes up,” Pelya observed.

  “Lizor thinks we should hurry.” The big man smacked his iron bar into his hand a few times.

  Frank stuck his head out of the door. “We found something. Come on.”

  Juggles double-checked the knots and patted the woman’s shoulder. “You stay safe.”

  They entered a lavish office with a large desk, comfortable couches along the wall, a bookshelf, carpets and wall hangings. Behind the desk was a secret opening exposed by a bookshelf pushed to the side.

  “It doesn’t look like there’s anything useful in here,” Karla said as she slammed a desk drawer closed. “Aphry, Frank, and Glav have gone in the secret passage. I’m getting a bad feeling about this too.” Karla wrung her hands in worry and looked at the opening.

  “Lizor will go next.” The big man moved around the desk and ducked his head to go into the passage.

  “I have a really bad feeling.” Karla followed the big man.

  Juggles closed the door to the office. He bowed and gestured for the girls to enter the passage.

  “Let’s go adventure then,” Ebudae said, linking arms with Pelya. They too disappeared into the secret passage with Juggles right behind.

  Chapter 7

  Someone ahead carried a torch and footsteps echoed in the thin passageway, amplified by the knowledge that the group was not supposed to be there. All they had at that point was the word of one man that Jovias had come to the warehouse. Ebudae figured Aphry was leading them forward at that point because the concept of going back empty-handed after having broken into the warehouse was unbearable.

  Ebudae was worried about Pelya. What they were doing was illegal even if they did find Jovias. If anyone in the guard found out, she could be in severe trouble. Ebudae decided at that moment that she would hide her friend at the manor if things went bad.

  There was murmuring ahead and everyone stopped. “Careful, we’re on stairs and it looks like they go down quite a ways,” Glav’s voice came back. It carried through the passage.

  The girls reached the stairs a moment later and followed everyone down. There was a torch in a bracket and Juggles grabbed it. He lit it with a magical device that created a small flame, an item he used in his shows. When Ebudae looked back at him, a smile touched his lips.

  It wasn’t surprising to the girls when they reached a landing that turned back and led to another set of stairs heading down. That led to another and then another. The group crowded on the next landing before another set. “How far do these go down?” Aphry asked anyone who would answer.

  “One or two more levels. It’ll take us below the wards protecting the city,” Ebudae answered. “It will likely be dangerous. Only monsters and the most dangerous sort of people go there.”

  “How fun,” Glav replied, forgoing clever remarks. It showed how concerned he was. “What wards are you talking about?”

  Ebudae decided it was time to reveal the truth. “The ones protecting Dralin from the dangers of the ruins it’s built over. Dralin is built over them and there are columns holding everything up.”

  Glav looked dubious, but no longer dismissed it out of hand. “You sound very sure of yourself. How do you know?”

  “Because Pelya and I go adventuring down there whenever we get the chance. We don’t know this area though.”

  “There is definitely more to the two of you than you’re letting on, but this isn’t one of your little play adventures,” Aphry said. “Does anyone else have any ideas what to do?” The words irritated Ebudae and Pelya, but they remained silent.

  “Lizor should go first,” the giant suggested, jamming his thumb into his chest.

  “Good idea,” Glav agreed. “The monsters will become too full from eating him to bother with the rest of us.” The others chuckled nervously.

  Ebudae raised an eyebrow at Pelya and received a slight nod. “I need everyone to remain still calm while I establish protections,” Ebudae told them.

  At the raised eyebrows, Pelya said, “She’s serious. It’s important.” They nodded and looked at the wizardess with curiosity.

  Ebudae took a deep breath and concentrated. The spells would take more energy to cover so many people, but she relished the opportunity to cast on more people than just her and Pelya. The words and gestures came to the front of her mind as she concentrated. Ebudae grabbed ingredients from one of her pouches that would help form the desired effects.

  Gathering the energy came first. Supernatural wind whipped her hair around, not touching anyone else. The ingredients disintegrated into the energy, adding colors to the swirling. Then Ebudae began to weave the colors with gestures and speak the words that would fashion the energy into a spell of protection for the group.

  It only took a few seconds before she released the casting. Wind slammed into her back and blew her hair forward, a feeling she enjoyed. The colors became sparkles that settled upon everyone and disappeared.

  She took out more ingredients, briefly noticing the dropped jaws and looks of astonishment on their new friend’s faces. Ebudae began the next casting. It would protect and sharpen everyone’s minds. The spell she was casting was different from the one she had taught to Pelya the night before.

  More wind and colors swirled before she cast. That one turned into a colored mist that disappeared into everyone’s ears. It was a sensation that tickled the hairs on the back of the neck and caused everyone’s eyes to widen.

  The last spell she cast would help their speed and strength. It would evaporate faster than the others, but since she had everyone in one place, it was best to do it right away. When she was done, sweat was rolling down Ebudae’s forehead even though it was cooler in the passage than in the summer heat outside. Pelya put an arm around her and she rested her head against the taller warrior’s shoulder.

  “There is definitely more to the two of you than you show. I’d like to know more after all this is done,” Aphry told them.

  “Will she be alright?” Juggles asked Pelya, worry filling his voice.

  “She’ll be fine. Ebudae just needs a few minutes to recover and she’ll be ready for anything. We should get going now though. That last spell doesn’t last as long as the first two.” Pelya gestured down the stairs, indicating they should go.

  Aphry made her way down and the rest followed. Ebudae held onto Pelya for support. She felt Juggles put a hand on her back too. By the time they made it to the bottom, she was doing fine, other than being a little tired and hungry. Fortunately, she had a supply of high-energy food bars and she ate one of those.

  At the bottom of the stairs was a gloomy hallway illuminated yellow by two magical lanterns at the end. A metal door waited for them between the lanterns. Pelya whispered to Ebudae, “I wish I had my other sword.” She referred to a magical blade that Ebudae had found in the ruined academy before they had begun adventuring together. It had a razor sharp edge that never dulled. The one Pelya currently wore was enchanted, but not as much.

  “The door’s locked,” Glav said from ahead. “I’m going to use my amazing lock picking ability on it since I don’t think it’ll open for my amazing joke telling ability.” He bowed at the nervous chuckles and turned to the door.

  Five minutes later, Aphry lost her patience. “Aren’t you finished yet?! There’s no telling how long it’ll be until someone follows us down those stairs.”

  Glav stood. “It’s beyond my abilities. I’m sorry.”

  “Lizor. Break it down,” Aphry commanded.

  The big man looked at the door dubiously. “It’s iron. Lizor is strong enough, but it would make noise.”

  “Great, what do we do now?” Aphry asked, throwing her ha
nds in the air.

  “I’ve got it,” Pelya said, taking out her picks and moving forward through everyone.

  “This’ll be interesting. If I can’t get it, I seriously doubt . . .”

  Pelya interrupted as she moved past him to the door. “Good. I like it when people doubt me. It makes them easier to defeat.”

  Glav didn’t have a snappy comeback for that one, so he watched over her shoulder as she studied the lock for a moment, took out three picks, inserted two and then switched them around. She put one back and pulled out another. In a moment, she had three of them in the lock and a satisfying click sounded through the hallway.

  “You girls are beginning to frighten me,” Karla told her. “You know more than anyone your age should ever know.”

  “We’re awesome like that,” Pelya said. She stood and snuck through the door before Glav could. Ebudae was alarmed that her friend was so far ahead without her. They did everything together. Pelya came right back though. “I don’t see anyone. It’s a large storeroom.” Glav nodded and entered. Pelya stood aside while everyone else followed, waiting until Ebudae caught up. “Sorry. I realized immediately that you weren’t with me.”

  They went through, followed by Juggles who closed the door. “Should we lock it?” he asked.

  “No. We might need to make a quick escape,” Ebudae replied. She looked around at the room.

  “This really isn’t your first adventure,” Juggles said.

  “No.” Ebudae gave him an embarrassed smile before looking at the room more. More lanterns with magical yellow light illuminated haphazard crates and barrels. It was big enough for all of them to fit.

  “Do we even know what we’re doing?” Aphry asked.

  “Yes,” Glav said. “We’re following you.”

  Aphry glared at him. He grinned widely in response. Aphry pointed at a door on the opposite wall and a door on the right side of the room. “Does anyone have an opinion as to which door we should take?” No one did, so she chose the one on the opposite wall. “We’ll take this one.” She tried the handle and then looked at her two rogues. “It’s locked.”

  Glav went first and looked at it. He got up after brief study and gestured for Pelya to handle it. Ebudae wasn’t surprised when Pelya unlocked it immediately. Her friend had explained to her that people tended to use the same type of locks for all their doors.

  Pelya let Glav go through first again, but he came back after a moment. “It’s a long hallway. There are a few more lanterns, but I can’t tell where it leads.” He looked at Aphry. “Shall we go?”

  Aphry thought for a moment and looked at the other door. “Pelya, can you open that one?”

  “Yes.” She went over and had it open with little effort.

  Glav shook his head in consternation. “I have been humbled.” His face brightened as he pulled out another raisin cookie. “But I have another cookie and that’s all that matters.” He took a large bite, looking pleased with himself.

  Aphry rolled her eyes and entered through the door. Ebudae had come over to stand next to Pelya and the two of them followed her before anyone else could. It was a short hallway lined with six rusty iron doors, three on each side. Grates on the ceiling let stale air into the area.

  “This looks like a prison,” Glav said, shoving in behind Juggles and moving past the girls to be with his wife. “Maybe Jovias is in one. I don’t see any openings in the doors.” He tried the handle on one. It didn’t budge so he looked at Pelya.

  She began to work on the lock. “It’s been oiled recently, so there might be someone inside. Be ready.”

  Ebudae backed against the wall and prepared to cast. Glav, Aphry and Karla moved further into the hall with knives ready while Frank and Juggles waited just inside the main door. Lizor stayed in the storage room in case anyone followed them.

  It took a little less than a minute and a few pick changes to solve the lock. “You’re going to have to tell me how you learned all that, lass,” Glav said. “Those picks look magical, so I’m thinking they may have something to do with it.” Desire flashed across his features and torchlight illuminated a glint of greed in his eyes.

  Pelya narrowed her eyes as she put the pouch back in her tunic. “So is my sword and I’m a hundred times more skilled with it than I am with the picks.” Glav’s eyes widened and he took a step back. Pelya grabbed the handle and yanked the door open. The hinges were quiet, indicating they had received oil as well.

  There was nothing inside but a pile of hay in one corner and a bucket in another. Frank went inside and looked around. “There’s no sign that anyone’s been in here, maybe check the others?”

  Pelya moved to the next one. Everyone shifted with her. It only took a moment before the lock clicked and she put the picks away.

  “Why do you always put them back when we’re probably going to open all of them?” Karla asked.

  “It’s important to take care of your equipment. If I leave them out and we get into trouble, they could be stepped on or lost in flight if we run away.” She patted her tunic where they were now safely tucked. “I don’t need to worry about them now.” Pelya yanked open that door.

  Frank investigated. “Same thing. It’s empty.” Pelya went to the next door and performed the same ritual. When the door opened, Frank went to enter, but backed away instead. “What is that?!”

  Aphry looked inside at the creature sitting in the corner. “That’s not my brother. Close the door now.”

  “Wait a minute,” Pelya said, stepping into the doorway and preventing anyone else from closing it. Ebudae hoped that no one would be stupid enough to try to shut her friend inside with the creature. She was quite capable of killing them all if it came to that.

  “Hello there. Can you understand me?” Pelya asked.

  The voice that came from it was astonishing. It sounded like two voices woven through each other, both tired and hurt. “Yes. Tell me if you are here to torture me or to rescue me.” Ebudae couldn’t get a good look at it yet because Pelya was in the way, but she could swear it had four pasty white arms sticking through the sides of the burlap frock it wore.

  “Neither,” Pelya responded, taking another step in, much to the dismay of her companions. She did have her hand on hilt though and Ebudae knew how fast the sword could be out of its sheath. “We’re here to rescue someone else.”

  “Then I insist you release me so that I may find my way to freedom,” it said. The singsong tones were demanding. The upper level voice was lilting and soft while the lower was deep and powerful. It struggled to stand, lifting its shaky body.

  “We should close the door and leave it locked in there,” Aphry said. “In fact, I insist on it and I’m still leading this, Pelya.” The tone was firm and demanding. Pelya looked back, undecided for just a moment. Then she backed out of the room and Frank slammed the door with a clang.

  Ebudae had enough time to see the creature reach its feet. It was so tall it had to bend over in the cell. It was even taller than Lizor. The eyes were like upside down teardrops with stunning violet irises that glimmered in the torchlight. Two arms braced against the ceiling and two braced against the wall for support.

  “I’ll just bet that Jovias is in one of these,” Pelya said. She moved to the door across the hall. They exchanged glances as Ebudae backed away to let her work, both realizing that Pelya had left the creature’s door unlocked.

  Nobody else said anything, being too busy staring at the cell that had just closed, trying to digest the oddity of the creature that had spoken to them in multiple voices. Pelya rapidly opened the next door and stood aside.

  Frank went to the door and took a step in. “Jovias! By the Gods.” He dashed into the cell to the body curled up in the corner. The others forgot about the creature in the first cell. Karla was the next in, followed by Aphry. Glav entered, but the rest stayed outside so as not to crowd the small space.

  Pelya took Ebudae away from the others for a moment and placed her mouth against Ebudae’s
ear. She whispered, “When the rest of us leave, stay back and give the creature your spare knife. It deserves a chance to live.”

  Ebudae nodded. She had been thinking something similar. The creature was fascinating. Pelya stood in front of her while Ebudae lifted her skirt and grabbed a knife she had strapped on her left thigh. She had one on the right too, liking to keep extras for when things got bad. All of her training with them had come from Pelya who was a master of knives in addition to everything else, a fact they hadn’t mentioned to the others.

  Karla’s voice came from the cell. “Bring him out to the room. I won’t have him in here any longer.”

  “Glav, grab that arm,” Frank said. A groaning sound followed, likely from Jovias. It was good to know he was alive. Ebudae was surprised that they had succeeded. The chances of finding the man had been slim. She wondered if there was a reason they had imprisoned him instead of killing him.

  Ebudae held back while everyone else moved into the other room. Juggles was about to hold back, but Pelya put a hand on his shoulder and guided him out. He looked back at Ebudae who smiled encouragingly and waved him to go.

  Pelya stood in the doorway while Ebudae dashed back. She opened the creature’s cell door and saw him standing where they had left him. Something about the creature made Ebudae think it was male. “I’m leaving you a knife for protection and the door will be slightly open. Wait until our voices leave and then you’re on your own. Do you understand?”

  “I understand,” It said.

  Ebudae stared at its mesmerizing eyes for a moment and studied the pasty skin. It was beautiful and strange. She wanted to know more, but dared not linger. Tossing the knife on the ground, she said, “Good luck.”

  She left the door open a crack and took a step towards Pelya. The screech of magic ripped through the air from the room ahead. Pelya came into the hall and put her back against the door, her eyes wide. “Wizard and swordsmen.” She drew her sword and glanced through the door. Ebudae dashed forward and the two girls rushed into the room.


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